RapidMiner - Time Series Segmentation - time-series

As I am fairly new to RapidMiner, I have a Historical Financial Data Set (with attributes Date, Open, Close, High, Low, Volume Traded) from Yahoo Finance and I am trying to find a way to segment it such as in the image below:
I am also planning on performing this segmentation on more than one of such Data Sets and then comparing between each segmentation (i.e. Segment 1 for Data Set A against Segment 1 for Data Set B), so I would preferably require an equal number of segments each.
I am aware that certain extensions are available within the RapidMiner Marketplace, however I do not believe that any of them have what I am looking for. Your assistance is much appreciated.
Edit: I am currently trying to replicate the Voting-Based Outlier Mining for Multiple Time Series (V-BOMM) with multiple data sets. So far, I am able to perform the operation by recording and comparing common dates against each other.
However, I would like to enhance the process to compare Segments rather than simply dates. I have gone through the existing functionalities of RapidMiner, and thus far I don't believe any fit my requirements.
I have also considered Dynamic Time Warping, but I can't seem to find an available functionality in RapidMiner.
Ultimate question: Can someone guide me to functionalities that can help replicate the segmentation in the attached image such that the segments can be compared between Historic Data Sets in RapidMiner? Also, can someone guide me on how to implement Dynamic Time Warping using RapidMiner?

I would use the new version of the Time Series extension, using the windowing features to segment the time series into whatever parts you want. There is a nice explanation of the new tools in the blog section of the community.


How to prepare training data for image segmentation

I am using bounding box marking tools like BBox and YOLO marker for object localisation. I wanted to know is there any equivalent marking tools available for image segmentation tasks. How people in academia and research are preparing data sets for these image segmentation tasks. Recent Kaggle competition severstal-steel-defect-detection has pixel level segmentation information. Which tool they used to prepare this data?
Generally speaking it is a pretty complex but a common task, so you'll likely be able to find several tools. Supervise.ly is a good example. Look through the demo to understand the actual complexity.
Another way is to use OpenCV to get some specific results. We did that, but results were pretty rough. Another problem is performance. There are couple reasons we use 4K video.
Long story short, we decided to implement a custom tool to get required results (and do that fast enough).
(see in action)
Just to summarize, if you want to build a training set for segmentation you have the following options:
Use available services (pretty much all of them will require additional manual work)
Use OpenCV to deal with a specially prepared input
Develop a custom solution to deal with a properly prepared input, providing full control and accurate results
The third option seems to be the most flexible solution. Here are some examples. Those are custom multi-color segmentation results. You might got an impression custom implementation is way more complex, but as it turned out if you properly implement some straight-forward algorithm you might be surprised with the result. We were interested in accurate pixel-perfect results:
(see in action)
I have created a simple script to generate colored masks of annotation to be used for semantic segmentation.
You will need to use VIA(VGG image annotator) tool which gives the facility to mark a region in polygon. Once a polygon is created on a class/attribute you can give an attribute name and save the annotation as csv file. The x,y coordinates of the polygon gets saved in the csv file basically.
The program and steps to use are present at: https://github.com/pateldigant/SemanticAnnotator
If you have any doubts regarding the use of this script you can comment down.

Feture selection when the number features is too large for available memory

I am working with a data set with about 200,000 features. Even though I can load the full data set using 54 GB of memory, my model crashes when it comes feature selection with LASSO. I prefer to find the best features out of all the ones, but given the insufficient memory, this doesn't seem to be an option.
As a solution, I thought of using manageable batches of features and find the features with highest Pearson correlation/mutual information with the target variable, or use model based feature selection on these batches of features.
But I feel that the above procedure will not provide me with the best features.
Is there another work around to reduce the feature space in this kind of a situation?

