UIManagedDocuemnt won't open - ios

My app (Xcode 9.2, Swift 4) uses UIManagedDocument as a basic Core Data stack. Everything was working fine for months but lately I've noticed several cases where the app won't load for existing users because the core data init isn't completing. This usually happens after a crash in the app (I think but not sure).
I've been able to recreate the problem on the debugger and narrowed the problem down to the following scenario:
App starts up --> core data is called to start up --> UIManagedDocument object is init'd --> check doc status == closed --> call open() on doc --> open never completes - the callback closure is never called.
I've subclassed UIManagedDocument so I could override configurePersistentStoreCoordinator() to check if it ever reaches that point but it doesn't. The subclass override for handleError() is never called either.
The open() process never reaches that point. What I can see if I pause the debugger is that a couple of threads are blocked on mutex/semaphore related to the open procedure:
The 2nd thread (11) seems to be handling some kind of file conflict but I can't understand what and why. When I check documentState just before opening the file I can see its value is [.normal, .closed]
This is the code to init the doc - pretty straight forward and works as expected for most uses and use cases:
class MyDataManager {
static var sharedInstance = MyDataManager()
var managedDoc : UIManagedDocument!
var docUrl : URL!
var managedObjContext : NSManagedObjectContext {
return managedDoc.managedObjectContext
func configureCoreData(forUser: String, completion: #escaping (Bool)->Void) {
let dir = UserProfile.profile.getDocumentsDirectory()
docUrl = dir.appendingPathComponent(forUser + GlobalDataDocUrl, isDirectory: true)
managedDoc = UIManagedDocument(fileURL: docUrl)
//allow the UIManagedDoc to perform lieghtweight migration of the DB in case of small changes in the model
managedDoc.persistentStoreOptions = [
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: true,
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: true
switch (self.managedDoc.documentState)
case UIDocumentState.normal:
DDLogInfo("ManagedDocument is ready \(self.docUrl)")
case UIDocumentState.closed:
DDLogInfo("ManagedDocument is closed - will open it")
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: self.docUrl.path) {
self.managedDoc.open() { [unowned self] (success) in
DDLogInfo("ManagedDocument is open result=\(success)")
self.managedDoc.save(to: self.managedDoc.fileURL, for: .forCreating) { [unowned self] (success) in
DDLogInfo("ManagedDocument created result=\(success) ")
case UIDocumentState.editingDisabled:
case UIDocumentState.inConflict:
case UIDocumentState.progressAvailable:
case UIDocumentState.savingError:
DDLogWarn("ManagedDocument status is \(self.managedDoc.documentState.rawValue)")
Again - the closure callback for managedDoc.open() never gets called. It seems like the file was left in some kind of bad state and cannot be opened.
BTW, if I copy the app container from the device to my mac and open the SQLLite store I can see everything is there as expected.


