vnext builds failed with robocopy command in projects - tfs

i'm using TFS2015 and vnext builds to build projects and sln files with build controller
in projects or slns we use robocopy command to copy dlls from builded solution to other folders but sometimes this job done and vnext build passed successfully and sometimes robocopy command can't copy dlls and failed with error
is there anyone solved this problem, can help me ?
1-my build agents run with Network/Service User
2-robocopy command error exited with code 8.

Error 8 from Robocopy means that some files or directories could not be copied at that moment. Since you are saying that the command sometimes succeeds, more likely is either a specific time related issue, or probably the files are being used by some other process at the time when the command is executed. In both cases you could try to execute the same robocopy command manually several minutes later, and see if it will fail again. You could add a /v option in your robocopy command (and possibly /LOG), and verify if there is more descriptive error in the log file afterwards. Also, when it fails, is the environment same as the one, on which it succeeds?


SoapUI test execution returns error "The directory name is invalid"

I have an established CI pipeline comprising (prior to deployment):
TFS build
JFrog Artifactory for build artifact management
SoapUI and SpecFlow (BDD & itaretive, parameterised) for web service functional test automation
I have no access to our build agent servers and no permission to install anything thereon. Instead, I've added the SoapUI binaries as links to my functional test project; the binaries are pulled from source control in the Get Sources step of every build.
This works okay but it greatly increases the footprint of my test project (and any other test project for which SoapUI would be required), and by extension, the execution time of the build: functional testing will only execute on a small fraction of the builds executed (only if application codebase has changed or sufficient time interval since last full build and test has elapsed).
For these reasons, I opted to remove the SoapUI binaries folder from my test project and instead deploy a SoapUI binaries zip archive to an Artifactory repository. With the addition of a PowerShell script step in my build definition, I can pull the SoapUI binaries as needed and extract to the desired location on the build server. Foolishly, I thought this might be straightforward...
I did manage to push the zipped SoapUI binaries folder to the Artifactory repo, and, in my Development build definition, I did manage to correctly script my PowerShell step to pull the zip archive and extract its content successfully to he same folder in the build binaries directory on the build agent server as it had been located originally.
However, when I execute my build, in the step where the SoapUI tests are executed, on the first test iteration, I see the following error returned to build console:
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The directory name is invalid
I added a PowerShell scripted filtered folder content step before the test execution step in both my Development (new) and my Production (original) builds for comparison. Both show the required 'testrunner.bat' to be present, in the same folder on the build agent server.
The test project itself has been unchanged (except for the removal of the SoapUI binaries folder).
To summarise:
I'm trying to execute SoapUI tests in two builds; in each build, the same test project is used and the SoapUI binaries are in the same location when the test execution kicks off.
One build executes successfully without issue.
One build fails at test execution step, returning error "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The directory name is invalid".
I'm very puzzled by this; insights and SoapUI wisdom most welcome.
Thanks for looking.
Turned out, there was a discrepancy in the directory paths on the testrunner.bat between the builds; a '_' where a '-' should have been

Jenkins - how to copy test logs back to artifacts directory for build

New to Jenkins so apologise in advance as I'm sure this answer is out there somewhere. Just not sure exactly how to search for what I'm after. I'm struggling a bit with the copyback process in Jenkins.
When I build, I'm running some unit tests that create some log files which I want to be stored as part of the Jenkins build. I'm running on Windows 10 and everything is running on my laptop (I'm purely trying to learn Jenkins so this is fine for me).
So my test results will always appear in C:\TestLogs\*.log. I want the results copied to my build directory which is URL: http://localhost:8080/job/loadrunner_test/1/ absolute: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\loadrunner_test\builds\1
I'm a bit confused with which plugin I should use in my post build step? Copy Artifact plugin looks as if it's meant to pass data between builds. For each build, I just want to copy C:\TestLogs*.* to the current build directory so I can see them when I click on the link for #1 in the Build History.
Many thanks!
Jenkins Build
You can copy it with additional step.
Select Execute Windows batch command for that step and add this line:
xcopy C:\TestLogs C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\jenkins_test\builds\%BUILD_NUMBER% /s /e
You can also check configuration for your test if you can set path location.

TFS Release CopyFiles task gives code EPERM

I'm running latest version of TFS 2015 release manager. I have a simple release that includes a "CopyFiles" task. I need to have the "Clean Target Folder" option of the task enabled.
I have three target environments configured. Both are newly created identical Windows servers. The CopyFiles task works fine against the first two servers but for the next environment in the pipeline, when copying to the second server I get the following error:
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4324714Z found 2 files
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4324714Z ##[debug]file:D:/Build/_work/df9f2c4cf/(master) Orchard BTDF/drop/ will be copied.
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4324714Z ##[debug]file:D:/Build/_work/df9f2c4cf/(master) Orchard BTDF/drop/Unzip.ps1 will be copied.
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4324714Z Cleaning target folder: \\Steatbt02\BizTalkDeployments2\Orchard
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4324714Z ##[debug]rm -rf \\Steatbt02\BizTalkDeployments2\Orchard
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4480915Z rm: could not remove directory (code EPERM): \\Steatbt02\BizTalkDeployments2\Orchard
2016-11-11T21:41:07.4480915Z ##[debug]task result: Failed
There's no sign of errors in the event log.
I created the share "\Steatbt02\BizTalkDeployments2" and granted "full-access" permissions to the account running the build agent. I even tried logging onto the build server and run as for the command prompt using the credentials of the build agent. From this command window I was able to remove the target folder
"\Steatbt02\BizTalkDeployments2\Orchard" - so I can't think why the build agent would have trouble doing the same!
Any ideas what could be wrong, or what extra steps I could take to track down the root cause of the problem?
The problem was the agent queue selected for the problem environment.

Prebuild Step with file copy fails on VSO but succeeds in Visual Studio

I have a very simple pre-build step that I want to execute with my CI build using Visual Studio online. The syntax of the step is as follows:
copy ("$(ProjectDir)Config\" "$(ProjectDir)runtime.config")
Both the source and destination file exist, this step works fine on all developer machines yet when I run on VSO I get an error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (1247): The command "copy ("C:\a\src\MyProject\Tests\MyProject.WebAPI.Tests\Config\" "C:\a\src\MyProject\Tests\MyProject.WebAPI.Tests\runtime.config")
" exited with code 1.
The project in question is a unit test project which I use to execute unit tests after my build has succeeded.
I've also tried removing the brackets from the copy command.
I tried a similar approach using xcopy
xcopy /y "$(ProjectDir)Config\" "$(ProjectDir)runtime.config
Any ideas?

TFS Build fails to copy to drop location

Building my solution succeeds, but the build fails upon copying from the build to the drop location. I get an error like this
TF270002: An error occurred copying files from 'E:\Workspace' to '\\server\drop location_20101026.25'.
Details: Access to the path '\\server\drop location_20101026.25\_PublishedWebsites\website\bin\somecompiled.dll' is denied.
This is a part of a continuous integration build (as well as several other types of build that I've tried). This is a copied build definition from a definition that has worked for several months now, running on TFS 2010.
Yep, I was right, I did this myself by putting the copy to drop location task in the parallel foreach loop, resulting in the task being done 3 times, and causing my problems.
