get audio duration with AVplayer - Swift - ios

I'm trying to get my audio file duration to display on my app but my code always return 0. I hope there is a method that notifies me when the AVplayer has data from the file and then I can call my code after that to get the data. Any suggestions?
func loadAudioUrl() {
guard let url = URL(string: sampleShortAudioUrl) else {return}
audioPlayer = AVPlayer(url: url)
if let duration = audioPlayer?.currentItem?.duration{

You can get duration, but you need to wait because content is loading. Your code assumes that it is loaded instantly.
You need to use AVPlayerItem with AVPlayer.
When AVPlayerItem status is ready to play, you can ask for duration. Complete code example is right from Apple here:

You can't get duration from a remote audio url , you must store it's duration remotely in your database and grap it while listening or downloading . . .


Limit audio duration when played

I'm trying to build an iOS application using Swift 4 that would play different sounds. Part of what I need to do is to limit the duration of the sound file played depending on some settings.
What I'd like to know is if it's possible to set the duration of the sound prior to playing it so it can stop after the set duration. If so, how?
I'm currently using Swift's AVAudioPlayer but I don't know if it can do it. My current code is shown below:
// resName set depending on settings
url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: resName, withExtension: "mp3")
audioPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url!)
audioPlayer.currentTime = 0
} catch let error as NSError{
Thanks in advance for the help :)
Well, since you are in control of playing the sounds, one way how to deal with it would be running a Timer when you start playing that would after the given time period stop playing:
let timeLimit = 1.6 // get it from settings
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: timeLimit, repeats: false) { (timer) in
And in case you need to cancel it, you can keep a reference to the timer and cancel it using timer.invalidate().
As an audio engineer, I recommend editing your audio to be exactly how you want it to avoid any unwanted artifacts that can happen from coding.

Get local URL of downloaded data instead of providing server url

I would like to play a video file in my ViewController which is loaded in every page of my PageViewController. As you will be able to see I use a plugin called Carlos to cache the videos (which initially need to be downloaded from a server) so that they do not have to be downloaded every time the user hits a new page. However, I can't figure a way out how to play this downloaded file (NSData). Thus, I would really like to know how I can get the URL of the downloaded file so that I can play it using AVPlayer.
Code (still using URL from server)
let omniCache = videoCache.cache
let request = omniCache.get(URL(string: video!)!)
.onSuccess { videoFile in
print("The file..." )
//How can I get the local URL here instead of my server url
if let videoURL = URL(string:!){
if self.player == nil {
let playerItemToBePlayed = AVPlayerItem(url: videoURL as URL)
self.player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItemToBePlayed)
let playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: self.player)
playerLayer.frame = self.view.frame
self.controlsContainerView.layer.insertSublayer(playerLayer, at: 0)
.onFailure { error in
print("An error occurred :( \(error)")
Look at this code of yours:
videoFile in
print("The file..." )
if let videoURL = URL(string:!){
So in the first line you print videoFile, which turns out to be the data of the file. But then you ignore it! You never mention videoFile again. Why do you ignore it? That is the data, you already have the data. Now play it!
If the data is a file, get its file URL and play it. If it is in memory — it definitely should not be, because a video held entirely in memory would crash your program — save it, and get that file URL and play it.
[I have to ask, however, why you are interposing this cache plug-in between yourself and such a simple task. Why don't you just download the remote video to disk, yourself?]

AVPlayer with Visualizer

I need to create a Audio Player for streamed URL (m3u8 format). I have created music player using AVPlayer. But I need to show visualizer for streamed song. I have tried different solution but not found any working example of it.
I have created visualizer using AVAudioPlayer(averagePower) but it won't support streamed URL.
Any help to show visualizer for AVPlayer? Thanks in advance.
I have also tried using MYAudioTapProcessor which most of the people suggested, but for streamed URL, tracks always returns null.
Added the MYAudioTapProcessor.h and MYAudioTapProcessor.m in project
//Initialization of player
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem( url:NSURL( string:"" ) as! URL )
let audioPlayer: AVPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem:playerItem)
//Added periodic time observer
audioPlayer!.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1, 1), queue: DispatchQueue.main) { (CMTime) -> Void in
if audioPlayer!.currentItem?.status == .readyToPlay
if let playerItem: AVPlayerItem = audioPlayer!.currentItem {
if (playerItem.asset.tracks) != nil {
self.tapProcessor = MYAudioTapProcessor(avPlayerItem: playerItem)
playerItem.audioMix = self.tapProcessor.audioMix
self.tapProcessor.delegate = self
//Delegate callback method for MYAudioTapProcessor
func audioTabProcessor(_ audioTabProcessor: MYAudioTapProcessor!, hasNewLeftChannelValue leftChannelValue: Float, rightChannelValue: Float) {
print("volume: \(leftChannelValue) : \(rightChannelValue)")
volumeSlider.value = leftChannelValue
Also tried by adding the "Track" observer.
playerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "tracks", options:, context: nil);
Now if play mp3 file, the callback method calls but for m3u8 callback method doesn't call. The main reason for failing m3u8 URL is it always show tracks array count zero whereas for mp3 files tracks array has one item.
You cannot get tracks for HLS via AVPLayer. You should use progressive download or local file for getting audio tracks while playing media.

