Grab a single value from json response -

First check two screen shots. One is debug error one is for json data visual view to give you better understanding. My main goal is to grab only "campaignId" value form this json response. I already tried to use JObject parse but getting error because RestSharp output not json string format so. Now tell me how can i grab that "campaignId" value of json response. Thanks in advance.
static void addEmailToList(string ListName, string Email, string Name)
var client = new RestClient("[name]="+ListName);
var GetIdreq = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
GetIdreq.AddHeader("X-Auth-Token", "api-key 948df-my-key-7f3c6");
GetIdreq.AddParameter("application/json", ParameterType.RequestBody);
var GetIdres = client.Execute(GetIdreq);
dynamic data = JObject.Parse(GetIdres);

You should assign the value of Content of response to your local variable. You can try this.
var GetIdres = client.Execute(GetIdreq).Content;
dynamic data = JObject.Parse(GetIdres);


Fetching Value From Json Object Stored as String for a Key in Response payload

How do I read a value from below response payload. From the second property in this JSON object, how do I fetch the value for the 'status' i.e "Active" or any other value for response key.
"signature": "1hdj12493039282849922",
"response": "{'UsersList':[{'userName':'Madan Jones','mobileNumber':'767780987','status':'Active','statusCode':null}],'status':0,'messageCode':null,'message':null,'errorMap':null}"
Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!
Your response contains just a text that only looks like another json. So in order to do a check you have to fetch that value, parse it and hope that it would be a valid json too.
public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
String str = RestAssured
JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(str.replace("'", "\""));
String status = jsonPath.get("UsersList.find{u -> u.userName = 'Madan Jones'}.status");
MatcherAssert.assertThat(status, Matchers.equalTo("Active2"));
In your particular example JsonPath does not like that your field names are wrapped with ' so I change them to be proper double-quotes.

Converting object to an encodable object failed: Instance of 'Future<dynamic>'

I am trying to get base64 string from image file. When I am using following method
Future convertBase64(file) async{
List<int> imageBytes = fileImage.readAsBytesSync();
String base64Image = await 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64Encode(imageBytes);
// print('length of image bytes ${base64Image.length}');
return base64Image;
It shows me an error :
exception---- Converting object to an encodable object failed: Instance of 'Future<dynamic>'
If I use without future it directly pass to next step without converting to base64 String. It usually takes time to convert.
The variable fileImage doesn't seem to match the variable file passed to the function. Might this be the one causing the issue?
I'm curious on why the need to call await on a String - this seems to be unnecessary. The error might be caused on how convertBase64() was called. For async methods like Future<T>, I suggest calling it like:
convertBase64(imageFile).then((String base64Image) {
// Handle base64Image
Also, as previously recommended in the comments, it's better to use Uri.dataFromBytes() instead of parsing the encoded String on your own.
Future<String> convertBase64(File file) async{
List<int> imageBytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
return Uri.dataFromBytes(imageBytes, mimeType: "image/png").toString();

Dart Date String Formatting [duplicate]

Is there a function to do urlencoding in Dart? I am doing a AJAX call using XMLHttpRequest object and I need the url to be url encoded.
I did a search on, but it didn't turn up any results.
var uri = ' message';
var encoded = Uri.encodeFull(uri);
assert(encoded == '');
var decoded = Uri.decodeFull(encoded);
assert(uri == decoded);
Update: There is now support for encode/decode URI in the Dart Uri class
Dart's URI code is placed in a separate library called dart:uri (so it can be shared between both dart:html and dart:io). It looks like it currently does not include a urlencode function so your best alternative, for now, is probably to use this Dart implementation of JavaScript's encodeUriComponent.
Uri.encodeComponent(url); // To encode url
Uri.decodeComponent(encodedUrl); // To decode url
I wrote this small function to convert a Map into a URL encoded string, which may be what you're looking for.
String encodeMap(Map data) {
return => "${Uri.encodeComponent(key)}=${Uri.encodeComponent(data[key])}").join("&");
I dont' think there is yet. Check out and the encodeComponent method.
Note, it's lacking some characters too, it needs to be expanded. Dart really should have this built in and easy to get to. It may have it in fact, but I didn't find it.
Safe Url Encoding in flutter
String url = '';
String postDataKey = "requestParam="
String postData = 'hdfhghdf+fdfbjdfjjndf'
In Case of get request :
In Case of Post Data Request use flutter_inappwebview library
var data = postDataKey + Uri.encodeComponent(postData);
webViewController.postUrl(url: Uri.parse(url), postData: utf8.encode(data));
Uri.encodeComponent() is correct, Uri.encodeFull() has a bug, see below example:
void main() {
var coded = Uri.encodeFull(text);
coded = Uri.encodeComponent(text);
var text = '#2020-02-29T142022Z_1523651918_RC2EAF9OOHDB_RT.jpg';

