I have a software that returns an Excel file with a list of candidates for a job application. For this particular application, I get a file that has 259 candidates in it. The Excel file produced returns seven columns. Columns A-E contain single values (name, application complete, etc.). Column F contains the job application questions and Column G contains the candidate answers to the questions. The information in Column A (Name), Column F (Questions) and G (Answers) are what I really care about. My goal would be to unmerge the cells in columns A-E, put the information in Column F as a header, and rotate the answers in column G to be in a single row for each candidate. Is there a way I can do this without having to transpose the answers for each candidate manually?
In H3 copied across to I3 and down to suit:
Select all, Copy, Paste Special, Values over the top.
Copy and paste one set of Questions somewhere safe.
Filter on ColumnF to select all but AAAA and delete those rows. Insert set of Questions with transposition (once only!).
I have two sheets with similar data. Each has a column for an X coordinate and a column for Y coordinate. I am wanting to highlight rows in Sheet A where a matching record is found in Sheet B. The issue I'm running into is that when I apply this rule I've come up with, it doesn't evaluate that X and Y values are from the same row, thus something like X=1, Y=20 in sheet A will highlight because a record in Sheet B was found with value X=1 and another record was found with Y=20 (So two records in Sheet B: 1,5 and 0,20 for example will cause 1,20 in sheet A to highlight)
Another potential thought I had was something like this
=ARRAYFORMULA(INDEX('1862'!$B:$B,MATCH(CONCATENATE($B3:$C3),'1862'!$C:$C&'1862'!$D:$D, 0),))
... but the row references $B3:$C3 won't work for conditional formatting on the entire column... e.g., the next row will have same $B3:$C3 reference when it should be $B4:$C4. I know I can probably put this into a new column, however, I have multiple sheets I want to check against. e.g., there is not only a sheet B, but a Sheet C, D, E, etc. It seemed easier to apply many conditional formatting rules ontop an existing column vs adding new columns, since I don't really care if it exists in 1 vs all, just that there is a match from any.
EDIT *** I came up with a solution to insert one new row in all sheets where it's a concat of x and y coordinate columns that way I can highlight based on this single column with x amount of rules for x amount of sheets to compare against. For anyone scratching their head like I was, see below. If anyone could, please enlighten me if there is a way to do what I had originally inquired about. Thnx.
I'm trying to create a dynamic 'worksheet' in Google Sheets to help myself study Chinese.
This is something I'm kind of figuring out as I go, but I'm currently trying to create a template for the basic 'worksheet' that will draw vocabulary from other pages in my document.
Here's a copy of my current version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U1hclOSo-SM2JuxJB6LXPB4J0UzXt6xJ1B_54ehkALs/edit?usp=sharing
Sheet1 is where I'm currently struggling. The idea behind Column A was that I could create 'switches' to keep the page from updating (Freeze) while I'm actually using the worksheet for studying. Once I've finished and checked my work, I could switch back to (Update) so that the Query will re-run and update to include any new words, etc.
Thus, E2 =if(A2="Update",1,0) is the condition I'm trying to check. 1 in this case would be letting the page update. 0 would be the only other value (Freeze), which would ideally stop the sheet from updating.
Another problem I've run into is that I wanted to use the 'Randomize Range' feature from the right-click menu on the output of my Query, but that doesn't seem to work. I wanted to be able to shuffle the terms so that I am not accidentally memorizing the order rather than the actual information I'm trying to learn.
I don't know which is more efficient: Having the Query grab the definition along with the word and add those to a hidden column, or have a column that matches the word to its definition outside of the Query.
If I could add in another layer of complexity, it would be neat if I could have my worksheet randomly choose between column A and column D (maybe E, too) on my Vocabulary Bank pages so that sometimes it would show me the English term and other times it would show me the Chinese one. (Currently, I'm planning to just have one worksheet for English to Chinese and a second for Chinese to English.)
In the end, I'd like for Sheet1 to work like this:
Column A: Switches
Column B: Terms, grabbed from 'Vocabulary Bank - [etc.]'!A3:A [etc.] being all of the different banks. These are randomly reordered and 'frozen' until the Range switch is changed to 'Update'.
