DOORS : Import spreadsheet and update contents using DXL - ibm-doors

I have a spreadsheet(csv file) that needs to be imported to DOORS module. The problem is that I have to append the contents of a specific attribute (instead of replacing it).
For Example :
A) Lets say an object "ExampleObject" has an attribute "ExampleAttribute" with values :
Value 1
Value 2
B) and the Spreadsheet has "Value 3" for "ExampleAttribute" of "ExampleObject".
C) When imported, "ExampleAttribute" of "ExampleObject" should be updated to:
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3

I think, the easiest approach would be to create a temporary attribute "ExampleAttributeTemp". You would import the content of the column to this temporary attribute (with a simple "overwrite attribute"). After the import has finished, you would have a small script like
Object o
Module m = current
for o in entire m do {
if o."ExampleAttributeTemp" != "" then {
o."ExampleAttribute" = o."ExampleAttribute" "\n" o."ExampleAttributeTemp" ""
o."ExampleAttributeTemp" = ""


DXL: Need to extract data from previous object baselines

Basically, I have to go through all baselines of an object until I get the author who modified "_ReqStatus" attribute and copy that value in "_Ownr" attribute. Everything is working fine for the current baseline, but I cannot get through the older baselines of the module. I have to mention that I run the script for 2000 objects each one having at least 20 baselines.
My code looks like this:
//scriptul recunoaste obiectele cu "ReqStatus modifica"
pragma runLim, 0
Module m = current
History h
HistoryType ht
Object o
string attributName
string attributNameBaseline
string authorName
string newOwner
Baseline lBaseLine
for o in entire m do {
**for lBaseLine in module(o) do{ //These 2 code lines were my try to load all baselines
Module lBaseMod = load(module(o), false) //but with no results**
for h in o do
string owner = ""
attributName = h.attrName
owner = o."_Owner"
if isDeleted(o) then continue
//print authorName
//print "\n"
if(null owner)
print identifier(o)
print "\n"
newOwner = authorName
print newOwner"\n"
o."_Ownr" = newOwner
//print newOwner
ErrMess = lastError()
Tony Goodman provides a script "Smart History Viewer" at, Michael Sutherland has one at, also, if you do a search on for e.g. "dxl history" you might find some more code examples which should help you with this topic.
Your problem is the variable o. It is set only in the loop for o in entire m, it always refers to the o in the current version of m, never to the corresponding Object in a baseline. When you open the Module lBaseMod, o is not automatically reassigned.
So, use a new variable of type Object, set it to the Object in the baseline corresponding to o and browse through this new Object's history, see the linked scripts for reference.
Also, you should rework the flow of your script. With your approach, you open all the Baselines of m for each Object. In your case this means 2000 * 20 load and close. It will be much faster (though not necessarily less memory consuming) to open all the baselines of m in an outer loop, probably using a Skip list to collect the necessary information.
Also note that when you test your script, "print" becomes very slow after some time. It will be faster if you remember all the values that you want to print e.g. in a Buffer and print it at the end of your script, or write the output to a file.

How to identify text within an object's string

I want to find specified text within a string in a given column, and count how many times that string is repeated throughout the entire column.
For example, Find "XX" within a string in a column and print to dialogue box the number of times that text was found.
Module m = current
Object o
string s
string x
int offset = null
int len = null
int c
for o in m do
string s = probeAttr_(o, "AttributeA")
x = o."Object Text" ""
if(findPlainText(s, "XX", offset, len, false)){
print "Success "
} else {
print "Failed to match"
I have tried to use command findPlainText but I am inadvertently passing every object as true.
As well I placed the output to print 'success' or 'Failed to match' so I can at least get a number count of what is being passed. Unfortunately it seems like everything is being passed!
My understanding is that 'probeAttr_(o, "AttributeA")' allows me to specify and enter what column to search. As well o."Object Text" "" now allows me to look within any object and search for any text contained. I also realize that variable x is not being used but assume it has some way of being used to solve this issue.
I only use DOORS at a surface level but having this ability will save other staff tons of time. I realize this may be accomplished using the DOORS advanced filtering capability but I'd be able to compound this code with other simple commands to save time.
Thank you in advance for your help!!
If you want to count every occurence of a specified string in a text in an attribute for all objects, I think Mike's proposal is the correct answer. If you are only interested, if the specified string occurs once in that object's attribute, I suggest using Regexp, as I find it very fast, quite powerful and nevertheless easy to use, e.g.:
Regexp reSearch = regexp2 "XX"
int iCounter = 0
string strOT = ""
for o in m do {
strOT = o."Object Text" ""
if (reSearch strOT) {
print "Counted: '" iCounter "'\n"
Most of this has been answered in (DXL/Doors) How to find and count a text in a string?
You can easily exchange the "print" with a counter.

