Can you define a Segue in the storyboard to self? - ios

I have an app that represents a folder structure. I have a UITableViewController for the folders and files listing, and a UIViewController for the Documents.
I want to be able to recursively navigate through the folder structure, so I want to reuse the Folder UITableView multiple times while I let the user drill down a folder structure.
Is there a way to draw a segue from the UITableViewController to self so when I select a folder I present another instance of the view, but with the content of the subfolder?
I did this in previous versions of Xcode, but I cannot figure this out on Xcode 9.

You can use Storyboard Reference and Storyboard ID of ViewController in Interface Builder

Yes you can do it. Add a hidden button in view controller and drag & drop segue self view controller.

I've never created a segue link to the same view controller, but based on Halil's answer above, it sounds like it's possible.
Rather than messing with hidden buttons, though, why don't you give your scene a storyboard identifier, and then instantiate and push/present your view controller through code? You could put your logic in the table view's tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:) method.


UIStoryboard segue fail

I created a simple Show segue by dragging from a UIButton to another UIViewController in storyboard view. It's configured as all of my other VCs and has a custom class that is specified, with linked IBOutlets and IBActions (which appear to link up when I hover on them).
NOTE: When I first created it, there was no view controller class specified. I've recreated it several times since then, but I'm wondering if some value is cached that's pointing to a default view controller. Although I get print lines from the correct view did load method...
For some reason, when I run the app and click the button it links to a black, empty view controller. The navbar pops up without any back button (these views are embedded in UINavigationController).
After looking up other posts about this kind of issue, I've deleted and recreated the segue, cleaned my build folder and restarted Xcode. There's no source code involved in this, just storyboard configuration. Any help on next steps?
According to the code shown in your screen shot, the problem would be that NodeEnrollmentViewController is a subclass of UINavigationController. That's wrong. It should be a subclass of UIViewController.
You cannot (and do not need to) segue from a view controller within a navigation controller to a navigation controller.

I can't connect the IBAction of UIButton into the ViewController class

When I try to link the UIButton object to the ViewController class in order the create an IBAction, Xcode doesn't show me the window for creating it.
I have to say that It only happens with the second ViewController of the NavigationController, because with the first one it works.
I believe it should be a Xcode bug...
The situation is the one below:
In order for CTRL-drag to work, the ViewController must be told which ViewController class to use.
Once that is done, you can use split view and Control-drag from the button to the code. Xcode will not let you Control-drag to the wrong file.
You cannot control-drag from a button on View Controller 1 to the class file for View Controller 2.
I'm not sure if I see it all in the right way, but you have code for one view controller, which is called ViewController. In this view controller you have an action method for the button via avanti and an action method for the button via indietro. However, the buttons are not in the same scene of your story board. You have the first scene with the button via avanti linked with the ViewController.swift file (Controller initial scene), but the second scene (Controller finale scene) is not linked to your the ViewController.swift file, which it shouldn't. You have to create a new view controller file for every scene in your storyboard and put the action methods in the view controller files that are linked with the appropriate scene. It is also preferable not to call your view controller swift files ViewController.swift, but give them a meaningful name.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
the thing you are trying to add is the self.view which is already added in UIViewController Class. try adding another control like button or another UIView

UINavigationController for infinite navigation (nested folders)

I need to navigate inside folders and files in directory (from server). The problem is that I don't know the number of folders so it's not possible to use performSegueWithIdentifier statically. How can I use navigation controller with dynamically number of view controllers in swift? I want to "push" a new view controller every time a user tap on a folder in order to list files/folders inside it and I want to do it with UINavigationController so the user have the possibility to go back with "previous" button.
Both storyboard and programmatically approaches are ok.
Thanks you
Storyboards and segues are just a crutch. Think about how you would do this without them. At each level, to go down a level, you would just instantiate a new view controller and push it onto the navigation controller stack with pushViewController:animated:.
And in fact it takes only one view controller class to do this, since any instance can create and push another instance of its own class. The display of one folder is exactly like the display of any other.
So if you wanted to configure this notion in a storyboard, you would have a circular segue, that is, the view controller would have a push / show segue leading to itself.
I agree with #matt's answer, just create the controller and push it. For sake of completeness, you can do this in a Storyboard with a segue.
Here's how:
So that you can call the segue programmatically, add an additional prototype cell to your tableView. (You do this because you don't want the segue to be automatically triggered when the tableViewCell is selected. By using an additional prototype cell, the segue can be wired up, but it will never be triggered automatically since this prototype cell will never actually be instantiated.)
Control-drag from this prototype cell to the viewController icon at the top of the tableViewController. Select "Show" from the pop-up.
Find this segue in the Document Outline View and give it an identifier such as "showFolderSegue" in the Attributes Inspector.
Now, when you want to trigger the segue, call: self.performSegueWithIdentifier("showFolderSegue", sender: self)
You can use prepareForSegue to set up the new tableViewController as you normally would.
This method too works with a single tableViewController.

How to create a separate view in Storyboard to be included programmatically in UITableView?

I have a UIViewController with a UITableView that is fed with data from the local database. When the user first launches the app (after installing) the table view is empty and I display a UIView in the middle of the table view that contains a UIImage, a UILabel and a UIButton (a call to action).
The first version of this view I built programmatically, which was no good to me because every time I tweaked something I had to build the app again. Then I switched to the storyboard but had to drag a UIView to the middle of my tableView. It is working now but I don't like the way it is, I can't edit my table view cells without having to move the UIView out of the table view.
I'd like to have a way to build this view entirely separated from my tableView (or even from my view controller in question) and then reference it in the viewDidLoad call of my view controller.
Unfortunately Xcode does not allow us to drag views directly to the storyboard so I'm pretty lost here.
Please tell me if I haven't been clear enough. I appreciate any help you could give me.
UPDATE: It'd be particularly awesome to me if I could also create a custom Swift class for this view of mine and reference it in the storyboard. And then in my viewDidLoad I could simply instantiate my custom view.
Thanks in advance.
Create a XIB file in which you can drag a view (without a view controller).
In your code you can load the XIB using NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("MyXibName", owner:self, options:nil).
In the XIB file you can give the UIView a custom class (like you can do with view controllers in storyboard).
You then of course have to retrieve the view from the array returned by loadNibNamed and cast it to your custom class.

Create View Programmatically in Objective-C Xcode 5

How should I go about creating a View for the storyboard programmatically? I want to access the labels from the first ViewController object made(automatically to call the IBAction methods of VC). I know that this first object of VC is the one linked to the view in the storyboard(?) and I need to change a label form another file, besides VC. I'm pretty sure the only way to do so would be to access the VC object that is linked to the view, or create one and not go with the default one that is created. If not, how would I go about accessing the labels of the view from another file?
You don't create storyboard objects programmatically. A storyboard is very basically an XML file Xcode uses to call different view controllers. The biggest advantage of using storyboards over NIBs is you can layout transitions or segues, and the advantage of NIBs or storyboards over initiating view controllers by code is obviously the visual interface. So your question doesn't really make sense.
If you want to reference a particular view controller's label from your storyboard you need to create a pointer to that view controller first, but changing it programmatically doesn't make sense because that's what storyboard is for.
That said you may just need to go look for your class name in your view controller's Identity Inspector in storyboard and then edit your label programmatically through an IBOutlet property.