Downloading and playing offline HLS Content - iOS 10

Since iOS 10, Apple has provided the support for downloading HLS (m3u8) video for offline viewing.
My question is: Is it necessary that we can only download HLS when it is being played ? Or we can just download when user press download button and show progress.
Does anyone has implemented this in Objective C version? Actually my previous App is made in Objective C. Now I want to add support for downloading HLS rather than MP4 (previously I was downloading MP4 for offline view).
I am really desperate to this. Please share thoughts or any code if implemented.
I used the apple code guid to download HLS content with the following code:
var configuration: URLSessionConfiguration?
var downloadSession: AVAssetDownloadURLSession?
var downloadIdentifier = "\(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!).background"
func setupAssetDownload(videoUrl: String) {
// Create new background session configuration.
configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: downloadIdentifier)
// Create a new AVAssetDownloadURLSession with background configuration, delegate, and queue
downloadSession = AVAssetDownloadURLSession(configuration: configuration!,
assetDownloadDelegate: self,
delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
if let url = URL(string: videoUrl){
let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url)
// Create new AVAssetDownloadTask for the desired asset
let downloadTask = downloadSession?.makeAssetDownloadTask(asset: asset,
assetTitle: "Some Title",
assetArtworkData: nil,
options: nil)
// Start task and begin download
}//end method
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, assetDownloadTask: AVAssetDownloadTask, didFinishDownloadingTo location: URL) {
// Do not move the asset from the download location
UserDefaults.standard.set(location.relativePath, forKey: "testVideoPath")
if you don't understand what's going on, read up about it here:
now you can use the stored HSL content to play the video in AVPlayer with the following code:
//get the saved link from the user defaults
let savedLink = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "testVideoPath")
let baseUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()) //app's home directory
let assetUrl = baseUrl.appendingPathComponent(savedLink!) //append the saved link to home path
now use the path to play video in AVPlayer
let avAssest = AVAsset(url: assetUrl)
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: avAssest)
let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem) // video path coming from above function
let playerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()
playerViewController.player = player
self.present(playerViewController, animated: true, completion: {
The only way you can do this is to set up an HTTP server to serve the files locally after you've downloaded them.
The Live playlist uses a sliding-window. You need to periodically reload it after target-duration time and download only the new segments as they appear in the list (they will be removed at a later time).
Here are some related answers: Can IOS devices stream m3u8 segmented video from the local file system using html5 video and phonegap/cordova?
You can easily download an HLS stream with AVAssetDownloadURLSession makeAssetDownloadTask. Have a look at the AssetPersistenceManager in Apples Sample code:
It should be fairly straight forward to use the Objective C version of the api.
Yes, you can download video stream served over HLS and watch it later.
There is a very straight forward sample app (HLSCatalog) from apple on this. The code is fairly simple. you can find it here -
You can find more about offline HLS streaming here.

iOS: Get the length of the song from parse

I have uploaded few files on parse framework and I am live streaming those files and play them in AVPlayer.
let url = currentAudioPath
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem( URL:NSURL( string:url ) )
player1 = AVPlayer(playerItem:playerItem)
player1.rate = 1.0;
I have not downloaded the entire file at once. But is there a way to retrieve the length of the song?
"AVPlayerItem" has a ".duration" property that might help you.
Look at the notes though: You won't be able to get the duration "until the status of the AVPlayerItem is AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay." You could also set a KVO on the property so you could update your UI once the item duration is determined by the AVFoundation layer.
