Dispatch queue blocks main thread - ios

I have multiple tasks that I want to put in a serial/concurrent queue running in background thread. Each of the tasks will fetch data from api(async) then copyItem(sync, depends on the res of fetch). The code below blocks main thread. However main thread will not be blocked if I only assign copyItem to the queue. Why can't I run the whole block in background thread ?
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "queue", qos: .background)
tableView.selectedRowIndexes.forEach { row in
serialQueue.async {
InitData.fetch("someUrl") { initData in
let fileManager = FileManager()
do {
try fileManager.copyItem(atPath: "pathA", toPath: "pathB")
} catch let error {
This doesn't block main thread:
tableView.selectedRowIndexes.forEach { row in
InitData.fetch("someUrl") { initData in
let fileManager = FileManager()
let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
do {
try fileManager.copyItem(atPath: "pathA", toPath: "pathB")
} catch let error {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async(execute: workItem)

We can deduce from your symptoms that InitData.fetch takes two arguments: a string ("someUrl") and a callback, and that it submits the callback to the main queue for execution. It doesn't matter what queue you were on when you called InitData.fetch. What matters is the queue that InitData eventually (asynchronously) uses to schedule execution of the callback. Maybe you can tell it which queue you want it to use, but apparently in the program you've written, it uses the main queue.


How DispatchQueue.main.sync works

Why does this code crash the app if done on the main queue?
NSLog("Start again")
Whereas, if done on any other queue, it works.
private let internalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "RealmDBInternalQueue")
NSLog("Start again")
I wanted to know how exactly these instructions were passed to Main from the internal queue and how the internal queue gets to know when work is done.

How to suspend dispatch queue inside for loop?

I have play and pause button. When I pressed play button, I want to play async talking inside for loop. I used dispatch group for async method's waiting inside for loop. But I cannot achieve pause.
startStopButton.rx.tap.bind {
if self.isPaused {
self.isPaused = false
} else {
self.isPaused = true
self.dispatchQueue.async {
for i in 0..<self.textBlocks.count {
self.startTalking(string: self.textBlocks[i]) { isFinished in
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
And i tried to do with operationqueue but still not working. It is still continue talking.
startStopButton.rx.tap.bind {
if self.isPaused {
self.isPaused = false
self.talkingQueue.isSuspended = true
} else {
self.isPaused = true
self.talkingQueue.addOperation {
for i in 0..<self.textBlocks.count {
self.startTalking(string: self.textBlocks[i]) { isFinished in
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Is there any advice?
A few observations:
Pausing a group doesn’t do anything. You suspend queues, not groups.
Suspending a queue stops new items from starting on that queue, but it does not suspend anything already running on that queue. So, if you’ve added all the textBlock calls in a single dispatched item of work, then once it’s started, it won’t suspend.
So, rather than dispatching all of these text blocks to the queue as a single task, instead, submit them individually (presuming, of course, that your queue is serial). So, for example, let’s say you had a DispatchQueue:
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "...")
And then, to queue the tasks, put the async call inside the for loop, so each text block is a separate item in your queue:
for textBlock in textBlocks {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
self.startTalking(string: textBlock) {
FYI, while dispatch groups work, a semaphore (great for coordinating a single signal with a wait) might be a more logical choice here, rather than a group (which is intended for coordinating groups of dispatched tasks).
Anyway, when you suspend that queue, the queue will be preventing from starting anything queued (but will finish the current textBlock).
Or you can use an asynchronous Operation, e.g., create your queue:
let queue: OperationQueue = {
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.name = "..."
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
return queue
Then, again, you queue up each spoken word, each respectively a separate operation on that queue:
for textBlock in textBlocks {
queue.addOperation(TalkingOperation(string: textBlock))
That of course assumes you encapsulated your talking routine in an operation, e.g.:
class TalkingOperation: AsynchronousOperation {
let string: String
init(string: String) {
self.string = string
override func main() {
startTalking(string: string) {
func startTalking(string: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) { ... }
I prefer this approach because
we’re not blocking any threads;
the logic for talking is nicely encapsulated in that TalkingOperation, in the spirit of the single responsibility principle; and
you can easily suspend the queue or cancel all the operations.
By the way, this is a subclass of an AsynchronousOperation, which abstracts the complexity of asynchronous operation out of the TalkingOperation class. There are many ways to do this, but here’s one random implementation. FWIW, the idea is that you define an AsynchronousOperation subclass that does all the KVO necessary for asynchronous operations outlined in the documentation, and then you can enjoy the benefits of operation queues without making each of your asynchronous operation subclasses too complicated.
For what it’s worth, if you don’t need suspend, but would be happy just canceling, the other approach is to dispatching the whole for loop as a single work item or operation, but check to see if the operation has been canceled inside the for loop:
So, define a few properties:
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "...")
var item: DispatchWorkItem?
Then you can start the task:
item = DispatchWorkItem { [weak self] in
guard let textBlocks = self?.textBlocks else { return }
for textBlock in textBlocks where self?.item?.isCancelled == false {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
self?.startTalking(string: textBlock) {
self?.item = nil
queue.async(execute: item!)
And then, when you want to stop it, just call item?.cancel(). You can do this same pattern with a non-asynchronous Operation, too.