CoreData multithreading fetch requires small delay before accessing attributes

I use coreData as persistent store.
To read data, I use (only essential parts are shown):
func fetchShoppingItems(completion: #escaping (Set<ShoppingItem>?, Error?) -> Void) {
persistentContainer.performBackgroundTask { (backgroundManagedContext) in
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<CDShoppingItem> = CDShoppingItem.fetchRequest()
var shoppingItems: Set<ShoppingItem> = []
do {
let cdShoppingItems: [CDShoppingItem] = try backgroundManagedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
for nextCdShoppingItem in cdShoppingItems {
nextCdShoppingItem.managedObjectContext!.performAndWait {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1) // This seems to be required
let nextShoppingItem = ShoppingItem.init(name: nextCdShoppingItem.name!)
} // performAndWait
} // for all cdShoppingItems
completion(shoppingItems, nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
completion(nil, error)
} // fetch error
} // performBackgroundTask
} // fetchShoppingItems
To test the coreData implementation, I wrote a unit test that creates multiple threads that write to and read from coreData concurrently.
This test runs only successfully, if the instruction
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1) // This seems to be required
is inserted in the performAndWait closure.
If it is commented out, nextCdShoppingItem is often read back with nil attributes, and the function crashes due to the forced unwrap.
I am not sure, if nextCdShoppingItem.managedObjectContext!.performAndWait is correct or if I had to use backgroundManagedContext.performAndWait, but with backgroundManagedContext the effect is the same.
I do not understand why inserting a small delay before accessing an attribute of a managed object is necessary to avoid the problem.
Any hint is welcome!
I investigated the issue further, and found the following:
Every time nextCdShoppingItem is read back by the background thread (called read thread below) as nil, there is also another background thread that tries to save its own managedContext after all records in its managedContext have been deleted (called write thread below).
Apparently the read thread tries to fetch a record that has just been deleted by the write thread.
So the problem is definitively a multithreading issue, and I found a solution (see my answer below).
performAndWait will add the block to the queue and schedule it to run, just like perform, but performAndWait will not return until the block is complete. Since you are inside a loop of cdShoppingItems, the loop does not stop and wait for the block to return. By adding the thread sleep, you are essentially slowing down the loop and giving core data enough time to complete its fetch. The forced unwrap crash is probably an indication that it's lost its nextCdShoppingItem reference.
I would consider refactoring where you do not need to query core data inside a loop. If it's possible, add the name attribute to CDShoppingItem so you don't have to fetch it to build a ShoppingItem object.
Edit: took a stab at a refactor although I don't know your exact use case:
func fetchShoppingItems(completion: #escaping (Set<ShoppingItem>?, Error?) -> Void) {
persistentContainer.performBackgroundTask { (backgroundManagedContext) in
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<CDShoppingItem> = CDShoppingItem.fetchRequest()
do {
var shoppingItems: Set<ShoppingItem> = []
let cdShoppingItems: [CDShoppingItem] = try backgroundManagedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
for nextCdShoppingItem in cdShoppingItems {
if let name = nextCdShoppingItem.name {
let nextShoppingItem = ShoppingItem.init(name: name)
completion(shoppingItems, nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Error fetching CDShoppingItem: \(error)")
completion(nil, error)
} // fetch error
} // performBackgroundTask
} // fetchShoppingItems
To prevent the multithreading issue, I tried 2 things:
1) Since iOS10, a persistentStore of SQL type maintains a connection pool for concurrent access to the pool, and it is possible to set a maximum pool size, see the WWDC video. I did so using
private lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: modelName)
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
// ...
} else {
storeDescription.setOption(NSNumber(1), forKey: NSPersistentStoreConnectionPoolMaxSizeKey)
return container
to prevent concurrent access to the persistentStore. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem for an unknown reason.
2) I then tried to serialize read and write operations by setting up a serial queue:
private let coreDataSerialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.xxx.ShopEasy.coreDataManager") // serial by default
It is used for the read and write accesses in the following way:
coreDataSerialQueue.async {
let backgroundManagedContext = self.persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext()
backgroundManagedContext.performAndWait {
// …
} // performAndWait
} // coreDataSerialQueue.async
This did solve the problem.
Please note that it would be wrong to use
coreDataSerialQueue.async {
self.persistentContainer.performBackgroundTask { (backgroundManagedContext) in
// …
} // performBackgroundTask
} // coreDataSerialQueue.async
because performBackgroundTask would fork another asynchronous thread and thus break the serialization.

Call a file-download function from multiple View Controllers; how to return results TO those VC's?

