Bottom border line behind navigationBar dont show in iPhone X - ios

I have this problem. I´m working with Xcode 9 and Swift 3. The navigation bar in navigation controller has Translucent check to true. But...
In iPhone 7 simulator the border line behind navigation bar show perfectly but in iPhone X simulator, this line don't show.
Anybody know how resolved it?


Xamarin : Why the navigation bar not appearing

I have a strange behaviour about the navigation bar. I used iPhone 8 plus emulator and my iPhone 5c to run my application. All the pages will see the navigation bar but one of the client using iPhone 8plus unable to see the navigation bar on one of the screen only.
In my code, I didn't hide the navigation bar. I want to know does anyone have the same issue.

Navigationbar items not showing on ios 11

I am placing profile picture and a button to left of profile picture to right side of the navigation bar. It was working well before the iOS 11 but now they are not showing. How could I fix them?
I saw this question: navigation bar rightbaritem image-button bug iOS 11
But i think it is not the same problem.

iOS App is offset from the top of the Screen

I am developing an app (objective c) with a navigation controller. For some reason the whole app is offset from the top of the device. See below, can anyone give me some pointers as I have no idea.
Hiding the Navigation bar makes no difference, either in the storyboard or in code. The storyboard constraints all seem correct, as the title below the navigation bar moves up and down when showing and hiding the navigation bar.
This problem occurs on iPhone SE and iPhone 7, the iPad 2 is ok. The xCode version is 8.1
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to use launch.storyboard in your Project or you need to add launch screens image in your Asset Folder for all the sizes, then this black screen from top and bottom will be removed.
In App Icons and Launch Images setting, you need to set asset and launch screen file. so this black bar will disappear.

UITableView size in both i0S7 and iOS5

I am having trouble getting my table view to size correctly on 3.5 inch iPhone between the two iOSs.
I have a tabbar (native). I cannot use auto layout because its not compatible with iOS versions < 6.0. So Xcode tells me.
If I size for iOS 7 it gets cut off by the tab bar so i move it up but then it is in the middle of the screen for iOS 5. and visa-versa. Not to mention when I go and try it on a 4 inch screen.
The Autosizing Attribute in Xcode IB seems to be no help either. (Not the checkbox the lines)
In the pic below this is set for iOS 7 running it on iOS 5. If I move it to the bottom of the black, which is not the bottom of the screen, it will be underneath the tab bar when ran.
I have played a round for some time with different configurations but I cannot seem to hit it right. What am I missing?
You have 2 choices.
Either set the tab bar translucency to NO
if ([self.tabBarController.tabBar respondsToSelector:#selector(setTranslucent:)])
[self.tabBarController.tabBarController.tabBar setTranslucent:NO];
or put this in your viewDidLoad in your controller
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(setEdgesForExtendedLayout:)])
[self setEdgesForExtendedLayout:UIRectEdgeNone];

UINavigationBar position is not the same depending on iOS version ( 7 and 6 )

I'm updating my app to iOS7 and I noticed that I had to re-adjust all my manually placed UINavigationBars so that they come under the status bar.
Now that all bars have been manually moved in the IB below the status bar I've a problem that it looks great on iOS7 but in any other version there is a pronounced gap between the status bar and the UINavigationBar.
Could anyone advice me why is this problem happening between iOS versions and how to overcome it?
