Default, platform specific, Bazel flags in bazel.rc - bazel

I was wondering if its possible for platform-specific default Bazel build flags.
For example, we want to use --workspace_status_command but this must be a shell script on Linux and must point towards a batch script for Windows.
Is there a way we can write in the tools/bazel.rc file something like...
if platform=WINDOWS build: --workspace_status_command=status_command.bat
if platform=LINUX build:
We could generate a .bazelrc file by having the users run a script before building, but it would be cleaner/nicer if this was not neccessary.

Yes, kind of. You can specify config-specific bazelrc entries, which you can select by passing --config=<configname>.
For example your bazelrc could look like:
build:linux --cpu=k8
build:linux --workspace_status_command=/path/to/
build:windows --cpu=x64_windows
build:windows --workspace_status_command=c:/path/to/command.bat
And you'd build like so:
bazel build --config=linux //path/to:target
bazel build --config=windows //path/to:target
You have to be careful not to mix semantically conflicting --config flags (Bazel doesn't prevent you from that). Though it will work, the results may be unpredictable when the configs tinker with the same flags.

Passing --config to all commands is tricky, it depends on developers remembering to do this, or controlling the places where Bazel is called.
I think a better answer would be to teach the version control system how to produce the values, like by putting a git-bazel-stamp script on the $PATH/%PATH% so that git bazel-stamp works.
Then we need workspace_status_command to allow commands from the PATH rather than a path on disk.

Proper way to do this is to wrap your cc_library with a custom macro, and pass hardcoded flags to copts. For full reference, look at envoy_library.bzl.
In short, your steps:
Define a macro to wrap cc_library:
def my_cc_library(
cc_library(name, copts=copts + my_flags(), **kwargs)
Define my_flags() macro as following:
name = "windows_x86_64",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"},
name = "linux_k8",
values = {"cpu": "k8"},
def my_flags():
x64_windows_options = ["/W4"]
k8_options = ["-Wall"]
return select({
":windows_x86_64": x64_windows_options,
":linux_k8": k8_options,
"//conditions:default": [],
How it works:
Depending on --cpu flag value my_flags() will return different flags.
This value is resolved automatically based on a platform. On Windows, it's x64_windows, and on Linux it's k8.
Then, your macro my_cc_library will supply this flags to every target in a project.

A better way of doing this has been added since you asked--sometime in 2019.
If you add
common --enable_platform_specific_config to your .bazelrc, then --config=windows will automatically apply on windows hosts, --config=macos on mac, --config=linux on linux, etc.
You can then add lines to your .bazelrc like:
build:windows --windows-flags
build:linux --linux-flags
There is one downside, though. This works based on the host rather than the target. So if you're cross-compiling, e.g. to mobile, and want different flags there, you'll have to go with a solution like envoy's (see other answer), or (probably better) add transitions into your graph targets. (See discussion here and here. "Flagless builds" are still under development, but there are usable hacks in the meantime.) You could also use the temporary platform_mappings API.
Commit that added this functionality.
Where it appears in the Bazel docs.


Replacing compiler_suite with toolchains+platform: how to --config the compiler?

I've set up my bazel crosstool so that I can specifically select the compiler that I want: gcc9, gcc10, ..., clang12, clang13... This works great.
bazel build --compiler=clang13 //:target
I'm scratching my head wondering how I achieve this with platforms! It seems to want to select whatever compiler you specify for the given platform, and if you want to change it, you have to edit the file!
In particular, if I want my compiler to be used by dependencies, whatever I do needs to be compatible with, for example, absl, and grpc.
Is there anyway to coerce toolchain selection via --config, --define, or other flags?
# In Workspace
# But how do I tell it that I want clang13, or clang14???
bazel build --platform=linux_x86 //:target
Here are two ideas that could help you:
do not use register_toolchains() to make all toolchains known to bazel, but use (maybe based on a --config via the .bazelrc). This lets bazel only know about one compiler toolchain available for resolution. Of course with this approach you can't use different compiler toolchains for different targets.
make use of the constraint_setting()s defined here. references how this is done:
name = "x64_windows-clang-cl",
constraint_values = [

How to use --save_temps in Bazel rule instead of command line?

