Rails : simple_for_for time with 12 hour format - ruby-on-rails

Is there a proper way to show 12-hour time in Rail's simple_for_for? I am currently using
<%= f.input :time, :ampm => true, :minute_step => 5 %>
however it only displays two drop downs, with the times displayed as 01AM in the first dropdown and 00 in the second.
I would like it to have three drop downs, for hours, minutes, and am/pm.

As per the documentation
HTML 5 date / time inputs are not generated by Simple Form by default, so using date, time or datetime will all generate select boxes using normal Rails helpers. We believe browsers are not totally ready for these yet, but you can easily opt-in on a per-input basis by passing the html5 option:
<%= f.input :time, as: :time, html5: true %>
This should fix your problem.


Disable or hide minutes in time_select

I just want to disable or hide minutes in time_select in the rails form.
My motive is to prevent user to modify minutes, only he is allowed to modify hours not minutes.
<%= f.input :start_time, as: :time_select, hint: "Time is storing in UTC", include_blank: false %>
Done with jquery by inspecting minute field ID. :)
$('#property_promotion_start_time_5i').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
:) :)

Date in Rails form

I have a form field in my Rails view:
<%= f.date_select :Date_of_Birth %>
This shows a drop down menu with only the last 10 years and I need to go back to 1800. Better if I could just type the year in rather than have a 200 item drop down list. I also need the option not to fill in the date, that is, blank.
I have found a couple of hints here in stackoverflow, but they don't use quite this format which was generated for me. Suspect because I'm using Rails 4.
Here's how to extend the range of selection:
<%= f.date_select :Date_of_Birth, start_year: 1800, end_year: Time.now.year %>
Having a text input field for the year is not so easy but it could be done, by adding discard_year: true to the date_select.
Then you add a text field tag AFTER the date_select inputs with a special name like name_of_your_object_Date_of_Birth(1i) where "name_of_your_object" is the name you used in the form_for tag. Inspect the HTML fields which date_selects generates in your browser.

Custom minutes ranges in date input Simple Form

I use SimpleForm for creating forms inside my Rails app. For datetime I use default format from SimpleForm. All is ok, except - I need minutes with gaps, like - 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, 2:00.
Is this possible without creating custom input?
Yep. Use code like this:
f.input :time, as: :time, :minute_step => 15

Rails 3 Formtastic. How can I make formtastic display only the month and year fields WITHOUT the day?

I need formtastic to display only month and year fields, WITHOUT the day fields.
The datepicker is nice but it shows the whole calendar. I don't want the datepicker.
f.input :accounting_month, :label => "Accounting month", :as => :datepicker
All I need is the month and year.
There is a way to do this:
<%= f.input :accounting_month, :label => "Accounting month", :order => [:month, :year]
This will automatically hide the "day" input and give it a default value of 1.
try this
f.input :accounting_month, :as => :date_select, :discard_day => true
It doesn't work that way because without day this implies 28-31 (depending on month) days and it could be any one of them. If you use want to store a month-year selection without day you'll see it is a range of dates, not "a" date.
Advice with dates is to always store the whole date as a date field. If you only know month and year you'll need to have two (non-date) fields, one for each. But as you can see it's going to lose you a lot and you'll need to custom craft each field, validate it, etc. major pain so needs pretty good reason to do it..
The only other thing I can suggest is:
create a hidden div, or apply css if you can't 'get inside' the standard date field on the form, for the 'day'. Then set the value to always be 01. Then you might have a 'date' set of fields that will save 01-month-year to the database. This is definitely a 'hack'!
With the new syntax in Ruby 1.9
f.input :date, as: :date_select, discard_day: true

Ruby on rails 3 select box values combined ready for validation, is this possible?

I have created a custom date_Select field using 3 separate select fields:
<%= f.select :day, options_for_select(User::DAYS), :include_blank => "Day:" %>
<%= f.select :month, options_for_select(User::MONTHS), :include_blank => "Month:" %>
<%= f.select :year, options_for_select(User::YEAR_RANGE), :include_blank =>"Year:" %>
In my User.rb (Model) I have this validation rule and also using validates_timelessness gem:
MONTHS = ["January", 1], ["February", 2]..etc
DAYS = ["01", 1], ["02", 2], ["03", 3]..etc
START_YEAR = Time.now.year - 111
END_YEAR = Time.now.year
validates :birthday, :timeliness => {:on_or_before => lambda { Date.current }, :type => :date, :on_or_before_message => "Select a valid birthday"}
I have created some tests which work perfectly fine with the date_select that comes with rails but that date_select is buggy which is why I opted for a custom one. My only issue now is I wish to get day, month and year to work with my :birthday symbol. How do I combine all 3 so that my :birthday symbol can use the select data? If that makes sense...
The date_select would have been perfect but it lets users submit a form without the yea being filled out and if a users chooses 1 for a day and clicks submit it will automatically select january. I haven't found a way round that.
So I'm using 3 separate select fields which I want to combine and make work with :birthday just like date_select did.
Help is appreciated.
i would recommend using a date-select pop-up.
There are several gems available. I have used the one detailed in http://www.rubyinside.com/calendar-date-select-a-lightweight-prototype-based-datetime-picker-for-rails-developers-573.html with success.
Once you have a real date field you'll be in a better position to perform date type validations including ranges and presence that you can be confident in worrectly with that type of data.
The select_date isn't buggy, you need to perform the necessary data validation on your end so an empty year isn't allowed. Validation is designed to let you specify what data is allowed into your app. Only you can be the gatekeeper of what is considered 'valid'.
