What's the benefits of docker with Jenkins Pipelines? - docker

I'm new to Jenkins/Docker. So far I've found lots of Jenkins official Documents recommended to be used with Docker. But the necessity and advantages of running Jenkins as a docker container remain vague to me. In my case, it's a node/react app and environment required is not complicated.
Disadvantages I've found running Jenkins as a Docker container:
High usage of hard drive
Directory path in docker container is more complicated to deal with, esp when working with ssh in pipeline scripts
Without docker, I can easily achieve the same and there's also blueocean plugin available.
So, what's the main benefits of Docker with Jenkins/Jenkins Pipeline? Are there pitfalls for my node application using Jenkins without Docker? Articles to help me dive into are also appreciated.

Jenkins as Code
The main advantages of Jenkins in Docker is that it helps you to get: Jenkins as Code
Advantages of Jenkins as code are:
SCM: Code can be in put under version control
History is transparant, backup and roll-back becomes easy.
The code is the documentation of your Jenkins setup.
Jenkins becomes portable, so you can run Jenkins locally to try new plugins etc.
Jenkins pipelines work really well with Docker. As #Ivthillo mentioned: there is no need to install additional tools, you just use images of these tool. Jenkins will download them from internet for you (Docker Hub).
For each stage in the pipeline you can use a different image (i.e. tool). Essentially you get "micro Jenkins agents" which only exists temporary. This makes your Jenkins setup much more clean.
Disadvantage is:
Jenkins initial (Groovy) configuration is poorly documented on the web.
Simple Node setup
Most arguments also holds for a simple Node setup.
Change the node version or run multiple job each with a different Node version becomes easy.
Add your Jenkinsfile inside the Node repo. So everyone with a Jenkins+Docker setup can run your CI/CD.
And finaly: gather knowledge on running your app inside a container will enable your to run your production app in Docker in the future.
Getting started
A while ago I have written an small blog on how to get started with Jenkins and Docker, i.e. create a Jenkins image for development which you can launch and destroy in seconds.


Does Jenkins (not Jenkins X) have gitops support?

I am trying to setup Kubernetes for my company. I have looked a good amount into Jenkins X and, while I really like the roadmap, I have come the realization that it is likely not mature enough for my company to use at this time. (UI in preview, flaky command line, random IP address needs and poor windows support are a few of the issues that have lead me to that conclusion.)
But I understand that the normal Jenkins is very mature and can run on Kubernetes. I also understand that it can have dynamically created build agents run in the cluster.
But I am not sure about gitops support. When I try to google it (gitops jenkins) I get a bunch of information that includes Jenkins X.
Is there an easy(ish) way for normal Jenkins to use GitOps? If so, how?
By GitOps, I mean something similar to what Jenkins X supports. (Meaning changes to the cluster stored in a Git repository. And merging causes a deployment.)
I mean something similar to what Jenkins X supports. (Meaning changes to the cluster stored in a Git repository. And merging causes a deployment.)
Yes, this is the what Jenkins (or other CICD tools) do. You can declare a deployment pipeline in a Jenkinsfile that is triggered on merge (commit to master) and have other steps for other branches (if you want).
I recommend to deploy with kubectl using kustomize and store the config files in your Git repository. You parameterize different environments e.g. staging and production with overlays. You may e.g. deploy with only 2 replicas in staging but with 6 replicas and more memory resources in production.
Using Jenkins for this, I would create a docker agent image with kubectl, so your steps can use the kubectl command line tool.
Jenkins on Kubernetes
But I understand that the normal Jenkins is very mature and can run on Kubernetes. I also understand that it can have dynamically created build agents run in the cluster.
I have not had the best experience with this. It may work - or it may not work so well. I currently host Jenkins outside the Kubernetes cluster. I think that Jenkins X together with Tekton may be an upcoming promising solution for this, but I have not tried that setup.

Jenkins pipeline using docker on existing slaves

We have the following jenkins setup:
Jenkins master
Jenkins Slave1
Jenkins Slave2
Jenkins Slave3
Those are all virtual machines and the slaves do always exist. They don't spawn automatically up and down.
Now we have builds which needs a lot of tools (maven, python, aws cli, ...). We can install every tool on every slave and everything will work fine.
But we want to build a docker approach.
Nearly all the tutorials I've seen are using slaves in Docker. They use some orchestration tool like Kubernetes and are creating slaves in Docker, do their stuff and delete the pod again.
We don't have the possibility to do this:
Question: Is it a decent approach to use an 'old' Jenkins setup with
real VM slaves on which we use docker?
What I'm thinking about is writing a pipeline and in each stage we use a docker container:
start build (it will choose a slave, e.g. Slave1)
pipeline will start
stage1: spin up e.g. a python container: git clone and execute python commands. mount volume to workspace??
stage2: sping up e.g. aws container and mount the content of the workspace and execute new commands etc.
Can someone evaluate this approach?
This is a very good approach. In fact the way to do that is documented under jenkins docs under Using multiple containers section.
In each stage you basically spin up a container with the necessary tools available and you can use a volume to presist output from the stage into the workspace so that other
stages can use it.

