where can i find vala binding for libgimp? - vala

Where can I find vala binding for libgimp?
Or, can someone point me to clear (complete) instructions to get it from gimp source code? The instructions at https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/Bindings are really too light for me.

There are no Vala bindings for GIMP at this time.
GIMP has had it "cross-process", "cross-language" procedure calling for long before gobject introspection (GIR) was in place, and that is exposed as the Procedural Database (PDB), which can be browsed at GIMP's help menu.
However, these PDB calls have never been re-written to take advantage of GIR, and can not be accessed in this way. There have been over the years several language bindings for GIMP using the PDB, all of it but for Python's and Script-fu had fallen unmaintained over the years. GIMP-Perl was long lived, and used to even be packaged in some Linux distributions. Other than that, there have been at least experimental bindings for Java and Ruby.
On the other hand, all image and pixel manipulation being made in current GIMP (the 2.9 development branch, soon to become GIMP 2.10) is made through GEGL (Generic Graphics Library). GEGL is a modern gobject library that can be used with gobject introspection bindings, and will work from Vala using the instructions on the page you linked in the question.


calling C from epicenter

My world is computational statistics and I thought I would try out forio-epicenter for creating applications. Clearly I am able to call Python functions from forio-epicenter. However, am I able to call a Python function that calls a C function?
That is possible, though it may be mildly tricky. You'll have to compile the C code to a shared library, and it'll have to be compiled for 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu, though that shouldn't really matter too much). That shared library will have to be uploaded to your model directory in Forio Epicenter.
For wrapping the C library, there are three possibilities, more or less. SWIG doesn't require any support from Forio to be usable, you'll build the Python wrapper off-line and upload it to your model directory. Cython or CFFI can both be supported, though as of this writing they aren't. If you're interested, let us know, and support can quickly be added for either of those solutions (and it is planned to do both eventually anyway).
Disclaimer: I currently work at Forio

Java2dart, how use it

I have downloaded the sources, then... I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I think that we have to compile these, but I'm not really familiar with java.
Do you have a complete example for use it ?
The java2dart tool was written for Google's own use, to help convert many of the tools from Java into Dart. Is was not intended to support conversion of all Java apps; just what was required to get things like the IDE tools (Analyzer, etc.) into Dart.
As such, there's not a huge amount of info on what it can/can't do or the best way to use it. It is written in Java, and there doesn't appear to be a pre-built binary; so it would almost certainly involve compiling the Java yourself. Unfortunately I have almost zero experience with Java (or fortunately, depending on your point of view :))
You can find a little info on this in the Dart Google Group here:
I wonder whether anyone has tried running java2dart on java2dart to get a nice Dart version? :) Or even then running it through dart2js to get a JavaScript version! ;)

Java: How to open a library?

I want to open libraries, because currently I want to see the algorithms used for drawing, modify them and implement them in my program. For example: I have tried to create an algorithm on my own for lines. But I failed. And even if I had succeeded, I fear that it might not give the same result as the algorithm in the libraries. And I don't want this to happen. That's why I want to copy the algorithms used for the methods in libraries. And I really hope that this will help me create the application I'm currently working on and with other applications in the future.
I tried to open the libraries with a code editor. But I had troubles finding the libraries- I don't really know where are they placed nor in what files are their codes stored.
How to open a Java library? Or is there a place in the Internet where the code is uploaded?
It sounds like what you want is to get inside the standard Java libraries (so you can see the code for methods like Graphics.drawLine()).
You can download the source files from the same place you got the JDK, if you are on Windows or Linux. For the Mac, see this question. You can even set up Eclipse so that you can debug into that source as if it were your own code.
However, you will probably not find line-drawing code in Java in these libraries - the Graphics implementation will almost certainly use native methods, and may just call existing methods in the OS.
If you are specifically looking for line drawing algorithms, another option would be to look at the Wikipedia page for the Bresenham (aliased) or Wu (antialiased) algorithm.
The part of a Graphics2D call that actually puts pixels on the screen is probably inside a system call and therefore the source would not be available.
A java vector graphics library like Batik might have source for some of these algorithms, but probably relies on the Graphics2D calls for most of them. So, you might look for a comprehensive vector graphics library written in a language other than Java, where those graphics calls do not already exist by default.
Alternately, checking the table of contents for a computer graphics book might point you at a variety of algorithms that you could look up on Wikipedia.
For any given library:
Make sure to obey all licenses when using another's code
If you are referring to the Java SDK source code, you can find it here: http://grepcode.com/
If the project is open source, you can usually just get the source from the project website. No problem, though make sure to obey their license.
If the project is NOT open source, well, then you're in a pickle licensing wise, so I do NOT endorse this, however, you would need to use a Java Decompiler such as JD-Gui
As far as what drawing algorithms to use, there are so many different ones (obviously, people have been trying to draw quickly for many many years), your best bet is to figure out exactly what you need to do and then search for that specific need separately. There isn't really a good repository of ALL of them, except maybe wikipedia.
If you are using the libraries they are on your classpath. Check out how to figure out your classpath in whichever IDE you are using and you can find the JARs you depend on. If they are packaged with sources all you need to do it unjar them and look at the sources.
If you don't have access to the sources you can get the code using a Java Decompiler.
If you are trying to look at a standard Java library, see the other answers about getting the source to the JDK.
If you are interested in an open source library (such as something maintained by the Apache project), look on the site of the project for a 'source jar' which you can open with a standard zip utility.
If the library you want is not open source or you cannot find the source for it, you can try to decompile it. If you are using Eclipse, try this decompiler.

