OpenCV installation Google Colab - opencv

I am trying to install OpenCV in google colab notebook.
The official documentation says to do:
!apt-get -qq install -y libsm6 libxext6 && pip install -q -U opencv-python
import cv2
The first statement works fine and installs everything.
But on importing cv2 I am getting an error saying:
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any fix for this issue?
Thanks for help!

OpenCV comes preinstalled on Google colab.
Simply import cv2 and use it.

I can't reproduce this issue. The snippet above seems to work fine.
Perhaps try restarting your backend via the Runtime -> Restart runtime menu.

Use Python 3.x.x version.
it works, I checked it.

Open CV comes preinstalled on Google Colab, so you can run it but if you want to run it in a window then you need to import more Colab opencv from google.colab import files


Anaconda Jupyter Notebook Opencv not working

Ok so to preface this, I am very new to jupyter notebook and anaconda. Anyways I need to download opencv to use in my notebook but every time I download I keep getting a NameError saying that ‘cv2’ is not defined.
I have uninstalled and installed opencv many times and in many different ways and I keep getting the same error. I saw on another post that open cv is not in my python path or something like that…
How do I fix this issue and put open cv in the path? (I use Mac btw) Please help :( Thank you!
Try the following:
Install OpenCV using Anaconda Navigator or via terminal by running:
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
Now you should check if its installed by running this in terminal: conda list
Import OpenCV in Jupyter Notebook: In your Jupyter Notebook, run import cv2 and see if it works.
If the above steps are not working, you should add OpenCV to your Python PATH by writing the following code to your Jupyter NB:
import sys
This should work.

conda install opencv ImportError: the specified module could not be found

I installed opencv using the conda command:
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
The installation was successful without errors. Typing conda list also indicates opencv installed. But import cv2 gives the error: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I note the opencv does not show up in the Lib/site-packages folder, but occurs in the pkgs folder, that is, C:\\Anaconda\\Anaconda3.7\\pkgs\\opencv-4.1.1-py37h6afde12_1. The site-packages folder has a file cv2.cp37-win_amd64.pyd;
What is problem with the import cv2 error? Was the conda-based opencv installation really successful? My python version is python3.7.1.
A similar problem has been reported here DLL load failed error when importing cv2
Try to install with pip. 'pip install opencv-python'
Did you install the contribution packages of opencv?