Continuous Deployment using Jenkins and Docker

We are building a java based high-availability service for a financial application. I am part of the team for managing continuous integration using Jenkins.
Lately we introduced continuous deployment too in the list and we opted for Docker containers.
Here is the the infrastructure:
The production cluster will have 3 RHEL machines running the following docker containers on each of them:
3 instances of Wildfly
Application IDE is Netbeans and source code is in git.
Currently we are doing manual deployment on this infrastructure.
Please suggest me some tools which I use with Jenkins to complete the continuous deployment process.
You might want jenkins to trigger on each push to your jenkins repository. There are plugins that help you do that with a webhook.Gitlab-plugin is a solution similar solution exist for Github and other git solutions.
Instead of heavily relying on bash and jenkins configuration you might want to setup a jenkins pipeline with the jenkins pipeline plugin or even pipeline: multibranch plugin. With those you can automate your build in groovy code (jenkinsfile) in a repository with the possibility to add functunality with other plugins building on them.
You can then use the docker pipeline plugin to easily build docker containers, push docker images and run code inside docker containers.
I would suggest building your services inside docker so that your jenkins machine does not have all the different dependencies installed (and therefore maybe conflicting versions). Use docker containers with all the dependencies and run your build code in there with the docker pipeline plugin from groovy.
Install a registry solution to push and pull your docker images to.
Use the Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries to extract libraries from your jenkinsfiles so that they can be reused. Those library files should have their own repository which your jenkins knows about and keeps up to date. Possibly you can even have an entire pipeline process shared between multiple projects which simply add parameters in their jenkinsfile.
A lot of text and no examples. If you think something is interesting and you want to see some code just ask. I am currently setting all this up.

Is it possible to integrate SonarQube, Jenkins and GitLab (all in dockers)?

Currently, I am working in a quality process so as to ensure that the code is acceptable. For that, I'm integrating Jenkins, SonarQube and GitLab, which are running in different servers (actually they are in different docker containers).
The idea is to check with SonarQube everytime the code is pushed against GitLab and block commits, merges, and so on, whether SonarQube has not passed.
I have already integrated Jenkins with SonarQube, but Jenkins checks the code inside his workspace, so imagine a situation where a developer in his laptop needs to push his changes.
My conceptual question is simple: Is it possible to integrate these technologies in order to do this? And, if the question is yes, which steps are necessary?
PD: I don't need to see code, configuration files,and so on. I just need something like:
Configure SonarQube to work with Jenkins
Do an script so as to copy that file in that folder,
First, in docker means each tool is in its own container.
They only need to see each other through the network, which is where a Docker Engine in Swarm mode comes in.
Second "configure Jenkins to work with SonarQube"... that is what I have done in my shop, and there isn't much to it.
Once the Jenkins SonarQube plugin is installed, and the address for the SonarQube server entered, you can configure your job and call sonar (for instance with maven: $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL -Dsonar.host.url=$SONAR_HOST_URL)
The analysis done in the Jenkins workspace will then be published in the SonarQube server.
A swarm server is the more modern version of this 2015 docker-compose.yml file from the marcelbirkner/docker-ci-tool-stack project.
The idea remains the same though: each element is isolated in its own container.
I haven't tried It myself but https://gitlab.talanlabs.com/gabriel-allaigre/sonar-gitlab-plugin could be interesting in your setup.

CI/CD with Jenkins and Vagrant

I wanted to build a Jenkins server which would run test of my puppet code on Vagrant. The issue I found is that the we run our server as VMs already, either in vmWare or AWS and Vagrant will not work as another virtualisation.
Does anyone have an idea how can I create a test platform for my puppet code. What I want to test the deployment of manifest on the nodes them self i.e. If I deploy a class web server or make changes to it I would like to check if it affects/breaks deployment of other classes.
The idea would be to iterate over all the classes/roles and see if the deployments are passing. I would like to make it automatic and independent of our engineers. At the moment we are running manual test with vagrant up however there are too many roles to do that by hand.
Any ideas how can I tackle this?
You can use either Docker or AWS provider for Vagrant.
In case of AWS provider you need to set-up RSync to get your environment into newly launched instance.
If your Vagrant scripts are robust, you can use the same script for both local deployment on your workstation and AWS/Docker deployment on CI server.
There are drawbacks to doing these techniques, in case of Docker you are limited to the same kernel that Jenkins server is running, in case of AWS you will incur additional costs. However, for AWS your don't need to allocate as much resources for your Jenkins server, so you might even save money this way because you will be using paying for extra VMs only when you are running you tests. Just make sure you will shut them down after you done.
Is there any special reason why you want to use vagrant? I'm not sure if you are setting up your production environment with vagrant or not.
In case you are not bound to vagrant, I would recommend you to think about using a docker image to prepare a lightweight environment to run your setups and verifications in.
When doing your tests, spin up a container from your image that contains your puppet distribution and run your setups/tests inside. If you have special kernel requirements, use a separate jenkins slave/agent machine rather than executing jobs on the jenkins master.
If you are not sure how to get started using jenkins with docker, have a look into the examples section of the Jenkins Documentation. The provided examples are showing the declarative pipeline syntax thats still a bit new. Also consider the collapsed Toggle Scripted Pipeline Sections which show the groovy pipeline scripts that are alot more forgiving for jenkins pipeline beginners.
Those should be quite good pointers to get started with running+testing your puppet scripts inside docker. For building and using a docker image there should be more than enough tutorials out there.
Let me know if this was a hint in the right direction or if I mistinterpreted your question.
