How do I receive arbitrary length data using a UdpSocket? - network-programming

I am writing an application which sends and receives packages using UDP. However, the documentation of recv_from states:
If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer, excess bytes may be discarded.
Is there any way to receive all bytes and write them into a vector? Do I really have to allocate an array with the maximum packet length (which, as far as I know, is 65,507 bytes for IPv4) in order to be sure to receive all data? That seems a bit much for me.

Check out the next method in the docs, UdpSocket::peek_from (emphasis mine):
Receives a single datagram message on the socket, without removing it from the queue.
You can use this method to read a known fixed amount of data, such as a header which contains the length of the entire packet. You can use crates like byteorder to decode the appropriate part of the header, use that to allocate exactly the right amount of space, then call recv_from.
This does require that the protocol you are implementing always provides that total size information at a known location.
Now, is this a good idea?
As ArtemGr states:
Because extra system calls are much more expensive than getting some space from the stack.
And from the linked question:
Obviously at some point you will start wondering if doubling the number of system calls to save memory is worth it. I think it isn't.
With the recent Spectre / Meltdown events, now's a pretty good time to be be reminded to avoid extra syscalls.
You could, as suggested, just allocate a "big enough" array ahead of time. You'll need to track how many bytes you've actually read vs allocated though. I recommend something like arrayvec to make it easier.
You could instead implement a pool of pre-allocated buffers on the heap. When you read from the socket, you use a buffer or create a new one. When you are done with the buffer, you put it back in the pool for reuse. That way, you incur the memory allocation once and are only passing around small Vecs on the stack.
See also:
How can I create a stack-allocated vector-like container?
How large should my recv buffer be when calling recv in the socket library
How to read UDP packet with variable length in C


OCaml Marshal very large data structure

I would like to send a very large (~8GB) datastructure through the network, so I use the Marshal module to transform it into Bytes.
My problem is that the memory doubles, because we need to store both representations (initial data and Marshaled data).
Is there a simple way to Marshal into a Stream instead ? This would avoid to have the full Marshalled representation of the initial datastructure.
I thought of Marshaling to an out_channel in which I opened a pipe with a second thread and reading from the pipe in the main thread into s Stream, but I guess there might be a simpler solution.
Thanks !
Edit: Answer to a comment:
In the toplevel :
let a = Array.make (1024*1024*1024) 0. ;; (* Takes 8GB of RAM *)
let data = Marshal.to_bytes a [Marshal.Closures] ;; (* Takes an extra 8GB *)
It's not possible. You would have to modify the Marshal module to stream the data as it marshals something and to reconstruct the data in place without buffering it all first.
In the short run it might be simpler to implement your own specialized marshal function specific to your data. For an 8GiB array you might want to switch to using BigArray so you can send/recv the data without having to copy it.
Note: A 8GiB array will use 16GiB if the GC ever copies it, at least temporary.
From what I understand, MPI only allows to send data packets with a known size, not a stream of data. You could implement a custom stream type that split an incoming flow of data to packets of constant, small size (on close, you flush whatever remains in the buffer).
Also, you only can marshall arbitrary long data to a channel, because otherwise you take up too many space.
And then, you need to have a way to connect the channel to the stream, which AFAIK is not easily possible. Maybe you could start antoer ocaml process: the process would convert the flow of bytes (you can wrap a custom stream over Stream.of_channel) and send it through MPI. The main process would marshall data to the process's input channel.

Tracking address when writing to flash

My system needs to store data in an EEPROM flash. Strings of bytes will be written to the EEPROM one at a time, not continuously at once. The length of strings may vary. I want the strings to be saved in order without wasting any space by continuing from the last write address. For example, if the first string of bytes was written at address 0x00~0x08, then I want the second string of bytes to be written starting at address 0x09.
How can it be achieved? I found that some EEPROM's write command does not require the address to be specified and just continues from lastly written point. But EEPROM I am using does not support that. (I am using Spansion's S25FL1-K). I thought about allocating part of memory to track the address and storing the address every time I write, but that might wear out flash faster. What is widely used method to handle such case?
What I am asking is how to track/save the address in a non-volatile way so that when next write happens, I know what address to start.
I never worked with this particular flash, but I've implemented something similar. Unfortunately, without knowing your constrains / priorities (memory or CPU efficient, how often write happens etc.) it is impossible to give a definite answer. Here are some techniques that you may want to consider. I don't know if they are widely used though.
Option 1: Write X bytes containing string length before the string. Then on initialization you could parse your flash: read the length n, jump n bytes forward; read the next byte. If it's empty (all ones for your flash according to the datasheet) then you got your first empty bit. Otherwise you've just read the length of the next string, so do the same over again.
This method allows you to quickly search for the last used sector, since the first byte of the used sector is guaranteed to have a value. The flip side here is overhead of extra n bytes (depending on the max string length) each time you write a string, and having to parse it to get the value (although this can only be done once on boot).
Option 2: Instead of prepending the size, append the unique "end-of-string" sequence, and then parse on boot for the last sequence before ones that represent empty flash.
Disadvantage here is longer parse, but you possibly could get away with just 1 byte-long overhead for each string.
Option 3 would be just what you already thought of: allocating a separate sector that would contain the value you need. To reduce flash wear you could also write these values back-to-back and search for the last one each time you boot. Also, you might consider the expected lifetime of the device that you program versus 100,000 erases that your flash can sustain (again according to the datasheet) - is wearing even a problem? That of course depends on how often data will be saved.
Hope that helps.

