Deallocate view controllers in navigation controller that have a reference to self - ios

Say I have view controllers A, B, C, D & E all embedded in a navigation controller. In view controller B, I have a custom UIImageView object. In C, I have a custom UITextfield object. Both custom classes have a reference to the view controller for various reasons such as I have to perform things like segue when a user taps the image view. To accomplish this, I have this inside each custom class file:
var controller: UIViewController?
And then inside each view controller, inside viewDidLoad I set that variable to self and everything works as expected (segues on tap etc..)
I have an unwind segue from E back to A. However, I noticed that due to these custom objects in view controllers B & C, both were not being deallocated due to a retain cycle caused by having this reference to the view controller. I fixed the issue by setting the controller variable to nil upon segue, however this creates a problem such that if the user goes back (pops the current view controller), because I set the controller variable to nil upon segue, nothing works (it wont segue again because controller var = nil). I thought I might fix this by adding viewWillAppear code as follows:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
usernameTextField.controller = self
passwordTextField.controller = self
Because I read that viewWillAppear will be called each time the viewcontroller comes into view. This did not fix the problem.
Any ideas on how to go about this? How can I set the controllers to nil during the unwind maybe...?

As the other answers have said you need to make it a weak reference like this:
weak var controller: UIViewControler?
However I would go further and say that you should not be keeping a reference to to a UIViewController inside any UIView based object (UIImageView, UITextField, etc). The UIViews should not need to know anything about their UIViewControllers.
Instead you should be using a delegation pattern. This is a basic example:
1) Create a protocol for the custom UIImageField like this:
protocol MyImageFieldProtocol: class {
func imageTapped()
2) Then add a delegate like this:
weak var delegate: MyImageFieldProtocol?
3) Your UIViewController then conforms to the protocol like this:
class MyViewController: UIViewController, MyImageFieldProtocol {
4) Somewhere inside the view controller (viewDidLoad is usually a good place you assign the view controller to the image views delegate like this:
func viewDidLoad {
myImageView.delegate = self
5) Then add the function to respond to the protocol action to the view controller like this:
func imageTapped {
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "MySegue", sender: nil)

var controller: UIViewController? should be a weak reference. Like this:
weak var controller: UIViewController?
To know more about that read about Resolving Strong Reference Cycles Between Class Instances in Swift's documentation.

You should use weak references when you keep some ViewControllers
weak var controller: UIviewControler?
You should check everything link to retain cycle, and referencing in swift :
I had similar issues, I advice you to look at those link : How can I manage and free memory through ViewControllers


How to prevent timer reset using pushViewController method?

I'm trying to keep a timer running even if I switch view controllers. I played around with the Singleton architecture, but I don't quite get it. Pushing a new view controller seems a little easier, but when I call the below method, the view controller that is pushed is blank (doesn't look like the view controller that I created in Storyboards). The timer view controller that I'm trying to push is also the second view controller, if that changes anything.
#objc func timerPressed() {
let timerVC = TimerViewController()
navigationController?.pushViewController(timerVC, animated: true)
You need to load it from storyboard
let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "VCName") as! TimerViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(timerVC, animated: true)
Not sure if your problem is that your controller is blank or that the timer resets. Anyway, in case that you want to keep the time in the memory and not deallocate upon navigating somewhere else I recommend you this.
Create some kind of Constants class which will have a shared param inside.
It could look like this:
class AppConstants {
static let shared = AppConstants()
var timer: Timer?
And do whatever you were doing with the timer here accessing it via the shared param.
AppConstants.shared.timer ...
There are different parts to your question. Sh_Khan told you what was wrong with the way you were loading your view controller (simply invoking a view controller’s init method does not load it’s view hierarchy. Typically you will define your view controller’s views in a storyboard, so you need to instantiate it from that storyboard.)
That doesn’t answer the question of how to manage a timer however. A singleton is a good way to go if you want your timer to be global instead of being tied to a particular view controller.
Post the code that you used to create your singleton and we can help you with that.
Edit: Updated to give the TimeManager a delegate:
The idea is pretty simple. Something like this:
protocol TimeManagerDelegate {
func timerDidFire()
class TimerManager {
static let sharedTimerManager = TimerManager()
weak var delegate: TimeManagerDelegate?
//methods/vars to manage a shared timer.
func handleTimer(timer: Timer) {
//Put your housekeeping code to manage the timer here
//Now tell our delegate (if any) that the timer has updated.
//Note the "optional chaining" syntax with the `?`. That means that
//If `delegate` == nil, it doesn't do anything.
delegate?.timerDidFire() //Send a message to the delegate, if there is one.
And then in your view controller:
//Declare that the view controller conforms to the TimeManagerDelegate protocol
class SomeViewController: UIViewController, TimeManagerDelegate {
//This is the function that gets called on the current delegate
func timerDidFire() {
//Update my clock label (or whatever I need to do in response to a timer update.)
override func viewWillAppear() {
//Since this view controller is appearing, make it the TimeManager's delegate.
sharedTimerManager.delegate = self

