Can I set directory pattern when using TAILDIR source on Apache Flume? - flume

I use flume-1.8.0.
On the document, it says that I cannot set the directory pattern.
(Regular expression (and not file system patterns) can be used for filename only.)
But I have to set the directory pattern to get log from other system which controlled by other team.
Is there some solution to set directory path like /dir/201801/0101.log, /dir/201802/0001.log, ... ?

Use something like this for the file groups with file patterns i.e use the Regex ASCII pattern see for more details
a1.sources.r1.filegroups.f2 = /path/to/files/with/pattern/databundle_cnt_[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.csv
In your case I will advise
a1.sources.r1.filegroups.f2 = /dir/[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{4}.log


Bazel : How to set this item of BUILD.bazel file?

What does this mean in Bazel's documentation:
Add the code below to the BUILD or BUILD.bazel file in the root
directory of your repository. Replace the string after prefix with the
prefix you chose for your project earlier.
load("#bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle")
# gazelle:prefix
gazelle(name = "gazelle")
There is a sentence "Replace the string after prefix with the prefix you chose for your project earlier", my project is D:\workspace\www\go_work\src\golang_learning,how to set it?
The wording implies you chose a prefix earlier; it looks like the documentation could use a bit of improvement, especially for those new to go - I don't see anything above that explaining the prefix they're talking about.
One way to think of this prefix is "the part of the path remaining when you strip off $GOPATH/src/". Based on the path you provide, this should be golang_learning, so change the gazelle:prefix line to
# gazelle:prefix golang_learning
and you should be good to go.

Get config value from file, or environment variable if file doesn't exist

I'm trying to get a setting from a configuration file (preferably something simple like .ini or JSON, not XML). If the file or setting does not exist, I want to be able to fall back to retrieving an environment variable.
I'd prefer to use an existing library for working with JSON/INI and not parsing the file myself. However, most libraries I've found won't work if a file doesn't exist.
How would I access a configuration value from a file that may or may not exist in F#?
You can use File.Exists to test whether or not the file exists:
open System.IO
let getConfig file =
if File.Exists file
then "config from file"
else "config from somewhere else"
OpenExeConfiguration (despite it's name) can open an arbitrary config file.
There's also the ASP.NET vNext Configuration stuff, outlined in this article which is quite flexible - no idea how separable (or relevant to your actual use case) it is [aside from the fact that you could conditionally include the config file into the config manager depending on whether it exists a la Mark's answer].
In addition to type providers, FSharp.Data provides some basic parsers, including JSON. This allows you to do a runtime check using File.Exists and then parse using your preferred utility.
I took the following approach in FAKE:
if File.Exists "local.json" then
let localVarProps = JsonValue.Parse(File.ReadAllText"local.json").Properties
for key, jsonValue in localVarProps do
setEnvironVar key (jsonValue.AsString())

tfignore wildcard directory segment

Is it possible using .tfignore to add a wildcard to directories? I assumed it would have been a case of just adding an asterisk wildcard to the directory segment. For example:
However this does not work and I am unsure how I would achieve such behaviour without explicitly declaring every reference that I need excluding. .
# begins a comment line
The * and ? wildcards are supported.
A filespec is recursive unless prefixed by the \ character.
! negates a filespec (files that match the pattern are not ignored)
Extract from the documentation.
The documentation should more correctly read:
The * and ? wildcards are supported in the leaf name only.
That is, you can use something like these to select multiple files or multiple subdirectories, respectively, in a common parent:
What may work in your case--to ignore the same file in multiple directories--is just this:
That is, specify a path-less name or glob pattern to ignore matching files throughout your tree. Unfortunately you have only those two options, local or global; you cannot use a relative path like this--it will not match any files!
The global option is a practical one because .tfignore only affects unversioned files. Once you add a file to source control, changes to that file will be properly recognized. Furthermore, if you need to add an instance of an ignored name to source control, you can always go into TFS source control explorer and manually add it.
It seems this is now supported
As you see I edited tfignore in the root folder of the project such that any new branch will ignore its .vs folder when being examined for source control changes
Directory/folder name wildcarding works for me in VS2019 Professional. For example if I put this in .tfignore:
The above will ignore any folder named ending with "uncheckedToTFS", regardless of where the folder is (it doesn't have to be top level folder, can be many levels deep).

Ruby: Using a regular expression to find and open a file based on its filename?

I am trying to test the contents of a file that is generated from code. The problem is that the full name of the file is based on a timestamp abc123_#{d.strftime('%Y%m%d%I%M%S')}.log
How could I use File to find this file and read it? I tried doing File.exists?() with a regular expression as the parameter but that didn't work.
I found this in another question on stackoverflow:
How would I be able to use that in my case where the file is located in mypublic folder?
So the two answers below both work and I used a combination of them.
Dir['public/*.log'].select { |f| f =~ /purge_cc_website/}
The * acts as a wildcard that is sort of a regular expression in itself. After that you filter the array using an actual regex.
Dir[] takes a file glob so, if your pattern isn't too complicated, you can just do:
More glob info here.
File is for reading one file. You need to use Dir to find files by name.
files = Dir['*'].select {|x| x =~ /_.*(css|scss|sass)/ }
If you just want the last file in the case of dups:
files = Dir['*'].select {|x| x =~ /_.*(css|scss|sass)/ }.sort.last

Compose path (with boost::filesystem)

I have a file that describes input data, which is split into several other files. In my descriptor file, I first give the path A that tells where all the other files are found.
The originator may set either a relative (to location of the descriptor file) or absolute path.
When my program is called, the user gives the name of the descriptor file. It may not be in the current working directory, so the filename B given may also contain directories.
For my program to always find the input files at the right places, I need to combine this information. If the path A given is absolute, I need to just that one. If it is relative, I need to concatenate it to the path B (i.e. directory portion of the filename).
I thought boost::filesystem::complete may do the job for me. Unfortunately, it seems it is not. I also did not understand how to test wether a path given is absolute or not.
Any ideas?
Actually I was quite misguided first but now found the solution myself. When "base" holds the path A, and filename holds B:
boost::filesystem::path basepath(base), filepath(filename);
if (!basepath.is_complete())
basepath = filepath.remove_leaf() /= basepath;
base = basepath.string();
It works with Linux at least (where it would be very easy to do without boost, but oh well..), still have to test with Windows.
