How can I bring a UIView's border behind a UIImage? - ios

I'm new to Swift and I'm facing an issue while trying to develop a small application and I really hope someone will help me out.
Basically, I have a UIImage inside a UIView, and I want to send the UIView's border to the back (See picture below)
So, I'm giving the UIView a border, and it goes through my image. My question is:
How do I bring the border of the UIView behind the UIImage?
Note: I apologize if this is a repeated question, I was looking for answers for hours but couldn't find what I need.
Best regards!
Here is my code for the Image:
speakerImage.layer.cornerRadius = speakerImage.frame.size.width / 2;
speakerImage.clipsToBounds = true;
speakerImage.layer.zPosition = 1
And here is my code for the View:
speakerContentView.layer.cornerRadius = 5
speakerContentView.layer.borderWidth = 1
speakerContentView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.gray.cgColor
speakerContentView.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.gray.cgColor
speakerContentView.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.7
speakerContentView.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 3)
speakerContentView.layer.zPosition = -1

This may help you!!
Move your image outside current (speakerContentView) view and set it in higher hierarchy so that it can get front position.
Set vertical center Y of image equal to current (speakerContentView) view Y
Look at this image:
May be not a standard way but will solve your problem.

You should add a subview with the same size of the superview below the image, and assign the border/shadow to it instead of its superview.


Slider - incorrect color at the beginning and in the end

I have a custom slider where i have to increase slider's height (thickness). The code looks like this:
class CustomSlider: UISlider
override open func trackRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var defaultBounds = super.trackRect(forBounds: bounds)
let newHeight: CGFloat = 20
return CGRect(x: defaultBounds.origin.x,
y: defaultBounds.origin.y + defaultBounds.size.height/2 - newHeight/2,
width: defaultBounds.size.width,
height: newHeight)
The height is increased, but the problem now is that slider is not colored properly at the beginning and in the end. For example, at the beginning it now looks like this:
wrong color at the beginning
After some point the color becomes correct and fills blue: correct color after some point
In the end there is the same problem, at first everything works as expected: normal behavior
But then after some point the color becomes updated to blue too soon: wrong color in the end
Has anyone experienced anything similar before? Is there any solution for this?
I have tried using setMinimumTrackImage and setMaximumTrackImage instead of minimumTrackTintColor and maximumTrackTintColor, it works, but i cannot use it because when i rotate screen - slider stretches and the image which i am using stretches as well, so slider's corner radius looks stretched and not the same as it has to be.
Also an interesting fact is that the more I increase slider height - the later the correct color appears at the beginning.
Since setting track images is working and the only issue is stretched corners, the latter can be solved by using resizableImage(withCapInsets:) on your track images, so only the middle part of the image will be stretched and the rest will remain untouched.
These articles cover the topic in great details:

change popover viewcontroller cornerRadius in swift

i am trying change cornerRadius of popUPViewController but not change
how to change that? at the same time i have another doubt also is it possible to change cornerRadius??
Your question seems too broad to help with a specific answer. I'm trying to help assuming what your needs are:
If you're referring to the new iOS 13 presentation style as "popUPViewController", you CANNOT change the corner radius of it
But, you can write your own custom transition adding your touches to it. This is a nice place to get started with.
And yes, you can easily change the corner radius of a view:
yourView.layer.cornerRadius = 10 //Whatever radius you'd want
yourView.layer.masksToBounds = true //This line is important. Doing this will restrain yourView's layer and sublayers to the cornered mask
You can additionally also specify corners to apply the radius with:
yourView.layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner] //This will round the top-left and top-right corners
try doing popupViewController.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0

Gap between overlaying views in swift

I was wondering how I can get a gap between overlaying views in swift. This is really hard for me to explain so I added a couple images to explain what I'm talking about This is the effect in iMessage The same effect in Facebook Messenger And again in facebook messenger. I am talking about the little gap of space in between the view that says the number of minutes and the profile image (in the 3rd image). I was wondering how I could achieve the same thing in Swift because I'd like to integrate this into my app. Thank you so much!
You can do this many ways.
One of the way, I am posting.
One View, UIView, that should be Square. Inside that, One UIImageView and One SmallView
Constraints as follows:
OuterView: width & height be 120, top 50, and Center Horizontally
ImageView = { 4,4,4,4 },
SmallView = right and bottom as 0, width and height be 40 [Square]
PlusSignImgVw = { 4,4,4,4 }
Like below:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
imageVw.layer.cornerRadius = imageVw.frame.size.width / 2
smallSquareView.layer.cornerRadius = smallSquareView.frame.size.width / 2
smallSquareView.clipsToBounds = true
plusSign.layer.cornerRadius = plusSign.frame.size.width / 2
plusSign.clipsToBounds = true
It's a bit tricky, not obvious at first, but not too difficult either.
For the round images, try this:
customView.layer.cornerRadius = customView.bounds.size.width / 2.0
customView.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
customView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
For the rectangular image with round corners, first line will calculate the .cornerRadius based on height (or you can actually do it for all the cases, and it would also work):
customView.layer.cornerRadius = customView.bounds.size.width / 2.0
Just replace customView with yourCustomViewName and write those 3 lines for each view. That should do the job.