Disable buttons of 1 view controller in another view controller

I am having a problem when trying to disable button's user interaction of 1 view controller in another view controller.
I have searched similar questions here, but some seems outdated or does not work for me:
How to access an IBOutlet from another class.
My scenario is as follows:
class ViewControllerA() {
#IBOutlet weak var btnFirst: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var btnSecond: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var btnThird: UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
var vcB = ViewControllerB()
vcB.closure = {
// Meet some condition, want to disable buttons of ViewControllerA here
class ViewControllerB() {
var closure: () -> Void = {}
// Do something with closure here
My problem is that i set the breakpoint in the closure and try to use directly IBOulet in closure to disable buttons like:
btnFirst.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
Or try to set a property of ViewControllerA in closure of ViewControllerB and use property observer, whenever this property changes, enable or disable buttons of ViewControllerA.
My problem is that, i can still click the buttons as if it's enable. Sorry, i cannot post the code, please help me!
You can post notification from second view controller and add observer for that particular posted notification in first view controller.
In that observer method, you can do your stuff like disabling user interaction for first view controllers' button.
Since you did not post any relevant code, I can only guess what might have happened:
I assume that you are not accessing the btnFirst of the correct viewcontroller. In ViewControllerA.viewDidLoad you are creating an new Instance of ViewControllerB and set the closure. Are you also showing exactly this view controller's view? Or how will the user navigate to B? If you are using storyboard segues, those will create a new B instances and show its view. Now when you execute the closure in A, this will disable the button of the first B, not of the B that is displayed.
But this is still just a guess...

