How to write filtering query with graphql? - ruby-on-rails

Currently we are using graphql/graphql-ruby library. I have wrote few queries and mutations as per our requirement.
I have the below use case, where i am not sure how to implement it,
I have already an query/endpoint named allManagers which return all manager details.
Today i have got requirement to implement another query to return all the managers based on the region filter.
I have 2 options to handle this scenario.
Create an optional argument for region , and inside the query i need to check if the region is passed then filter based on region.
Use something like .
Which approach is the correct one ?

Looks like you can accomplish this with either approach. #2 looks a bit more complicated, but maybe is more extensible if you end up adding a ton of different types of filters?
are you going to be asked to select multiple regions? or negative regions (any region except north america?) - those are the types of questions you want to be thinking about when choosing an approach.
Sounds like a good conversation to have with a coworker :)
I'd probably opt to start with a simple approach and then change it out for a more complex one when the simple solution isn't solving all of my needs any more.


How to best use Solr parser syntax in a specific business requirement

Just starting to learn Solr for a project at work and was wondering on how to go about this issue. Our application allows a user to search based on a business name. The business name is comprised of 3 different categories ( English, French and Combined Name ). Based on a single query entered by the user, how would one go about using Solr to provide the most relevant search results? I have looked into fuzzy and proximity searches which seem reasonable enough. Although fuzzy search only applies to a single term, which makes me believe that I would need to split the query into single terms and apply fuzzy search to each and merge the results if I were to use it ? My question is how to best approach the problem ? Thanks!
To provide relevancy to your documents , you need to have a combination of proper boosting queries and your priorities as what relevance means to your use case . If Regex based search is included in use case you may go for NGrams , if exact search is what you seeking for , boosting is important . You can use parameters like phrase slope , mm, and other edismax parameters to your advantage . You may use a combination of title and text content search, with a good combination of boosts . Also , Solr allows you to pass your query in parenthesis, that functions like an SQL IN query , that further boosts relevancy in your documents by sticking to keywords only mentioned in the query . And , at last , if all these doesn't suffice, you may use custom function queries to meet your needs . While doing all this, just keep in mind the Analyzers in schema.xml file are just right and serve the purpose to execute above mentioned queries .
You can go as far down this rabbit-hole as you have time for wrt Business Name search. (Fuzzy, sound-alike, language-specific analysis, weird compounded-terms used as a domain name (eg: getting "EZBake" to match "easy bake", or "1-to-1" to match "one to one" is non-trivial)
Since this sounds like a pre-existing application, I typically look to query logs (when available) to sample the frequency of different types of mismatches (dig out the zero-result search terms and start manually categorizing the high-level issues behind the more common mismatches).
That will provide you with a backlog of "matching use cases to research how to implement" (in the order of maximal benefit, as determined by your sample).
Then you're ready to start burning them down, and asking much more specific questions about how to get Solr to jump through your domain-specific hoops.

VIPER - Should the Interactor return only the necessary information?