My app will need to download files from my website from several different places in the app, so it seems to make sense to write the function to accomplish the download once, put it in its own class, and call that function from each ViewController. So far, so good, things work. The download is happening, and the downloaded file will print correctly.
The problem comes when the download function goes to send a "success" or "failed" message back to the ViewController that called it, so that the VC can then react accordingly -- update the display, close out the download dialog, whatever. How to make that happen is where I'm stuck.
What I have:
Each of ViewControllerTwo and ViewControllerThree (which are identical for now, other than requesting different files from my server) calls the download function thus:
Downloader.load(url: urlForFileA!, to: localDestinationFileA, callingViewControllerNumber: 2)
The code for the downloader function (which is currently synchronous, but will eventually become asynchronous) looks like this (in its own Downloader class):
class func load(url: URL, to localUrl: URL, callingViewControllerNumber: Int) {
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
let request = URLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData)
let task = session.downloadTask(with: request) { (tempLocalUrl, response, error) in
if let tempLocalUrl = tempLocalUrl, error == nil {
// Got a file, might be a 404 page...
if let statusCode = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode {
print("Success downloading: \(statusCode)")
if statusCode == 404 {
returnToCaller(sourceIdent: callingViewControllerNumber, successStatus: .fileNotFound, errorMessage: "File not Found, 404 error")
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: tempLocalUrl, to: localUrl)
returnToCaller(sourceIdent: callingViewControllerNumber, successStatus: .success, errorMessage: "")
} catch (let writeError) {
returnToCaller(sourceIdent: callingViewControllerNumber, successStatus: .movingError, errorMessage: "\(writeError)")
} else {
returnToCaller(sourceIdent: callingViewControllerNumber, successStatus: .downloadFailed, errorMessage: "Grave Unexplained Failure")
This part works.
The returnToCaller function is an admittedly ugly (okay, very, very ugly) way to send something back to the calling ViewController:
class func returnToCaller(sourceIdent : Int, successStatus : downloadSuccessStatusEnum, errorMessage : String) {
switch sourceIdent {
case 2:
ViewControllerTwo().returnFromDownload(successStatus: successStatus, errorMessage: errorMessage)
case 3:
ViewControllerThree().returnFromDownload(successStatus: successStatus, errorMessage: errorMessage)
fatalError("Unknown sourceIdent of \(sourceIdent) passed to func returnToCaller")
The problem is that when that returnFromDownload function in the original ViewController is called, it isn't aware of anything in the VC that's loaded -- I go to change the background color of a label, and get a runtime error that the label is nil. The label exists, but this call into the ViewController code is happening in isolation from the running, instantiated VC itself. (Probably the wrong vocabulary there -- apologies.) The code runs and can print but errors out when interacting with anything in the View itself.
The more I work with this, the less confident I am that I'm on the right track here, and my limited experience with Swift isn't enough to see what needs to be happening so that the download function can do all its work "over here" and then return a success/failure message to the calling VC so that the VC can then work with it.
This question seems to be asking something similar; the one answer there doesn't address my (nor, I think, his) root question of how to get code within the presented VC running again with the results of what happened outside the VC (manager approval in his case, download in mine).
Not asking for my code to be rewritten (unless it's a quick fix), but needing to be pointed in the right direction. Many thanks!
What you want can be accomplished pretty easily with a closure.
The first step is to add another parameter to your load method and remove your callingViewController param:
class func load(url: URL, to localUrl: URL, completion: (downloadSuccessStatusEnum, String) -> Void)
This will allow you to call completion instead of returnToCaller when your method completes like so:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completion(.success, "Insert your error message here")
Lastly, to call this method you simply need to call the method like so in your VCs:
Downloader.load(url: nameOfYourURL, to: destinationName) { statusEnum, errorString in
// Insert your code you want after the request completes here

Swift Firebase removal of observers not removing

I'm using Firebase listener to update state values for a remote camera. Once I have cycled through the camera lifecycle I want to remove the listeners so my camera does not start over and continue to take video.
Here is what I've done so far based on SO suggestions:
1) added FIRDatabaseHandle and called removeObserver(withHandle: handle) / no luck
2) simple called removeAllObservers() from the root reference to what you see below.
struct CameraActions {
let db = DataService.ds.db // this comes from a singleton used to for other Firebase calls
let uid = DataService.ds.curUser?.uid
var cameraRef:FIRDatabaseReference!
mutating func addCameraListener(cameraNum num:String, complete:#escaping(CameraStatus)->Void){
cameraRef = db.child("camera").child(num).child("status")
cameraRef.observe(.value, with: {
snap in
if let status = snap.value as? Int {
switch status {
case 0: complete(.ready)
case 2: complete(.isRecording)
case 4: complete(.hasStopped)
case 5: complete(.problem)
default: print("App is waiting on camera")
func cameraHasFinishedRecording(cameraNum num: String) {
cameraRef.removeAllObservers() // latest attempt here
db.child("camera").child(num).child("status").setValue(0) // this still triggers database call
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Firebase works exactly as advertised. The removal of the observer was working but, another observer that should've been a single observer was firing. Thanks for the input and sorry for wasting your time.

