In my app i'm using CallKit for incoming call. There is no outgoing call feature in the app. Everything is fine but when the receiver or dailer ends the call it shows the CallKit UI with call back option. I don't want to show callback option, how can I do it?
My code for ending the call
func end(call: SpeakerboxCall) {
let endCallAction = CXEndCallAction(call: call.uuid)
let transaction = CXTransaction()
requestTransaction(transaction, action: "endCall")
private func requestTransaction(_ transaction: CXTransaction, action:
String = "") {
callController.request(transaction) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error requesting transaction: \(error)")
} else {
print("Requested transaction \(action) successfully")
I have solved it. I was force quitting the CallKit where the transaction is not correctly completing.
AppDelegate.shared.providerDelegate?.provider.reportCall(with: call.uuid, endedAt: nil, reason: CXCallEndedReason.remoteEnded)
We need to set endedAt to nil and reason to remoteEnded
Close All Call (Swift4)
func performEndCallAction() {
for call in self.cxCallController.callObserver.calls {
let endCallAction = CXEndCallAction(call: call.uuid)
let transaction = CXTransaction(action: endCallAction)
cxCallController.request(transaction) { error in
if let error = error {
NSLog("EndCallAction transaction request failed: \(error.localizedDescription).")
NSLog("EndCallAction transaction request successful")
I'm working on a voip app now and want to support holding.
But when a second call comes and I hold my current call. Switching to my first call I hear no sound at all.
The way to hear it is to navigate from callKit native screen to my app and hence I can hear the voice.
func configureAudioSession() {
_ = try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord, mode: .videoChat, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.mixWithOthers)
_ = try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().overrideOutputAudioPort(AVAudioSession.PortOverride.none)
_ = try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setMode(AVAudioSession.Mode.voiceChat)
func startAudio() {
print("Starting audio")
do {
_ = try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
} catch {
func stopAudio() {
print("Stopping audio")
do {
_ = try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(false)
} catch {
For supporting holding, you dont have to start/stop audio session, instead you can use CXSetHeldCallAction provided by Callkit itself. Here, is the code for hold that i use.
let callKitCallController = CXCallController()
func performHoldAction(isOnHold:Bool, uuid:UUID) {
let holdCallAction = CXSetHeldCallAction(call: uuid, onHold: isOnHold)
let transaction = CXTransaction(action: holdCallAction)
callKitCallController.request(transaction) { error in
if let error = error {
CPrint("holdCallAction transaction request failed: \(error.localizedDescription).")
CPrint("holdCallAction transaction request successful")
Once system puts the call on hold(by above method OR due to other incoming call accepting or any other reason), then in CXProviderDelegate, the method func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXSetHeldCallAction) gives you the callback for the detail.
Here, system/callkit itself interacts with audio, you dont have to explicitly start or stop audio for holding.
Note: Make sure that you given supportsHolding to true for the CXCallUpdate that you gave for new call.
I want to write a test for function that interact with API. I ended up with:
class FileDownloaderTests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: timeouts
let regularTimeout: TimeInterval = 10
let largeTimeout: TimeInterval = 15
func testDownload() {
// URLS.firstFileUrl.rawValue
let downloader = FileDownloader(string: URLS.firstFileUrl.rawValue) {
}) { error in
print("error in test - \(error)")
waitForExpectations(timeout: largeTimeout, handler: nil)
So, it suppose to wait largeTimeout(15 seconds) for successCompletion closure, then test should be passed. But it ended up with an error:
*** Assertion failure in -[FileDownloaderTests.FileDownloaderTests waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler:], /Library/Caches/
/Users/Necrosoft/Documents/Programming/Work/Life-Pay/FileDownloader/FileDownloaderTests/FileDownloaderTests.swift:28: error: -[FileDownloaderTests.FileDownloaderTests testDownload] : failed: caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException", "API violation - call made to wait without any expectations having been set."
You need to fulfill the expectation to tell the expectation that it can stop waiting/the process has finished
func testDownload() {
// URLS.firstFileUrl.rawValue
let downloader = FileDownloader(string: URLS.firstFileUrl.rawValue) {
}) { error in
print("error in test - \(error)")
waitForExpectations(timeout: largeTimeout, handler: nil)
Note: it is generally not a good idea to run automated tests against a live API. You should either use a stubbed response to just test that your handling of the code is correct or at least test against a test/staging API.
EDIT: you have two completion handlers so I called fulfill in each
use below example to create your own test
func testLogin() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "DeviceID register with URL")
NetworkAPI.shared.loginRequest(username: "zdravko.zdravkin", password: "password") { authenticated in
switch authenticated {
case true:
XCTAssertTrue(true, "authenticated")
case false:
XCTFail("wrong username, password or deviceID")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 10.0)
I'm having a little confusion in regards to showing my UI when opening the app from an incoming background video call. I am successfully causing iOS to summon the default "incoming video call" interface when the app is in the background, but after the call is answered, my app isn't being woken up properly?
