orbeon 2017.2 formbuilder: how to choose checkboxes - orbeon

In orbeon 2017.2, the bar with the "summary", "New", ..."Save" buttons hides two selection Controls in the formbuilder menu ( Radio Buttons with "Other" and Checkboxes, see the two screenshots).
What I have to do to choose for example "Checkboxes"?
Many thanks


Hints for each choice in dropdown menu

I would like to add a hint to each choice in dropdown menu. Is that possible?
Like in radio buttons, there are three fields: Label, Value, Hint. In dropdown menu there are only Label and Value.
You didn't overlook anything: this isn't possible out-of-the-box. If you need to provide hints for individual items, then I'd recommend you use checkboxes or radio buttons, as appropriate.

How do I filter a table using check list boxes and a button? (in Delphi 2010)

This is the form I am working with:
It shows a basic Delphi form with a DB Grid on top with a panel underneath. The panel below contains two CheckListBox's and one radiogroup. Each CheckListBox contains three check boxes and the radiogroup consists of two radio buttons. There is also a button on the right of the panel with the text "Filter" on it.
Question: How can I select the check boxes and one of the radio buttons and then click the button to make the table filter according to the selection?

How to populate dropdown & radio using Backbone View

I am playing with Jquery Mobile along with Backbone. Have some scenario to populate the dropdown(select) when one of the radio (option) is selected.
View and markup can be viewed from here [partial code][1]. I am able to populate the dropdown on radio button selection changed event.
Now I like to know how to set these values on page load for the radio and select. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Dynamic columns in Primefaces datatable

I want to create a dynamic datatable using Primefaces that reflects user's choice. The user can choose one of the two radio buttons and then the datatable will be shown to the user.
The only difference between two radio buttons is that choosing the second one the datatable will contain an additional column.
Is it possible to create such datatable, using Primefaces and JSF?
Easiest solution would be to set rendered attribute of column depending on radio button selected.
<h:column rendered="#{myBean.radioValue}">
radio button 1 -> myBean.radioValue=false
radio button 2 -> myBean.radioValue=true

Radio buttons in Hobo Rails

How can I use radio buttons in a form in Hobo Rails? I want a gender field with two options "Male" and "Female". If I use the default enum_string type it creates drop down select instead of radio buttons.
Hobo does not currently support radio buttons. You have to do them yourself.
There is a half complete tag defined in this post.
