I've been trying to understand JSF templating and include attributes and passing parameters between components. In Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2 by Anghel Leonard, I came across the following example of passing parameters, which I don't fully understand.
Given this bean:
public class TemplatesBean implements Serializable {
private String msgTopDefault="";
private String msgBottomDefault="";
private String msgCenterDefault="No center content ... press the below button!";
public void centerAction(){
this.msgCenterDefault="This is default content";
// Getters and setters
Parameters are passed to contentDefault.xhtml with:
<ui:insert name="content">
<ui:include src="/template/default/contentDefault.xhtml">
<ui:param name="templatesBeanName" value="#{templatesBean}"/>
<ui:param name="contentPropertyName" value="msgCenterDefault"/>
Then, within contentDefault.xhtml the parameters are used as follows:
<h:outputText value="#{templatesBeanName[contentPropertyName]}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Center Button" action="#{templatesBeanName['centerAction']()}"/>
I've never used the square-bracket syntax before, but if a reference to templatesBean is being passed in, why not just use that to access the properties or invoke action methods? For example, the following code works for me too and seems simpler:
<h:commandButton value="Center Button" action="#{templatesBeanName.centerAction()}"/>
Recognising that the example in the book may be a contrived example to illustrate a point, are there use cases where the other syntax is appropriate?
I do not know or own the book, so I cannot investigate that way what they want to illustrate, but I can sort of deduce that by looking at the full example you posted, not just the part about the centerAction.
If you look at
<ui:insert name="content">
<ui:include src="/template/default/contentDefault.xhtml">
<ui:param name="templatesBeanName" value="#{templatesBean}"/>
<ui:param name="contentPropertyName" value="msgCenterDefault"/>
you'll see that 2 params are passesd on, templatesBeanName and contentPropertyName
<h:outputText value="#{templatesBeanName[contentPropertyName]}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Center Button" action="#{templatesBeanName['centerAction']()}"/>
from which you just pointed to the line with action="#{templatesBeanName['centerAction']()}", a dynamic bean with a static value in suqare brackets made into a method by adding () as a postfix, you'll see another line of code above it
<h:outputText value="#{templatesBeanName[contentPropertyName]}"/>
What effectively is done here is to have a dynamic bean AND a dynamic property name being used.
So my conclusion is that with this example what they are trying to illustrate is that you are able to pass on a dynamic bean, and on that bean use either both static or dynamic methods and properties(static properties and dynamic methods not being in the example)
Following Example:
i have got three Beans:
The view of the GeneralBean consists of an accordion that represents a list.
Now i would like to invoke the SpecificBean1 if a condition matches:
<c:if test="${condition==true}">
<ui:include src="SpecificBean1.xhtml" />
The above examples includes the view but does not invoke the bean in the background. Is it possible to achieve that? If yes, how?
So found out:
<c:if test="${condition==true}">
<ui:include src="/pages/SpecificBean1.xhtml">
<ui:param name="speacificBean" value="#{SpecificBean1}"></ui:param>
*had a typo in the src path :/
to check this add a #PostConstruct annotated method containing a log-message to the specific bean.
public void init() {
log("Bean Created/Initialized");
I have the following code in my Facelet:
<ui:composition template="/templates/mastertemplate.xhtml">
<ui:define name="pageTitle">
<h:outputFormat value="#{msgs.productPageTitle}">
<f:param value="#{param.productName}"/>
<ui:param name="categoryName" value="#{param.categoryName}"/>
<ui:define name="content">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.addItemToCart(param.productName)}">
<f:ajax event="action" render=":cart :cartPrice" />
<h:graphicImage value="resources/img/addToCart.gif"/>
It prints the #{param.productName} as it should. The cartBean expects a String as argument for its addItemToCart method (I know this is terrible, but not my choice). I have set up a logger in my cartBean and it tells me that the parameter is not coming through, it is empty.
If I do the following:
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.addItemToCart('someProductName')}">
<f:ajax event="action" render=":cart :cartPrice" />
<h:graphicImage value="resources/img/addToCart.gif"/>
I substitute the #{param.productName} for a string literal, it works fine. Why can't I pass the param value as argument? I get an EvaluationException which explains why my logger sees an empty string but I don't understand how I should do this then.
Not sure if it's possible that way but at the very least it seems to be bad practice. You'd insert the string to your backing back without any validation/conversion options.
I found a tutorial which explains what you should do to make it work here.
i m using JSF2.0 and i m making one dataTable in that datatable i m getting the value from managed bean.And in managed bean in post construct annoted method i m calling my web service from another file.
Following is code for that
value="#{bean1.getList}" var="c" styleClass="order-table"
headerClass="order-table-header" width="100%"
rowClasses="order-table-odd-row,order-table-even-row" rows="8"
<f:facet name="header">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{c.id}"></h:selectBooleanCheckbox>
<!-- <f:facet name="header"/> -->
<h:outputLabel value="From: "></h:outputLabel>
<h:outputLabel value="#{c.from}"></h:outputLabel>
<!-- -->
<h:outputLabel value="Sub: "></h:outputLabel>
<h:outputLabel value="#{c.sub}"/>
<h:commandLink immediate="true" action="#{bean2.doRead}" value="Read" id="Read"></h:commandLink>
<!-- Footer Setting -->
<f:facet name="footer">
My Bean1 class
public void prepareList(){
web service call
public List<InboxBean> getemailList(){
return list;
Now when i m clicking on commandlink which has id Read at that time my bean1 post construct taged property also called. That i dont want to perform. So,how to get out from this problem and i also want to set the subject value in bean2 setProperty. Thanks in advance
That can happen if the bean is put in request scope. Every single HTTP request will then reconstruct the bean. Put the bean in view or session scope instead.
