I need to select last message sent between two users...
now with this primitive method I am selecting all messages between two users but this is long taking process
Guard = [{'=:=','$1',OID}],
Match = #pms{
from = '$1',
to = '$2',
body = '$3',
_ = '_'
Result = ['$$'],
{ok, Result} = mnesia:transaction(fun()->mnesia:select(pms,[{Match, Guard, [Result]}]) end),
check out the record
So I have two variables there, from and to what I need is to select the last message of each conversation that user's id is either inserted into from or to
Please consider using qlc
I wrote some codes below may meet your requirement.
F = fun() ->
Q = qlc:q([E || E <- mnesia:table(pms),E#pms.from == "a",E#pms.to == "b"]),
Q2 = qlc:keysort(2, Q, [{order, descending}]),
Qc = qlc:cursor(Q2),
qlc:next_answers(Qc, 1)
I've got an F# project that loads some files to an outside subsystem and then uses Table Dependency to wait for some rows to be added to a table as a side effect.
Table Dependency is used in the type below to watch for the db changes. It fires a custom event when a row is added/changed/whatever:
// just using this type for the RecordChangedEvent to marshal the id we want into something
type AccountLoaded() =
let mutable someId = ""
// this property name matches the name of the table column (SomeId)
member this.SomeId
with get () = someId
and set (value) = someId <- value
// AccountLoadWatcher
type AccountLoadWatcher() =
let mutable _tableDependency = null
let event = new Event<_>()
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
// custom event we can send when an account is loaded
member this.AccountLoaded = event.Publish
member private this.NotifyAccountLoaded(sender : RecordChangedEventArgs<AccountLoaded>) =
let accountLoaded = sender.Entity
member this.Watch() =
_tableDependency <- DbLib.getTableDependency "dbo" "AccountTable"
What I want to do is take the above object and just wait for all the rows with ids I care about to be loaded. What I have so far is:
let waitForRows(csvFileRows) =
let idsToWaitFor = parseUniqueIdsFromAllRows csvFileRows
let mutable collected = Set.empty
let isInSet id = Set.contains id idsToWaitFor
let notDone = not <| (Set.difference idsToWaitFor collected = Set.empty)
let accountLoadedHandler id =
collected <- collected.Add id
printfn "Id loaded %s, waiting for %A\n" id (Set.difference idsToWaitFor collected)
loadToSubsystem csvFileRows |> ignore
// wait for all the watcher events; filtering each event object for ids we care about
|> Observable.takeWhile (fun _ -> notDone)
|> Observable.filter (fun e -> isInSet e)
|> Observable.subscribe accountLoadedHandler
|> ignore
but that just continues to doMoreWork without waiting for all the events i need above.
Do I need to use a task or async? F# Agents?
Given that you are using Observable.takeWhile in your example, I'm assuming that you are using the FSharp.Control.Reactive wrapper to get access to the full range of reactive combinators.
Your approach has some good ideas, such as using takeWhile to wait until you collect all IDs, but the use of mutation is quite unfortunate - it might not even be safe to do this because of possible race conditions.
A nice alternative is to use one of the various scan function to collect a state as the events happen. You can use Observable.scanInit to start with an empty set and add all IDs; followed by Observable.takeWhile to keep accepting events until you have all the IDs you're waiting for. To actually wait (and block), you can use Observable.wait. Something like this:
let waitForRows(csvFileRows) =
let idsToWaitFor = parseUniqueIdsFromAllRows csvFileRows
let finalCollectedIDs =
|> Observable.scanInit Set.empty (fun collected id -> Set.add id collected)
|> Observable.takeWhile (fun collected -> not (Set.isSubset idsToWaitFor co llected))
|> Observable.wait
printfn "Completed. Final collected IDs are: %A" finalCollectedIDs
I am not sure about "exclusive state management" thing in the title, I did my best making it up trying to put the problem concisely.
