Documentation on archiveArtifacts command in Jenkins - jenkins

I'm working on a basic Jenkins pipeline. The build and testing are successful but I'm looking at how to archive the build. For context, this is a simple Rust webserver.
Under the pipeline steps documentation in the Basic Steps plugin, it has the archive function. But it says:
Archives build output artifacts for later use. As of Jenkins 2.x, you may use the more configurable archiveArtifacts.
I cannot find any documentation on archiveArtifacts. There are some examples, but I would like to look at the documentation for it, what parameters it accepts, i.e. what makes it more configurable than archive.
My question: is there a place where this documentation is best found? is incomplete and is missing this command.

I suggest archiveArtifacts: Archive the artifacts from the Pipeline Steps Reference.
Archives the build artifacts (for example, distribution zip files or
jar files) so that they can be downloaded later. Archived files will
be accessible from the Jenkins webpage. Normally, Jenkins keeps
artifacts for a build as long as a build log itself is kept, but if
you don't need old artifacts and would rather save disk space, you can
do so.
Note that the Maven job type automatically archives any produced Maven
artifacts. Any artifacts configured here will be archived on top of
that. Automatic artifact archiving can be disabled under the advanced
Maven options.
You can use wildcards like 'module/dist/**/*.zip'. See the includes attribute of Ant fileset for the exact format. The base directory is the workspace. You can only archive files that are located in your workspace.
Type: String
allowEmptyArchive (optional)
Normally, a build fails if archiving returns zero artifacts. This option allows the archiving process to return nothing without failing the build. Instead, the build will simply throw a warning.
Type: boolean
excludes (optional)
Optionally specify the 'excludes' pattern, such as "foo/bar/**/*". A file that matches this mask will not be archived even if it matches the mask specified in 'files to archive' section.
Type: String


Archive only the latest .png files in a katalon jenkins job

I need to archive any .png screenshots of the latest katalon test run in Jenkins as a post-build step of the same test run.
Using the "archive the artifacts" post-build action in Jenkins, I currently have the file path set to Reports/**/[test run name]/**/*.png where Reports is in the workspace directory. However this will just pull every .png file from the current and all previous test runs stored there, of which are kept stored in the workspace for a week before being cleaned out.
I've tried using the "Exclude" field but haven't been able to figure out a way to exclude older files with only being able to use a file path with wildcards.
Is there a way in Jenkins, using archive the artifacts or something else, to archive just the .png files generated by the same job without deleting all previously generated .png files?
From our experience, it's better to keep the artifacts archived with the job and not rely on files residing in the workspace together with a separate job to clean them. You can tell Jenkins to discard old builds (and artifacts) with something like this:
pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '7', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '7'))
And any jobs (and their artifacts) will be cleaned after 7 days.
If you go with that path, you can safely remove any png files after archiving them as artifacts, and you won't need to find out which are new and which are old.
Alternatively, you can order your png-producing step to name the files starting with the job number (available as env.BUILD_NUMBER) and only archive the files starting with this number.
Finally, you can run find command with -name '*png' and -mtime predicate to produce the list of recently modified png files, and use that as an input to the archive step.

Download full workspace from Jenkins build

I am new to jenkins and I have tried downloading a zip archive of this workspace in jenkins, but I only get a part of it. Source folders like tensorflow or tools are not present inside the archive. Is this normal ?
If so, how do I get all of them inside a zip file ?
Use Archive Artifact plugin, to add your workspace into archive folder which will make it easily down-loadable.
But be aware that, an artifact in the Jenkins sense is the result of a build - the intended output of the build process.
A common convention is to put the result of a build into a build, target or bin directory.
The Jenkins archiver can use globs (target/*.jar) to easily pick up the right file even if you have a unique name per build.
putting a complete workspace into it will take lot of time.

Jenkins artifact : is there an alias to Number build report (similar to LastSuccessful , LastFailed) or reachable in shell?

