How to run a docker-compose instance in jenkins pipeline - jenkins

I've set up a home based CI server for working with a personal project. Below you can see what happens for the branch "staging". It works fine, however the problems with such a pipeline config are:
1) The only way to stop the instance seem to be to abort the build in jenkins whiсh leads to the exit code 143 and build marked as red instead of green
2) If the machine reboots I have to trigger build manually
3) I suppose there should be a better way of handling this?
stage('Staging') {
when {
branch 'staging'
environment {
NODE_ENV = 'production'
steps {
sh 'docker-compose -f docker-compose/staging.yml build'
sh 'docker-compose -f docker-compose/staging.yml up --abort-on-container-exit'
post {
always {
sh 'docker-compose -f docker-compose/staging.yml rm -f -s'
sh 'docker-compose -f docker-compose/staging.yml down --rmi local --remove-orphans'

So, what's the goal here? Are you trying to deploy to staging? If so, what do you mean by that? If jenkins is to launch a long running process (say a docker container running a webserver) then the shell command line must be able to start and then have its exit status tell jenkins pipeline if the start was successful.
One option is to wrap the docker compose in a script that executes, checks and exits with the appropriate exit code. Another is to use yet another automation tool to help (e.g. ansible)
The first question remains, what are you trying to get jenkins to do and how on the commandline will that work. If you can model the command line then you can encapsulate in a script file and have jenkins start it.
Jenkins pipeline code looks like groovy and is much like groovy. This can make us believe that adding complex logic to the pipeline is a good idea, but this turns jenkins into our IDE and that's hard to debug and a trap into which I've fallen several times.
A somewhat easier approach is to have some other tool allow you to easily test on the commandline and then have jenkins build the environment in which to run that command line process. Jenkins handles what it is good at:
scheduling jobs
determining on which nodes jobs run
running steps in parallel
making the output pretty or easily understood by we carbon based life forms.

I am using parallel stages.
Here is a minimum example:
pipeline {
agent any
options {
parallelsAlwaysFailFast() //
stages {
stage('Parallel') {
parallel {
stage('docker-compose up') {
steps {
sh 'docker-compose up'
stage('test') {
steps {
sh 'sleep 10'
sh 'docker-compose down --remove-orphans'
post {
always {
sh 'docker-compose down --remove-orphans'


How to use a Jenkinsfile for these build steps?

I'm learning how to use Jenkins and working on configuring a Jenkins file instead of the build using the Jenkins UI.
The source code management step for building from Bitbucket:
The build step for building a Docker container:
The build is of type multi configuration project:
Reading the Jenkins file documentation at and creating a new build using Pipeline :
I'm unsure how to configure the steps I've configured via the UI: Source Code Management & Build. How to convert the config for Docker and Bitbucket that can be used with a Jenkinsfile ?
The SCM will not be changed, regardless if you are using UI configuration or a pipeline, although in theory you can do the git clone from the steps in the pipeline, if you really insist convert the SCM steps in pure pipeline steps.
The pipeline will can have multiple stages, and each of the stages can have different execution environment. You can use the Docker pipeline plug-in, or you can use plain sh to issue the docker commands on the build agent.
Here is small sample from one of my manual build pipelines:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Init') {
agent { label 'docker-x86' }
steps {
checkout scm
sh 'docker stop demo-001c || true'
sh 'docker rm demo-001c || true'
stage('Build Back-end') {
agent { label 'docker-x86' }
steps {
sh 'docker build -t demo-001:latest ./docker'
stage('Test') {
agent {
docker {
label 'docker-x86'
steps {
sh 'docker run --name demo-001c demo-001:latest'
sh 'cd test && make test-back-end'
You need to create a Pipeline type of a project and specify the SCM configuration in the General tab. In the Pipeline tab, you will have option to select Pipeline script or Pipeline script from SCM. It's always better to start with the Pipeline script while you are building and modifying your workflow. Once it's stabilized, you can add it to the repository.