I am porting some of my C# code to F# trying to do it as idiomatic as I can. I have an entity that requests a number of ID's from a sequence in my database and then dispenses these ID to anyone in need. Once an id is given out it should no longer be available for anybody else. Hence there must be some sort of state associated with that entity that keeps track of the remaining number of IDs. Since using a mutable state is not idiomatic, what I can do is to write something like this:
let createIdManager =
let idToStartWith = 127
let allowed = 10
let givenOut = 0
(idToStartWith, allowed, givenOut)
let getNextAvailableId (idToStartWith, allowed, givenOut) =
if givenOut< allowed
then ((idToStartWith, allowed, givenOut+ 1), Some(idToStartWith + givenOut))
else ((idToStartWith, allowed, givenOut), None)
let (idManager, idOpt) = getNextAvailableId createIdManager()
match idOpt with
| Some(id) -> printf "Yay!"
| None -> reloadIdManager idManager |> getNextAvailableId
This approach is idiomatic (as far as I can tell) but extremely vulnerable. There are so many ways to get it messed up. My biggest concern is that once an id is advanced and a newer copy of id manager is made, there is no force that can stop you from using the older copy and get the same id again.
So how do I do exclusive state management, per se, in F#?
If you only need to initialize the set of ids once then you can simply hide a mutable reference to a list inside a local function scope, as in:
let nextId =
let idsRef = ref <| loadIdsFromDatabase()
fun () ->
match idsRef.Value with
| [] ->
| id::ids ->
idsRef := ids
Some id
let id1 = nextId ()
let id2 = nextId ()
You could use a state-monad(Computational Expression).
First we declare the state-monad
type State<'s,'a> = State of ('s -> 'a * 's)
type StateBuilder<'s>() =
member x.Return v : State<'s,_> = State(fun s -> v,s)
member x.Bind(State v, f) : State<'s,_> =
State(fun s ->
let (a,s) = v s
let (State v') = f a
v' s)
let withState<'s> = StateBuilder<'s>()
let runState (State f) init = f init
Then we define your 'IdManager' and a function to get the next available id as well as the new state after the execution of the function.
type IdManager = {
IdToStartWith : int
Allowed : int
GivenOut : int
let getNextId state =
if state.Allowed > state.GivenOut then
Some (state.IdToStartWith + state.GivenOut), { state with GivenOut = state.GivenOut + 1 }
None, state
Finally we define our logic that requests the ids and execute the state-monad.
let idStateProcess =
withState {
let! id1 = State(getNextId)
printfn "Got id %A" id1
let! id2 = State(getNextId)
printfn "Got id %A" id2
return ()
let initState = { IdToStartWith = 127; Allowed = 10; GivenOut = 0 }
let (_, postState) =
initState //This should be loaded from database in your case
Got id Some 127
Got id Some 128
I have a function which returns a sequence of records. In that function I start the list building with a blank dummy record (there is probably a better way to do it) because I need to accumulate records that are similar, so I "prime the pump" with a blank record. Here's my code:
let consolidate(somethings:seq<Something>) =
let mutable results = ResizeArray()
let mutable accumulatedSomething = {Foo = ""; Bar = ""; Count = 0;}
for s in somethings do
if s.Foo = accumulatedSomething.Foo && s.Bar = accumulatedSomething.Bar then
accumulatedSomething <- {Foo = s.Foo; Bar = s.Bar;
Count = s.Count + accumulatedSomething.Count}
accumulatedSomething <- e
results |> Seq.cast |> Seq.skip 1
If you have a way to make this better I'm all ears (I'm still thinking procedurally) but I'm still interested in an answer to this specific question. Later on in my code, I try to print out the list:
somethings |> Seq.iter( fun s -> printfn "%A" s)
This works fine when there is stuff in the list. But if the list is empty and the only record that was in the list was the skipped blank starter record, then this line fails with an InvalidOperationException with the message The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements?
Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
The problem occurs when somethings is an empty list.
In this case, results is empty and calling Seq.skip 1 on the empty list fails with an error.