find Variables in a module

I'm new to DXL and I want to extract the variables containing
_I_,_O_ and _IO_
from a module and export then to csv file. Please help me with this
ADCD_WE_I_DFGJDGFJ_12_QWE and CVFDFH_AWEQ_I_EHH[X] is set to some value
This question has two parts.
You want to find variables that contain those parts in their name
You want to export to a .csv file
Another person may be able to expand on a better way, but the only way coming to mind right now for 1. is this:
Loop over the attributes in the module (for ad in m do {}) and get the string of the attribute names.
I am assuming that your attributes are valued at _I_, _O_ or _OI_? Like alpha = "_I_"? Are these enumerate values?
If they are, then you only need to check the value of each object's attribute. If one of those are the attribute values, then add it to something like a skip list. Having a counter here would be useful, maybe one for each attribute, like countI, countO, countOI, you can then use the counters as keys for the put() function for the skip list.
Once you have found all the attributes then you can move on to writing to csv
Stream out = write("filepathname/filename.csv") // to declare the stream
out << "_I_, _O_, _OI_\n"
Then you could loop over your Skip lists at the same time
int ijk = 0; bool finito = false
while(!finito) do {
if(ijk<countI) {
at = get(skipListI, ijk)
out << ","
else out << ","
if(ijk<countO) {
at = get(skipListO, ijk)
out << ","
else out << ","
if(ijk<countOI) {
at = get(skipListOI, ijk)
out << "\n"
else out << "\n"
// check if the next iteration would be outside of bounds on all lists
if(ijk >= countI && ijk >= countO && ijk >= countIO) finito = true
Or instead of, you could print out whatever part of the attribute you wanted. The name, the value, "name:value" or whatever.
I have not run this, so you will be left to do any troubleshooting.
I hope this idea gets you started, write out what you want on paper first and then follow that plan. The key things I have mentioned that would be useful here are Skip lists, and Stream write (or append, if you want to keep adding).
In the future, please consider making your question more clear. Are you looking for those search terms in the name of the attribute, or in the value of the attribute. Are you looking to print out the names or the values, or the what? What kind of format for the .csv are you going to have? Any information will help your question be answered.

Modify values programmatically SPSS

I have a file with more than 250 variables and more than 100 cases. Some of these variables have an error in decimal dot (20445.12 should be 2.044512).
I want to modify programatically these data, I found a possible way in a Visual Basic editor provided by SPSS (I show you a screen shot below), but I have an absolute lack of knowledge.
How can I select a range of cells in this language?
How can I store the cell once modified its data?
Thank you for your fast reply.
The problem now its the number of digits that number has. For example, error data could have the following format:
Case A) 43998 (five digits) ---> 4.3998 as correct value.
Case B) 4399 (four digits) ---> 4.3990 as correct value, but parsed as 0.4399 because 0 has been removed when file was created.
Is there any way, like:
IF (NUM < 10000) THEN NUM = NUM / 1000 ELSE NUM = NUM / 10000
Or something like IF (Number_of_digits(NUM)) THEN ...
Thank you.
there's no need for VB script, go this way:
open a syntax window, paste the following code:
do repeat vr=var1 var2 var3 var4.
compute vr=vr/10000.
end repeat.
save outfile="filepath\My corrected data.sav".
Replace var1 var2 var3 var4 with the names of the actual variables you need to change. For variables that are contiguous in the file you may use var1 to var4.
Replace vr=vr/10000 with whatever mathematical calculation you would like to use to correct the data.
Replace "filepath\My corrected data.sav" with your path and file name.
WARNING: this syntax will change the data in your file. You should make sure to create a backup of your original in addition to saving the corrected data to a new file.

how to keep track of object and object history information in a loop

I'm writing a DXL script to extract history information from all objects and write some of the history parameters into other attributes (columns) in the DOORS module. I started out with the example script in the DXL Reference Manual (rev 9.6, near page 333), which just prints the information into the DXL editor window. I tried to add some code to write to the attribute _Reviewer -- see below. The code as written looks at the currently selected object rather than the one to which the current h history belongs to. What's the safest variable to pass into the function print so I can access the desired object and write to its _Reviewer attribute?
// history DXL Example
/* from doors manual
Example history DXL program.
Generate a report of the current Module's
// print a brief report of the history record
// hs is a variable of type HistorySession
// module is a variable of type Module
void print(History h) {
HistoryType ht = h.type
print "\t" "\t" ht "\t"
//next 3 lines are the code I added to the manual's example
Buffer authortmp = create;
authortmp = "\t" "\t" ht "\t"
(current Object)."_Reviewer" = authortmp;
// other code from original deleted
// Main program
History h
print "All history\n\n"
for h in current Module do print h
print "\nHistory for current Object\n\n"
for h in current Object do print h
print "\nNon object history\n\n"
for h in top current Module do print h
I imagine that you want to set the _Reviewer attribute not only for one object but rather for all objects of the module. So you will have a loop over all objects and for each object you will have a loop over each of its history entries.
So, the main loop would be like
Module m = current
string sHistoryAttributeName = "_Reviewer"
if (null m) then {infoBox "Open this script from a module";halt)
// […]add more code to check whether the attribute "_Reviewer" already exists in the current module and whether the module is open in edit mode
Object o
for o in entire m do {
if isDeleted(o) then continue // deleted objects are not of interest
// perhaps there are more objects that are not of interest. add relevant code here
if (!canModify o.sHistoryAttributeName) then {warn "cannot modify history entry for object " (identifier o) "\n"; continue}
Buffer bContentOfReview = create
History h
for h in o do {
bContentOfReview += getHistoryContent(h) "\n"
o.sHistoryAttributeName = sContentOfReview
delete bContentOfReview
save m
and your function getHistoryContent would be similar to your function void print (History h), only that you will return a string instead of printing the history entry. Something like
string getHistoryContent (History h) {
HistoryType ht = h.type
string sReturnValue = "\t" "\t" ht ""
return sReturnValue
One additional hint: you wrote "into other attributes (columns)". The above solution is for persistent attributes. Instead of this, you might want to show the information in a view as a DXL Layout column or or as a DXL attribute -- both possibilities have the advantage that the information is more or less always up to date, but with a persistent attribute the information will only be current after you run the script. Also note that this approach will only give you the changes since the last baseline. If you need more, the problem will be more complex. See the Rational DXL forum or google for more complex solutions of showing history entries
//Edit: removed typo in string concatenation, use Buffer insted