Jenkins make -j option per node

I've successfully created a Jenkins setup with multiple build agents (nodes) for building on different operating systems.
Each of my build agents has different hardware capabilities (especially in terms of CPU cores available). I'm trying to figure out the preferred/recommended way of passing a per-node variable to the make -j <variable> stage of my build pipeline:
stage('Build [FreeBSD]') {
steps {
dir('build') {
sh 'make -j8'
As I don't want to do this explicitly in each of my project's pipelines I figured that I can add an environment variable to the node configuration of each node and then use then environment variable inside the build step.
Is this the correct/recommended way of doing this or am I missing some obvious infrastructure put in place for exactly this?
I'm currently running Jenkins 2.267 and my pipelines are declarative.
If you use *nix agents you can get the information from /proc/cpuinfo
// ...
dir('build') {
sh "make -j\$(grep -c -E '^core id' /proc/cpuinfo)"
// ...
The more universal solution is using a groovy method that calls Java Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(). Also, you need to approve your pipeline script http://[jenkins-host]/scriptApproval page.
Please note it may not safe in the security aspects. Read here
pipeline {
// ...
dir('build') {
sh "make -j${cores()}"
// ...
def cores() { return Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();}`

Jenkins job getting stuck on execution of docker image as the agent

I have installed Jenkins and Docker inside a VM. I am using Jenkins pipeline project and my jenkins declarative pipeline looks like this.
pipeline {
agent {
docker { image 'node:7-alpine' }
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
echo 'Hello Nodejs'
sh 'node --version'
It is a very basic pipeline following this link
When I try to build my jenkins job, it prints Hello Nodejs, but gets stuck at the next instruction i.e. execution of shell command. After 5 minutes, the job fails with this error
process apparently never started in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MyProject#tmp/durable-c118923c
(running Jenkins temporarily with -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.LAUNCH_DIAGNOSTICS=true might make the problem clearer)
ERROR: script returned exit code -2
I am not understanding why it is not executing the sh command.
If I make it as agent any, it executes the sh command.
I am not sure that it will help but I remember that node image is launched under root account by default. Jenkins uses its own ID when launching a container. So, probably, it's a permissions issue. Try to add -u 0 argument:
agent {
docker {
image 'node:7-alpine'
args '-u 0'

Jenkins Docker pipeline stuck on "Waiting for next available executor"

In my project I have a Jenkins pipeline, which should execute two stages on a provided Docker image, and a third stage on the same machine but outside the container. Running this third stage on the same machine is crucial, because the previous stages produces some output that is needed later. These files are stored on the machine trough mounted volumes.
In order to be sure these files are accessible in the third stage, I manually select a specific node. Here is my pipeline (modified a little, because it's from work):
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'jenkins-worker-1'
image 'custom-image:1.0'
registryUrl ''
args '-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2'
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'mvn test'
stage('Package') {
steps {
sh 'mvn package'
sh 'mv target workdir/'
stage('Upload') {
agent {
node {
label 'jenkins-worker-1'
steps {
sh ' workdir'
The node is preconfigured for uploading, so I can't simply upload built target from Docker container, it has to be done from the physical machine.
And here goes my problem: while the first two stages works perfectly fine, the third stage cannot start, because: "Waiting for next available executor" suddenly appears in logs. It's obvious the node is waiting for itself, I cannot use another machine. It looks like Docker is blocking something and Jenkins thinks the node is busy, so it waits eternally.
I look for a solution, that will allow me to run stages both in and outside the container, on the same machine.
Apparently the nested stages feature would solve this problem, but unfortunately it's available since version 1.3 of pipeline plugin, but my node has 1.2.9.

jenkins pipeline. Ssh to a server get stuck on job

I need to ssh to a server from a simple jenkin pipeline and make a deploy which is simply moving to a directory and do a git fetch and some other comands (nmp install among others). Thing is that when jenkin job ssh to the remote server it connects ok but then It gets stucked, I have to stop it. I just now modify the script to simply do a "ssh to server " and a "pwd command" to go to the easiest but it connects to it and it get stuck untill I abort. What Am I missing? here is the simpe pipeline script and the output on an screenshot
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Connect to server') {
steps {
sh "ssh -t -t jenkins#10.x.x.xx"
sh "pwd"
stage('branch status') {
steps {
sh "git status"
Jenkins executes each "sh" step as a separate shell script. Content is written to a temporary file on Jenkins node and only then executed. Each command is executed in separate session and is not aware of previous one. So neither ssh session or changes in environment variable will persist between the two.
More importantly though, you are forcing pseudo-terminal allocation with -t flag. This is pretty much opposite to what you want to achieve, i.e. run shell commands non-interactively. Simply
sh "ssh jenkins#10.x.x.xx pwd"
is enough for your example to work. Placing the commands on separate lines would not work with regular shell script, regardless of Jenkins. However you still need to have private key available on node, otherwise the job will hang, waiting for you to provide password interactively. Normally, you will want to use SSH Agent Plugin to provide private key at runtime.
script {
sshagent(["your-ssh-credentals"]) {
sh "..."
For execution on longer commands see What is the cleanest way to ssh and run multiple commands in Bash?
