Dynamic Data To Google Sheet - google-sheets

I'm trying to pull dynamic data (form) to a google sheet.
I can't seem to find the right function.
I'm running this:
function name(){
return $('input[type="text"]').val();
I tried this:
function fullname(){
return $('#form-field-1-1').val();
No success for now.
I've attached the elements below.
Thank you [https://i.stack.imgur.com/Tt5Gk.png]

Your best choise is to use a Variable "DOM element" and capture it by ID. but if you prefer a custom JS this will do:
return document.getElementById('form-field-1-1').innerHTML;
Hope it helps.


Can I use IMPORTXML to scrape a Quora query into Sheets?

I am trying to scrape the results from a Quora search query using ImportXML.
The URL is of this form: https://www.quora.com/search?q=scrape%20Quora&time=year
I've tried using ImportXML, and can't get anything to work. As an example, I inspected the questions, and found they were inside a div with a class name of 'q-text puppeteer_test_question_title'. So I tried to import like this, but I just get #N/A:
importxml("https://www.quora.com/search?q=scrape%20Quora&time=year","//div[#class='q-text puppeteer_test_question_title']")
This is clearly not working: is there a fix or just not possible (and why)?
Thank you.
Quora (as of now) runs on JavaScript and google sheets import formulae do not support the scrapping of JS elements:
You can try to fetch the first 3 responses this way (quickly written, could be improved)
function myFunction() {
var options = {
'muteHttpExceptions': true,
'followRedirects': false
var url = 'https://www.quora.com/search?q=scrape%20Quora&time=year'
var jsonStrings = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options).getContentText().split('window.ansFrontendGlobals.data.inlineQueryResults.results["')
jsonStrings.forEach((jsonString,i) => {
if (i > 0) {
console.log(jsonString.split('"] = ')[1].split('\n')[0])
and then parse the complex json inside. However, other answers are transmitted by quora when scrolling down by ajax asynchronous request.

Webix: how to dynamically load components from external js file into a layout?

I would like to know how to update a row/col and or layout from an external js file on webix. Let's say I have a menu at the left of the screen (col[]) and want to update the right column based on a menu selection. If the menu is composed by
And want to update the right column based on the selection calling customers.js, orders.js and products.js
Just like http://webix.com/demos/admin-app/#!/app/orders
That example is very advanced for me, I would like to learn some basic method.
Oscar P
You can use webix.ui command or addView API to add a new UI to some specific place on the page.
webix.ajax("config.json", function(text){
$$("layout").addView( JSON.parse(text) );
webix.ajax("config.json", function(text){
webix.ui( JSON.parse(text), $$("cell_to_replace"));
I also found out an example with .showBatch() API but the console shows "Uncaught TypeError: $$(...).addView is not a function" on both functions, are those part of PRO version? what is wrong?
My code is:
onMenuItemClick:function(id) {

Bookmarklet to save URL in Google Spreadsheet

I want to create a simple bookmarklet, that grabs the URL of the current webpage "location.ref" and saves it in a Google Spreadsheet. After it saves it, I want to stay on the current webpage.
The only way I know of writing to Google Spreadsheet is using Google App Script. So I wrote a simple script that does just that:
function doGet(request) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl( "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=<MY-SPREADSHEET-ID>");
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var headers = ["Timestamp", "url"];
var nextRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var cell = sheet.getRange('a1');
var col = 0;
for (i in headers){
if (headers[i] == "Timestamp"){
val = new Date();
} else {
val = request.parameter[headers[i]];
cell.offset(nextRow, col).setValue(val);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(request.parameter.url)
I published this as a webapp. I wrote the bookmarklet:
<a href="javascript:(
alert(window.open('https://script.google.com/macros/s/<MYWEBAPP>/exec?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href), '_self'));
So far so good. It actually works when I click on the bookmarklet, it does grab the URL of the current webpage and save it in my spreadsheet. But then, the webapp returns a text response and the bookmarklet displays the text causing me to move away from my current website.
Is there a way to ignore the response? GAS webapp script requires me to use doGet() that has to return something. Is there a way to not return anything from GAS script? Alternatively, is there a way i could use some other call to replace window.open to invoke the webapp that would allow me to store the response in a variable and ignore it?
I know it's been over a year but I was trying to do exactly this. It took me a while to figure out, but this works. The 1 second delay was necessary to let the script finish loading.
Instead of using window.open you may consider sending a HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest.
Refer here on its usage.
Change _self to something else, e.g. bookmarker and it will open in a new window or tab. If you use it on many pages, they will all reuse the same tab if it keeps the same name.

onChange event for custom select menu jquery mobile [duplicate]

I have a set of dynamically generated dropdown boxes on my page. basically I clone them using jQuery. now I want to capture the value selected on each dropdown on change event.
I tried something like this which did not work.
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
var v = $(this);
alert($(this + ':selected').val());
How do I get it done?
To get the text of the selected option
$("#your_select :selected").text();
To get the value of the selected option
This is what you need :)
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
For new jQuery use on
$(document).on('change', '._someDropDown', function(e) {
$("#citiesList").change(function() {
alert($("#citiesList option:selected").text());
alert($("#citiesList option:selected").val());
citiesList is id of select tag
Check it Out-->
For getting text
For getting value
You can try:
To get the value of a drop-down (select) element, just use val().
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
If you want to the text of the selected option, using this:
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
alert($('[value=' + $(this).val() + ']', this).text());
try this...
$("#yourdropdownid option:selected").val();
This is actually more efficient and has better readability in my opinion if you want to access your select with this or another variable
In fact if I remember correctly phpStorm will attempt to auto correct the other method.
In case you want the index of the current selected value.
$selIndex = $("select#myselectid").prop('selectedIndex'));
The options discussed above won't work because they are not part of the CSS specification (it is jQuery extension). Having spent 2-3 days digging around for information, I found that the only way to select the Text of the selected option from the drop down is:
{ $("select", id:"Some_ID").find("option[selected='selected']")}
Refer to additional notes below:
Because :selected is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :selected cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method. To achieve the best performance when using :selected to select elements, first select the elements using a pure CSS selector, then use .filter(":selected"). (copied from: http://api.jquery.com/selected-selector/)
You can also use :checked
$("#myselect option:checked").val(); //to get value
or as said in other answers simply
$("#myselect").val(); //to get value
$("#myselect option:checked").text(); //to get text

Dijit Tooltip that works on all html tags

So I'm trying to use dijit tooltip.
However, they only have the attribute of "connectIds" this seems rather limiting and I'm surprised that it was programmed this way. I don't know how many hyperlinks my pages will have, so wouldn't it be better to have an option like "connectByHTMLtag" so that I can map all "a" tags to a specific tooltip? Or even a "connectClasses" would make a bit more sense.
This means I have to manually enter id="tooltip1" id="tooltip2" etc.
Anyone find a way around this??
You could connect them when the page loads using dojo.query.
Give all of your hyperlinks a class that you can use to select them later:
Then in your JavaScript you can use something like this:
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.query(".link-tooltip").forEach(function(node, index, arr) {
new dijit.Tooltip({
connectId: [node.id],
label: "My tooltip!"
This code is untested, but that's basically how you could do it. dojo.query is very handy for this sort of thing!
As of Dojo Toolkit 1.8, it is now possible to attach a tooltip via a selector:
require(["dojo/ready", "dijit/Tooltip", "dojo/query!css2"], function(ready, Tooltip){
new Tooltip({
connectId: "myTable",
selector: "tr",
getContent: function(matchedNode){
return matchedNode.getAttribute("tooltipText");