Why is it not safe to use Socket.ReceiveLength?

Well, even Embarcadero states that it is not guaranteed to return accurate result of the bytes ready to read in the socket buffer, but if you look at it, when you place -1 at Socket.ReceiveBuf (this is what ReceiveLength wraps) it calls ioctlsocket with FIONREAD to determine the amount of data pending in the network's input buffer that can be read from socket s.
so, how is it not safe or bad ?
e.g: ioctlsocket(Socket.SocketHandle, FIONREAD, Longint(i));
The documentation you mention specifically says (emphasis mine)
Note: ReceiveLength is not guaranteed to be accurate for streaming socket connections.
This means that the length is not known ahead of time because it's being supplied by a stream of data. Obviously, if you don't know how big the data is that's being sent ahead of time, you can't properly set the length the client should expect.
Consider it like generic code to copy a file. If you don't know ahead of time how big the file is you'll be copying, you can't predict how many bytes you'll be copying. In the case of the socket, the stream size that's supplying the socket isn't known in advance (for instance, for data being generated real-time and sent), so there's no way to inform the client socket how much to expect.

Double system call to write() causes massive network slowdown

In a partially distributed network app I'm working on in C++ on Linux, I have a message-passing abstraction which will send a buffer over the network. The buffer is sent in two steps: first a 4-byte integer containing the size is sent, and then the buffer is sent afterwards. The receiving end then receives in 2 steps as well - one call to read() to get the size, and then a second call to read in the payload. So, this involves 2 system calls to read() and 2 system calls to write().
On the localhost, I setup two test processes. Both processes send and receive messages to each other continuously in a loop. The size of each message was only about 10 bytes. For some reason, the test performed incredibly slow - about 10 messages sent/received per second. And this was on localhost, not even over a network.
If I change the code so that there is only 1 system call to write, i.e. the sending process packs the size at the head of the buffer and then only makes 1 call to write, the whole thing speeds up dramatically - about 10000 messages sent/received per second. This is an incredible difference in speed for only one less system call to write.
Is there some explanation for this?
You might be seeing the effects of the Nagle algorithm, though I'm not sure it is turned on for loopback interfaces.
If you can combine your two writes into a single one, you should always do that. No sense taking the overhead of multiple system calls if you can avoid it.
Okay, well I'm using TCP/IP (SOCK_STREAM) sockets. The example code is pretty straight forward. Here is a basic snippet that reproduces the problem. This doesn't include all the boiler plate setup code, error-checking, or ntohs code:
On the sending end:
// Send size
uint32_t size = strlen(buffer);
int res = write(sock, &size, sizeof(size));
// Send payload
res = write(sock, buffer, size);
And on the receiving end:
// Receive size
uint32_t size;
int res = read(sock, &size, sizeof(size));
// Receive payload
char* buffer = (char*) malloc(size);
read(sock, buffer, size);
Essentially, if I change the sending code by packing the size into the send buffer, and only making one call to write(), the performance increase is almost 1000x faster.
This is essentially the same question: C# socket abnormal latency .
In short, you'll want to use the TCP_NODELAY socket option. You can set it with setsockopt.
You don't give enough information to say for sure. You don't even say which protocol you're using.
Assuming TCP/IP, the socket could be configured to send a packet on every write, instead of buffering output in the kernel until the buffer is full or the socket is explicitly flushed. This means that TCP sends the two pieces of data in different fragments and has to defeagment them at the other end.
You might also be seeing the effect of the TCP slow-start algorithm. The first data sent is transmitted as part of the connection handshake. Then the TCP window size is slowly ramped up as more data is transmitted until it matches the rate at which the receiver can consume data. This is useful in long-lived connections but a big performance hit in short-lived ones. You can turn off slow-start by setting a socket option.
Have a look at the TCP_NODELAY and TCP_NOPUSH socket options.
An optimization you can use to avoid multiple system calls and fragmentation is scatter/gather I/O. Using the sendv or writev system call you can send the 4-byte size and variable sized buffer in a single syscall and both pieces of data will be sent in the same fragment by TCP.
The problem is that with the first call to send, the system has no idea the second call is coming, so it sends the data immediately. With the second call to send, the system has no idea a third call isn't coming, so it delays the data in hopes that it can combine the data with a subsequent call.
The correct fix is to use a 'gather' operation such as writev if your operating system supports it. Otherwise, allocate a buffer, copy the two chunks in, and make a single call to write. (Some operating systems have other solutions, for example Linux has a 'TCP cork' operation.)
It's not as important, but you should optimize your receiving code too. Call 'read' asking for as many bytes as possible and then parse them yourself. You're tying to teach the operating system your protocol, and that's not a good idea.

