Ephesoft Community Edition on ubunutu 14.04 and get past the tesseract issue? - ephesoft

Has anyone been able to install Ephesoft Community Edition on ubunutu 14.04 and get past the tesseract issue? It can not find the proper files to work properly If so, please provide feedback.
Thank you, Matt


how to install homebrew on windows 10?

I am trying to install homebrew on windows and still searching many ways to do it.
As they said to me on the homepage, homebrew support windows 10, and I can install it.
But I can not find any way to install it on the internet.
Could you please give me some codes or some way to install homebrew to windows ?
Thank you very much.
This article seems to provide a decent guide to setting up the Linux subsystem in Windows 10.

Error while installing Ephesoft

im new working with linux OSs, i would like to install Ephesotf but the point is that im having trouble while i am trying to install Ephesoft version in ubuntu 16.10, the error is this below:
Updating paths in properties file. Please wait...
Installing/Updating "libpng12-dev" for Ephesoft.
E: Package 'libpng12-dev' has no installation candidate
Error occurred while installing "libpng12-dev"
Exiting from script...
I have been trying to install it separeted but im failing, so like this i canĀ“t move on, please help me.....
Be aware that Ubuntu 16.x is not supported by Ephesoft:
You can update the installer script but I won't recommend it. I'll just switch to a supported Linux OS.
I had the same problem while I was trying to install Ephesoft community software on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I tried all the things that you have metioned MGM. Finally I found out that ephesoft currently does not support 16.04 LTS and only works for ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 14.10 as they have mentioned on their website. They may release an update for 16.04 LTS in 2018. I am sorry I don't have the url where I read that as of now.
I installed ubuntu 14.04 currently and it installs perfectly there. There is very less help on using this software's community version though.

ROS: is it possible to install it for RedHat 7

Someone told me that the ros was a good stuff. But my system is RedHat 7. It seems that the ros is not suitable for my system?
Did anyone install it under the RedHat 7 successfully?
If you are willing to compile ROS from source, it should definitely be possible. Follow the instructions on: http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/Source and stay away from Ubuntu-isms replacing them with corresponding RedHat actions. There are subsections in the instructions that explain how to do things in Fedora.

How to Integrate OpenCV_2.4.6 with bloodshed dev C++?

I googled this question a lot but couldn't find any solution? Please help.I found help for OpenCV 2.0 and 2.1 but that doesn't work for the latest version 2.4.6. Also I have no idea what CMake and MingW is?
Here is an official installation guide. You should not use dev-c++ because it is old, outdated software. Try some modern IDE like code::blocks or eclipse.

Installing the OpenCV prebuilt library on Ubuntu server 11.10

I am new to the Linux scene and I am trying to get OpenCV installed and running on our server as I need it to build and run a few applications on the system. I have followed the Ubuntu package Install directions, but I seem to have an issue when I get to the install command. I get the terminal saying that it is reading the package list and after a few seconds I get a message saying that opencv cannot be found.
Has anyone had any experiences installing this library and can anyone possibly help guide me on how to use this whole setup? If it's any help I get a 404 error when I try to access the PPA in the update. Did I add the repository incorrectly?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
OpenCV 2.1 is quite old. Try setting up his new PPA for OpenCV 2.3.1. It has a Natty target.
Hope that's helpful!