ImportError('Could not import PIL.Image. ' working with keras-ternsorflow

I'm following some lectures from about deep learning using Keras-TensorFlow in a PyCharmCE enviroment and they didn't have this problem.
I get this error:
raise ImportError('Could not import PIL.Image. '
ImportError: Could not import PIL.Image. The use of array_to_img requires PIL.
I have checked if others get the same error, but for me installing pillow using pip with the command pip install Pillow doesn't solve anything.
MacBook-Pro-de-Rogelio:~ Rogelio$ pip install Pillow
Requirement already satisfied: Pillow in ./anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages
MacBook-Pro-de-Rogelio:~ Rogelio$
Any solution?
All you need to do is install pillow:
pip install pillow
Then you should be all set. Found this after hours of searching.
I had the exact same error and I fixed it the following way:
1) Run this command in your Jupyter Notebook:
import sys
from PIL import Image
sys.modules['Image'] = Image
2) Run the following two lines in your notebook to be sure that they are correctly pointing to the same directory (if not it's because your PIL old library is messing up with the Pillow library)
from PIL import Image
import Image
3) If that's working correctly and both import prints pointing to the same python3 directory then move on.
If not:
3.a) Go to your OS console and to your conda environment (be sure you are working within your desire conda environment) :
conda uninstall PIL
conda uninstall Pillow
conda install Pillow
You should now have successfully installed all the libraries for Pillow and let behind any problems with PIL.
3.b) Now try to execute the code of your jupyer notebook again, now the paths to both the imports should look exactly the same
4) Now, in the OS console/terminal, having your desired conda environment active, run the following commands:
conda install keras
conda install tensorflow
5) Run your jupyter notebook script again, It should be fixed and working now!
If it's still not working, it must be because you have opened a jupyter notebook kernel that's not point to the right environment. Fix that and you will be fine!
If this problem is being seen on an Anaconda env,
conda install pillow
and reopen
I ran into a similar issue with keras + tensorflow + miniconda.
I followed this advice from this issue : and did a pip install in conda admin console.
So I enter
pip install --upgrade tensorflow keras numpy pandas sklearn pillow
on anaconda prompt, and add
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
in python code instead
from PIL import Image
Here's what worked for me. Uninstall the conda version of pillow and install the pip version, then restart the kernel of your Jupyter Notebook
conda uninstall --force pillow
pip install pillow
pip install pillow
This did it for me as well.
I am using Jupyter Notebook, and Tensorflow2.0 Keras. To set the context, I got this error when i was trying to use builtin image.load_img() function in Keras. You will have to restart your kernel as well after doing this install.
I encountered the same problem while working on Pycharm. Even after trying various methods on the internet, I could not solve it. When I ran the code on Jupyter notebook, it asked me to install the module, SciPy. I installed it and the code is now working on Pycharm.
I have the same problem good news is it can be easily solvable.
my problem was:
I was using jupyter notebook for my python project which was launched using Anaconda navigator. In the python program I was using the function
image_ = image.load_img(image_path, target_size=(224,224))
then I got this error "raise ImportError('Could not import PIL.Image. ' ImportError: Could not import PIL.Image."
solution worked for me:
in the environment you are using for jupyternotebook firstly uninstall pillow using the command
conda uninstall --force pillow
then install it using the command
pip install pillow
(type these commands in the anaconda prompt)
then close all your notebooks and anaconda navigator, open anaconda navigator with the environment that you have installed before, in that environment launch the jupyter notebook and run the code
it will work
I had the exact same question. And I fixed it by changing my environment variables. Because I had two versions of python in my windows PC.
So I changed the priority, and moved the python 3.x version at the top position.
Then I reinstalled the pillow, and the problem was solved.
if pip and conda installing is not working for you try to:
pip3 install pillow
and then:
from PIL import Image
It should work! Check your python version and which one are you using as default! :)
Using a conda environment run conda install pillow. If you're using Jupyter notebook, don't forget to restart the Kernel.
This just worked for me.
If anyone wondering the above-mentioned process can be implemented using anaconda navigator.
Open the navigator, go to the Environments tab you are currently working and search pillow from the uninstalled tab before the search tab (if it's not installed in the current environment you are working)
Then select pillow and apply. Install then.
After that go to Home tab and launch Spyder.
If your using Anaconda 3, u have to install Pillow in the environment that your working on. just go to the not install section and search for Pillow, then install it to the environment. This way will nail the problem for you.
Install these:
$ pip install pillow -U
$ pip install pathlib -U
It may be a version issue, I had this issue with TensorFlow 3.2.0 and setting pillow to 8.2.0 worked for me somehow along the way of uninstall/reinstall/restart.

What is the difference between openCV and cv2?

I am new to the openCV library. When I was first trying the code for a feature matching tutorial
Python Tutorial Link
All other functions except for the 'drawMatches' function does not work. I figured out that my openCV version is not correct. Then I update my openCV version to the newest version(3.2.0) using command
conda install -c conda-forge opencv' and 'conda update --all
The problem now is that all other functions does not work because it does not recognize cv2. The error I get is like the following:
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/qdai/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/,
Library not loaded: #rpath/libopenblasp-r0.2.19.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/qdai/anaconda/lib/libopencv_hdf.3.2.0.dylib
I don't know what is the relationship between cv2 and opencv. And how do I solve this problem?
From the paths you have in your example, I am assuming you're on Mac?
If so, I had this same problem.
After having homebrew installed this ended up working for me:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install opencv
cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
Hope this helps.

Anaconda - Manually adding a built package

I have build OpenCV (using cmake) and I can see the libs, include and bin files copied to my conda desired env. However, using conda list doesn't list the OpenCV. Is there a way to overcome this?
conda list will only show pip install or conda install installed packages.
To verify if OpenCV works, type below to check the version.
import cv2
print cv2.__version__
Hope this answer your question.