Currently I'm using the url with lastFailedBuild to display png (capturing page errors) in the browser (jenkins report) : http ://-jenkins-/job/jobName/lastFailedBuild/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/
But the problem is : I would be able to store as many artifacts as maximum build I set in the conf. So I would like to keep the artifacts for each build. We can already do it, but the url contains the build number (and I'd like to avoid manipulating the path to get back the build number). Is there a jenkins alias, a plugin, or can we use wildcards for that?
Have an alias like currentBuild wich returns the build number would be perfect (and simple). By 'current build', I mean to refer to the number build report I'm watching, not the last build report.
Also, where are physically stored the artifacts? I mean, I know where the files are stored, in the workspace, but for artifacts the url displays /job/, where is the folder contening artifacts in my jenkins server? Is it a sort of symbolic link to files in workspace?
I wonder : if I delete the image (in the workspace) before each new build, will it keep the previous artifacts ? I think it's yes because when I overwrite a png image the artifact is kept (it seems to me).
I think this topic : aliasing jenkins artifact URLs doesn't answer my question.
More details :
Here my current report, now I want to refer to http ://-jenkins-/job/JDN/55/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/ if I'm on build report #55, or http ://-jenkins-/job/JDN/50/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/ if I'm on build report #50.
I could do it in my script looking for the last number build but it's a little heavy. I'd like to know if Jenkins manages that, like lastFailedBuild, lastSuccessfulBuild alias. -> an alias which refers to the artifacts of the observed report. -> it could be something as : http ://-jenkins-/job/JDN/currentReportNumber/artifact/screenshots/Fail1.png/
There is permalink to /lastBuild, which was what I think you mean by "current build"
You can also add /buildNumber to any permalink to get just the value of the build number, for example /lastBuild/buildNumber will return the numeric value of the last executed build, while /lastFailedBuild/buildNumber will return the numeric value of the last failed build.
Physically, the artifacts are stored on the server alongside your WORKSPACE. Under $JENKINS_HOME (or %JENKINS_HOME% for Windows), look for /jobs/<jobname>. There you will see
- config.xml (your job configuration)
- nextBuildNumber (contains the next build number, don't modify this)
- workspace folder (this is the job's WORKSPACE that Jenkins uses during build
- builds folder (this is the history of all your retained builds)
Open the builds folder, and you will see all your saved builds (in time-stamped folders), including symlinks representing the permalinks (such as lastFailedBuild, etc). Under each time-stamped folder, you will see archive folder. This is where the archived artifacts are stored.
To access the WORKSPACE files through the URL use http://<jenkins-url>/job/<job-name>/ws/<path-to-files>
Jenkins has a list of variables you can use , see Jenkins Set Environment Variables. So in the shell script launched by the job; you can see the build number with echo $BUILD_NUMBER and use it. Or directly use BUILD_URL.
I obtained the specific url for each build with that.

Archiving artifacts not in the workspace when build fails

When an ANT build step fails in my build I'd like to archive the logs in order to determine the problem. The relevant logs, however, are not located in the workspace, so I have to use a full path to them.
The standard artifact archiving feature does not work well with full paths, so first I have to copy the logs into the workspace within some build step so that I can later archive them. I do not want to incorporate the copying code into the original ANT script (it does not really belong there). On the other hand, since the build step fails the build I can't execute the code that copies the artifacts into the workspace as a separate build step as it is never reached.
I am considering using ANT -keep-going option, but how will I then fail the build?
Any other ideas (artifact plugins that handle full paths gracefully, for example)?
Update: I've worked around the problem by creating a symbolic link in the workspace to the directory that contains the files to be archived. Kludgy, but effective.
I would recommend using Flexible Publish plugin in conjunction with the Conditional Build Step plugin.
The Flexible Publish plugin allows you to schedule build steps AFTER the build steps have normally run. This allows you to catch both successful and failed builds and execute something - say a script that copies the files from OUTSIDE the workspace to INSIDE the workspace. The Conditional BuildSet plugin allows conditionalizing the steps so that they only run when the build fails. Using these two plugins, you can copy the files into the workspace upon failure, then archive them with the usual Jenkins mechanisms.

Can a Jenkins build access the archived artifacts from itself?

I'm using Jenkins and have the "Archive the Artifacts" step at the end of my builds to archive them into a zip file.
Instead of using this step, I'd like to use a script to push the artifacts to a remote server at the end of the build. The server I'm pushing to uses a REST API / HTTP PUT request in a script to upload files.
Note that I'm looking to access the artifact created in the same build. So if I'm on build #5, I want the artifacts from build #5, not build #4.
Is there any way to access this zip file with a script, in the same build that it was created in?
I need to upload this zip remotely and don't want to create another job to do so.
You can install one of the "Publish Over..." plugins to upload your artifacts at the end of a build.
The goal of the Publish Over plugins is to provide a consistent set of
features and behaviours when sending build artifacts ... somewhere.
See also the full list of "upload" plugins for other methods of publishing your artifacts.
Like #Christopher said, you can use any of the Publish Over plugins on the Jenkins Plugins page to upload the artifact to any of the
If you want to access the archived zip file from within the build itself, you can use the following link to access it:
http://<server>/job/${JOB_NAME}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/<artifact name w/folder>
For example:
server =
job name = myproject
artifact = del/
Your URL would be:
EDIT: Question was changed. In any case, this would work for accessing the artifact of the previous build in the current one.
There is no way that I have found to access the "Archive the Artifacts" package of the build that generates it. This step always occurs last in the build. Accessing the URL prior to the build ending (during the build via script for example) results in a blank zip file. To get around this limitation, I'm making a second linked build job to grab the zip and run my script to deploy it.