Is there a way to control the Bazel build to generate wanted temp files for a list of source files instead of just using the command line option "--save_temps"?
One way is using a cc_binary, and add "-E" option in the "copts", but the obj file name will always have a ".o". This kind of ".o" files will be overwriten by the other build targets. I don't know how to control the compiler output file name in Bazel.
Any better ideas?
cc_library has an output group with the static library, which you can then extract. Something like this:
name = "extract_archive",
srcs = [":some_cc_library"],
output_group = "archive",
Many tools will accept the static archive instead of an object file. If the tool you're using does, then that's easy. If not, things get a bit more complicated.
Extracting the object file from the static archive is a bit trickier. You could use a genrule with the $(AR) Make variable, but that won't work with some C++ toolchains that require additional flags to configure architectures etc.
The better (but more complicated) answer is to follow the guidance in integrating with C++ rules. You can get the ar from the toolchain and the flags to use it in a custom rule, and then create an action to extract it. You could also access the OutputGroupInfo from the cc_library in the rule directly instead of using filegroup if you've already got a custom rule.
Thanks all for your suggestions.
Now I think I can solve this problem in two steps(Seems Bazel does not allow to combine two rules into one):
Step1, add a -E option like a normal cc_libary, we can call it a pp_library. It is easy.
Step2, in a new rules, its input is the target of pp_library, then in this rule find out the obj files(can be found via : action.outputs.to_list()) and copy them to the a new place via ctx.actions.run_shell() run_shell.
I take Bazel: copy multiple files to binary directory as a reference.

How to pass variables to Bazel target build?

I am trying to build a Docker image with this code:
name = "docker_image",
base = "#java_base//image",
files = [":executable_deploy.jar"],
cmd = ["java", "-jar", "executable_deploy.jar"],
env = { "VERSION" : "$(VERSION)" }
I want to pass a variable to the target built so it can be replaced in $(VERSION). Is this possible?
I have tried with VERSION=1.0.0 bazel build :docker_image, but I get an error:
$(VERSION) not defined.
How can I pass that variable?
According docs:
The values of this field (env) support make variables (e.g., $(FOO)) and
stamp variables; keys support make variables as well.
But I don't understand exactly what that means.
Those variables can be set via the --define flag.
There is a section on the rules_docker page about stamping which covers this.
Essentially you can do something like:
bazel build --define=VERSION=1.0.0 //:docker_image
It is also possible to source these key / value pairs from the stable-status.txt and volatile-status.txt files. The user manual page for bazel shows how to use these files, and the use of the --workspace_status_command to populate them.
For setting defaults, you could use a .bazelrc file, with something like the following as the contents:
build --define=VERSION=0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER
The flags passed on the command line will take precedence over those in the .bazelrc file.
It's worth mentioning, that changing define values will cause bazel to analyze everything again, which depending on the graph may take some time, but only affected actions will be executed.

How to pass an array from Bazel cli to rules?

Let's say I have a rule like this.
name = "helloworld",
myarray = [
In this case, myarray is static.
However, I want it to be given by cli, like
bazel run //:helloworld --myarray=":bar,//path/to:qux,:baz,:another"
How is this possible?
To get exactly what you're asking for, Bazel would need to support LABEL_LIST in Starlark-defined command line flags, which are documented here:
and here:
Unfortunately that's not implemented at the moment.
If you don't actually need a list of labels (i.e., to create dependencies between targets), then maybe STRING_LIST will work for you.
If you do need a list of labels, and the different possible values are known, then you can use --define, config_setting(), and select():
The question is, what are you really after. Passing variable, array into the bazel build/run isn't really possible, well not as such and not (mostly) without (very likely unwanted) side effects. Aren't you perhaps really just looking into passing arguments directly to what is being run by the run? I.e. pass it to the executable itself, not bazel?
There are few ways you could sneak stuff in (you'd also in most cases need to come up with a syntax to pass data on CLI and unpack the array in a rule), but many come with relatively substantial price.
You can define your array in a bzl file and load it from where the rule uses it. You can then dump the bzl content rewriting your build/run configuration (also making it obvious, traceable) and load the bits from the rule (only affecting the rule loading and using the variable). E.g, BUILD file:
load(":myarray.bzl", "myarray")
name = "helloworld",
myarray = myarray,
And you can then call your build:
$ echo 'myarray=[":bar", "//path/to:qux", ":baz", ":another"]' > myarray.bzl
$ bazel run //:helloworld
Which you can of course put in a single wrapper script. If this really needs to be a bazel array, this one is probably the cleanest way to do that.
--workspace_status_command: you can collection information about your environment, add either or both of the resulting files (depending on whether the inputs are meant to invalidate the rule results or not, you could use volatile or stable status files) as a dependency of your rule and process the incoming file in the what is being executed by the rule (at which point one would wonder why not pass it to as its command line arguments directly). If using stable status file, also each other rule depending on it is invalidated by any change.
You can do similar thing by using --action_env. From within the executable/tool/script underpinning the rule, you can directly access defined environmental variable. However, this also means environment of each rule is affected (not just the one you're targeting); and again, why would it parse the information from environment and not accept arguments on the command line.
There is also --define, but you would not really get direct access it's value as much as you could select() a choice out of possible options.