How to make UIButton a circle?

I have been trying to make the UIButton in the cells a perfect circle. Unfortunately the circle has been formed based on the background image rather than the UIButton frame.
The code I have for creating a circle:
cell.StoryViewButton.setImage(image, forState: .Normal)
cell.StoryViewButton.frame = CGRectMake(50, 8, 100, 100)
cell.StoryViewButton.layer.masksToBounds = false
cell.StoryViewButton.layer.cornerRadius = cell.StoryViewButton.frame.width/2
cell.StoryViewButton.clipsToBounds = true
The output looks like this:
What can I do to get the perfect circle button frames that I want?
Try something like this
cell.StoryViewButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
cell.StoryViewButton.layer.cornerRadius = cell.StoryViewButton.frame.width/2
If you need to create a circle of view you have to set masksToBounds to true, do not set clipsToBounds
Hope this will help you.
Swift 4
You could apply the following function to any view, including buttons.
func makeViewCircular(view: UIView) {
view.layer.cornerRadius = view.bounds.size.width / 2.0
view.clipsToBounds = true
That didn't work for me at first as I applied it in the viewDidLoad, though. At this point, constraints are still playing with the size of your buttons and the corner radius is applied to a button it thinks is twice the size, resulting in the odd shapes you have. To apply the right values to the right measurements, place the code in override func viewDidLayoutSubviews().
I know this may be a more specific case within my personal process, yet I'm sure it'll help somebody.
There is the working code.I test it. Hope it helps.
I am not sure why but I check that by changing height and width of the frame in here "CGRectMake(50, 8, 120, 120)" that the height and width of the frame and height and width of a button should be same to get the perfect circle.
cell.StoryViewButton.setImage(image, forState: .Normal)
cell.StoryViewButton.frame = CGRectMake(50, 8, 120, 120)
cell.StoryViewButton.layer.cornerRadius = self.btn.frame.width/2;
cell.StoryViewButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
Hope it helps.

iCarousel - How to shift the focus to the left side

I need to implement iCarousel in a way so that it looks like this:
I have done all the modifications at my end to make it look like this but now the problem is that iCarousel works with the center image in the focus. Can I make it so that if there are only two images, they don't appear in the center but rather on the left? Think about it like the "left indented" content.
How do I do this?
iCarousal provide a property to sift focus left or right by set the width offset.
For right side use this code for swift 2.3 -
let widthOffset: Float = -120.0
self.customCarousel.viewpointOffset = CGSize(width: CGFloat(widthOffset), height: CGFloat(0))
This should be the property in iCarousel you are looking for viewpointOffset
// Modifiy widthOffset so it works well in your case
float widthOffset = 100.0;
[_yourCarousel setViewpointOffset:CGSizeMake(widthOffset, 0)];
The viewpointOffset property doesn't really work that way. It will let you align to one edge, but then when you scroll to the end you'll have the same problem.
iCarousel wasn't designed to do this. I suggest you switch to SwipeView instead ( which has the same delegate/datasource interface, but has an alignment property that you can use to set edge alignment, like this:
swipeView.alignment = SwipeViewAlignmentEdge;
it may help.
nicklockwood (author) answer:
You could use the delegate and create a custom transform that offsets all of your views by a negative amount. Something like this:
- (CATransform3D)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel itemTransformForOffset:(CGFloat)offset baseTransform:(CATransform3D)transform
float OFFSET_WIDTH = ...; // set this to about half the width of your view
return CATransform3DMakeTranslation(offset * itemWidth - OFFSET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
The only problem would be that when you reach the rightmost end of the
carousel there would be a gap, but you could use placeholder views to
fill the gap up.
I tripped over the same problem. After simple math I've found a more accurate answer. I've put this code in my viewDidAppear() function, because when I put it in viewDidLoad() the view.frame.width and view.frame.height took the original width of my storyboard, which didn't fit to bigger devices.
My use case was the following. My iCarousel items are simple squares. That means, I have for example a height of 3 and a width of 3. But the width of my iCarousel view is 5. In sum I have 5-3=2 space, 1 left and 1 right (because we know it's default is centered). So last step is to divide with 2 to get the width on one site = 1. With this knowledge we just have to set the viewPointOffset to 1 (in this case).
Final formular: let widthOffset = (view.frame.width - view.frame.height) / 2
Example in my code:
let widthOffset: Float = Float((mDetailCarousel.frame.width - mDetailCarousel.frame.height) / 2 )
mDetailCarousel.viewpointOffset = CGSize(width: CGFloat(widthOffset), height: CGFloat(0))