In the VIPER design pattern, should the Interactor return all the information that might be used by multiple presenter actions or should I have a separate struct for each one?
In my case, I have a map that displays places. To display those places I need to retrieve a list of PlaceItem's from a PlacesInteractor which could have only a coordinate and a color (used to change the pin's head color) that would be transformed into a annotations by the presenter.
Now lets say that when the user selects one of the annotations in the map, a callout bubble should be displayed with more details like the place's name and a circle with the color.
Now I should create a RetrievePlaceCalloutInteractor that would return only the information for one place instead of a list of information for multiple places (Right? Or should I have only one Interactor for both scenarios?).
Should this RetrievePlaceCalloutInteractor return a PlaceCalloutItem with only the name and the color (no coordinate) of the place or should I have a single PlaceItem with coordinate, color and name, that would be returned by the RetrievePlaceCalloutInteractor and by the PlaceInteractor, and would be used by the presenter to construct either a CalloutStruct or a list of MKAnnotations?
Thank you.
VIPER is a pattern, not a very formal pattern, not a religion or a complete app architecture. For me VIPER helped to think more about a cleaner architecture but on the way I had to make decisions that were better for my specific scenario without caring to much about VIPER but about clean architecture. So, from my experience and my point of view the answer to your question is 'depends'.
In my case most of the 'Items' (I call them DO from Display Object or Data Object) have almost a one to one relationship with the 'Entities' (I call them MO from Model Object). Most of the interactors manipulate one type of Entity and they have one MO-DO mapper. I usually use the same DO for different use cases if the interactor handle more than one use case.
I also have some modules using different DOs for different uses cases, although they relate to the same entity, and also I have some DOs with combine the information of several Entities, let's say for example I needed the user name to add it to 'edited by' of a blog post I use the same DO to combine Post and User Entities.
I think VIPER 'wants' one interactor per module, that kind of forces you to have multiple use cases (related) in it, but it is up to you if you want to use different Items (my DOs) or only one.
Being a purist of clean architecture you should have different interactors, different requests and different responses for each use case.
So, as I started, it depends, the important thing is to 'draw' the boundaries properly and it doesn't matter if it's one or ten Items you use for that.

Mahout - Item Similarity, but exclude Items a User has already "bought"

I want to create a video recommender, which recommends via similarity. The challenge is, that I want to exclude videos that the user has already seen. This seems like a pretty obvious case to me, but I don't find it covered.
Any hint is appreciated!
This is the default behavior of any recommender, to not return items that already appears in the user's input vector. Certainly it's how the ones I have worked on work.
Do you really mean how? It's just a filtering step. You just don't consider any item that exists when you look it up in the input.
You can always post-process results any way you want beyond this. Mahout/Myrrix both have an IDRescorer abstraction that lets you inject whatever logic you want to remove or boost items in the results. Here's a writeup on rescoring that applies to both.

New(?) attept to structure RESTful base URLs

We all love REST, especially when it comes to the development of APIs. Doing so for the last years I always stumble upon the same problem: nested resources. It seems we're living at the two edges of a scale. Let me introduce an example.
Neato. Cases like that seem to happen everywhere, no matter in what shape they materialize. Now I'd like to being able to fetch all the countries in a solar system while being able to fetch countries deeply scoped as shown above.
It seems I have two choices here. The first one, I flatten my nested structure and introduce a lot of GET parameters (that need to be well documented and understood by my API user) like so:
I could flatten all my resources like so and won a unique endpoint base URL for each one. Good point … unique endpoints per resource!
But what's the price? Something that does not feel natural, is not discoverable and does not behave like the tree structure below my resources. Conclusion: Bad idea, but well practiced.
On the other hand I could try to get rid of as many additional GET parameters as possible, creating endpoints like that:
But I also needed:
This seems to be the other side of the scale. Least number of additional GET parameters, more natural behave but still not what I expected as an API user.
The most APIs I worked with in the last year follow the one or the other paradigm. It seems there is at least one bullet to bite. So why not doing the following:
If there are resources that nest naturally, lets nest them exactly in the way we'd expect them to be nested. What we achive is at first a unique endpoint for every resource when we stay like that:
Ok, but how to solve the initial problem, I wanted to fetch all the countries in a solar system while still being able to fetch countries fully scoped under galaxies, solar systems, planets and continents? Here's what feels natural for me:
/galaxies/8/solarsystems/5/planets/0/continents/0/countries.json # give me all countries in the solarsystem 5
/galaxies/8/solarsystems/0/planets/0/continents/0/countries.json # give me all countries in the galaxy 8
… and so on, and so on. Now you may argue "ok, but the zero there ….." and you are right. Does not look really nice. So why not change the two upper calls to something like that:
/galaxies/8/solarsystems/5/planets/all/continents/all/countries.json # give me all countries in the solarsystem 5
/galaxies/8/solarsystems/all/planets/all/continents/all/countries.json # give me all countries in the galaxy 8
Neat eh? So what do we achive? No additional GET parameters and still stable base URLs for each resources endpoint. What's the price? Yep, at least longer URLs especially during testing by hand using tools like curl.
I wonder wether this could be a way to improve not only the maintainability but also the ease of use of APIs. If so, why does not anyone take an approach like that. I can not imagine to be the first one having that idea. So there must be valid counter arguments against an approach like that. I don't see any. Do you?
I would really like to hear your opinion and arguments for or against an approach like that. Maybe there are ideas for improvement … would be great to hear from you. In my opinion this could lead to much better structured APIs, so hopefully someone will read that and reply.
It would all depend on upon how the data is presented. Would the user really need to the know the galaxy # to find a specific country? If so them what you propose makes sense. However, it seems to me that what you are proposing, while structured and presented well, doesn't allow for clients to search for child element unless the parent is a known quantity.
In your example, if I had a specific id for a continent I would need to know the planet, solar system and galaxy as well. In order to find the specific continent I would need to get all for each possible parent until I found the continent.
Presenting structured data in this manner if fine. Using this structure when you only have a piece of the data may be a bit cumbersome. It all depends upon what you are trying to accomplish.
Nested resource URLs are usually bad. The approach I generally take is to use unique IDs.
Design your DB so that it is only going to have one continent with ID 4. Then, instead of the horrible /galaxies/8/solarsystems/5/planets/1/continents/4/countries.json, all you need is the simple /continents/4/countries.json. Clear, sufficient, and memorable.
The :shallow routing option in Rails does this automatically.
For "all countries in a solar system", I'd use /solar_systems/5/countries.json -- that is, don't try to shoehorn it into the generic URL scheme. (And note the underscore.)

