Xcode error: 9 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7 using Cometchat cordova - ios

I'm using Cometchat Ionic sdk, I've added the cordova plugin with ionic cordova plugin add cometchat_sdk_folder and it works in android but when I compile for iOS I'm getting this error:
Output log

This issue has been resolved and a new version of our SDK has been released. If you still face this issue, feel free to email us.

Both the cometchat-ui and MessageSDKFramework frameworks contain an implementation of the Reachability module, which both define the same symbols.
AFAIK, to solve this you need to get/create a version of either framework without the Reachability module.
To do this, you need to have the source code of either framework. You need to change the build process/script so that it does not include the Reachability module. Then you need to rebuild either framework and include include that in your app's Xcode project.
If you don't have the source code of either framework: I think there should be linker options to ignore either duplicate module, or ignore there errors. I leave this to you.


"Undefined symbols for architecture arm64" appearing after Unity FB SDK Update

Unity Version: 2020.3.25f1
XCode Version: 13.2.1
Unity FB SDK: Migrating from 11.+ to 14.0.0
After resisting updating the Facebook Unity SDK due to editor/ide related issues introduced in 13.2, was working to update to Unity Facebook SDK version 14.0.0. After resolving the standard issues to be in compliance with FB's updates (including client token in the FB Settings specifically and setting the DLLs to the correct build architecture), I had been able to build webgl and android without issue, but have encountered an iOS build fail.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_ACAccountStore", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in Util.o
"_ACFacebookAppIdKey", referenced from:
_Util_getNativeFBPermissionStatus in Util.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Reading through the various other issues hitting a similar Undefined symbols for architecture blah makes me think I might either be missing something in my linker settings, or potentially missing a framework I need to reference. Originally I had assumed it was something happening during archiving, but the same error shows when just trying to build the xcode project. The pod file builds successfully and resolves without issue, so the xcode workspace is being built.
EDIT: Adding a little more info, I had already done the dll import settings solution suggested.
This is solved by: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-sdk-for-unity/wiki/FAQ---Troubleshooting-Unity-SDK-14.0.0
Your issue is "Issue 2: dlls misconfiguration"--for completion's sake, below is the solution in its entirety. I'm leaving the misspellings and bad grammar below just to emphasize how sloppy these guys are.
This is an indication of mis-configuration of dlls in Unity. When Unity SDK is imported into Unity, unfortunately Unity reconfigures all dlls to 'All Platforms' and this causes an issue when building on a particular platform. The way to resolve this, is to reconfigure the dlls. You will find them in Unity under FacebookSDK -> Plugins and all the dlls are under their various platform folders such as Android / Canvas / Editor / iOS etc. Click on them and an inspector will appear (attached screenshot). The example attached shows the configuration for an Android dll. Uncheck All Platforms (if needed) and select Android. Do the same for the rest:
Android.DLL to Android platform
IOS Dll to iOS platform
Canavs to webgl"
Edit: As noted additionally below if you aren't building for Windows (or any of the other platforms), just delete those folders. Regardless you will HAVE to delete the Windows x86 folder if you want your build to work on mobile.
After getting some input from an engineer that had worked on this project in the past, managed to find that the missing symbol was related to some old FB Code no longer supported, and it was not in use by our app anymore. Because of this, was able to cleanly remove the old code and resolve the build issue. Things appeared to be working as intended. For visibility, we had an internal class using some extern methods to bridge between our app code and the native code pertaining to platform. iOS had a method getNativeFBPermissionStatus that was part of a Util.m class.

Getting error: ld: framework not found Fabric for architecture armv7 in App

I have build a iOS framework eg: abc.framework. Now in abc.framework I have added FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseMessaging. The abc.framework compiles and builds properly. However when I add the abc.framework and abc.bundle in my iOS project eg: xyz.project then it is giving error "framework not found Fabric for architecture armv7". I have not added Fabric in abc.framework and not in my xyz.project. However when I remove the Firebase from the abc.framework then the error disappears from xyz.project and the project compiles and run without errors.
If anyone has encountered the same issue then please let me know how should I solve the issue. I have to integrate Firebase in abc.framework and that framework will be added in xyz.project
Nested frameworks are not allowed in IOS , it's only allowed in MacOSX , to create a frameWork it must be of a pure code , fabric is in Firebase , also framework must support all architecture armv7,64 and soon on this configured when you build it, I encountered the same situation posted in Apple forums and find that
If CocoaPods is an option for you, the recent CocoaPods 1.4.0 release has added the static framework podspec option, which enables the definition of static frameworks that allow depending upon other static frameworks like Fabric.