Analyzing Sensor Data stored in cassandra and draw graphs

I'm collecting data from different sensors and write them to a Cassandra database.
The Sensor-ID accts as a partition key, the timestamp of the sensors data as clustering column. Additionally a value of the sensor is stored.
Each sensor collects something about 30000 to 60000 values a day.
The simplest thing I wane do is draw a graph showing this data. This is not a problem for a few hours but when showing a week or even a longer range, all the data has to be loaded into the backend (a rails application) for further processing. This isn't really fast with my test dataset and won't be faster in production I think.
So my question is, how to speed this up. I thought about pre-processing the data directly in the database but it seems, that Cassandra isn't able to do such things.
For a graph with a width of 1000px it isn't interesting to draw ten thousands of points - so it would be interesting to gather only relevant, pre-aggregated data from the database.
For example, when showing the data for a whole day in a graph with a width of 1000px, it would be enough to take 1000 average values (this would be an average clustered by 86seconds - 60*60*24 / 1000).
Is this a good approach? Or are there other techniques fasten this up? How would I handle this with database? Create a second Table and store some average values? But the resolution of the graph may change...
Other approaches would be drawing mean values by day, week, month and so on. Maybe vor this a second table could do a good job!
Cassandra is all about letting you write and read your data quickly. Think of it as just a data store. It can't (really) do any processing on that data.
If you want to do operations on it, then you are going to need to put the data into something else. Storm is quite popular for building computation clusters for processing data from Cassandra, but without knowing exactly the scale you need to operate at, then that may be overkill.
Another option which might suit you is to aggregate data on the way in, or perhaps in nightly jobs. This is how OLAP is often done with other technologies. This can work if you know in advance what you need to aggregate. You could build your sets into hourly, daily, whatever, then pull a smaller amount of data into Rails for graphing (and possibly aggregate it even further to exactly meet the desired graph requirements).
For the purposes of storing, aggregating, and graphing your sensor data, you might consider RRDtool which does basically everything you describe. Its main limitation is it does not store raw data, but instead stores aggregated, interpolated values. (If you need the raw data, you can still use Cassandra for that.)
AndySavage is onto something here when it comes to precomputing aggregate values. This does require you to understand in advance the sorts of metrics you'd like to see from the sensor values generally.
You correctly identify the limitation of a graph in informing the viewer. Questions you need to ask really fall into areas such as:
When you aggregate are you interested in the mean, median, spread of the values?
What's the biggest aggregation that you're interested in?
What's the goal of the data visualisation - is it really necessary to be looking at a whole year of data?
Are outliers the important part of the dataset?
Each of these questions will lead you down a different path with visualisation and the application itself too.
Once you know what you're wanting to do, an ETL process harnessing some form of analytical processing will be needed. This is where the Hadoop world would be useful investigating.
Regarding your decision to use Cassandra as your timeseries historian, how is that working for you? I'm looking at technical solutions for a similar requirement at the moment and it's one of the options on the table.

Sketch-based Image Retrieval with OpenCV or LIRe

I'm currently reading for BSc Creative Computing with the University of London and I'm in my last year of my studies. The only remaining module I have left in order to complete the degree is the Project.
I'm very interested in the area of content-based image retrieval and my project idea is based on that concept. In a nutshell, my idea is to help novice artists in drawing sketches in perspective with the use of 3D models as references. I intend to achieve this by rendering the side/top/front views of each 3D model in a collection, pre-process these images and index them. While drawing, the user gets a series of models (that have been pre-processed) that best match his/her sketch, which can be used as guidelines to further enhance the sketch. Since this approach relies on 3D models, it is also possible for the user to rotate the sketch in 3D space and continue drawing based on that perspective. Such approach could help comic artists or concept designers in quickly sketching their ideas.
While carrying out my research I came across LIRe and I must say I was really impressed. I've downloaded the LIRe demo v0.9 and I played around with the included sample. I've also developed a small application which automatically downloades, indexes and searches for similar images in order to better understand the inner workings of the engine. Both approaches returned very good results even with a limited set of images (~300).
Next experiment was to test the output response when a sketch rather than an actual image is provided as input. As mentioned earlier, the system should be able to provide a set of matching models based on the user's sketch. This can be achieved by matching the sketch with the rendered images (which are of course then linked to the 3D model). I've tried this approach by comparing several sketches to a small set of images and the results were quite good - see http://claytoncurmi.net/wordpress/?p=17. However when I tried with a different set of images, results weren't as good as the previous scenario. I used the Bag of Visual Words (using SURF) technique provided by LIRe to create and search through the index.
I'm also trying out some sample code that comes with OpenCV (I've never used this library and I'm still finding my way).
So, my questions are;
1..Has anyone tried implementing a sketch-based image retrieval system? If so, how did you go about it?
2..Can LIRe/OpenCV be used for sketch-based image retrieval? If so, how this can be done?
PS. I've read several papers about this subject, however I didn't find any documentation about the actual implementation of such system.
Any help and/or feedback is greatly appreciated.

People counting using OpenCV

I'm starting a search to implement a system that must count people flow of some place.
The final idea is to have something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7N1MCBRdl0 . I'm working with OpenCv to start creating it, I'm reading and studying about. But I'd like to know if some one can give me some hints of source code exemples, articles and anything elese that can make me get faster on my deal.
I started with blobtrack.exe sample to study, but I got not good results.
Tks in advice.
Blob detection is the correct way to do this, as long as you choose good threshold values and your lighting is even and consistent; but the real problem here is writing a tracking algorithm that can keep track of multiple blobs, being resistant to dropped frames. Basically you want to be able to assign persistent IDs to each blob over multiple frames, keeping in mind that due to changing lighting conditions and due to people walking very close together and/or crossing paths, the blobs may drop out for several frames, split, and/or merge.
To do this 'properly' you'd want a fuzzy ID assignment algorithm that is resistant to dropped frames (ie blob ID remains, and ideally predicts motion, if the blob drops out for a frame or two). You'd probably also want to keep a history of ID merges and splits, so that if two IDs merge to one, and then the one splits to two, you can re-assign the individual merged IDs to the resulting two blobs.
In my experience the openFrameworks openCv basic example is a good starting point.
I'll not put this as the right answer.
It is just an option for those who are able to read in Portugues or can use a translator. It's my graduation project and there is the explanation of a option to count people in it.
It's do not behave well on envirionaments that change so much the background light.
It must be configured for each location that you will use it.
It's fast!
I used OpenCV to do the basic features as, capture screen, go trough the pixels, etc. But the algorithm to count people was done by my self.
You can check it on this paper
Final opinion about this project: It's not prepared to go alive, to became a product. But it works very well as base for study.