Getting Data from a Website using MVC 4 Web API

This is a follow-up to this post: New at MVC 4 Web API Confused about HTTPRequestMessage
Here is a summary of what I am trying to do: There is a web site that I want to interface with via MVC 4 Web API. At the site, users can log in with a user name and password, then go to a link called ‘Raw Data’ to query data from the site.
On the ‘Raw Data’ page, there is a dropdown list for ‘Device’, a text box for ‘From’ date, and a text box for ‘To’ date. Given these three parameters, the user can click the ‘Get Data’ button, and return a table of data to the page. What I have to do, is host a service on Azure that will programmatically provide values for these three parameters to the site, and return a CSV file from the site to Azure storage.
The company that hosts the site has provided documentation to programmatically interface with the site to retrieve this raw data. The document describes how requests are to be made against their cloud service. Requests must be authenticated using a custom HTTP authentication scheme. Here is how the authentication scheme works:
Calculate an MD5 hash from the user password.
Append the request line to the end of the value from step one.
Append the date header to the end of the value in step two.
Append the message body (if any) to the end of the value in step 3.
Calculate MD5 hash over the resulting value from step 4.
Append the value from step 5 to the user email using the “:” character as a delimiter.
Calculate Base64 over the value from step 6.
The code that I am going to list was done in Visual Studio 2012, C#, .NET Framework 4.5. All of the code in this post is in my 'FileDownloadController.cs' Controller class. The ‘getMd5Hash’ function takes a string, and returns an MD5 hash:
//Create MD5 Hash: Hash an input string and return the hash as a 32 character hexadecimal string.
static string getMd5Hash(string input)
// Create a new instance of the MD5CryptoServiceProvider object.
MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5Hasher = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
// Convert the input string to a byte array and compute the hash.
byte[] data = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input));
// Create a new Stringbuilder to collect the bytes
// and create a string.
StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// Loop through each byte of the hashed data
// and format each one as a hexadecimal string.
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
// Return the hexadecimal string.
return sBuilder.ToString();
This function takes a string, and returns BASE64:
//Convert to Base64
static string EncodeTo64(string input)
byte[] str1Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
String plaintext = Convert.ToBase64String(str1Byte);
return plaintext;
The next function creates an HTTPClient, makes an HTTPRequestMessage, and returns the authorization. Note: The following is the URI that was returned from Fiddler when data was returned from the ‘Raw Data’ page: GET /rawdata/exportRawDataFromAPI/?devid=3188&fromDate=01-24-2013&toDate=01-25-2013 HTTP/1.1
Let me first walk through what is happening with this function:
The ‘WebSiteAuthorization’ function takes a ‘deviceID’, a ‘fromDate’, a ‘toDate’ and a ‘password’.
Next, I have three variables declared. I’m not clear on whether or not I need a ‘message body’, but I have a generic version of this set up. The other two variables hold the beginning and end of the URI.
I have a variable named ‘dateHeader’, which holds the data header.
Next, I attempt to create an HTTPClient, assign the URI with parameters to it, and then assign ‘application/json’ as the media type. I’m still not very clear on how this should be structured.
In the next step, the authorization is created, per the requirements of the API documentation, and then the result is returned.
public static string WebSiteAuthorization(Int32 deviceid, string fromDate, string toDate, string email, string password)
var messagebody = "messagebody"; // TODO: ??????????? Message body
var uriAddress = "GET/rawdata/exportRawDataFromAPI/?devid=";
var uriAddressSuffix = "HTTP/1.1";
//create a date header
DateTime dateHeader = DateTime.Today;
//create the HttpClient, and its BaseAddress
HttpClient ServiceHttpClient = new HttpClient();
ServiceHttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(uriAddress + deviceid.ToString() + " fromDate" + fromDate.ToString() + " toDate" + toDate.ToString() + uriAddressSuffix);
ServiceHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
//create the authorization string
string authorizationString = getMd5Hash(password);
authorizationString = authorizationString + ServiceHttpClient + dateHeader + messagebody;
authorizationString = email + getMd5Hash(authorizationString);
authorizationString = EncodeTo64(authorizationString);
return authorizationString;
I haven’t tested this on Azure yet. I haven't completed the code that gets the file. One thing I know I need to do is to determine the correct way to create an HttpRequestMessage and use HttpClient to send it. In the documentation that I've read, and the examples that I've looked at, the following code fragments appear to be possible approaches to this:
Var serverAddress =;
//Create the http client, and give it the ‘serverAddress’:
Using(var httpClient = new HttpClient()
{BaseAddress = new Uri(serverAddress)))
Var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage();
Var objectcontent = requestMessage.CreateContent(base64Message, MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse (“application/json”)
var formatters = new MediaTypeFormatter[] { new jsonMediaTypeFormatter() };
HttpRequestMessage<string> request = new HttpRequestMessage<string>
("something", HttpMethod.Post, new Uri(""), formatters);
request.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var response = httpClient.SendAsync(request);
Client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = "",
Method = HttpMethod.Post,
Content = new StringContent("ur message")
I'm not sure which approach to take with this part of the code.
Thank you for your help.
Read this step by step tutorial to understand the basic.

