YouTube API derived data - youtube-api

I'm working on a application which would gather YouTube user's video data and create some meaningful data and metrics to help the creators market their videos better and expand their audience.
The problem is that since December 18, if I'm not wrong, this kind of practice is forbidden.
Can someone from Google comment and explain this change? Why can't I create metrics based on YouTube data, even if I visibly communicate that this is not data from YouTube?
For example: I would like to fetch users video description and tell what's the keyword density, how well is it prepared for SEO (in % or something).
And I guess that this new term destroys many businesses which are doing exactly that thing, creating meaningful data based on YouTube API. (Tubular, TubeBuddy, VidIQ).
Please! Anyone?


Get Cards for Videos from Youtube APIs

I'm trying to get a list of all cards associated with a video id. I've looked at the different Youtube APIs, but no success.
example of cards in a video
Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
This is currently not supported by Youtube API. You can find the supported methods by Youtube API in this reference list.
Disclaimer - this is only a partial answer.
It is possible to get card stats for a given channel through the Reporting API.
To do so, you need to create a reporting job
This will give you basic stats (card_id included) for every card of every video for one channel during the specified time interval. At this stage, we know that there are cards for a given video, we know what type of cards these are, and we have some basic stats regarding their performance. We still don't know what is behind that card.
So the follow up question is: how to query youtube APIs with a card_id to retrieve more detail information about that card?
If someone knows this, then we have a way of getting card infos for any video.

YouTube API "mostPopular" requests doesn't seem to give updated results

It seems that the YouTube API doesn't give updated results for mostPopular videos in my country since few days.
This request (,contentDetails&chart=mostpopular&regionCode=FR) doesn't give me the same videos results than the ones displayed directly on YouTube for the French most popular channel ( It seems that the results of this request is not updated since the 1th of february. Results was real time updated before this.
Does someone know if something is wrong with my API request, or if there are some issues with the YouTube API at this moment?
There is nothing wrong with your request. This is a known issue with the YouTube API reported here for Saudi Arabia (but also applicable to multiple regions), and another related issue here with regard to content from France.
Your best bet would be to follow up with the YouTube team on one of those defects, or potentially (and dangerously) scrape the YouTube site for the correct results.
Problem seems to be solved since 13th of february (maybe someone from Google have seen my post..)
YouTube Channels and chart=mostPopular parameter data are separate data entities, aka you will get different results. They may be related but there is no guarantee you will get the same data. To get the data that you want you may need to query for channel itself and its videos.
I got this information from the thread #Jal linked, there was an update by a few days ago:
The most popular channel for Saudia
Arabia and
the mostPopular chart parameter in the video.list
are separate and distinct entities. If you'd like to get the content
of the most popular channel for Saudia
please use the Data API video.list call to list the videos with the
channel ID (in this case "UCWY-_j1MCth6yf24m58Bh_Q") by setting the
items/snippet/channelId parameter.
My current concern right now is that there is supposedly a way to get video information from the videos.list endpoint using a channelId, which does not seem the case in the API Explorer. I will update my answer once I figure out what this person meant exactly.

Obtain analytical data for a specific video within a date range

So after scouring the youtube API, and thinking that this may not be possible, I'll give a last try here.
In a nutshell, I am trying to obtain analytical data from youtube's analytics's API for specific videos for a date range (by day if possible). I've found ways to get the channel data that the video reside in, but I have been unable to find how to ontain the specific video data itself. Assuming it exists in v3 that is.
Anyone had any luck with this kind of task at all? Has this feature been developed for v3 as of yet?
Channel Reports is the API to retrieve video metrics. It can filter by video, by country, by lead (for some fields) and accepts timespan and data aggregation granularity. In brief, Available Reports lists all the valid query parameter combinations.
Individual comments can be retrieved with v2 Data API - together with their dates.

Is it possible to get the YouTube author name for a video using the v3 api?

So I'm working on switching to using the v3 version of the YouTube api (which is so much better it's like a completely different product), but I'm either missing something or it is ...
Being able to fetch an arbitrary list of videos, and their details, in one call is going to make life significantly better, but in the videos list method, the the video details "snippet" contains the "channelId", not the "author".
I've spent quite a bit of time looking through the documentation, but can't find any way of getting from a channelId to the human readable author name.
How am I expected to map a video to an author?
It's not possible to get back a display name (either legacy YouTube name or Google+ name) for a channel as part of the video.snippet response. You need to take the channelId and perform a channels.list(id=channelId1,channelId2,...,part=snippet) operation to get that information. The good part is that you can pass in up to 50 channel ids in a single call.
This sort of separation of information into different resources with ids effectively serving as keys linking the resources was a deliberate decision. The engineering team is aware that it will require developers to make an additional API call, but they're in favor of that design.
At the same time, the API is still in an experimental release, and if you have any feedback about using the API while doing real-world development, feel free to open a feature request in the issue tracker. If enough people give feedback about a certain aspect of the API, that could factor in to the final revision's design.
The accepted answer may have been correct at the time of writing, but as of 2/2018 the snippet part now includes a channelTitle property.

Retrieving artist and song information from youtube

A long time ago, I developed a chrome extension that is able to scrobble the songs you listen to on youtube (via your account). What I did was simply taking the title of the video and assuming it had the proper format: "Artist - Track name" (obviously, I would send a request to, confirming it was a proper artist/song pair, before scrobbling). Recently (well, probably a couple of months ago) youtube started to provide artist and song information directly under the video (see image), and I was wondering how best to extract this information.
I was hoping to retrieve the information via the youtube feed api call (, but it doesn't apear to be featured in the returned json element. Alternatly, I could try extracting it via xpath, but I figure that might lead to complications when no artist/song information is present. If anybody could help me extract this information, and thereby greatly improving my extension, I would be very grateful.
I don't think YouTube API can provide you with the artist name
as the videos can be other things that songs
you need to stick with what you have , unless they updated there API