Detect that from which Page I come to the current Page

I want to know how to do this:
I have 3 view controllers and the first and second view controller are connected to the third one !
I want to know how can I write a code that detect from which one I came to this view controller
I have searched here for my answer But all of the similar questions asked about navigation !!!
The Important thing is that I don't have navigation in my app!!
I don't know if my answer will help you in your specific case, but here is the implementation I see from what you are asking. Maybe it will inspire you.
So imagine your are in your homePage or whatever viewController and you want to navigate throw other, but you want to know from which viewController you came from.
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:segue_VC1]) {
CustomViewController1* destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController;
destinationVC.fromSegue = #"I AM VC 1";
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:segue_VC2]) {
CustomViewController2* destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController;
destinationVC.fromSegue = #"I AM VC 2";
The more important thing you have to know is that you can access attribute from the destination view controller you will access with your segue.
I know this is in Obj C, but the implementation is still the same.
So that when you navigate from a ViewController to an other one, you can set the attribute of the destinationViewController.
Then when you are in the view controller you wanted to navigate you can check :
if ([_fromSegue isEqualToString: "I AM VC 1"])
// do specific stuff when you come from VC 1
else if ([_fromSegue isEqualToString: "I AM VC 2"])
// do specific stuff when you come from VC 2
// other case
There are many ways to do that like simply passing a view controller as a property to the new instance. But in your case it might make more sense to create a static variable which holds the stack of the view controllers the same way the navigation controller does that.
If you are doing this only between the UIViewController subclasses I suggest you to create another subclass of it form which all other view controllers inherit. Let us call it TrackedViewController.
class TrackedViewController : UIViewController {
static var currentViewController: TrackedViewController?
static var previousViewController: TrackedViewController?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
TrackedViewController.previousViewController = TrackedViewController.currentViewController
TrackedViewController.currentViewController = self
Now you need to change all the view controllers you want to track so that they all inherit from TrackedViewController as class MyViewController : TrackedViewController {. And that is pretty much it. Now at any point anywhere in your project you can find your current view controller via TrackedViewController.currentViewController and the previous view controller via TrackedViewController.previousViewController. So you can say something like:
if let myController = TrackedViewController.previousViewController as? MyViewController {
// Code here if the screen was reached from MyViewController instance
Now the way I did it was through the instance of the view controller which may have some side effects.
The biggest problem you may have is that the previous controller is being retained along with the current view controller. That means you may have 2 controllers in memory you do not need.
If you go from controller A to B to C and back to B then the previous view controller is C, not A. This might be desired result or not.
The system will ignore all other view controllers. So if you use one that is not a subclass of TrackedViewController the call will be ignored: A to B to UITableViewController to C will report that the C was presented by B even though there was another screen in between. Again this might be expected result.
So if the point 2 and 3 are good to you then you should only decide weather to fix the point 1. You may use weak to remove the retaining on the two properties but then you lose the information of the previous view controller if the controller is deallocated. So another choice is to use some identifiers:
class TrackedViewController : UIViewController {
static var currentViewControllerID: String?
static var previousViewControllerID: String?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
TrackedViewController.previousViewControllerID = TrackedViewController.currentViewControllerID
TrackedViewController.currentViewControllerID = self.screenIdentifier
var screenIdentifier: String {
return "Default Screen" // TODO: every view controller must override this method and have unique identifier
Also you may replace strings with some enumeration or something. Combining them with some associated values could then create quite a powerful tool.

Present subclassed view controller from another view controller in Swift

I have some problems to use subclasses in Swift, hope someone can help me.
What I have
Two view controllers:
VC1 with just some UIButtons
EffectVC that do some animation depending on the button pressed on VC1
import UIKit
protocol viewAnimation {
func initialStateSet()
func finalStateSet()
class EffectVC: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var mainImage: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
func initialStateSet() {
func finalStateSet() {
class GrowingEffect : EffectVC, viewAnimation {
override func initialStateSet() {
// some stuff
override func finalStateSet() {
// other stuff
The problem
Maybe a simple question but I can't do what I want in Swift: I need to set a subclass according to the button that is pressed.
In other words I need to present subclassed view controller from my VC1 according to which button is pressed on VC1.
If I press the first button for example I want to show the VC 2 with the class GrowingEffect for use some custom stuff (this stuff must change according to the selected button).
What I tried
use IBAction for create my subclassed VC2 and show it
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let destinationViewController : UIViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("EffectVC") as! GrowingEffect
self.presentViewController(destinationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
but I got
Could not cast value of type 'ViewAnimationDemo.EffectVC'
(0x109948570) to 'ViewAnimationDemo.GrowingEffect' (0x109948650).
use PrepareForSegue
but I can't set any subclass
What I really want to do
I know there are some other solution, like not using storyboard, but now I describe exactly what I want to do, hoping this is possibile:
have only one view controller in IB (EffectVC) associate with the class EffectVC. The class EffectVC has some subclasses like GrowingEffect.
In my code I want to instantiate the view controller EffectVC with the subclass that I need: for example instantiate the view controller in IB EffectVC with the class GrowingEffect.
I know that if I have one view controller for every subclass of EffectVC I can do what I want but I don't want so many view controller in IB because they are equal, the only things that I want to change are 2 methods.
I think there are some things mixed up in your setup. You should have 2 view controllers, each set up in its file, and each present in the storyboard with its identifier. It is ok if GrowingEffect inherits from EffectVC.
What you currently do with as! GrowingEffect is actually trying to cast the UIViewController instance you get from calling instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("EffectVC") to GrowingEffect. This will not work, because it is of type EffectVC.
Rather, you need to call instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("EffectVC") if button X is pressed, and instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("GrowingEffect") if button Y is pressed.
If you use storyboard, you have to instantiate view controllers using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier. But you can only get an instance of GrowingEffect, if it is present on the storyboard.
It is not possible to "cast" an instance of EffectVC to GrowingEffect once created.
So, you have two possibilities here:
Use storyboard and put both view controllers on it. Use instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier to instantiate the view controller you need, depending on the button pressed.
Do not use storyboard. Then you can create the needed view controller manually and use your UINavigationController's pushViewController method to present it.
You can't cast from parent class to child class, parent class just doesn't have the capacity to know what the child is doing. You can however cast from a child to parent, so you would want to set your view controller as GrowingEffect, then cast it to Effect, but again there is no strong suit to doing this either unless some method needs the parent class and you are using the child class. It looks like you need a redesign of how you want your view controllers laid out. Now I am assuming you have 2 children, lets call GrowingEffect and ShrinkingEffect. In your designer, you set your 1 to GrowingEffect and the other to ShrinkingEffect and make sure they have unique identifiers. Then you can use your view to present an Effect, and pass in either of those objects.