Uploading Files onto Firebase is skipping lines of code?

I am relatively new to swift and Firebase but I am definitely encountering a weird problem. What seems to be happening after messing around in the debugger is that the following function seems to be exhibiting weird behavior such as skipping the line storageRef.put()
So whats been happening is this, this function is triggered when the user clicks on a save button. As I observe in the debugger, storageRef is called but the if else statements are never invoked. Then, after my function returns the object which wasn't properly initalized, it then returns into the if else statement with the proper values... By then it is too late as the value returned and uploaded to the database is already incorrect..
func toAnyObject() -> [String : Any] {
beforeImageUrl = ""
let storageRef = FIRStorage.storage().reference().child("myImage.png")
let uploadData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(beforeImage!)
storageRef.put(uploadData!, metadata: nil) { (metadata, error) in
if (error != nil) {
} else {
self.beforeImageUrl = (metadata?.downloadURL()?.absoluteString)!
print("upload complete: \(metadata?.downloadURL())")
let firebaseJobObject : [String: Any] = ["jobType" : jobType! as Any,
"jobDescription" : jobDescription! as Any,
"beforeImageUrl" : beforeImageUrl! as Any,]
return firebaseJobObject
Consider a change in your approach here. The button target-action is typical of a solution that requires an immediate response.
However, when you involve other processes (via networks) like the - (FIRStorageUploadTask *)putData:(NSData *)uploadData method above, then you must use some form of delegation to perform the delayed action whenever the server side method returns a value.
Keep in mind that when you are trying to use the above method, that it is not meant for use with large files. You should use - (FIRStorageUploadTask *)putFile:(NSURL *)fileURL method.
I'd suggest that you rework the solution to ensure that the follow-up action only happens when the put succeeds or fails. Keep in mind that network traffic means that the upload could take some time. If you want to validate that the put is completing with a success or failure, just add a breakpoint at the appropriate location inside the completion block and run the method on a device with/and without network access (to test both code flows).

NSMetadataQuery’s update notification interferes with (run loop?)