Signal Processing Algorithm Psola or Wsola in Delphi

I'm trying a long-time to find algorithm PSOLA (Pitch Synchronous Overlap Add) or WSOLA (Waveform Similarity Overlap Add) which are Acoustic or Signal Processing Algorithms.
I found it in c++, but I have no experience in c++ and is difficult to pass it to Pascal. Anyone have this code in Pascal or know where to find it to copy?
Something like this example that is in c++
Try the SoundTouch DLL, it comes with a Delphi import unit, so you can use the DLL directly. It should not be too hard to compile it. Just download the free VC++ Express from the MS download site and compile it with that or ask someone with VC++ to compile it for you.
FWIW, who knows, with a few modifications, it might also compile with C++Builder.
About one decade ago, I've used praat in FSeqEdit (Delphi program) to do these type of calculations, but I think the same approach would still work fine today.
I wrote some praat-scripts and execute them via praatcons.exe (console version of praat). You can download the console version from this page:
That works pretty good.
I usually take this approach:
I manually check what type of conversions and calculations need to be done via the GUI version of praat. Once I find what I need, I create a script for it, and run that with the console version.
Praat is very powerful, so if you didn't know about it yet, make sure to check it out.
There's a page that shows how to work with PSOLA resynthesis here:
Let me know if you want to see some example code on how to integrate it into your Delphi application (it's pretty straightforward actually).

Starting Lua, what to use?

I'm trying to learn Lua, but I don't really know which binary to download. There's 2 choices:
Lua Binaries
Lua for Windows
The second option Lua for Windows seems to be the recommended option, but the installer weighs in at 26.6Mb, which is pretty hefty for what is supposed to be a v.lightweight language.
I'm thinking of using Lua as a scripting language for games, and perhaps as a fast development language for file processing like how Python or Ruby does it. So it must be something lightweight, not a 26.6Mb file.
Which is the appropriate one to download and start?
Luaforwindows, no doubt. It's simpler, easier and faster.
The installer comes with lots of stuff (Scite editor & several extra libs if I remember well). But the installer asks you before installing all those extra stuff. Just install the minimum and you will be fine.
Lua for Windows includes a handful of other, useful libraries and tools. The actual Lua executable included is still tiny, in the 1-2MB range as expected.
Having the extras there already will only make things easier, and disk space is cheap: go with Lua for Windows.
You may also want to check ZeroBrane Studio, which is only 4M download on Windows and is based on the same editor as SciTE that comes with Lua for Windows. ZBS also comes with 50+ Lua examples and few simple lessons to get started quickly with Lua programming.
Quoting from here.
The LuaBinaries files are intended for advanced users and programmers who want to incorporate Lua in their applications or distributions and would like to keep compatibility with LuaBinaries, so they also will be compatible with many other modules available on the Internet.
If what you want is a full Lua installation, please check other projects such as the Lua for Windows and LuaRocks.
Seems quite clear to me that you should download Lua for Windows.
