How can I set custom path for file in the Advanced installer? - advanced-installer

I wanted to build an installer by using Advanced Installer. There are some files that do not need to install in the main application folder. I need to install them in the C:\ProgramData folder. How should I do that?
Thank you

For ProgramData you need to place files in the Common Application Data folder.
Here is a list with the paths for all the predefined folders.
Also, here is how to create a custom path folder too.


Zip all the files within the folder in jenkins workspace

I have some files in Jenkins work space. I want all the files to be zipped and zip should now include the root folder and should include only the contents within the folder.
I have already tried using file operation plugin which actually zips the files. But problem using this plugin is that all the files are inside an root folder. What i need is as soon as i unzip i should only get the files and not the folder.
Try and use the manven assembly plugin.
You can then configure it to include file without taking its path folders, using:
You can simply do it using terminal
got to the root directory or the directory that have all the files you want then :
tar chvfz workspace.tar.gz *
will zip all the files in the workspace in workspace.tar.gz
if you wanna zip specific files u can list them instead of using *

TFS 2017 build Copy files from

In a build, we have Copy files from the task. The problem we have is the source folder itself is copied to the destination. We'd want the contents of the source folder to be copied to the destination folder, not the folder itself. Is there any way to do that?
I tried a wildcard but that doesn't work. It seems it needs a path itself. An issue of this could be that the source is named 'X' but the destination is named 'Y' (it was setup before this build and IIS is pointing to this folder). Can we have the source folder be renamed in the build maybe?
That would be name_of_sourcefolder\**\* for all files and subfolders of just name_of_sourcefolder\* for all files.
This has to be set in the Contents part of the task.

Include files to build generated by angular-cli before build in mvc

I am struggling with a issue for files generated by nodejs needed to be included in build. It works well in local development but when i want to publish it then it won't include files fron dist folder to build and app will not have a dist folder. Can any one help on this?
Note:- files are created each time has different name so i cannot select and include them. I am using visual studio 2017. I hope i could explain the issue or let me know i can try better. Thanks in advance
You need to put your static files under the wwwroot folder to make them accessible on the production server.
To include those files for publishing, a simplest option would be to add them to wwwroot before a publishing starts, otherwise they will be ignored.
Another option would be to tell MSBuild to include the files explicitly.
You can find an example of how to customize the project file at <Target Name="NgBuildAndAddToPublishOutput" AfterTargets="ComputeFilesToPublish">.
You could build for production with Angular CLI with --output-hashing=none like so:
ng build --prod --output-hashing=none
And then include the generated js-files into your project-file (csproj). Then use a Script-bundle in BundleConfig.cs with BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; to generate the hashes for you by ASP.NET instead of Angular-cli.

Dart Editor won't allow me to edit files inside the package folder

Does anyone know why Dart Editor won't allow me to edit files located inside the packages folder? I originally had my library class files outside of that folder, but I thought the right way to do it was to put my library under that folder, so I did it and now I can't modify the files.
Everything in packages/ is (usually) a symlink to a possibly shared copy of a package, so if you edited a file in packages/ you'd be editing it for all your projects, which might be very not what you want.
If you'd like to edit multiple packages together, the best way to do it is to specify a dependency override that uses a path source, like so:
name: my_package
path: /Users/me/dart/my_other_package
This way any other dependency on that package will also load it from the specified path and pub won't complain that you have different sources for the same package. Then you can open both projects separately in the editor and the my_package will see the changes in my_other_package as you edit.

What relevance do folders have in a dart project?

When I create a sub folder in a Dart Project in Dart Editor, immediately a package subfolder is created inside this sub folder. I have not read anywhere that sub folders have a special meaning for the project structure, but it appears they do. Anybody knows more?
The package subfolder holds symlinks to your Pub packages. You can read more about Pub and Pub packages at
When you start a non-web project, the editor will automatically create package directories in your bin/ and test/ directories (but not in your lib/ directory). If you create a web project, a package directory is also created in the web/ folder.
If you add a Pub dependency in the pubspec.yaml file and run pub install, your will see that the package folders will contain symlinks to the Pub package you just installed. If you are using Dart Editor, pub install will automatically run once you modify your pubspec,yaml file.
If you create a subfolder inside any directory that contains one of these auto-generated package folders, the subfolder will get its own package directory. This way, you will have access to your Pub packages no matter how deeply you nest your code in a directory.
Shailen's answer is correct. I wanted to add a bit more, as the title of this question is "What relevance to folders have in a Dart project?"
Dart is designed to be very web friendly. Because there is no load path or classpath on the web, Dart apps must run without requiring an installation or pre-configuration of a local environment.
The only way you can link one file to another in Dart is via a URI. These URIs can be file URIs, and they can be relative. That means file A.dart can point to file B.dart via an absolute or relative path.
So, to answer you question, there is nothing special about a folder layout for Dart applications. The app will run as long as your Dart file can reference its dependencies via the same kind of linking rules that exist on the web (think <a href="" or <link src="").
However, pub (the Dart dependency manager) does make a few assumptions about package and application layout. If certain conventions are followed, pub can manage symlinks for you so that it's easier to reference 3rd party dependencies. Do you need to use pub? Nope, you can manually copy files around or manually manage symlinks. But pub certainly does make it easier to use packages, given the constraints of Dart's design (no load path, no classpath).