Designing a points based system similar to Stack Overflow in Ruby on Rails

I'm not trying to recreate Stack Overflow and I did look at similar questions but they don't have many answers.
I'm interested in how to design a rails app, particularly the models and their associations, in order to capture various different kinds of actions and their points amount. Additionally these points decay over time and there are possible modifiers in the form of other actions or other data I'm tracking.
For example if I were designing Stack Overflow (which again I'm not) it would go something like the following.
Creating a question = 5 points
Answering a question = 10 points
The selected correct answer is a x2 modifier on the points for Answer a question.
From a design perspective it seems to me like I need 3 models for the key parts.
The action model is polymorphic so it can belong to questions, answers, or whatever. The kind of association is stored in the type field. It also contains a points field that is calculated at creation time by a lookup in the points model I will discuss next. It should also update a total points on the user model, which I won't discuss here.
The points model is a lookup table where actions go to figure out their points. It uses the actions type as a key. It also stores the number amount for the points and a field for their decay.
The modifier model is the one where I'm not sure what to do with. I think it should probably be a lookup table too like points using the action's type field. Additionally it needs some sort of conditional on when it should be applied. I'm not sure how to store a conditional statement. It also needs to store how the points are modified. For example x2, +5, -10, /100, etc. The other problem is how does the modifier get applied after the action has already happened. In my example it would be when a question is selected as answered. By this time the points were already set. The only way I can think of doing it is to have an after_save on every model that could be a modifier which checks the modifier table and applies them. That seems wrong to me somehow though.
There are other problems too like how to handle the decay. I guess I need a cron job that just recalculates everyone's points but that seems like it doesn't scale well.
I'm not sure if I'm over thinking this or what but I'd like some feedback.
I tend to prefer an log-aggregate-snapshot where you log discrete events and then periodically aggregate changes and store those in a separate table. This would allow you to handle something like decay as an insert job rather than an update job. Depending on how many votes there are, you could even aggregate them over time and just roll forward from a specific point (though probably there aren't enough per question or answer for this to be a concern) but given that you may have other things like user's total points to track that may be a good thing to snapshot.
I think you need to figure out how you are going to handle decay before you address it in a aggregate snapshot table, however.
Now Rails has gem to achieve this feature
