Remove default slide right animation on UITabBarController from "More" Menu - ios

I have a situation where I have enough tabs on a tab bar controller where the default system functionality has introduced the famous "..." more icon.
This is totally fine and I'm happy with the menu that is popped up when you tap it.
What I've noticed however is that a default transition occurs when selecting a item from the "more" menu (basically a slide right) to load the VC from the menu. Unfortunately this also introduces a lag on the accompanying slide "left" to get back to the menu.
My question is if this is default behaviour I have to live with or if this is something I can remove completely (ideally no transitions would be my preference).

May this help you:
The More Navigation Controller
The tab bar has limited space for displaying your custom items. If you add six or more custom view controllers to a tab bar controller, the tab bar controller displays only the first four items plus the standard More item on the tab bar. Tapping the More item brings up a standard interface for selecting the remaining items.
Solution to your query:
Add only Five view controllers in your tabbar controller.
For last Fifth view controller, add more tabbar button icon (or any other image icon) manually and set a similar looking tableview (menu list).
Handle further navigation for remaining (Sixth onwards) view controllers, manually from tableview (row selection)
Storyboard Layout:
If you are looking for an alternate of more navigation, then you must customize tabbar controller and this may help you:
ZRScrollableTabBar: Scrollable tabbar items
IDScrollableTabBar: changing tabs with left and right swipe gestures on the tab bar.
JFATabBarController: Swipe tabs left and right
Ask me, if you want more clarification here.


How to swap position of tab bar item when refactored storyboard

When i refactored storyboard same photo in this
I can't find where i can swap position of tab bar item.
example i want to change main menu to index 0.
this is my storyboard.
You can just re-arrange the order by dragging and dropping the icons in the tab bar controller
If you are using custom tabs, you can still drag and drop to reorder even though the Tab Bar Controller scene shows a grey bar, the bar item is still there. This is especially inconspicuous when all your bar item are custom items.
Remove all relation and start making from MainMenu to what you want at the end.

Dragging Bar Button Item to Navigation Controller fails

I am following a tutorial on Udemy about Navigation Controllers.
The instructions are to drag a Navigation Controller onto the storyboard, and then drag and drop a Bar Button Item on the right of its navigation bar to segue to another view controller.
However, when I drag the Bar Button Item to its would-be position on the navigation bar, no drop-zone gets highlighted, and the button gets added to a random tab at the bottom of the screen.
I have tried finding references to this problem but all solutions are programmatic and given the wysiwyg nature of iOS development I would like to solve it through XCode UI.
Is there some setup I must change or is this an XCode 7 discrepancy?
Try to add a ViewController and then in Editor -> Embed in -> NavigationController. Then it should work.
I have solved my problem by dragging the Bar Button Item into the Document Outline, below Root View Controller.
This automatically creates Left Bar Button Items and Right Bar Button Items, which gives you an opportunity to drag the Item in the section of the controller you like.

How to Add a Bar Button Item on a Disappeared Navigation Bar using Storyboard?

I want to add a bar button item on the navigation bar. (Say View 1 here.) The view that will segue to View 1 is embedded in a navigation controller.
However, the navigation bar is not showing in this view.
If I use attribute inspector to add a opaque/ translucent navigation bar, there will be a navigation bar in View 1. But if I drag in a bar button item, it cannot be shown in the storyboard. Though the bar button is in the document outline, it cannot be shown on the storyboard. Also, if I run the application, it is not on the screen.
When running the application in the simulator, View 1 will have a navigation bar on the top of it, since I use "Show" rather than "Show Details" to show View 1. I tried to embed View 1 in a navigation controller again, but it won't help much.
Can anyone tell me how to add a bar button in this situation using storyboard? And why the navigation bar is missing from the storyboard?
Thanks in advance.
I figure it out by myself.
Drag a Navigation Item from the object list, and then add bar button item to it.
Thanks to rdelmar for his idea, though drag out a navigation bar won't work in the way I thought it should work.
In my situation, View 1 is a table view. Drag a navigation bar to the view will cause it to be the header view for the table, rather than a navigation bar I had expected. Then there will be two navigation bar in the view when I run the application.
Of course we can drag out a navigation bar and add a button to it, it might work different with your expectation. As I had said, it might leads to a view which contains two navigation bars.
You can fix this by drag out the Navigation Item (contains the bar button you had added) inside the Navigation Bar out. In my situation, I drag it out and put it the same level with the table view inside the document outline. Then it won't become the header view for the table view.
After that, we can just delete the navigation bar from the document outline.
I have no idea why the navigation bar disappears in my storyboard. If anyone has some idea for this, please let me know.
It sounds like you're adding the navigation bar by using the Simulated Metrics. If so, this doesn't add one at run time, it's only for layout purposes in IB. You should drag out a navigation bar from the objects list, and add your button to it.

Custom/common toolbar in Swift

I'm quite new to Swift and am working on an app where I'm not sure how to setup the navigation. It works with a tab bar, except that I want the bar to display nomatter what view is being displayed. There are 4 "main" views that the user should always be able to get to. The problem comes when I get into subviews of one of those main views.
I have the tab bar with the 4 icons for the primary views. It's currently displaying the "activity list". When the user clicks on an activity, it will display a list at the next level of detail. However, that view is not one of the primary ones that is represented in the tab bar, so it has no tab bar and no way to transition directly to one of the primary views. You have to back your way out to the Activity list before you can select a different tab.
Say that the main views (represented in the tab bar) are A, B, C, and D. I want to be able to display the same toolbar on all sub-views (e.g. C-1, C-2, etc.) and allow direct transition to any of the other main views, without the user having to manually back out of each sub-view.
What is the "best" way to accomplish this?
1) Should I be creating a custom toolbar object that gets implemented on every view controller?
2) Should it be a combination of tab bar and tool bars?
3) If I have drilled into a stack of views, do I need to pop all of those views individually before I can switch to a different tab?
4) What do I use as my "root" view?
Thanks for any suggestions. I have hunted, but haven't found an example of a scenario quite like this.
I think I figured it out. I needed to embed each "tab" view in a navigation controller.
Tab Bar Controller --> Navigation Controller --> View Controller --> "view stack"
The tab bar now remains at the bottom for every view, and if I touch the tab icon a second time, it goes back to the original tab view controller.

Tab Bar Controller - Show a view controller that is not one of the tabs

I wonder if this is possible. The design for this app I am working on is as below:
Two sliding views sit one on top of the other. The bottom view is a 'Settings' view. The top view is a tab bar view. We are using ECSlidingViewController for the sliding.
When the app is opened for the first time, the tab bar view shows with first tab selected.
When they tap on the hamburger menu or slide right, the bottom, settings view slides into view.
When they tap on an item in the settings view, like the About item, the corresponding view should be displayed inside the top tab bar view with none of the tabs shown as selected.
I think I am going to have to convince my team to not display the settings items inside of the tab bar, it seems just too twisted. But just wanted to know if anyone else has done anything like this and if it is possible to do it without introducing too much complication in the code.
I've done something with the same design with a menu that slides from the left and over the tab bars. I ended up putting a View Controller on top of everything else
Something like
[self presentViewController:AboutViewController Animated:YES];
Just make sure that you either put that view controller in a UINavigationController or something with a dismissViewController for users to return to your main page.