When I receive the call push, I setup a CXProvider and notify CallKit of an incoming call:
func handleIncomingCallFromBackground() {
//These properties are parsed from the push payload before this method is triggered
guard let callingUser = callingUser, roomName != nil else {
print("Unexpected nil caller and roomname (background)")
let callHandleTitle = "\(callingUser.first_name) \(callingUser.surname)"
let configuration = CXProviderConfiguration.default
let callKitProvider = CXProvider(configuration: configuration)
callKitProvider.setDelegate(self, queue: nil)
let callHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: callHandleTitle)
self.callHandle = callHandle
let callUpdate = CXCallUpdate.default
callUpdate.remoteHandle = callHandle
let callUUID = UUID()
self.callUUID = callUUID
callKitProvider.reportNewIncomingCall(with: callUUID, update: callUpdate) { error in
if error != nil {
I respond to the answer call delegate method for the CXProvider, in which I get an access token for the video call from the server, send a response to the server to alert the caller that we've accepted the call, and perform a segue to our own video call controller (that's all jobsVC.showVideoCallVC() does) which handles connecting the call through a Twilio room etc. Code below.
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXAnswerCallAction) {
guard let customer = callingUser, let callHandle = self.callHandle, let uuid = callUUID, let roomName = roomName else {
self.twilioAPI = TwilioAPI()
self.twilioAPI!.accessToken(room: roomName) { (success, accessToken) in
switch success{
case true:
guard let token = accessToken else {
let customerID = customer.userID .now() , execute: {
self.twilioAPI!.postResponse(customerID: customerID, status: 1) { (success) in
if let success = success, !success {
guard let jobsVC = P_ChildHomeJobsVC.instance else {
print("Jobs VC unexpectedly nil")
//All this method does is perform a segue, the parameters are stored for later.
jobsVC.showVideoCallVC(callingUser: customer, callHandle: callHandle, callKitProvider: provider, callUUID: uuid, twilioAccessToken: token, roomName: roomName)
Depending on whether or not the device is locked, I get differing behaviour:
If the device is locked, upon hitting my app icon to open the app, I get the latest app screenshot show up with a green bar at the top instead of the UI.
If the device is unlocked, upon hitting my app icon to open the app nothing happens at all - it stays on the iOS interface.
According to my logs, the segue is actually being performed correctly and the inner workings of the video call controller are even being fired, but shortly after I get the applicationWillResignActive: delegate call and everything stops.
What's odd (or maybe not) is that if the device is locked whilst the app is still in the foreground, everything works as expected: the app is correctly woken up and the updated UI is shown. I noticed that I still get the applicationWillResignActive: call, but immediately get applicationDidBecomeActive: after that.
Does anyone have any suggestions or hints as to what I might be doing wrong?
I'm using PromiseKit and Moya to send a long polling request in the method bellow:
func pullMessages() {
let service = ChatServices()
let request = service.pullMessages()
self.request = request
request.promise.then { [weak self] status -> Void in
// If chat successfully established with the agent
// navigate to chat screen or else try again. And if failure then show error message
guard let `self` = self else { return }
switch status {
case .waiting:
case .messages(let messages):
for message: String in messages {
self.addMessage(text: message, sender: self.agentSender())
case .chatEnded(let reason):
if reason == .agent {
self.endChat(with: "Agent ended chat session")
case .failure:
self.endChat(with: "Session lost")
}.catch { error in
// Show error
self.endChat(with: "Session lost")
And I'm using self.request to cancel the request once I'm leaving the view in viewWillDisapear.
But after I leave the view, and a new message arrives. the "cancelled" request returns the message. Any ideas why this is happening?
I have gone through the iOS CallKit documentation, the below is the code provided by Apple under the section 'Making Outgoing Calls'. When I try and call the function startOutGoingCall() nothing happens i.e. I don't see any outgoing call UI.
Could someone please suggest me how I could trigger a native outgoing call UI.
func startOutGoingCall(){
let uuid = UUID()
let handle = CXHandle(type: .emailAddress, value: "")
let startCallAction = CXStartCallAction(call: uuid)
startCallAction.destination = handle
let transaction = CXTransaction(action: startCallAction)
callController.request(transaction) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error requesting transaction: \(error)")
} else {
print("Requested transaction successfully")
Added the delegate method from my code
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXStartCallAction) {
logMessage(messageText: "provider:performStartCallAction:")
* Configure the audio session, but do not start call audio here, since it must be done once
* the audio session has been activated by the system after having its priority elevated.
callKitProvider.reportOutgoingCall(with: action.callUUID, startedConnectingAt: nil)
performRoomConnect(uuid: action.callUUID, roomName: action.handle.value) { (success) in
if (success) {
provider.reportOutgoingCall(with: action.callUUID, connectedAt: Date())
} else {
There is no outgoing UI you get from CallKit. When you make an outgoing call, your app is open, and therefore, it is your app that should show the UI.