Asynchronous DispatchQueue & Multi Threading in Swift4

Here I've a query about Difference between Threads
Difference Between DispatchQueue.global().sync , DispatchQueue.global().async, DispatchQueue.main.sync and DispatchQueue.main.sync
Here's some questions where i do R&D.
Difference Between DispatchQueue.sync vs DispatchQueue.async
Is DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async same as DispatchQueue.main.async
What does main.sync in global().async mean?
main.async vs main.sync() vs global().async in Swift3 GCD
Difference between DispatchQueue.main.async and DispatchQueue.main.sync
When I use DispatchQueue.global().sync, DispatchQueue.global().async and DispatchQueue.main.async below Code it works perfectly
func loadimage(_ url: URL)
DispatchQueue.global().sync { // Here i used DispatchQueue.main.async , DispatchQueue.global().async and DispatchQueue.main.async
if let data1 = try? Data(contentsOf: url){
if let img = UIImage(data: data1){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.imgView.image = img
But when I use DispatchQueue.main.sync the application crashes.
func loadimage(_ url: URL)
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
if let data1 = try? Data(contentsOf: url){
if let img = UIImage(data: data1){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.imgView.image = img
And I get below error on DispatchQueue.main.sync Here
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
If you call print(Thread.isMainThread) you probably will see 1 as output. If so you code was executed in main queue.
DispatchQueue.main.sync function pause current thread until code will be executed. But if you run in main queue, you pause main queue and try to execute task in main queue. But it paused. If you call it from background queue, we will:
pause bg queue
execute task in main queue
continue in bg queue.
This logic works for serial queues like main queue.
If you perform async task, you just put this task in queue without pause. When all other task in queue will completed, your code start to execute.
If you have concurent queue, this code may work fine. Concurrent queue can switch between task when executing. You can read more about it in this topic.

How to ensure to run some code on same background thread?

