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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm learning to use Gephi. I'm currently looking at a network using the Force Atlas 2 layout. When I click the 'Center on Graph' button on the UI, the network graph disappears from the Workspace screen. I know nothing has happened to the underlying data but the network visualization seems to be just gone. What's happening and how can I get my network graphic back? Thanks!
I have been having this problem as well! All you need to do is stop the format from running, and then click on the 'Center on Graph' button again and it should reappear.
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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I am making a card app and I am confused about why something is happening. Basically, if you look at the image below, I have three buttons. As you can see, the one on the right overlays some of the other two and the one in the middle overlays some of the one on the left. This leaves space for the user to click on the buttons in the middle and on the left. For some reason, when I click the one in the middle OR the one on the left, it activates the one on the right. I have done nothing to these buttons with code, except make an IBOutlet and IBAction that only prints "done" to the console. I don't know why it is doing this. Can someone please tell me why this is doing this, and if you can, give me code that code fix this.
Check if the different buttons aren't linked to the same IBAction
As #DuncanC suggested in his comment, it could also be a problem of having multiple actions linked to the same button.
Check the connections in the "Connections inspector" of your storyboard.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I put an image in the center but when I run it, it shows it on the right. I tried "Mode:Center" but still on the right. Does anybody know why?
You need to add constraints to your Image. You do that by leftclicking on the image in interface builder. After you selected the image you go to the bottom right corner of interface builder and click on the little triangle. Left click it, then left click "Add missing constraints"
Hope it helps
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to create something like the image below in my iOS app. What is the best way to approach this, note the rows and the columns can vary.
The easiest way I thought of was to insert html table into UIWebView, but not sure if there is a way to intercept radio button clicks like there is for a regular button by making it a "href link"
A little unrelated to what you have as the title of your question, but maybe look at using UISegmentedControl. It's the closest thing to radial buttons that exists in the Objective-C world.
If you went with a segmented control, you no longer need to worry about columns, intercepting touches, and a lot of the other problems you mention in your Question - it could all be done in a normal UITableView. You would have to create some custom UITableViewCell subclasses to get the segmented controls in, but there are a lot of good tutorials (YouTube, Apple Docs, SO) on how to set those up.
From iOS 6+ you could use the UICollectionView class to build up a grid. Managing the values in the data source (representing if a radio is checked or not) is something you'd have to implement yourself.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to display an image in the home screen with all apps icons programatically within the application for testing whether the image suits for the screen.Any ideas? Would be much appreciated!!
Sorry but iOS does not let you set a wallpaper programmatically or provide any way of knowing what is in the user's home screen.
The only solution I can think for your problem would be to create a simulated home screen yourself so you can show how the wallpapers look with the icons on top.
Maybe have a app icon library and let the user choose which app icons to simulate on the home screen. Although this would require a lot of maintenance to keep the icons up to date and it will probably be more trouble than its worth.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was editing a project in Xcode, and went to close it out. So I closed the main window, with the "Run", "choose a device", etc. controls in the bar above the top.
When I closed that window, another popout window appeared from underneath, such as you get by ?double-clicking? a source filename in the editor.
When I reopened the project after restarting Xcode, it opened my project in a semi-popout mode. It has the dimensions and original placement of the popout window. It did display a left pane with which to browse resources, but not the top bar of buttons and controls.
How can I get this project back to displaying the way it normally displays in Xcode? Is there an "editor state" file that I can simply rename?
Either resetting editor behaviour to default, or reverting the display to the last change before I ?saved a state of one popout-style window?, would be welcome.
I think View->Show Toolbar is what you are looking for.