Union operation in foreach object array (es6)? - foreach

I have to concat arrays in my object array with union operation. I have an object like below:
let appointments = [{
Name: "doctor",
Detail: [Place: "A street", Time: {
}, {
Name: "hairdresser",
Detail: [Place: "B street", Time: {
}, {
Name: "hairdresser",
Detail: [Place: "C street", Time: {
I want to concat time property at all details in one array with union.
It should be like below: How can I do that?

Extract all times to a new array, flatten it, then make it a Set to remove duplicates.
let appointments= [{Name:"doctor", Time:["10:10","15:00","15:30"]},{Name:"hairdresser", Time:["15:00","15:30"]}, {Name:"dentist", Time:["14:00"]}]
const time = [...new Set(appointments
.map(({Time}) => Time)
.reduce((all, item) => [...all, ...item]))]

let appointments= [
{Name:"doctor", Time:["10:10","15:00","15:30"]},
{Name:"hairdresser", Time:["15:00","15:30"]},
{Name:"dentist", Time:["14:00"]}
var timeArray=[];
var lastArray=[]
return timeArray.push(item.Time)
for (var i = timeArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (var j = timeArray[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
This is just one method of doing it.


Dinamic table with PdfMake

It dont display in format. I'm using Angular 8.
This part is for getting the info.
var med = MyData....;//[name,price,description]
var col = [];
med.forEach(element => {
var row=[];
then this part is for displaying in pdfMake
let dd= {
content: [
table: {
`body`: [
Sometimes it displays vertically.
In pdfmake.org/playground.html when you put this code:
var ex = [['example 1', '10','d1'],['example 2', '12','d2'], ['example 3', '18','d3']];
var dd = {
content: [
style: 'tableExample',
table: {
body: [
['name', 'price ','description'],
this is te result:
and I need something like this, no matter how much values I get in my array:
var ex = [['example 1', '10','d1'],['example 2', '12','d2'], ['example 3', '18','d3']];
var dd = {
content: [
style: 'tableExample',
table: {
body: [
['name', 'price ','description'],
I need this result:

Convert and Sort Data for HighChart Column Range Representation

I have some data coming in random order and would like to convert into into a specific order for Highchart column ranges. Any insight on doing this effectively and insight would help
Also regardless of order of input data I always want to show chart in Apple Orange Banana order with their correct representation
I have tried using maps,sets,array in ruby and have something working which is super brittle and not the most effective.
headers = Array.wrap(raw_data.dig('data', 'dimensions', 'axes', 'headers'))
values = Array.wrap(raw_data.dig('data', 'values', 'c')).map(&:to_f)
labels = headers.map { |header| Array.wrap(header['label']) }
data = values.each_slice(2)
This is the weight of the fruits LOW is lowest weight and HIGH is highest weight. The problem is order of data is ordered by weight so I cant just slice consecutive values of array.
"data": {
"dimensions": {
"axes": {
"headers": [{
"label": ["Apple", "Low"]
}, {
"label": ["Apple", "High"]
}, {
"label": ["Orange", "Low"]
}, {
"label": ["Banana", "Low"]
}, {
"label": ["Orange", "High"]
}, {
"label": ["Banana", "High"]
"values": {
"c": ["173", "273", "414", "608", "610", "1050"]
series: [
{'name': 'Weight', 'data': [[173, 273], [414, 610], [608, 1050]]}
axis_labels: ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana'],
You need to preprocess your data to the format required by Highcharts:
var json = {...}
var series = {
name: 'Weight',
data: []
categories = [];
for (i = 0; i < json.data.values.c.length; i++) {
labels = json.data.dimensions.axes.headers[i].label;
header1 = labels[0].toLowerCase(),
header2 = labels[1].toLowerCase(),
value = json.data.values.c[i];
indexOf = categories.indexOf(header1);
if (indexOf !== -1) {
series.data[indexOf][header2] = Number(value);
} else {
[header2]: Number(value),
x: series.data.length
Highcharts.chart('container', {
series: [series]
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/nm976qho/