Skylark - How to execute a jar from a repository rule

I am writing a repository rule that invokes another Bazel project. My current approach is to build the additional project as a deploy jar. I would like a user to be able to instantiate the rule like:
jar_path = some/relative/path
my_rule(name = "something", p_arg="m_arg", binary=jar_path)
and then given the jar_path and the arguments, I would like the repository rule to execute the following command in the shell:
First, it's unclear how best to accomplish the deploy jar approach. So far, I have attempt two different approaches, with varying levels of success. For examples, I have skimmed through the scala_rules, the maven_rules, and the skylark cookbook.
Second, and more importantly, I am not sure whether the deploy jar is the best route to accomplishing my goals. Again, my interest is to invoke a target from an external Bazel project, that is currently hosted on github. (So feasibly, I could try to fetch the project using the http_archive rule).
Below, I describe the attempts I have made.
Approach 1
My first approach involved trying to execute the command using the command field in ctx.action. I tried various enumerations of
java -jar {computed_absolute_path_of_deploy_jar} {args_passed_from_instantiation}.
My biggest issue here was with determining the absolute path of the deploy jar. The file's root path, would contain some additional information. For example, it would like something like this.
/abs/olute/path[ something ]/rela/tive/path
As a side note, I'm not sure if this is a bug/nit, but the File.root.path, evaluated to None, despite File.none not being None.
My first approach involved was to was to try to use skylark [ctx.binary]
Approach 2
Next thing I tried was to mimic the input binary example from the docs. This was also unsuccessful. The issue was that the actual binary could not be found. Here is how I configured it.
First, I relaxed the repository rule into a regular skylark rule.
def _test_binary(ctx):
arguments = [ctx.attr.p_arg],
executable = ctx.executable.binary)
test_binary = rule(
attrs = {
"binary":attr.label(mandatory=True, cfg="host", allow_files=True, executable=True),
Then, in my external project, I loaded the skylark rule into the WORKSPACE file. Finally, I called the macro from one of my BUILD files as follows:
load("#something_rule//:something_rule.bzl", "test_binary")
test_binary(name = "hello", p_arg = "hello", binary = "")
The script is a one line java -jar something_deploy.jar -- -arg:$1, and is in the same directory as the BUILD file.
Bazel complains that src/ does not exist. I presume because it is looking for the file in /private/var/tmp/-bazel_username/somehash/relative_path. In response, I tried to pass the absolute path, which is not allowed.
It looks like you're mixing up repository rules with build extensions ("normal" rules). A good rule of thumb is:
Repository rules are for getting sources onto your system or symlinking them to a place Bazel can see them.
Build extension are for everything else: compiling, copying files, running binaries, etc.
I don't actually think you need to use either, for this. You say that the other project is on GitHub, so you can add the following to your WORKSPACE file:
name = "other_project",
Then, in your BUILD file:
name = "run-a-jar",
srcs = ["#other_project//some/relative:path"],
cmd = "java -jar $(location #other_project//some/relative:path) -- arg1 arg2 > $#",
outs = ["jar-output"],
You shouldn't need to use the _deploy.jar target, since you're not moving the jar out of its project (_deploy.jar is useful when you need to relocate it).
Other things from your question:
I'm not sure if this is a bug/nit, but the File.root.path, evaluated to None,
Are you sure it didn't evaluate to ""? The path is relative to the execution root, so for sources, it will always be "" (for outputs, it'll be bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin or similar).
Bazel complains that src/ does not exist.
Passing -s to Bazel can really help debugging Skylark rules. You can see exactly where it is looking.
