SwiftCharts- display one data point for Custom Units Scrollable graph - ios

I would like to display one data point for Custom Units Scrollable graph (Custom Units Example). Is it possible to do it with this library?
I have looked into issues and the library to check and I only see [ChartAxisValue] array to create ChartAxisModel (i.e. xModel an yModel), no function to only add one ChartAxisValue for each. Would really appreciate your input. Here is an example of a function that I see w/ [ChartAxisValue]: ChartAxisModel(axisValues: [ChartAxisValue], lineColor: UIColor, axisTitleLabel: ChartAxisLabel, labelsConflictSolver: ChartAxisLabelsConflictSolver, leadingPadding: ChartAxisPadding, trailingPadding: ChartAxisPadding, labelSpaceReservationMode: AxisLabelsSpaceReservationMode, clipContents: Bool)
Would really appreciate your input.Thank you!
Link to Swift Charts: https://github.com/i-schuetz/SwiftCharts


How to use CDK overlay while leaving an existing component in the foreground?

The Angular Material CDK library provides various features including overlays. All the examples I can find show how to display a new component on top of the overlay. My goal is a little different. I want to display an existing component (one of several on the screen) on top of the overlay.
The behavior I have in mind is that when the user goes into a kind of editing mode on a particular object, the component representing that object would sort of "float" on top of an overlay, until editing is done or cancelled.
Is there any straightforward way to do that? It seems that the cdkConnectedOverlay directive might be useful, but I can't figure out how to make it work.
Angular CDK Provides you two ways to achieve that (Directives and Services).
Using the Overlay service you will need to call the create method passing the positionStrategy prop:
class AppComponent {
#ViewChild('button') buttonRef: ElementREf;
ngOnInit() {
const overlayRef = overlay.create({
positionStrategy: getOverlayPosition(),
height: '400px',
width: '600px',
const userProfilePortal = new ComponentPortal(UserProfile);
getOverlayPosition(): PositionStrategy {
this.overlayPosition = this.overlay.position()
{originX: 'start', originY: 'bottom'},
{overlayX: 'start', overlayY: 'top'}
return this.overlayPosition;
I made an example to show you how to use the CDK overlays services and classes.
Overlay demo
If you prefer the directive way Look at this medium article and check the examples applying the directive way:
Material CDK Overlay with RxJS

array.prototype.foreach called on null or undefined highcharts

I am working on Highcharts highmaps rich information on click chart.First time load the information by json array and its working fine.But when I am filter data using filters and load chart again it`s give me same error array.prototype.foreach called on null or undefined highcharts at below lines.What is solution for this?
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
var points = mapChart.getSelectedPoints();
Below link I am using as reference:
I will answer this question in case someone else bumps into this problem in the future (even though I saw your problem is solved in github).
I encountered this issue with Highcharts when resizing the website (having 2 pie charts and one bar graph). I managed to solve it by wrapping the initialization of the graphs in a document.ready:
$(() => {

Webix: how to dynamically load components from external js file into a layout?

I would like to know how to update a row/col and or layout from an external js file on webix. Let's say I have a menu at the left of the screen (col[]) and want to update the right column based on a menu selection. If the menu is composed by
And want to update the right column based on the selection calling customers.js, orders.js and products.js
Just like http://webix.com/demos/admin-app/#!/app/orders
That example is very advanced for me, I would like to learn some basic method.
Oscar P
You can use webix.ui command or addView API to add a new UI to some specific place on the page.
webix.ajax("config.json", function(text){
$$("layout").addView( JSON.parse(text) );
webix.ajax("config.json", function(text){
webix.ui( JSON.parse(text), $$("cell_to_replace"));
I also found out an example with .showBatch() API but the console shows "Uncaught TypeError: $$(...).addView is not a function" on both functions, are those part of PRO version? what is wrong?
My code is:
onMenuItemClick:function(id) {