Column C: Hidden, containing the translations of the corresponding words. These update according to a switch.
Column D: This is where I enter my guesses at the translations. There is a switch to enable 'grading' where answers that don't match Column C are highlighted.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I have a google sheet with many columns, and I want to select (or filter) all of the columns whose labels contain the string "xyz" in them. Is there any simple way to do this?
The only way I've been able to do this so far is by Cmd + F to search the sheet for "xyz" and then manually select all of the columns with my mouse.
Context: The data is from a survey where participants evaluated 10 products. For each product, they answered the same set of questions. The way the data reads out to a sheet, each question gets a column. So that means there are 10 columns, for example, where I'm asking "how likely would you buy this product?" I want to select all 10 columns that ask how likely they would buy x product so that I can copy these columns, paste them into a new tab, and analyze them. These 10 columns all contain in their labels the string "how_likely", so I'm trying to select these columns by somehow searching for all columns that contain that string.
You can achieve this by doing a couple of preparation steps as follows:
Create a sheet where you list the unique part of the question title (eg. "how_appropriate" , etc.). I named it "QuestionsList" and it looks like this:
Create a sheet where you transpose the data in "FormData". I called this sheet "TransposedFormData" and it looks like this:
Use =TRANSPOSE(FormData!A1:H16) in cell A2 for it. I wrote the header names for easier visualization, but they aren't required.
Now that you have the data prepared, lets get the desired output.
In the sheet "DesiredOutput" in cell A1, write the following formula:
=Transpose(QUERY(TransposedFormData!A:P,"select * where A contains '"&QuestionsList!A1&"'",0))
Notice the desired output: corresponds to only one question (the one listed in QuestionsList!A1). So you will need a "DesiredOutput" sheet for each of the question titles, and on each change the row number in QuestionsList!A* where "*" represents the row number of the question title you want.
What I am looking to do is have a list of items in a dropdown list in cell A1. Lets say the list is "Presidents, Movie Stars, Rappers".
When I select Presidents I want Column B in Sheet 1 to list all the presidents with column C listing their party they represented and column D to list their years in office. When I select Movie stars I want column B to List various Movie Star names, Column C to list number of movies starred in and Column D to display their highest paid film.
So in short I want 1 dropdown to populate 3 columns worth of data.
Everything I have looked up uses scripts(which I think this is completely doable without using) uses VLOOKUP but has 1 cell worth of data appear(ex, A1 dropdown displays data in A2 but not data in B1:B50, C1:C50, and D1:D50) or doesnt worth with multiple columns of data. I am fine if the data pulls from another sheet I just think there is a better way to do this then filling in 200+ cells with an if:then function based on my selection in cell A1. Anyone know an easy way to do this?
An elegant solution, in my opinion, is to do something like the following:
Create a column (which you can later hide) that has all value combinations, with a delimiter between the values. For example, you could have "Presidents>Barack Obama>Democrat>2008-2016"
Then create a simple function (no VLOOKUP needed!) to pull the individual values by using FIND to findn the location of the delimiters and split the combination.
I have two excel data sources I need to combine into a single list. I'm sure this question has been asked in a different way but I couldn't get any of the suggested formulas I found in my searching to work for me!
At the moment, each list sits on a separate tab and is organised as below
Table 1
| Account | Amount | reference| NEW REFERENCE |
Table 2
| NEW REFERENCE | Reference | Amount |
What I want to do is, where Reference and amount values match on a line, pull the NEW Reference into the first table from the 2nd.
The items are in a different order.
There are instances where there are duplicates in the 'reference' column, but these are differentiated the by the values in the Amount column and vice versa.
Where two rows match based on both of these columns, Ideally I'd like to highlight these but could live without it.
I have 2016 so I am not positive on what the tabs/functions are called exactly for 2010:
You should have either a data or reference tab. Select all of the columns of data. On one of your excel sheets/workbooks, click the "From Table/Range" button (should be within the get & transform data section).
Once the query editor opens, you will need to add a new source (the second excel worksheet you want to join to this one); select file > Excel.
Once you have selected that source, you will need to merge the two queries together using whichever join method is appropriate.