I think an elegant solution would be to change the last line to
match results.Length with
| 0 -> results |> Seq.cast
| _ -> results |> Seq.cast |> Seq.skip 1
I am writing hg(mercurial)'s client now. For tags commands, the reponse is as follows:
<<"adding a\na\ncommitted changeset
1:ce4daf41b6ae\nmy tags
0:44108598f0ec\ntest tag 0:44108598f0ec
The python's related code is as follows:
t = []
for line in out.splitlines():
taglocal = line.endswith(' local')
if taglocal:
line = line[:-6]
name, rev = line.rsplit(' ', 1)
rev, node = rev.split(':')
t.append((name.rstrip(), int(rev), node, taglocal))
return t
I have to check everyline for "local" postfix, but the compiler give syntax error. How to write correctly and elegant.
error message:
src/emercurial_client.erl:763: illegal pattern
process_tags([Line|Rest],Result) ->
B = binary_to_list(Line),
A = process_tags_line(B),
process_tags_line(New_list ++"local")-> %%<-----error here
%% case List of
%% Data ++ " local" -> %%<-----also match error
%% New_list = Data;
%% _ ->
%% New_list = List
%% end,
[Name,Part2] = string:tokens(Data," "),
[Rev,Node] = string:tokens(Part2,":"),
After modification, it is follows:
List_b = binary:split(List,<<$\n>>,[global]),
Result = process_tags(List_b,[]),
%% error_logger:info_report([client_process_tags,Result]),
process_tags([Line|Rest],Result) ->
B = binary_to_list(Line),
A = process_tags_line(B),
process_tags_line(List) ->
%% error_logger:info_report([client_tags_line_1,List]),
case lists:suffix(" local",List) of
true ->
New_list = lists:sublist(List,1,length(List)-7);
_ ->
New_list = List
{Name,Part2} = rsplit(New_list,$\s),
{Rev,Node} =
Rev_a = string:substr(Rev,1,length(Rev)-1),
Index = string:rchr(A,Char),
As pointed in documentation, you can match only prefixes in similar way (which in fact just a syntactic sugar).
I'd suggest you to use function lists:suffix
So, you can rewrite your code in such way:
New_list =
case lists:suffix(" local", List) of
true ->
false ->
Note, that case expressions returns values, so you can bind variable New_List only once - with result of case expression, instead of binding in each branch of case expression
I think you cannot use this pattern matching because of the underlying structure of a list ([A|[B|[....|[]...]]).
The reverse works so you can do something like
process_tags_line(List) ->
process_tags_line1(" lacol"++L) -> process_tags_line1(L);
process_tags_line1(L) ->
New_list = lists:reverse(L),
[Name,Part2] = string:tokens(Data," "),
[Rev,Node] = string:tokens(Part2,":"),
But the simplest thing may be to use lists:suffix(L1,L2)...
I found myself in the position of needing to increment a value which was deeply nested in a series of erlang records. My first attempts at doing this with list comprehensions were dismal failures. Originally, the list contained a number of records where the target value would be absent because the record that contained it would, at some level, be undefined.
I dealt with that easily enough by using lists:partition to filter out only those entries that actually needed incrementing, but I was still unable to come up with a list comprehension that would do such a simple operation.
The code sample below probably doesn't compile - it is simply to demonstrate what I was trying to accomplish. I put the "case (blah) of undefined" sections to illustrate my original problem:
-record(l3, {key, value}).
-record(l2, {foo, bar, a_thing_of_type_l3}).
-record(l1, {foo, bar, a_thing_of_type_l2}).
increment_values_recursive([], Acc
increment_values_recursive([L1 | L1s], Acc) ->
case L1#l1.a_thing_of_type_l2 of
undefined -> NewRecord = L1;
L2 ->
case L2#l2.a_thing_of_type_l3 of
undefined -> NewRecord = L2;
{Key, Value} ->
NewRecord = L1#l1{l2 = L2#l2{l3 = {Key, Value + 1}}}
increment_values_recursive(L1s, [NewRecord | Acc]).
increment_values(L1s) ->
lists:reverse(increment_values_recursive(L1s, [])).
NewList = increment_values(OldList).
