Adding CSP header by merging headers - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to create a vary basic .rb plugin (based on the now obsolete in chrome) discourse-allowall
which will merge the CSP header to the default ones but cant get it to work.
The below does not seem to do it.
Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.default_headers.merge!({'Content-Security-Policy' => "frame-ancestors ''"})
I literally have 0 experience with ruby so need to know:
If thats possible
The correct syntax for defining the above header and merging it with the default ones
NOTE: End goal is to allow for the application to be frameable by 2 specific domains.

My syntax was off and this is working fine now. Correct syntax is like:
Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.default_headers.merge!({'Content-Security-Policy' => "frame-ancestors *"})
Put it up on github in case someone wants to use it as a plugin:


Why do I get different runtimepaths depending on which API I use?

I'm trying to run Neovim 0.8.1. on a Windows 11 environment.
My setup is really minimal:
I downloaded (of version 0.8.1) from Neovim's releases page on Github.
Extracted it and moved it to a folder at C:\test\nvim-win64
Started up Neovim by executing C:\test\nvim-win64\bin\nvim.exe
Not using any custom config.
When inspecting my runtimepath, there are 2 ways of doing this:
Using :set runtimepath? (the Vimscript way). This gives me:
Using :lua print(vim.inspect(vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths())) (the Lua way). this gives me:
{ "C:\\test\\nvim-win64\\share\\nvim\\runtime", "C:\\test\\nvim-win64\\share\\nvim\\runtime\\pack\\dist\\opt\\matchit", "C:\\test\\nvim-win64\\lib\\nvim" }
As you can see, it seems like using the Lua way I'm missing the local config directories in my runtimepath (the ~\AppData\Local\* paths).
Why am I seeing this difference? This is blocking me from using XDG_CONFIG_HOME to use my own config that I typically use, because it seems like it does not get included in the nvim_list_runtime_paths list, but it does appear in :set runtimepath?.
Nvim api function filters out non-existent directories. So there's a difference.
My issue was that my employer had decided to put ( and ) characters in my %USERPROFILE% environment variable, which ended up breaking a bunch of stuff (including the list I got from nvim_list_runtime_paths).
Putting those characters in %USERPROFILE% is a bad idea for many reasons, so I moved all of my files and folders out of any (sub)directory in %USERPROFILE% and right in C:\.
I also had to define XDG_CONFIG_HOME, XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_STATE_HOME to point to a different location than the default location (which default within %USERPROFILE%).
This made all of my troubles go away!

What is the proper way to set up resource URLs in a ClojureScript single page application

I am developing a Clojure/ClojureScript SPA based on http-kit, compojure and tiny bits of hiccup on backend and mainly reagent on frontend. Project is done with leiningen, based on hand-wrecked chestnut template.
When I tried to make more complex URLs than just "/" the following setup created a mess for me:
When producing the initial hiccup to serve HTML and adding includes for CSS and JS files I followed the examples and added them as relative urls like
(include-css "css/style.css")
(include-js "js/compiled/out/goog/base.js")
(include-js "js/compiled/myproject.js")
(note absence of slash in the beginning)
In the chestnut template I got default :asset-path option for cljsbuild set to "js/compiled/out"
Of course, when I tried to add a route to the same page with the http://my-domain/something URL in addition to root http://my-domain/ and load it, the thing failed to get any of my assets (trying to fetch them under e.g. /something/js/compiled/myproject.js).
I was able to fix this issue for explicitly included assets by making those urls relative to root (prepending a slash to each of them). It left me with the same problem with the script tag with src="js/compiled/out/cljs_deps.js" injected by cljsbuild, but this one I fixed by making :asset-path relative to root as well.
It all seems to work properly now, but the fact that I had to make some head-scratching and a surprisingly large amount of googling to finally resolve this makes me feel this is not the default approach. Hence the questions:
Did I do the right thing by converting all asset urls to relative-to-root ones? (Keeping in mind that I'm working on an SPA)
If yes, why isn't this a default approach and why I keep seeing relative-to-current location URLs everywhere (including all the examples on the web as well as lein templates)?
The relevant part of my app's compojure routes looks like this:
(defroutes home-routes
(resources "/")
(GET "/" _
(GET "/something*" _

Will HTML5 app.manifest work with MVC style URLS?

Given the following example manifest:
# v1 2011-08-14
# This is another comment
# Use from network if available
# Fallback content
/ fallback.html
Will "/style/css" and "/controller/view/1" work, or does it require actual file names? I keep reading about putting "files" there, but on other sites I read "URI". I'm assuming URI is correct. So, are full AND relative URIs allowed? Any cross-browser/device issues to be aware of?
BTW 1: Yes, I'm aware that "file names" are just part of a URI, and names don't dictate content (image.png could download a text file, for example, if one wanted to). I only want to confirm that URIs work well in the CACHE MANIFEST section, thanks.
BTW 2: I'm aware that Mozilla states URI for the cache manifest, so as mentioned, I just want to confirm.
You can use a dynamic manifest file which is actually designed to work with MVC. I've not had chance to use it myself but it looks really good!

How to generate custom URLs with Docpad?

I'm looking to remove redundant directories from my output URLs. This seems like it would be straightforward, but I can't seem to figure it out. Specifically:
This: .com/tmj/recipes/cocktails/rye/toronto.html
Should be more like this: .com/cocktails/rye/toronto.html
I've got a bit of a funny set up using a git submodule that requires the actual src documents to be organized a special way. Anyone know how I can get around this?
I was able to get the URLs I wanted by reworking the src config. This was a bit counter-intuitive to me, but now that I see it working it makes sense. Essentially I told DocPad to ignore the extra directories, and generate the site with out them. Here is the code I used, to be placed in the docpad config (
documentsPaths: [ # default
'documents/the-mason-jar/recipes', 'pages'

How to get the rails.vim-command :Rview working with .js.erb-views?

I want Rview to jump to .js.erb-views as well.
It always says "Can't find file "app/views/examples/foo".
The help says:
Commands like :Rview use a hardwired list of
extensions (erb, rjs, etc.) when searching for files. In order to
facilitate working with non-standard template types, several popular
extensions are featured in this list, including haml, liquid, and mab
(markaby). These extensions will disappear once a related
configuration option is added to rails.vim.
Since the view ends with .erb, i would suggest it should work.
Any Ideas?
This is strange, I just checked in my vim and it works fine. I use Janus, but I think that the standard vim + rails.vim should work well.
Maybe you need to update rails.vim?
And you can tell the sequence of your actions: the current file, typed commands, etc.
