Path to temporary Wicked PDF file in Rails 5 - ruby-on-rails

I am creating a PDF file using Wicked:
pdf ='<h1>Hello There!</h1>')
I assume that this creates a temporary file somewhere. How can I get the path to this temp file?

you can do this when you are creating the pdf only u can pass in the option of your desired temp path
pdf ='<h1>Hello There!</h1>', {temp_path: "your path here")
Refer this link for more inputs this contains the function that you are using and the inputs that can be passed

Please refer to example of
The official example use File
pdf = render_to_string pdf: "some_file_name", template: "templates/pdf", encoding: "UTF-8"
# then save to a file
save_path = Rails.root.join('pdfs','filename.pdf'), 'wb') do |file|
file << pdf
You may use tempfile to do it as
pdf_string =
overlay ='overlay')
overlay.path # to get path

Checking the source of WickedPDF it has a TempFile
The temporary file should be created in the temporary directory as defined in options, or in Dir.tmpdir.


Confusion about creating and writing to File in Ruby on rails

I am trying to create a new file and then write some content to it just to create a basic backup of a template.
When I log out the values of filename and file_content they are correct, but when I send the data all I get is a file named after the method (download_include) and a fixnum inside the file, the last one made was 15.
# POST /download_include/:id
def download_include
#include = Include.find(params[:id])
version_to_download = #include.latest_version_record
filename = "#{}"
file_content = "#{version_to_download.liquid_code.to_s}"
file =, "w") { |f| f.write (file_content) }
send_data file
I also tried send_file but that produces the error
no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String
I also tried to just write dummy values like below, and it still produced a file named after the method with a fixnum inside it.
file ="DOES THIS CHANGE THE FILENAME?", "w") { |f| f.write ("FILE CONTENT?") }
I feel I am missing something obvious but I cannot figure it out after looking at many examples here and in blogs.
If you don't end along the filename as an option for send_data, it defaults to the method name.
Secondly, the download wants to read the data from a buffer. My guess is your syntax is just sending a file handle.
Try this...
send_data(, filename: filename)
Or skip the intermediate file and try...
send_data(version_to_download.liquid_code.to_s, filename: filename)

How to convert word file to PDF in ROR

I am using Libreconv gem to convert word to doc but it's not working with S3
bucket ='bucket-name')
object = bucket.object file.attachment.blob.key
path = object.presigned_url(:get)
Libreconv.convert(path, "public/test.pdf")
If I try to convert this path to PDF using Libreconv then it's give me filename too long error. I have wrriten this code under ActiveJobs. So kindly provide me solutions as per ActiveJobs.
Can someone please suggest me how can I convert word file to pdf.
Here path is
and error I am getting is
Error: source file could not be loaded
*** Errno::ENAMETOOLONG Exception: File name too long # rb_sysopen - /tmp/Bf5qPUP3znZGCHCcTWHcR5Nn?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIZ6RZ7J425ORVUYQ%2F20181206%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20181206T051240Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=b89c47a324b2aa423bf64dfb343e3b3c90dce9b54fa9fe1bc4efa9c248e912f9.pd
It seems that you PDF is created with all the params needed to fetch docx from S3.
I suppose it happens in this line:
target_tmp_file = "#{target_path}/#{File.basename(#source, ".*")}.#{File.basename(#convert_to, ":*")}"
#source is and
> File.basename(#source, ".*")
=> "Bf5qPUP3znZGCHCcTWHcR5Nn?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIZ6RZ7J425ORVUYQ%2F20181206%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20181206T051240Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=b89c47a324b2aa423bf64dfb343e3b3c90dce9b54fa9fe1bc4efa9c248e912f9"
As a result Libreconv gem tries to create a tmp file with this long name and it's too long - that's why an error is raised.
Possible solution: split the process into separate steps of fetching file and converting it. Something like:
require "open-uri"
bucket ='bucket-name')
object = bucket.object file.attachment.blob.key
path = object.presigned_url(:get)
doc_file = open(path)
Libreconv.convert(doc_file.path, "public/test.pdf")
following is the answer using combine pdf gem
tape =
result = tape.preview
tempfile =['foo', '.pdf']), 'wb') do |f|
f.write result
path = tempfile.path
and for load file for S3 I have used
object = #bucket.object object_key
path = object.presigned_url(:get)
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(path)).body

Upload Wicked generated PDF to AWS S3 in Rails 5

I am generating invoices as PDFs and want to upload them directly to S3.
I am using Wicked-PDF and the official AWS SDK.
gem 'wicked_pdf'
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1'
Now I create the PDF:
pdf = render_to_string pdf: "some_file_name", template: "invoices/download", encoding: "UTF-8"
And want to upload it:
obj = s3.bucket('bucket-development').object('Filename')
The error I get:
ArgumentError: string contains null byte
If I store the PDF first to a defined path and use the save_path it works:
save_path = Rails.root.join('public','filename.pdf'), 'wb') do |file|
file << pdf
But I would like to upload he temporary PDF directly to S3 without saving the PDF first to my public folder.
The upload_file method from AWS S3 SDK is working with files - see the method's description.
For uploading an object from memory, you should use the put method - see the method's description in the 2nd way of uploading on this page

Testing File Creation in Rails

My App saves Files to the Filesystem via an base64 encoded API. Here is my (simplified) controller:
def create
file = "name.pdf"
folder = "downloads"
FileUtils::mkdir_p folder
f = File.join(folder, file), "wb"
if f.write Base64.decode64(params[:file])
Now I want to test for an actual file creation. How do I check whether there is a file or not?
Thanks for your input!

Serving excel sheet (.xls) to browser for download using rails & angular

I am using spreadsheet gem to generate .xls file. After writing it to a file, I am trying to send to client browser for download.
Below is the code in rails
workbook =
# Constructed the data
file = "/path/to/file/sheet.xls"
workbook.write file
send_file file
This file when opened contains expected data in ideal format.
Below is the code in js:
CustomRestService.custom_post("report",{report_data: angular.toJson($scope.report_data)},"download_xls",{}).then (data)->
if data
hiddenElement = document.createElement('a')
hiddenElement.href = 'data:attachment/xls,' + encodeURI(data) = '_blank' = "report.xls"
But the file getting downloaded in browser contains junk data. I tried multiple solutions like below:
Using send_data, instead of send_file
Generated xls data and wrote to StringIO object to directly download
Constructed Blob object in js, with type as "application/" and trying to download it.
All attempts failed, as I am missing something. All suggestions are welcome.
filename = "/path/to/file/sheet.xls"
tempfile =
workbook =
send_file tempfile.path, :filename => filename
