How to place OCO order with E*Trade API - trading

Is it possible to place an OCO (One Cancels Other) from the E*Trade Equity API?
Here it lists these order types under Placing an Equity Order
I don't see One Cancels Other.
However, in the List Orders API, I see information about OCO orders.

According to Etrade, they do not support OCO orders :(
Sent: December 29, 2017 2:13 PM ET
Thank you for your message regarding the E*TRADE API.
The E*TRADE API does support placing advanced order such as OCO orders.
The E*TRADE API will return a list of all open orders including advanced order
placed on the website or E*TRADE Pro.

Under order look for the tab "conditional" once you open that there is a list of options to choose from. One triggers all or One cancels other.


List who attended an MS Teams meeting and for how long they attended

I'd like to list who attended a MS Teams meeting and for how long they attended so they can get credit for attending a training session.
I've looked at the Graph API v1 and beta versions. Meetings have an object called meetingParticipantInfo, but there's nothing that I've seen that would indicate if that participant actually attended the meeting. Is there a way to get this information, and ideally, how long the participant attended? Or is there another way to get this information through bots?
The (CDR's) Call Detail Records are probably the information your looking for as they should contain that information see . I don't believe any of the Graph API's will surface that information but you can get the raw information from a Mailbox using EWS this is what I use . If you use a tool like mfcMapi you can browse the Mailbox to see if a CDR is available and has the information you need without needing to write any code.
As of Feb 2020, Microsoft Graph API now includes microsoft.graph.callRecords (beta, preview).
If you call with session information expanded you can get startDateTime and endDateTime of each session which is the "time when the first user joined the session" and the "time when the last user left the session" respectively.
Here's the documentation for the call record session fields.
You should vote for this feature :
Then you can try with this :
I try to develop an app calling the Graph API, so if I do success, I will share it ;-)

Error with Graph API Call via PowerApp - Office365.FindMeetingTimes when > 20 rooms

We are now getting an error within our Book A Room powerapp when trying to find available meeting times. The error has only started since we added a new room which takes us to 21 rooms in our Office 365. The error is as follows:
The issue seems to be that in the API request all 21 rooms are included in the requiredAttendees json attribute. Once I remove the newly added room on Office365 the error goes away.
All rooms in the catalogue need to be included in the request to see whether they are available for booking but is this limit of 20 a hard limit on the API side? If so, what alternatives do I have?
I'm not familiar with the Office365.FindMeetingTimes() endpoint, but if this is a limitation of the API, then it sounds like you may need to implement a sort of paging in your app. The first time the app calls FindMeetingTimes(), you'll have to pass in the first 20 rooms. Then if the user isn't satisfied with the proposed times, they can initiate a "find more times" feature that will call FindMeetingTimes() with the next 20 rooms. I'm not sure if this is the best solution, but it could be a workaround.

Is there a built-in method for retrieving service availability from the MS Graph Bookings API?

The Microsoft Bookings app provides a Booking Page that displays a series of available times slots for booking appointments. These times are based on several factors, depending on the settings applied by the Bookings app's administrator. These factors include: business hours, staff hours, previously booked appointments, the service's scheduling policy, and staff calendar availability (if staff have appointments set outside of the Bookings app in Outlook).
Is there a built-in method within the Microsoft Graph (Beta) Bookings API that returns a list of available time slots based on these factors? I cannot seem to locate this functionality in the beta documentation. I can find calls to show things like business hours and the scheduling policy of the services, but nothing that will aggregate these into available time slots, taking into account the availability of the staff from their Outlook calendars.
My logic is, if there is functionality for this in the Bookings app, it may be present in the API as well. I hope this isn't just wishful thinking.

MS Graph API endpoint /v1.0/me/planner/plans doesn't return all my plans

In the past I was reading a list of plans of current user with this REST call of the beta-API:
In July 2017 the planner API was released and there are also some minor changes to the endpoints, so the REST call in the V1.0-API now is:
Unfortunately I do not receive all my plans with that endpoint. Apparently I only get plans that exist for a long time, but any newly created plans are not visible. I tried a lot of actions on my plans like subscribing to, assigning tasks to me, favorize the plan in planner hub, making a plan public or private, but nothing helps, new plans remain invisible in the API.
Can anybody explain what the new endpoint exactly does? The documentation for List plans is not very helpfull.
Can anybody explain how I can a list of all plans (title and id) that I am owner or member of?
The only work-around I have found so far is:
1) Read all unified groups$/$filter=groupTypes/any(a:a eq 'unified')
2) for each group: read the planner plan for that group<id>/planner/plans
But that would require one request per group, makeing performance horrible on tenants with dozens of groups.
This API returns plans that have been shared with the current user. Plans can be shared with a user by adding the user's id to sharedWith property of planDetails (Edit: currently users do not have permissions to add or remove others from this list). This is a separate set of users from group membership and does not allow access to data for shared users. Instead, the users will have access if they are group members, and lose access if they are removed from the group.
More information and a sample for updating plan details can be found here.
Additionally, you can submit feedback about the API (and other Planner functionality) here.

QBSDK: Access all transactions of all clients (date period)

I need to look at the "audit" log for quickbooks using the SDK. I am basically looking to sync quickbooks transactions to a 3rd party platform (for reference purposes)
I cant find a reference to the audit log in the OSR, but I do see "TransactionsQuery". What is not clear to me is if this will be "all" transactions, or if you need to specify a specific customer?
Any ideas?
As William indicated in his answer, the audit log is accessible via a GeneralDetailReport.
As far as actual transactions goes, TransactionQuery will get you all transactions. You do not need to specify a customer.
However, it will only get you summary details of all transactions (e.g. no line items on the invoices, etc.) so if you need detailed information for each transaction, it won't work for you.
If you need details for each transaction, you have to do individual queries for each transaction type (e.g. InvoiceQuery, ReceivePaymentQuery, BillQuery, etc. etc. etc.) so that you get back the details/lines for each.
Look at the GeneralDetailReport, with the GeneralDetailReportType set to AuditTrail.