I am using realm in my iOS Swift project. Search involve complex filters for a big data set. So I am fetching records on background thread.
But realm can be used only from same thread on which Realm was created.
I am saving a reference of results which I got after searching Realm on background thread. This object can only be access from same back thread
How can I ensure to dispatch code at different time to the same thread?
I tried below as suggested to solve the issue, but it didn't worked
let realmQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "realm")
var orginalThread:Thread?
override func viewDidLoad() {
realmQueue.async {
self.orginalThread = Thread.current
let deadlineTime = DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(2)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadlineTime) {
self.realmQueue.async {
print("realm queue after some time")
if self.orginalThread == Thread.current {
print("same thread")
}else {
print("other thread")
Output is
realm queue after some time
other thread
Here's a small worker class that can works in a similar fashion to async dispatching on a serial queue, with the guarantee that the thread stays the same for all work items.
// Performs submitted work items on a dedicated thread
class Worker {
// the worker thread
private var thread: Thread?
// used to put the worker thread in the sleep mode, so in won't consume
// CPU while the queue is empty
private let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
// using a lock to avoid race conditions if the worker and the enqueuer threads
// try to update the queue at the same time
private let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
// and finally, the glorious queue, where all submitted blocks end up, and from
// where the worker thread consumes them
private var queue = [() -> Void]()
// enqueues the given block; the worker thread will execute it as soon as possible
public func enqueue(_ block: #escaping () -> Void) {
// add the block to the queue, in a thread safe manner
locked { queue.append(block) }
// signal the semaphore, this will wake up the sleeping beauty
// if this is the first time we enqueue a block, detach the thread
// this makes the class lazy - it doesn't dispatch a new thread until the first
// work item arrives
if thread == nil {
thread = Thread(block: work)
// the method that gets passed to the thread
private func work() {
// just an infinite sequence of sleeps while the queue is empty
// and block executions if the queue has items
while true {
// let's sleep until we get signalled that items are available
// extract the first block in a thread safe manner, execute it
// if we get here we know for sure that the queue has at least one element
// as the semaphore gets signalled only when an item arrives
let block = locked { queue.removeFirst() }
// synchronously executes the given block in a thread-safe manner
// returns the same value as the block
private func locked<T>(do block: () -> T) -> T {
lock.lock(); defer { lock.unlock() }
return block()
Just instantiate it and let it do the job:
let worker = Worker()
worker.enqueue { print("On background thread, yay") }
You have to create your own thread with a run loop for that. Apple gives an example for a custom run loop in Objective C. You may create a thread class in Swift with that like:
class MyThread: Thread {
public var runloop: RunLoop?
public var done = false
override func main() {
runloop = RunLoop.current
done = false
repeat {
let result = CFRunLoopRunInMode(.defaultMode, 10, true)
if result == .stopped {
done = true
while !done
func stop() {
if let rl = runloop?.getCFRunLoop() {
runloop = nil
done = true
Now you can use it like this:
let thread = MyThread()
thread.runloop?.perform {
thread.runloop?.perform {
print("task 2")
thread.runloop?.perform {
print("task 3")
Note: The sleep is not very elegant but needed, since the thread needs some time for its startup. It should be better to check if the property runloop is set, and perform the block later if necessary. My code (esp. runloop) is probably not safe for race conditions, and it's only for demonstration. ;-)