Accessing extensionContext from a presented view controller

I've tried creating a custom view controller for a share extension.
A confusing situation happens when I present another view controller on top of the initial view controller that was set on the MainInterface.storyboard. This presented view controller is embedded in a navigation controller (it's the root view controller of it).
I did a check on the presentingViewController
(lldb) po [self presentingViewController]
<_UIViewServiceViewControllerOperator: 0x7a978000>
(lldb) po [[self presentingViewController] extensionContext]
So, the extension context is nil at this point. I could access the extensionContext by passing it around from the presentingViewController to the presentedViewController.
But, I found this behavior is a bit strange. Is the app extension designed to only be accessed from one level of view controller hierarchy?
If you're going to use more than a single view controller in your extension storyboard, you'll have to pass a reference to the extensionContext of the original view controller to the view controller that will ultimately be responsible for completing the extension's request. In the initial view controller:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let destination = segue.destinationViewController as! FinalViewController
destination.originalExtensionContext = self.extensionContext
And in your final view controller:
#IBAction func dismissController(sender: UIButton!) {
dismissViewControllerAnimated(true) { () -> Void in
self.originalExtensionContext.completeRequestReturningItems(self.originalExtensionContext.inputItems, completionHandler: nil)
Note that you have to create a uniquely named property for the original extension context, since extensionContext already exists as a property name on the superclass UIViewController. You can't pass the existing extensionContext to the UIViewController's property extensionContext as it is a read-only attribute.
The view controller being presented by a view controller should have no problem using the parent's extension. Taking a look at the documentation:
The view controller can check this property to see if it participates in an extension request. If no extension context is set for the current view controller, the system walks up the view controller hierarchy to find a parent view controller that has a non nil extensionContext value.
Therefore, if you can be certain of the fact that your root view controller does indeed have an extensionContext, any view controller presented by this view controller should have access to it, simply through it's own extensionContext property.
Note: If this is not the behaviour you a re observing, this may be a bug with the SDK, and I would recommend filing a radar.
While it's not the best approach for clean code and architecture, it's quite handy:
In root extension controller where extensionContext exists:
final class ShareRootViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSExtensionContext.shared = self.extensionContext
extension NSExtensionContext {
fileprivate(set) static var shared: NSExtensionContext!
In any other view controller:
let context = NSExtensionContext.shared
