Hybridauth - Windows Live stopped importing contacts - hybridauth

I'm not sure when it started, but Windows Live stopped returning contacts. Updating to version 2.10 did not help. The raw response for getUserContacts (Live.php) returns:
object(stdClass)#10 (1) { ["data"]=> array(0) { } }
Any clue/suggestion is greatly appreciated.


Problem with react-native InAppUtils.receiptData

I use the react-native-in-app-utils (6.0.2) component in my react-native app. After upgrading a lot of components and libraries I'm unable to get the users receiptData using the InAppUtils.receiptData() function. Before upgrade this works fine.
After running
InAppUtils.receiptData((error, receiptData)=> {
if(error) {
Alert.alert('itunes Error', 'Receipt not found.');
} else {
// receiptData is undefined/empty and I'am therefore unable to verify the receipe with the users iTunes-account.
receiptData is undefined/empty and I'am therefore unable to verify the receipe with the users iTunes-account.
Before trying to get the receipt I run InAppUtils.loadProducts(..) which works fine, I get all my products.
Any suggestions?

Camera not working on iOS, error in getUserMedia

I'm trying to understand and I'm pretty sure a problem is not in what it telling me.
I am building a PWA with Vue.js. When I init a camera, it does not work on iOS (v11+). I tried many variations, but have no idea what's going on behind and how to properly debug a compiled code in Safari Developer tool (breakpoints just won't work).
here is the code:
async init () {
// Media Device settings
const constraints = {
audio: false,
video: {
facingMode: (this.camera.mode === 'front') ? 'user' : { exact: 'environment' },
width: this.camera.size.width,
height: this.camera.size.height
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints)
this.tracks = stream.getVideoTracks()
this.video.srcObject = stream
// Toggle the camera state
// Check for realtime validation
if (this.realtime) {
} catch (e) {
this.handleErrorMessage(`getUserMedia error: ${e.name}`, e)
And here is what I get in console window:
Trying to call getUserMedia from an insecure document.
Any idea how to debug this error ?
==== UPDATE ====
While developing on localhost and having no https available for development environment, doing yarn server and connecting to served IP over network
I've enabled an option for WebRTC:
But it does not help.
Unfortunately apple dose not allow the use of WebRTC when you use your app as a PWA.
Take a look at this links.
getUserMedia() in PWA on iOS 11.3.1
In last version of safari you can allow insecure sites from the web inspector window. See this response : https://stackoverflow.com/a/59770868/2440064

Appcelerator login API getting error in response Unexpected identifier

I am using Appcelerator iCloud·Cloud.Users.login·API its callback is giving me following response:
{"success":false,"error":true,"message":"JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier \"An\""}
I am stuck on the things and not able to move forward, Our live App users on App Store are also affected from this.
Problem comes when we open Appcelerator Titanium project from Xcode and build the app from there and run on iOS simulator or device.
Here is the code which I am using:
login : userId,
password : password,
}, function(e) {
Ti.API.info("In success ....Cloud.Users.login..");
Ti.API.info('response from login service'+JSON.stringify(e));
if (e.success) {
Ti.API.info('User successfully login');
} else if (e.error) {
In my case its going in else part because of response which I provided "success":false in the JSON which I am getting in callback function from Appcelerator cloud API.
Help me to resolve this error I am getting in callback.

AWS DynamoDB iOS SDK silently failing but always returning success status

I've created an iOS application following AWS Mobile SDK examples using AWSiOSSDKv2.
I've successfully been able to connect with an unauthorized Cognito account to DynamoDB and write to the table. I log into AWS, check the table and see my records are there.
AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper *dynamoDBObjectMapper = [AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper defaultDynamoDBObjectMapper];
[[dynamoDBObjectMapper save:tableRow] continueWithSuccessBlock:^id(BFTask *task) {
if (!task.error) {
NSLog(#"Successfully inserted the data into the table.");
} else {
NSLog(#"Failed to insert the data into the table.");
return nil;
However, now I want to test what will happen in a failure. I deliberately try to cause an error by changing the dynamoDBTableName to something that does not exist. Unfortunately, my code always returns success even tho it was not.
I found in another thread someone recommending putting logging to verbose which I did.
[AWSLogger defaultLogger].logLevel = AWSLogLevelVerbose;
And in the console, I do see that AWSLogger displays an error:
is not authorized to perform: dynamodb:PutItem on resource:
However, In my code above, it always writes "Successfully inserted the data into the table.".
I've even tried modifying AWS Mobile Examples and can reproduce the same bug. I've also tried installing the POD and manually adding the AWSiOSSDKv2 framework to my project, neither fix the issue.
Has anyone run into this issue and does anyone know how to resolve? I'm trying to create an unauthorized user who only has write access to the dynamodb table.
This is a known issue of the SDK, and the fix is on its way.
In the meanwhile, if you are using CocoaPods, adding the following lines to AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.m L154 should fix it:
if (task.error) {
return task;

Twilio client browser issue - Warning: 13227 - Dial: No International Authorization

http://www.twilio.com/docs/quickstart/csharp/client/incoming-calls <-- I've gone through the tutorial on this page, copied/pasted everything and when I run a test the call goes through and hangs up right away, never ringing my browser. Here is some info (including error):
C# MVC application
Phone Number I'm calling is a toll free number
Changed jenny to wayne (as my name is wayne)
Get Warning in app logs:
Warning: 13227 - Dial: No International Authorization
Not really sure why I'm getting the No International Authorization, I'm making a call from my personal Cell phone to the toll free number, and my c# code in the application to handle the call is as follows:
public ActionResult SendCallToWayne()
var response = new TwilioResponse();
response.Dial("wayne", new { callerId = "Toll Free Number" });
return new TwiMLResult(response);
I recently added the callId value, but it didn't make a difference. the resulting XML looks the same as the example in the Link provided above.
I've search StackOverFlow, as well as google, and have not found a solution to my problem, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out I needed to use DialClients, not Dial. Error could have been a bit better, but since it translated wayne to 92963 I suppose it's the correct error to be returned.