ChartJs Uncaught ReferenceError for labels value from ViewBag

I'm struggling with passing the csv strings via ViewBag in the correct format.
I know the result should be like ["Blue","Brown","Green"] but my script is generated as [Blue,Brown,Green] instead.
And then I get the Uncaught ReferenceError : Blue is not defined.
How can I format it in my controller to pass in the correct way?
This is my code in the controller
public ActionResult Index()
List<string> teamsList = new List<string>();
List<string> salesCount = new List<string>();
foreach (var team in Db.Teams)
int count = Db.LeadCampaigns.Count(i => Db.Agents.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AgentId == i.AgentId).TeamId == team.TeamId && i.LeadStatusId == Db.LeadStatuses.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "SALE").LeadStatusId);
ViewBag.SaleCount_List = string.Join(",", salesCount);
ViewBag.TeamName_List = string.Join(",", teamsList);
return View();
And here is my script in the view.
var barChartData =
labels: [#Html.Raw(ViewBag.TeamName_List)],
datasets: [{
label: 'TeamWise Sales Count',
backgroundColor: [
borderWidth: 2,
data: [#ViewBag.SaleCount_List]
window.onload = function () {
var ctx1 = document.getElementById("barcanvas").getContext("2d");
window.myBar = new Chart(ctx1,
type: 'bar',
data: barChartData,
display: true,
text: "TeamWise Sales Count"
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: true
Your plugin expects an array of values, but your passing it a string by using String.Join().
Pass the array using
ViewBag.SaleCount_List = salesCount;
ViewBag.TeamName_List = teamsList;
(or better pass a view model with 2 IEnumerable<string> properties) and then convert it to a jacascript array
var saleCounts = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.SaleCount_List))
var teamNames = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.TeamName_List))
var barChartData =
labels: teamNames,
datasets: [{
borderWidth: 2,
data: saleCounts
Using your current syntax:
const string quote = "\"";
foreach (var team in Db.Teams)
teamsList.Add(quote + team.Name + quote);
int count = Db.LeadCampaigns.Count(i => Db.Agents.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AgentId == i.AgentId).TeamId == team.TeamId && i.LeadStatusId == Db.LeadStatuses.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "SALE").LeadStatusId);

How to add sorting for field object of graphql type which refers to different graphql type?

I am using Neo4j dB and using pattern comprehension to return the values. I have 2 types Person and Friend:
Type Person{
id: String
name: String
friends: [Friend]
Type Friend{
id: String
name: String
type Query {
persons( limit:Int = 10): [Person]
friends( limit:Int = 10): [Friend]
What i want to do is to pull the array list of field friends (present in Person Type) in ascending order when the "persons" query executes. For e.g.
"data": {
"persons": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Timothy",
"friends": [
"id": "c3ef473",
"name": "Adam",
"id": "ef4e373",
"name": "Bryan",
"id": "e373ln45",
"name": "Craig",
How should I do it ? I researched regarding the sorting, but I did not find anything specific on the array object's sorting when we are using pattern comprehension in neo4j. Any suggestions would be really helpful !
I used the sortBy function of lodash to return the result into an ascending order.
And here is the graphql resolver query:
persons(_, params) {
let query = `MATCH (p:Person)
friends: [(p)-[:FRIEND_WITH]->(f:Friend)) | f{.*}]
LIMIT $limit;`;
return dbSession().run(query, params)
.then(result => {
return result.records.map(record => {
let item = record.get("p");
item.friends = sortBy(item.friends, [function(i) {
return i.name;
return item;

use Highcharts Api to show multiples values

Hi everyone I am new using highcharts, I have my data structure and when I try to show, I don't see anything
function nueva (current_data){
var seriesOptions = [],
seriesCounter = 0,
type = ['jobs_running', 'jobs_pending'];
function createChart() {
$('#containerChart').highcharts('StockChart', {
rangeSelector: {
selected: 4
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">{series.name}</span>: <b>{point.y}</b> ({point.change}%)<br/>',
valueDecimals: 2
series: seriesOptions
for (var j = 0; j < current_data['names'].length; j++){
var all_element = []
name_project = current_data['names'][j];
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++){
seriesCounter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++){
seriesOptions[j] = {
name: type[i],
data: current_data[name_project][type[i]],
I pass current_data to my function that is like this
I want to show 'jobs_running' and 'jobs_pendding' I set the value to seriesOptions
and my array of data has this
Any idea why I don't see anything in the chart! I am missing something.
Thanks in advance
Hopefully you can find your answer in this:
Not sure what you were hoping to get but at least this displays a chart.
var data = {
projects: [{
name: 'Project X',
jobs_running: [
[1459814400000, 121],
[1459900800000, 205],
[1459987200000, 155],
[1460073600000, 458]
jobs_pending: [
[1459814400000, 146],
[1459900800000, 149],
[1459987200000, 158],
[1460073600000, 184]
}, {
name: 'Project Y',
jobs_running: [
[1459814400000, 221],
[1459900800000, 295],
[1459987200000, 255],
[1460073600000, 258]
jobs_pending: [
[1459814400000, 246],
[1459900800000, 249],
[1459987200000, 258],
[1460073600000, 284]
function nueva(current_data) {
var seriesOptions = [],
type = ['jobs_running', 'jobs_pending'];
for (var j = 0; j < current_data['projects'].length; j++) {
var project = current_data['projects'][j];
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
name: project.name + ' ' + type[i],
data: project[type[i]]
$('#containerChart').highcharts('StockChart', {
series: seriesOptions