E.g. in the view scope:
public class Bean {}
A view scoped bean lives as long as you're interacting with the same view by returning null or void in action methods.
Or in the session scope:
public class Bean {}
A session scoped bean lives as long as the established browser session. That is, from the very first HTTP request involving the bean until the client closes the entire browser instance or when the session expires on the server side (which defaults to 30 minutes).
For your particular case, a view scoped bean is most likely the best choice.
See also:
How to choose the right bean scope?
What I'm trying to achieve is very similar to the one posted in the following link.
How to save an array in JSF with ui:repeat + h:inputText + managed bean?
I'm particularly fascinated with the answer provided by Arjan Tijms in the link above however what I want to achieve is slightly different. Consider the following code snippets.
The bean
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
public class MyBean {
List<String> choices;
public List<String> getChoices() {
return choices;
public void initChoices() {
choices= new ArrayList<String>();
public String save() {
// should save all the choices into some repository
return "";
and the facelet page
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<ui:repeat value="#{myBean.choices}" varStatus="status">
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.choices[status.index]}" />
<h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{myBean.save}" />
The thing is, this will work if we have some initial data in the list at the beginning. What about situations where the initial list will be empty?
The ideal solution which I'm looking for is to have 1 h:inputText for each choice and when save button is clicked, all choices in each h:inputText is then added to the choices list. I've searched high and low but can't seem to find any hints on how this can be done.
If JSF 2 really doesn't support this, I guess I'll have to use the ugly way with just one h:inputText and use a converter to convert to and from a list but I'm still hoping that an ideal solution can be found.
Hopefully someone from stackoverflow can shed a light in the right direction for me.
Just add an "add" button which adds a new String to the list.
<ui:repeat value="#{myBean.choices}" varStatus="status">
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.choices[status.index]}" />
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.newChoice}" />
<h:commandButton value="Add" action="#{myBean.add}" />
<h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{myBean.save}" />
private String newChoice;
public void add() {
newChoice = null;
// ...
Note that this only works if bean is put in view scope. A request scoped one would be constructed on every request and hereby recreate the list everytime.
Currently I'm trying to implement webpart technology with JavaServer Faces 2.0 with Facelets view technology for educational purposes. I have created facelet templates, facelet custom components and made a few facelet "template" clients. But in one thing I'm stuck. I can't dynamically load controls and put them cc:attributes.
If I have a page for example with static text or bind it with ManagedBean the property ui:include everything works well.
<ui:define name="right-column">
right-column asd
<h:link outcome="asdf" value="link_get">
<f:param name="aa" value="123" />
<f:param name="a" value="123 dd + 20" />
<h:commandLink action="asdf?faces-redirect=true" value="asdf">
<f:param name="aa" value="123" />
</h:commandLink><br />
<ui:include src="./resources/Controls/CategoryTree.xhtml"/><br />
This works even if I put src with MenageBean property.
<ui:include src="#{browseProducts.incudePath}"/>
Here is my facelet control (data binding is inside this control within #{TreeBean.root}:
<!-- This is a very simply scaffolding for Category Three Control.
<p:tree value="#{TreeBean.root}" var="node"
expandAnim="FADE_IN" collapseAnim="FADE_OUT">
<h:outputText value="#{node}" />
But I have problem when ui:include points to a control with cc:attribute. I don't know how to initialize this attribute from backing bean and do "stuff".
For example I have this page:
<ui:composition xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
<ui:define name="right-column">
<sc:dummy ItemCount="10" />
<ui:include src="./resources/Controls/dummy.xhtml" />
Here goes the composite control:
<cc:attribute name="ItemCount" required="true"
shortDescription="This attribute is meaningful " />
<!-- How to pass ItemCount to my dummy bean to create so many items in
list as ItemCount value -->
<ui:repeat value="#{dummy.dummyList}" var="dummyItem">
<h:outputText value="#{dummyItem}" />
And backing bean code:
public ArrayList<String> getDummyList() {
//Here I try to get dummy list work.
dummyList = new ArrayList<String>(getDummyCount());
for (int i=0;i< getDummyCount();i++){
dummyList.add(i + "" + i);
return dummyList;
How can this be done?
I think you have two problems:
calling a method with parameter from a composite component
specifying some parameter to an included page
For 1., since jsf 2, you could call the method directly, specifying the parameter (which should be part of method signature):
<ui:repeat value="#{dummy.getDummyList(cc.attrs.dummyCode)}" var="dummyItem">
<h:outputText value="#{dummyItem}" />
But I suspect you are trying to use a backing for something that it isn't designed for. Maybe you'll be interested in writing backing java code for your composite component, which is different. It's difficult to master if you are a beginner, though. I'd first try to design my pages and bean interactions differently. I don't know which problem you are trying to solve, but at first look, this solution looks too complicated.
For 2., you should have a look at ui:param. A quick google search gives me this: http://www.jsfcentral.com/articles/facelets_3.html