I emailed an Apple engineer last week about a problem with my NSMetadataQuery.
Here’s the email:
I'm writing a document-based app or iOS and my method for renaming (moving the document to a new location) seems to conflict with the running NSMetadataQuery.
The query updates a couple of time after the move method is called, the first time it has the old URL of the item that just moved, and the next it has the new URL. However, because of my updating method (below) if a URL has been removed since the update, my model removes the deleted URL and vice versa for if it finds a URL which doesn't exist yet.
I think my problem is one of two issue, either the NSMetadataQuery's update method is insufficient and doesn't check an item's URL for the 'correct' attributes before deleting it (although looking over documentation I can't see anything that would suggest I'm missing something) or my renaming method isn't doing something it should.
I have tried disabling updates at the start of the renaming method and reenabling once all completion blocks are finished but it doesn't make any difference.
My NSMetadataQuery's update method:
func metadataQueryDidUpdate(notification: NSNotification) {
var ubiquitousItemURLs = [NSURL]()
if ubiquitousItemsQuery != nil && UbiquityManager.sharedInstance.ubiquityIsAvailable {
for var i = 0; i < ubiquitousItemsQuery?.resultCount; i++ {
if let result = ubiquitousItemsQuery?.resultAtIndex(i) as? NSMetadataItem {
if let itemURLValue = result.valueForAttribute(NSMetadataItemURLKey) as? NSURL {
// Remove deleted items
for (index, fileRepresentation) in enumerate(fileRepresentations) {
if fileRepresentation.fileURL != nil && !contains(ubiquitousItemURLs, fileRepresentation.fileURL!) {
removeFileRepresentations([fileRepresentation], fromDisk: false)
// Load documents
for (index, fileURL) in enumerate(ubiquitousItemURLs) {
loadDocumentAtFileURL(fileURL, completionHandler: nil)
And my renaming method:
func renameFileRepresentation(fileRepresentation: FileRepresentation, toNewNameWithoutExtension newName: String) {
if fileRepresentation.name == newName || fileRepresentation.fileURL == nil || newName.isEmpty {
let newNameWithExtension = newName.stringByAppendingPathExtension(NotableDocumentExtension)!
// Update file representation
fileRepresentation.nameWithExtension = newNameWithExtension
if let indexPath = self.indexPathForFileRepresentation(fileRepresentation) {
UbiquityManager.automaticDocumentsDirectoryURLWithCompletionHandler { (documentsDirectoryURL) -> Void in
let sourceURL = fileRepresentation.fileURL!
let destinationURL = documentsDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(newNameWithExtension)
// Update file representation
fileRepresentation.fileURL = destinationURL
if let indexPath = self.indexPathForFileRepresentation(fileRepresentation) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), { () -> Void in
let coordinator = NSFileCoordinator(filePresenter: nil)
var coordinatorError: NSError?
coordinator.coordinateWritingItemAtURL(sourceURL, options: .ForMoving, writingItemAtURL: destinationURL, options: .ForReplacing, error: &coordinatorError, byAccessor: { (newSourceURL, newDestinationURL) -> Void in
var moveError: NSError?
let moveSuccess = NSFileManager().moveItemAtURL(newSourceURL, toURL: newDestinationURL, error: &moveError)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
assert(moveError == nil || moveSuccess, "Error renaming (moving) document from \(newSourceURL) to \(newDestinationURL).\nSuccess? \(moveSuccess).\nError message: \(moveError).")
if let query = self.ubiquitousItemsQuery {
if moveError != nil || moveSuccess {
// TODO: Implement resetting file rep
I had a reply almost instantly but since then there’s been no reply.
Here’s the reply
One of the big things that jumps out at me is your usage of disableUpdates() and enableUpdates(). You’re executing them both on the same turn of the run loop, but NSMetadataQuery delivers results asynchronously. Since this code executes within your update notification, it is executing synchronously with respect to the query. So from the query’s point-of-view, it’s going to begin delivering updates by posting the notification. Posting a notification is a synchronous process, so while it’s posting the notification, updates will be disabled and the re-enabled. Thus, by the time the query is done posting the notification, it’s back in the exact same state it was in when it started delivering results. It sounds like that’s not the behavior you’re wanting.
Here’s where I need help
I took this to assume that NSMetadataQuery has some kind of cache which it adds results to while updates are disabled and when enabled, those (perhaps many) cache results are looped through and each are sent via the updates notification.
Anyway, I had a look at run loops on iOS and although I understand them as much as I can on my own, I don’t understand how the reply is helpful, i.e how to actually fix the problem - or what’s even causing the problem.
If anyone has any good idea I’d love your help!
Here’s my log of when functions start and end:
start metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end metadataQueryDidUpdate:
start metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end metadataQueryDidUpdate:
start renameFileRepresentation:toNewNameWithoutExtension
start metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end renameFileRepresentation:toNewNameWithoutExtension
start metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end metadataQueryDidUpdate:
start metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end metadataQueryDidUpdate:
start metadataQueryDidUpdate:
end metadataQueryDidUpdate:
I was having the same problem. NSMetaDataQuery updates tell you if there is a change, but does not tell you what that change was. If the change is a rename, there is no way to identify the previous name, so I can find the old entry in my tableView. Very frustrating.
But, you can get the information by using NSFileCoordinator and NSFilePresenter.
Use the NSFilePresenter method presentedSubitemAtURL(oldURL: NSURL, didMoveToURL newURL: NSURL)
As you noted, the query changed notification is called once with the old URL, and once with the new URL. The method above is called between those two notifications.
