How and which applications come under MDM configuration profile - ios

After MDM enrollment mdm configuration profile gets installed in device but what is the parameter which decide about which applications will come under this mdm configuration profile.To be more precise, suppose mdm configuration profile got installed on my device(we can check in General>Device management) and now whatever application i installed through that will come under that configuration profile in the Apps section.So my question is all the applications which we install will not come under that profile.So i want to know what is the parameter which decide which application will be under mdm profile and which app will be out of it.
Second Question:
I tried one test case which is showing some other response, i will explain it step by step:
I installed MDM configuration profile on my device, which prompted me to install an application and i installed it successfully.The application has gone inside the configuration profile in Apps section.
Then i manually deleted the application.
Then i installed the same application(with same distribution certificate) through my mac and it again gone inside the same configuration profile inside Apps section.
If you are saying that only the applications which are installed through Install app command will be managed then how the application which i installed through Mac system(same application) directly is going into that configuration profile?
I think there is some link of that provisioning profile with the configuration profile.
Thanks for your answers in advance(-:

It is neither. Once the device management profile gives is installed on the device, the MDM server has permission to install and remove managed apps.
Once the profile is installed the MDM is authorised to send management commands to the device. One of the commands it can send is the command to install/manage an app. managed application commands
If the MDM attempts to install an app that is already installed then the user will be prompted to allow that app to become managed by the MDM if the ChangeManagementState property of the request is set to managed.
Although the list of managed apps appears in settings under the profile, the apps are not directly part of the profile that is delivered to the device, they are simply associated with the profile once the MDM issues the install managed app command.


Fastlane match with multiple existing apps in a corporate environment

I'm having trouble with the basic understanding of iOS app signing and getting these apps ready for testflight and deployment using Fastlane.
I've been to tasked to automate the deployment steps of apps we have and we have an Ionic Cordova setup currently that was used to build iOS and Android projects for 18 different apps that are currently on the app store, but I'm looking to streamline the whole process using Fastlane and I'm stumped at the Certification stages of the process.
I've no access to the existing apps private keys or know how to go about setting up the project using Fastlane as I keep receiving the errors shown below.
I've tried to follow the concepts on Fastlane Codesigning concepts, using the Fastlane projects (cert, sigh and match) and following while still making no progress.
How can I go about setting up the certs on the Mac to enable it to build and push the apps to Testflight and pushing the apps fundamentally to the app store?
Thank you
Errors Recieved
Could not create another Distribution certificate, reached the maximum number of available Distribution certificates.
Could not find the newly generated certificate installed fastlane
Security find-identity -v -p codesigning return 0 valid identities found
You already have existing distribution certificates, you will have to revoke them via the developer portal or automatically via fast lane with:
fastlane match nuke distribution
BE WARNED: this will remove all certificates and provisioning profiles for distribution (development or enterprise is unaffected). Apps that are already released to the App Store and ready for sale are UNAFFECTED, this only affects packages you sign for the App Store and submit with OLD certificates, but since you have no access to them you are fine anyway.
fast lane can then create its own when you invoke it (its fairly automated).

.ipa installation through OTA

I downloaded an.ipa of "xyz" app from iTunes say HSBC.ipa(I do not own this application).
Can I install this application on the device through OTA or the applications downloaded from iTunes have to be installed via iTunes itself?
It depends on the code signing of the ipa. If it is signed for adhoc deployment (or for enterprise), and your device is included, you will be able to install it. However, if it was signed for the App Store you will not be able to install it via OTA.

Not able to install IPA from a developer

I have hired an iphone developer overseas to develop and iphone app for me. The dev sent me the IPA. I tried installing it using iFunBox and even using IPA installer and it keeps failing. I even tried iTunes and it kept failing. I tried it on both jailbroken and none-jailbroken devices
The developer is telling me that he can see it on it has to go on the developer account and he is requesting the dev account credential
My questions are:
1- Why do you think the IPA is not getting installed properly (I was able to install different apps IPA so I know my installers work!).
2- Is giving the dev account credential the norm? I come from android development and for us, you give a signed APK with the user keystore and your are done!
Please assist
Thank you
Simply do the steps :
create a (.csr) certification signing request file from ur mac (keychain access) and create developer's certificate from member's portal apple.
2.add your device uuid .
3.Create Provisioning Profile adding that device . that provisioning profile and send the cert and provisioning to the dev , and tell him to double tap both .
-- Use teamViewer and sign in to ur developer's XCODE with ur app id ...
-- Go to Xcode preferences and select account and refresh .
-- select the provisioning profile and cert from build settings and build the project with that provisionings ..
Use that ipa to install and it wont deny ..
make comment if you're having problem ...

Web server - IOs Developer Enterprise Program

we're newbies in the development for IOs. We need to build an app for use in an Iphone. The app is private. Based in the official docs, we decided get the certificate for "IOs Developer Enterprise Program".
According the docs (please correct if i'm wrong), our apps need this to run:
1 Certificate for the enterprise (provided by apple when the contract is signed)
1 Certificate for distribution
1 Profile for distribution
Install the certificates in a server (third party, or ours own)
In a lot of youtube videos the developers build the certificates from a equipment with OSX.
Now my question. Once we have all the certificates, Can We install those into any private server independently of the plataform?. For example in a linux with Apache, Ngix or a Windows Server with IIS, or the only works if the server is a Mac with Mac OS X ...?
That's all. Sorry for my english. Any help will be appreciated.
You could deploy a App with any Webserver. You will get an Path for the Filename, and if you load this into your Safari from your device, you are able to install the App.
Check out more here:
And this here for Deployment Strategies:

Approve at the IStore but could debug on device

I have successfully upload the app using the AppLoader and the app status is "waiting for review"
but when I am trying to debug with that certificate and provisioning profile I am getting this error. (from the flash builder)
Error occurred while installing the application:
Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed.
when I try to install it using IFunbox I am getting this error
Installation failed
Error# e8008015. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please send us feedback
Also could not install in using the itunes.
IOS 7.0 the device is not jailbreak
You can't install an app built with an App Store distribution profile from any source other than the App Store without a jailbreak. If you want to test it, test it with an Ad Hoc provisioning profile and build type in the Export Release Build menu. The build is entirely identical, the only difference being what certs it is signed with.
