How to disable UIControlEventEditingChanged - ios

I have a UIViewController with several UITextFields. When tap one text field, it should present the barcode scanning view controller. Once the scanning is completed, my barcode scanning viewcontroller is disappearing (used "dismissViewcontroller") and the scanned value should entered into the text field I tapped. This is working fine. I have set the delegate for each text field like this.
[field addTarget:metrixUIViewControllerIn action:#selector(executeScriptOnTextFieldChange:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged];
The problem is this :
Lets say I have set an alert to display inside this executeScriptOnTextFieldChange method. Once I tapped on the 1st text field, then the barcode scanner comes. Once I scanned barcode scanner closes and set the value for the first text field and fire the alert.Thats ok. But then if scanned by tapping the 2nd textfield and the string will set to that textfield and fire the alert related to 2nd textfield also fire the alert related to first textfield as well. I want to stop happening this. Is there any way to disable the delegate for one textfield? This happens because I am refreshing the view in the viewDidAppear. But I have to do that as well. Please help me.

UIControlEventEditingChanged for a textField can fire at many different events that are not even directly related to that textField, but related inderectly.
For instance, when your ViewController is presenting the barcodeScanner it may trigger a "resignFirstResponder" event on the textField. Also when the 2nd textField is tapped, cause the 2nd becomes first responder and the 1st suffers a "resignFirstResponder".
I suggest trying to use a UITapGestureRecognizer in your textField instead. Example:
Swift 4
#IBOutlet weak var textField: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.textField.tag = 1
self.textField.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(fireTextField(_:))))
#objc func fireTextField(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer){
let view = sender.view
guard view != nil else{
//Do nothing
let condition = view!.tag == 1
if condition{
//or do whatever other stuff you need
//Whatever for other textFields
This way, you could use the "tag" attribute to determine which textField is firing and so adjust "condition". You could also filter the flow with a switch using the "tag".
Not sure if any of this will really help as I would need more info about the flow you need to accomplish. Hope it does help!


How to make editingDidEnd not trigger when user tap back navigation in swift?

Currently i have an issue in editingDidEnd method of swift textfield.
I have a module inside editingDidEnd func to check some validation in B ViewController. If the validation is wrong then it shows popup / alert.
In this case, while user is typing and still focus on the textField, users tap back on navigation bar. it makes editingDidEnd function is also called. So the page is showing A ViewController and also showing pop up.
Is there any workaround to handle this issue? I don't want the alert is showing when i tap back in navigation bar. My expectation is if user press back on navigation. it's not call editingDidEnd function
Thanks Before
B View Controller
extension bviewcontroller: textfielddelegate {
func editingDidEnd(_ value: String, textField: SearchTextField) {
You can add a guard statement to your editingDidEnd method like below.
func editingDidEnd(_ value: String, textField: SearchTextField) {
guard navigationController?.topViewController is bviewcontroller else {
print("SHOW ALERT")
I have tested the above code with a simple view controller containing a UITextField. However, your delegate method appears to be something different than the standard UITextFieldDelegate's textFieldDidEndEditing(_:) method.
Otherwise I would have suggested that you could also try experimenting with the textFieldDidEndEditing(_:reason:) method.

IOS Swift IBAction behaviour when combining actions

I have a custom keyboard extension which works as expected but I am coming across some odd behaviour which I can't explain. It is designed primarily for data input into Excel spreadsheets, so the fewer the keystrokes the better.
I have 2 IBActions.
Keypressed takes the value of the keypresses and inserts it into the current cell.
Returnpressed emulates the enter key which moves the cursor onto the next cell.
These work as described above, which is all good, but I am now trying to combine the actions, so that the user only has to press the first key and it inserts the text and then moves onto the next cell.
So when I simply extend the code in the Keypressed IBAction to include the code in the Returnpressed action, it simply inserts a carriage return into the text and stays in the same cell.
What am I missing please?
Here is a code snippet:
extension UIKeyInput{
func `return`() -> Void{
class KeyboardViewController: UIInputViewController, AVAudioPlayerDelegate {
#IBAction func KeyPressed(_ sender: Any) {
let string = (sender as AnyObject).titleLabel??.text
(textDocumentProxy as UIKeyInput).insertText("\(string!)")
textDocumentProxy.adjustTextPosition(byCharacterOffset: -1)**
#IBAction func EnterPressed(_ sender: Any?) {
//default action for a return key press
I think you need to override the UITextInputDelegate textDidChange method (UIInputViewController implements UITextInputDelegate).It turns out that textDidChange is called when the text changes. And make the first responder to the next text field of your cell.
I managed to fudge this by determining what action s caused textDidChange to fire. It turns out that by simply adjusting the cursor portion, between inserting the text and firing the Return action works.
Not really sure how, but achieves what I want without the the user knowing it is a kludge and no overhead. I have changed the original code snippet to show the fix.