ASP.Net MVC: how to create a JsonResult based on raw Json Data

Having a string containing the following raw Json data (simplified for the sake of the question):
var MyString = "{ 'val': 'apple' }";
How can I create a JsonResult object representing MyString?
I tried to use the Json(object) method. but it handles the raw json data as an string -logically :P-. So the returned HTTP response looks like:
"{ 'val': 'apple' }"
instead of the given raw Json Data:
{ 'val': 'apple' }
this is what I want to achieve:
The Json() method on Controller is actually a helper method that creates a new JsonResult. If we look at the source code for this class*, we can see that it's not really doing that much -- just setting the content type to application/json, serializing your data object using a JavaScriptSerializer, and writing it the resulting string.. You can duplicate this behavior (minus the serialization, since you've already done that) by returning a ContentResult from your controller instead.
public ActionResult JsonData(int id) {
var jsonStringFromSomewhere = "{ 'val': 'apple' }";
// Content() creates a ContentResult just as Json() creates a JsonResult
return Content(jsonStringFromSomewhere, "application/json");
* Starting in MVC2, JsonResult also throws an exception if the user is making an HTTP GET request (as opposed to say a POST). Allowing users to retrieve JSON using an HTTP GET has security implications which you should be aware of before you permit this in your own app.
The way I have generated json data from a string is by using JavaScriptResult in the controller:
public JavaScriptResult jsonList( string jsonString)
jsonString = "var jsonobject = new Array(" + jsonString + ");";
return JavaScript(jsonString)
Then when you request pass the json string to that action in your controller, the result will be a file with javascript headers.
I think you can use the JavaScriptSerializer class for this
var js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
var jsonObject = js.Deserialize("{ 'val': 'apple' }", typeof(object));