That was what I started with, but I'd be happy to see a list comprehension that would process this when the list didn't have to check for undefined members. Something like this, really:
increment_values_recursive([], Acc
increment_values_recursive([L1 | L1s], Acc) ->
%I'm VERY SURE that this doesn't actually compile:
#l1{l2 = #l2{l3 = #l3{_Key, Value} = L3} = L2} = L1,
%same here:
NewRecord = L1#l1{l2=L2#l2{l3=L3#l3{value = Value+1}}},
increment_values_recursive(L1s, [NewRecord | Acc]).
increment_values(L1s) ->
lists:reverse(increment_values_recursive(L1s, [])).
typedef struct { int key, value; } l3;
typedef struct { int foo, bar; l3 m_l3 } l2;
typedef struct { int foo, bar; l2 m_l2 } l1;
for (int i=0; i<NUM_IN_LIST; i++)
You can use a list comprehension and even don't need to filter out records that don't have the nesting.
To avoid readability problems I shortened your record definition.
-record(l3, {key, value}).
-record(l2, {foo, bar, al3}).
-record(l1, {foo, bar, al2}).
Define a helper function to increment the value:
inc_value(#l1{al2=#l2{al3=#l3{value=Value}=L3}=L2}=L1) ->
inc_value(R) ->
Note the last clause that maps any other stuff that doesn't match the pattern to itself.
Lets define example records to try this out:
1> R=#l1{foo=1, bar=2}.
#l1{foo = 1,bar = 2,al2 = undefined}
This is a record that doesn't have the full nesting defined.
2> R1=#l1{foo=1, bar=2, al2=#l2{foo=3, bar=4, al3=#l3{key=mykey, value=10}}}.
#l1{foo = 1,bar = 2,
al2 = #l2{foo = 3,bar = 4,
al3 = #l3{key = mykey,value = 10}}}
Another one that has the full structure.
Try out the helper function:
4> inc_value(R).
#l1{foo = 1,bar = 2,al2 = undefined}
It leaves alone the not fully nested record.
3> inc_value(R1).
#l1{foo = 1,bar = 2,
al2 = #l2{foo = 3,bar = 4,
al3 = #l3{key = mykey,value = 11}}}
It increments the fully nested record ok.
Now the list comprehension is simple and readable:
5> [ inc_value(X) || X <- [R, R1] ].
[#l1{foo = 1,bar = 2,al2 = undefined},
#l1{foo = 1,bar = 2,
al2 = #l2{foo = 3,bar = 4,
al3 = #l3{key = mykey,value = 11}}}]
This is waaaay messier than it would be in a language with destructive mutation, but it is definitely possible. Here's the dirt:
increment(Records) ->
[L1#l1{l2 = (L1#l1.l2)#l2{l3 = ((L1#l1.l2)#l2.l3)#l3{value = ((L1#l1.l2)#l2.l3)#l3.value + 1}}} || L1 <- Records].
As you can see, this is ugly as hell; furthermore, it's difficult to immediately apprehend what this comprehension is doing. It's straightforward to figure out what's going on, but I'd have a talk with anyone in my shop who wrote something like this. Much better to simply accumulate and reverse - the Erlang compiler and runtime are very good at optimizing this sort of pattern.
It is not as hard as it seems. #Peer Stritzinger gave a good answer, but here is my take, with a clean list comprehension:
-record(l3, {key, value}).
-record(l2, {foo=foo, bar=bar, al3}).
-record(l1, {foo=foo, bar=bar, al2}).
increment(#l1{al2 = Al2}=L1) -> L1#l1{al2 = increment(Al2)};
increment(#l2{al3 = Al3}=L2) -> L2#l2{al3 = increment(Al3)};
increment(#l3{value = V}=L3) -> L3#l3{value = V + 1}.
test() ->
List =
[ #l1{al2=#l2{al3=#l3{key=0, value = 100}}}
, #l1{al2=#l2{al3=#l3{key=1, value = 200}}}
, #l1{al2=#l2{al3=#l3{key=2, value = 300}}}
, #l1{al2=#l2{al3=#l3{key=3, value = 400}}}],
[increment(L) || L <- List].
The best solution is probably to look into the concept of lenses in functional programming. A lens is a functional getter and setter for mutation of records. Done correctly, you can then write higher-order lenses which compose primitive lenses.
The result is that you can construct a mutator for your purpose and then run the mutator through all the records by a comprehension.
It is one of those things I wanna write some day for Erlang but never really got the time to write up :)