Integrate AppLovin With swift xcode 6.4

I want to integrate AppLovin With Xcode 6.4 and swift. I am Following the steps which are given in Documentation. I have added Headers and libAppLovinSdk.a Library in my project. Then I have added all the frameworks which are needed and added AppLovin SDK key into info.plist file. Then I have initialized ALSdk.initializeSdk() in Appdelegate.h file and I have added Bridging file in my project. Then I wrote -Objc in "Other Linker Flags"
I am getting this error
ld: 150 duplicate symbols for architecture i386 clang: error: linker
command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
This is the error log.
Based on the linker errors (duplicate symbol _llvm.embedded.module) as well as the fact that you're using an older Xcode version, it may likely be a conflict/mismatch between the target/compiler of your project and the dependency. This isn't inherent to AppLovin, but can happen if the static library you're using is far too new or old for your Xcode version.
One possible occurrence of this is that we started compiling the library with Bitcode support, and I wouldn't be surprised if older versions of LLVM don't play nice with that.
I'd recommend pulling the latest version of libAppLovinSdk.a, and if at all possible, building using Xcode 7+.
Additionally, if you're using some dependency manager like Cocoapods or Carthage, you may have better luck directly (manually) integrating, given that they are maintained by third parties with no involvement from us.
You are initializing SDK at wrong place. At the time of didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: call, application has not been fully prepared. Try initializing it in method:
-(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
Also include -ObjC flag. It should solve duplicate symbols issue.

Xcode compile error with Firebase

I just installed the Firebase framework to Xcode (not using CocoaPods due to other unsolvable issues with that). I followed the Firebase Alternative Setup instructions from here (manually dragging the FireBase 2.5 Framework to my project).
Problem is, when I compile my app I get 27 errors:
I'm just using the sample code from the Getting Started page.
In fact, all I'm using so far is the first line, but it won't even instantiate that. (var ref = Firebase(url:"my firebase URL here")
I'm on Xcode 7.2 and Swift 2.1. My target is iOS 9.2 using the Simulator.
Please help!
I should also add that libicucore.dylib and libc++.dylib no longer appear to be available as linkable libraries that you mention to include from firebase.com/docs/ios/alternate-setup.html So maybe this is related? Someone mentioned libz.tbd is the one to use now? (which I'm using)
If you are targeting 9.2 then the frameworks changed to the following:
libicucore.dylib to libicucore.tbd
libc++.dylib to libc++.tbd
They are exactly the same so use them instead, you have to use them in order to get it working.
A comment by apple:
For those who are curious, the .tbd files are new "text-based stub
libraries", that provide a much more compact version of the stub
libraries for use in the SDK, and help to significantly reduce its
download size.

iOS Xcode: Warn about methods not in minimum target SDK

Is there a way to have Xcode tell me when I'm calling a method that isn't available in the SDK of the minimum supported target?
For example, the method [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:]. This method is available on iOS5 and up. But my application's minimum target is iOS4.
If I use that method (sendAsync), I'd like Xcode to tell me that that method isn't available for the minimum target I'm trying to support.
I've tried putting __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=40000 in the preprocessor settings, but that just triggers a bunch of Apple SDK errors that aren't helpful. (Probably because my active SDK is iOS5.1)
Is the only solution to get ahold of old SDKs and install them in Xcode?
Are there any easier solutions?
There is unfortunately no standard way of doing this. By setting the target OS to a lower number than the base SDK, Xcode will weakly link the libraries and frameworks. When doing that Xcode will not warn you for using methods that may not be available on the target OS.
You could temporarily set the base SDK lower, but that might not always work. Since you want to ignore most of the errors and warnings produced (because they are only called conditionally in your code path), and many warnings and errors are dependant on other error that you may need to resolve before the compiler will give any meaningful output.
I do not think there exist any static analysis tools for this, neither from Apple nor third party.
After doing some research, reading the Apple Doc about it, and trying a number of things. The solution is downloading an old Xcode DMG from Apple, grab the .pkg file for the same SDK as your deployment target and install it in your version of Xcode. Here's how:
Download older Xcode.dmg from Apple
Open the DMG
In Terminal, go into packages: "cd /Volumes/[DMG]/Packages; open ."
Find the SDK you want, something like iPhoneSDK_4.0.pkg
Install that package, but change the install directory to /Applications/Xcode/Contents/Developer
Restart Xcode if it was open.
Now that you have the same SDK as your deployment target, set your BaseSDK to the same. When you build you'll get warnings about missing methods. Your project may or may not successfully build with an older BaseSDK in a new version of Xcode, but that doesn't matter - you've just found the method calls you need to wrap in a feature check with respondsToSelector:.
As of Xcode 7.3, the compiler can now generate these warnings for you. All you need to do is set the -Wpartial-availability warning flag in the Build Settings, as described in this answer.
