How to properly duplicate the same tab directory into another tab - cmder

How can I duplicate the directory of the specific tab in cmder, I tried right clicking and chose restart or duplicate > Duplicate Root but it won't duplicate instead it would go to my C:\users\My_pc drive

You were on the right track, you just needed to select Split to Right or Split to Bottom instead:
This will open a new tab to the right || bottom with the same directory as the duplicated tab.


How to select multi controllers in storyboard?

Here is my storyboard:
and I know it looks crazy , so I plan to use storyboard reference to move the right part of the storyboard in to a new storyboard. and I googled ,it says press the shift can multi selected controllers ,but it dose not work.
so how can I move multi controllers at same time?
I have tried to use mouse ,but it only selected 5 controllers in the upper part 。
But I want to select all of them.
Just select them by dragging mouse:
And then press key Command + C to copy them,
then open the second Storyboard, press key Command + V to paste them.
Yes, it is possible.
Select controllers you want to copy
Press Command + C
Open your second storyboard file
Press Command + V
It is very easy no any key is required just select using mouse
i post the gif..
Hold down Option and scroll mouse wheel until minimum resolution, 6.25%
Click and Drag to select all view controllers - or ones you want to copy.
Click Edit->Copy or Use Ctrl+C
Go to Target Storyboard. Click Edit->Paste or Ctrl+V.
I tested this with about 40 controllers,looks like you have around that much. Old question, but new answer! :). In case anyone still looking.
Also I key-bind Option+Z to "Zoom to Fit" and this centers and displays all controllers with the Interface Builder canvas.

How to move Dashboard on Jenkins

How to move Dashboard on Jenkins. In way - tab a, tab c, tab b
see image
I think the only solution is to prefix your tab name with a number if you want to change the order :(
Change order of jobs in Jenkins
You can select what tab a build job belongs to by editing the view
- Click on the Tab
- On the Left you will see option to "Edit View"
- Your list of jobs will appear there check the one's you want to show up on that view and save changes

Can I copy a storyboard from one project to another project?

To reuse a storyboard, could I simply copy it from one project to another project (then make modification to the storyboard as required)?
Yes you can, just make sure they are selected as your main storyboards as per image below.
As #Muhammad said you can and it is very simple!
You just have to drag the Storyboard file from one project to another and select all options (The same procedure as importing anything else!).
Next, you just need to go to your project options by clicking on the project icon in the left upper side of project navigator.
Then you just need to select this storyboard to be your storyboard and that's it.
Method 1
Select the View Controller in the storyboard and press Command + C to copy. Then press Command + V to paste in the second storyboard. Check the document outline to see where it was pasted to.
Method 2
Right click the storyboard file in the Project Navigator and select Open As > Source Code. Scroll down the XML code until you find your View Controller. It will look something like this:
<!--My View Controller-->
<scene sceneID="tne-QT-ifu">
Copy this and paste it in the second project's storyboard file.
You must also copy over the view controller swift file, of course, but the outlets shouldn't need to be reconnected.
It's simple. Just follow these steps:
Press cmd + D while selecting your desired storyboard scene. It will create a duplicate copy of your selected scene.
Press cmd + x to cut the scene from the existing project.
Press cmd + v into the storyboard section of the second project.

Shorten Joomla SEF URL Parent / Child / Sub Menu Items, Use only one alias without multiple parent alias

Is there anyway to only show the menu item alias in the URL without its parent alias? I know I can create a hidden menu with all items in the root level but this will make the breadcrumb unusable.
For example:
I like it to be just
I have url rewrite/sef turned on using Joomla 2.5.
There is a workaround.
Create a seperate menu and create menu item in that menu with required alias.
Then on the menu you want the link in the first place, create a menu item of type menu Alias and select the seperate menu item as target. This way parent alias will no appear infront for any alias type menu items.
No need for any workarounds. It works straight on.
(Written for J 2.5 but J 3 should be the same)
Choose the menu item which you wish to remove from the SEF URL (the parent menu which provides the url). Open it from the menu manager
In the section on the left, titled "Details" there is a row with "Alias". Next to it there's a button "Inherited". Click it so it becomes "Not Inherited".
Save & Close
Voila! It disappears .
It work's with "Direct Alias" extension.
After instaling it "Inherited" button apears next to "Alias".
I have just had a similar problem and this plugin worked perfectly to achieve what I needed. This saves me hours of work creating 301 redirects. I had to buy the pro version to get the control over individual menu items. This gives you the functionality Ben Shomer describes above eg Next to it there's a button "Inherited". Click it so it becomes "Not Inherited". The free version controls ALL menu item aliases. Great plugin, highly recommended.
To perform what you want to do :
1- Install "Direct Alias" extension :
2- Go to "Menus" -> "All Menus Items" and select your menu item.
After "Alias" field you will have two buttons "Relative" and "Inherited".
Click on "Relative". It will transform to "Direct". Save and test.
You have now a direct link for your child item in your menu.
Note : If you don't install Direct "Direct Alias" extension the two button will not display.
I'm not sure it's possible with core Joomla.
You can achieve this - and complete control over your SEF urls - with the sh404 extension.
I solve it by following these steps.
Create a hidden menu which is your child menu. (For creating the hidden menu go to the Link Type tab and select No for Display in Menu option).
Then create your parent menu with a type of anything under the System Links (except Menu Item Alias)
Create a menu (as a child of the parent menu you have created before) with the type of Menu Item Alias and select the hidden child menu you've created before as the Menu Item.
That's all. Now you can show your menu structure like-
And when you click on the Child link the URL will look like

TdxBarManager VCL finding menu options

I am looking at a menu option on the all commands tab of a TdxBarMananger. Is there a quick way to find where on the menu the current command is? At present I have to open the dfm file and search for the command name.
You can only search for a bar item by manually expanding sub menus. There is no a list of conformity which would allow you to quickly define where a certain BarItem is positioned.