Swift, dispatch_group_wait not waiting

I am trying to use grand central dispatch to wait for files to finish download before continuing. This question is a spin-off from this one: Swift (iOS), waiting for all images to finish downloading before returning.
I am simply trying to find out how to get dispatch_group_wait (or similar) to actually wait and not just continue before the downloads have finished. Note that if I use NSThread.sleepForTimeInterval instead of calling downloadImage, it waits just fine.
What am I missing?
class ImageDownloader {
var updateResult = AdUpdateResult()
private let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
private let imageDirectoryURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: Settings.adDirectory, isDirectory: true)
private let group = dispatch_group_create()
private let downloadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.acme.downloader", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
func downloadImages(imageFilesOnServer: [AdFileInfo]) {
dispatch_group_async(group, downloadQueue) {
for serverFile in imageFilesOnServer {
print("Start downloading \(serverFile.fileName)")
//NSThread.sleepForTimeInterval(3) // Using a sleep instead of calling downloadImage makes the dispatch_group_wait below work
dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); // This does not wait for downloads to finish. Why?
print("All Done!") // It gets here too early!
private func downloadImage(serverFile: AdFileInfo) {
let destinationPath = imageDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(serverFile.fileName)
Alamofire.download(.GET, serverFile.imageUrl) { temporaryURL, response in return destinationPath }
.response { _, _, _, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error downloading \(serverFile.fileName): \(error)")
} else {
print("Done downloading \(serverFile.fileName)")
Note: these downloads are in response to an HTTP POST request and I am using an HTTP server (Swifter) which does not support asynchronous operations, so I do need to wait for the full downloads to complete before returning a response (see original question referenced above for more details).
When using dispatch_group_async to call methods that are, themselves, asynchronous, the group will finish as soon as all of the asynchronous tasks have started, but will not wait for them to finish. Instead, you can manually call dispatch_group_enter before you make the asynchronous call, and then call dispatch_group_leave when the asynchronous call finish. Then dispatch_group_wait will now behave as expected.
To accomplish this, though, first change downloadImage to include completion handler parameter:
private func downloadImage(serverFile: AdFileInfo, completionHandler: (NSError?)->()) {
let destinationPath = imageDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(serverFile.fileName)
Alamofire.download(.GET, serverFile.imageUrl) { temporaryURL, response in return destinationPath }
.response { _, _, _, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error downloading \(serverFile.fileName): \(error)")
} else {
print("Done downloading \(serverFile.fileName)")
I've made that a completion handler that passes back the error code. Tweak that as you see fit, but hopefully it illustrates the idea.
But, having provided the completion handler, now, when you do the downloads, you can create a group, "enter" the group before you initiate each download, "leave" the group when the completion handler is called asynchronously.
But dispatch_group_wait can deadlock if you're not careful, can block the UI if done from the main thread, etc. Better, you can use dispatch_group_notify to achieve the desired behavior.
func downloadImages(_ imageFilesOnServer: [AdFileInfo], completionHandler: #escaping (Int) -> ()) {
let group = DispatchGroup()
var downloaded = 0
group.notify(queue: .main) {
for serverFile in imageFilesOnServer {
print("Start downloading \(serverFile.fileName)")
downloadImage(serverFile) { error in
defer { group.leave() }
if error == nil {
downloaded += 1
And you'd call it like so:
downloadImages(arrayOfAdFileInfo) { downloaded in
// initiate whatever you want when the downloads are done
print("All Done! \(downloaded) downloaded successfully.")
// but don't do anything contingent upon the downloading of the images here
For Swift 2 and Alamofire 3 answer, see previous revision of this answer.
In Swift 3...
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
// do something, including background threads
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
// completion code
The code is doing exactly what you are telling it to.
The call to dispatch_group_wait will block until the block inside the call to dispatch_group_async is finished.
The block inside the call to dispatch_group_async will be finished when the for loop completes. This will complete almost immediately since the bulk of the work being done inside the downloadImage function is being done asynchronously.
This means the for loop finishes very quickly and that block is done (and dispatch_group_wait stops waiting) long before any of the actual downloads are completed.
I would make use of dispatch_group_enter and dispatch_group_leave instead of dispatch_group_async.
I would change your code to something like the following (not tested, could be typos):
class ImageDownloader {
var updateResult = AdUpdateResult()
private let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
private let imageDirectoryURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: Settings.adDirectory, isDirectory: true)
private let group = dispatch_group_create()
private let downloadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.acme.downloader", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
func downloadImages(imageFilesOnServer: [AdFileInfo]) {
dispatch_async(downloadQueue) {
for serverFile in imageFilesOnServer {
print("Start downloading \(serverFile.fileName)")
//NSThread.sleepForTimeInterval(3) // Using a sleep instead of calling downloadImage makes the dispatch_group_wait below work
dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); // This does not wait for downloads to finish. Why?
print("All Done!") // It gets here too early!
private func downloadImage(serverFile: AdFileInfo) {
let destinationPath = imageDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(serverFile.fileName)
Alamofire.download(.GET, serverFile.imageUrl) { temporaryURL, response in return destinationPath }
.response { _, _, _, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error downloading \(serverFile.fileName): \(error)")
} else {
print("Done downloading \(serverFile.fileName)")
This change should do what you need. Each call to downloadImage enters the group and it doesn't leave the group until the download completion handler is called.
Using this pattern, the final line will execute when the other tasks are finished.
let group = dispatch_group_create()
// do something, including background threads
dispatch_group_leave(group) // can be called on a background thread
// so something
dispatch_group_notify(group, mainQueue) {
// completion code