Buffering data for delimiter separated blocks

There is a question I have been wondering about for ages and I was hoping someone could give me an answer to rest my mind.
Let's assume that I have an input stream (like a file/socket/pipe) and want to parse the incoming data. Let's assume that each block of incoming data is split by a newline, like most common internet protocols. This application could just as well be parsing html, xml or any other smart data structure. The point is that the data is split into logical blocks by a delimiter rather than a fixed length. How can I buffer the data to wait for the delimiter to appear?
The answer seems simple enough: just have a large enough byte/char array to fit the entire thing.
But what if the delimiter comes after the buffer is full? This is actually a question about how to fit a dynamic block of data in a fixed size block. I can only really think of a few alternatives:
Increase the buffer size when needed. This may require heavy memory reallocation, and may lead to resource exhaustion from specially crafted streams (or perhaps even denial of service in the case of sockets where we want to protect ourselves against exhaustion attacks and drop connections that try to exhaust resources...and an attacker starts sending fake, oversized, packets to trigger the protection).
Start overwriting old data by using a circular buffer. Perhaps not an ideal method since the logical block would become incomplete.
Dump new data when the buffer is full. However, this way the delimiter will never be found, so this choice is obviously not a good option.
Just make the fixed size buffer damn large and assume all incoming logical data blocks is within its bounds...and if it ever fills, just interpret the full buffer as a logical block...
In either case I feel we must assume that the logical blocks will never exceed a certain size...
Any thoughts on this topic? Obviously there must be a way since the higher level languages offer some sort of buffering mechanisms with their readLine() stream methods.
Is there any "best way" to solve this or is there always a tradeoff? I really appreciate all thoughts and ideas on this topic since this question has been haunting me everytime I have needed to write a parser of some sort.
There are normally two techniques for this
1) What I think readline uses - if the buffer fills return the data without the delimiter on the end
2) When the buffer fills, remeber it filled, keep reading until you get the delimiter and report an error (or truncate the record at the buffer size)
Options (2) and (3) are out as you are losing data in both cases. Option (4) of a huge fixed size buffer would not solve the problem as it is just not possible to know what size is large enough? Is it all the physical memory + swap space + the free space available in all disks everywhere in the known universe?
Resizing the buffer looks like the best solution. Say realloc to twice the size and continue writing. There is always a chance of a specially constructed stream like a DoS that tries to bring down the system. My first thought was so set an arbitrarily large size as the max_size for the buffer. However, if we could do that, we could just set that as the size of the large buffer. So, resizing the buffer looks like the best option to me.
If the protocol or you do not define a upper bound for the length of each block then I don't see how you can prevent memory exhaustion edge cases.
Assuming that there is an upper bound using a fixed size block seems like a good approach for reasonably sized limits.
If the limits are high enough that a single fixed buffer will be inefficient then I would suggest using a data structure that is implemented internally as a linked list of fixed size buffers.
Why do you have to wait to start processing?
Generally alternative 4 is sound. It doesn't however, require an "assumption", rather a definition. You simply declare that blocks are smaller than 8K and be done with it. It's not difficult to do.
Further, there's alternative 5: Start processing partial buffers. This works unless you have designed a truly pathological protocol that sends critical data at the very end of the block.
HTML, XML, JSON/YAML, etc., can all be parsed incrementally. You don't require a delimeter to do useful processing.