Extending SAP Fiori App - Adding button in the footer

I am extending hcm.emp.payslip app and need to add a button in the footer....what is the right way of doing it?..
option 1: placing a extension point as described in page 13 of this pdf.. -- it didnt work..I followed exactly the steps mentioned. or will this not work as we are inserting an extension point ourselfs and which is not supported now.?
option 2: extending UI controller hooks as described here -- I couldnt try this as the documentation is very brief and I am a beginner...Also I am not sure if we can change the view by extending controller
I am using eclipse, and installed the Tool kit plug-in, some places I saw they recommended using Web IDE, but we would like to do it using tool kit, as I am not sure if we have cloud HANA access. or is it still fine to use the UI tool kit way..
would like to suggest the right approach with detailed steps...
Your Option 1 is not possible(Why? Because to add button to the footer there is controllerHook not UI extension point)
Go with Option 2 there are already extensionHooks given in all the controllers (S3.controller.js and in S3_phone.controller.js) of detail pages of the application.
controllerHook : extHookChangeFooterButtons
by Default SAP builds headerFooterOptions and sends that object to your extension Hook
* #ControllerHook Modify the footer buttons
* This hook method can be used to add and change buttons for the detail view footer
* It is called when the decision options for the detail item are fetched successfully
* #callback hcm.emp.payslip.view.S3_Phone~extHookChangeFooterButtons
* #param {object} objHdrFtr-Header Footer Object
* #return {object} objHdrFtr-Header Footer Object
if (this.extHookChangeFooterButtons) {
objHdrFtr = this.extHookChangeFooterButtons(objHdrFtr);
So you in the extended controller, receive the same append:
extHookChangeFooterButtons: function (objHdrFtr) {
//first if the buttonsList is empty, create one.
//Actually in S3.controller.js buttonsList is not defined since there are no buttons
if (!objHdrFtr.buttonList) {
objHdrFtr.buttonList = [];
//then create a button:
var extendedButton = {
sI18nBtnTxt: "SAMPLE", //make sure you add texts in respective i18n files
bEnabled: true,
onBtnPressed: function (evt) {
//as you can see SAP says to return the object
return objHdrFtr;
Suggestion: Its very easy to do it in Web IDE.
It takes no time SETUP.
Very easy to use, saves lot of time
Shows all controllerHooks,
extension Points in UI
For the above example in Fiori Inbox use B.aButtonList.push(extendedButton); which will add the button to the end of the list (instead of append)

Text URL in AIR iOS app not selectable

I'm using AIR 2.0 (soon will be updating to 3.3 with Flash CS6) to create an iPad app. We have textfields (Classic, dynamic) which sometimes contain one or multiple htmlText links which need to be clickable. In the desktop version of the program, all text is selectable and the links are easily accessed. My problem is that it takes me mashing the link like 20 times on the iPad before it will recognize that there's a link and navigate to it in Safari. The other strange thing is that none of the text appears to be selectable - I can't get the iPad cursor, copy/paste menu, etc. to show up.
I think, from reading other threads, that the hit area for the URL is only the stroke on the text itself... if that's true, what can I do to increase the hit area? Or make text selectable? It was suggested elsewhere to put movieclips behind the URLs but that's not really possible as this is all dynamic text from XML files.
I've read about StageText but I gather this is only used for input fields, which is not the case here.
I'm reasonably advanced in AS3 but I'd prefer an easy solution over re-writing large chunks of code. At the moment the only thing I can think to do is get the URL and make it so that as soon as you touch anywhere on the textfield, it navigates to the link. But this would break down if there were more than 1 URL in a given textfield.
Any ideas?
I had this exact same issue, and it's had me flummoxed for a while.
Here's what I did to get the desired behaviour:
1) Instead of using a listener for TextEvent.LINK, listen for MouseEvent.CLICK (or TouchEvent.TAP) on the TextField.
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, linkClicked);
2) In the linkClicked() handler, you use getCharIndexAtPoint() to determine the index of the character that was clicked, and then from that determine the URL from the TextFormat of the character. This is adapted from a post by Colin Holgate on the Adobe Forums (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/231754)
public function linkClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
var idx:int = e.target.getCharIndexAtPoint(e.localX, e.localY);
var tf:TextFormat = e.target.getTextFormat(idx);
if(tf.url != "" && tf.url != null) {
var linkURL:String = tf.url;
// Hyperlink processing code here
dispatchEvent(new UIEvent(UIEvent.LINK_TAPPED,tf.url));
3) The last line (dispatchEvent()) is sending a custom event to another function to process the link, but you could easily inline your code here.
I've tested on an iPad 3 running iOS6.1, building with AIR3.5. Links are much more responsive, and I don't find myself mashing the screen trying to hit the stroke of the text!