UITapGestureRecognizer on a text field not as expected

In my class I have 11 UITapGestureRecognizers in an array textViewRecognizer attached to 11 out of 100 UITextFields in an array boxArray. When a Textfield is tapped containing a UIGestureRecognizer it runs tappedTextView where I try to get the index of the first responder.
However, due to some weird ordering in how things are executed, the action function only gives me the first responder of the previous first responder to the one that was just tapped.
Also, I have to double tap to even select the text field I was going for! I need to use the tap function and not the text delegates so this has been a real headache.
I have...
#objc func tappedTextField(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
for i in 0...99 {
if (boxArray[i]?.isFirstResponder)! {
if let index = boxArray.index(of: boxArray[i]) {
in my viewDidLoad I have
for i in 0...10 {
textFieldTapRecognizer[i].addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.tappedTextField(_:)))
In my class I have
I want to set 11 out of 100 textFields to have this a tap recognizer depending on some conditions (I'm just going to use a regular for loop here)
for i in 0...10 {
Is there anyway I can get it to give me the actual first responder, after the tap was made?
Is there anyway to go around the double tap to select the text field that has a UITapGesture?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Edited: properly named functions
It sounds like you want to remove the automatic editing behavior on a UITextView. You can grab more control over that with the textViewShouldBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) -> Bool UITextViewDelegate method, documented here.
If you return false for that method, this should avoid needing a double tap to get to your gesture recognizer. Depending on your use case, you can then "allow" the tap to go to the text view by returning true for the textView you want to be actually edited.
While I'm not 100% clear on the first responder part of your question, since the textView won't be grabbing first responder if it's not starting it's editing mode, this should address that concern I believe. Good luck!
I would add a Tag to my UITextView and set the UITextViewDelegate to my ViewController.
Then I would add the following Delegate method:
func textViewShouldBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) -> Bool {
print("Textview tag: ", textView.tag)
return false

Append text to a UITextField with custom keyboard made out of buttons

I have a static numeric-keyboard made out of a bunch of buttons, I also have three UITextFields, textField1, textField2 and textField3 where I'm inputting the text using the static keyboard.
Here is the code I'm using to detect which textField is currently in focus and to input the content of the buttons. It kind of works but I don't like the fact that I have three IF statements and I'm not sure how to prevent the keyboard from appearing when a textField is tapped.
What would be the best way to implement this functionality?
#IBAction func appendKey(sender: AnyObject) {
let digit = sender.currentTitle!
textField1.text = textField1.text! + digit!
}else if(textField2.isFirstResponder()){
textField2.text = textField2.text! + digit!
}else if(textField3.isFirstResponder()){
textField3.text = textField3.text! + digit!
If the standard keyboard is displaying then your custom keyboard isn't setup properly. Your custom keyboard should be the inputView of each UITextField. If you do that, the standard keyboard won't appear and yours will instead.
Your custom keyboard should be a separate class that handles all of it's own buttons. It appears you have everything in one view controller - all of the text fields, all of the buttons, and all of the button handling code. This is a bad approach. Create your custom keyboard class view. Put all of the code to handle and display the buttons in that custom view class. Create a single instance of this view in your view controller and assign the custom keyboard view instance to the inputView property of each text field.
In the custom keyboard class, listen for the UITextFieldTextDidBeginEditingNotification notification. This is how you keep track of the current text field. Your custom keyboard class should not have any specific reference to any text field other than track the current one. It should also ensure that the text field's inputView is itself.
In each button handler of the custom keyboard class, get the text you wish to append and then call the text field's insertText: method with the string. That's it. This will ensure the text is inserted and/or replaced based on the current selecting in the text field.

IOS Dismiss/Show keyboard without Resigning First Responder

My application is used with a barcode scanner connected via Bluetooth. When the scanner is connected you can double tap a button on the scanner to dismiss/show the on screen keyboard. 90% of the time the user will want the keyboard to be hidden as they will be scanning a barcode to input data. There are a few exceptions that I know of ahead of time that the keyboard will need to be enabled, I would like to save them the effort of pressing the scanner button to bring up the keyboard and instead force the keyboard to show up.
The scanner does not use resignfirstresponder to dismiss the keyboard, this is evident because the cursor is still visible and scanning a barcode will input data into the current text field.
Does anyone know how to dismiss/show the on screen keyboard without using resignfirstresponder?
For reference I am using this scanner
To end editing completely in the view you can use the following
[self.view endEditing:YES];
This will remove the keyboard for you in the view.
For anyone still struggling with this, you can achieve this in Swift by making the inputView of the textfield equals UIView()
That is:
yourtextfield.inputview = UIView()
I ran into this today and have found a solution. The trick is to use a secondary text field that is off-screen or hidden with a custom empty inputView set and make that field become the first responder. That field captures text from the hardware scanner while the software keyboard hides.
However I got this working using a very similar approach and instead making the view controller itself the first responder as the scanning input view.
class SearchViewController: UIViewController, UIKeyInput {
let searchField = UITextField()
let softwareKeyboardHider = UIView()
override func viewDidLoad() {
inputAssistantItem.leadingBarButtonGroups = []
inputAssistantItem.trailingBarButtonGroups = []
override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
override var inputView: UIView? {
return softwareKeyboardHider
var hasText: Bool {
return searchField.hasText
func insertText(_ text: String) {
func deleteBackward() {
Now, when you want to hide the software keyboard make SearchViewController the first responder.
To show the software keyboard make SearchViewController.searchField the first responder.
