Getting Crashlytics DSYMs for debug apps - ios

How can i get the DSYMs for a debugged app (no released on the AppStore) ?...
I know from this answer that the debug session is not allowed to report crashes and errors to Fabric, but after i disconnect the device from xcode, my crash logs are reported and requires DSYMs, how can i get them in this case ?
also note that i am logging non fatal errors using Crashlytics.recordError(error) and not forcing a crash.

Mike from Fabric here. Make sure that you have Debug Information Format set to "Dwarf with dSYM" and that your run script is enabled to run on all builds to get the dSYMs uploaded.


Firebase Crashlytics Missing Dsym Crash Reports with <Compiler generated> __hidden#587 when build an ipa

Integrated google firebasecrahlytics in my project.
I have noticed when running my application through the simulator and force a crash, i am able to see the crash report correctly as in attached screen shot.
when i created an .ipa with bitcode enabled and force a crash, i am able to see the crash report with Compiler generated reports at line 0
when i created an .ipa keeping bitcode enabled and upload dysm manually and force a crash i am able to see the crash report with getting __hidden#587 reports.
How can i get the correct reports as of simulator.
please note my applications are not in the app store and I do not have itunes connect I am using an enterprise account.
PFA screen shot

Fabric/crashlytics crash not showing up in main list, but listed

We are using Fabric/Crashlytics in our iOS app. Generally, our installation seems to be working well, with crashes from debug builds reporting, but we seem to have some odd problems with AdHoc builds.
I cause an exception to occur in the code.
exit the app, restart it.
Go to Fabric dashboard.
If I go to current release (56), I can see the crash I caused noted as '1 crashes' in the screen:
Fabric knows about the crash
Now, if I click the link for 'All issues for 1.0 (56)', it shows me no crashes:
But it is not available to view or select
I have tried waiting a day for these to show up, and they do not. And, I have seen crashes on other devices not showing up as well.
When I caused this crash, Fabric correctly noted that the DSYMs for this build were missing (ADhoc build), so I found them from the archived, zipped them, and uploaded them. That warning went away.
But, the crash is not reported in the main list.
DSYMs are loaded
I have reviewed various posts with other people having problems with Crashlytics. I have made sure the Fabric initialization is correct, and after other packages (like Dacebook and Twitter):
[Fabric with:#[[Crashlytics class]]];
The build scripts for debug and release are set to DWARF with dsyms.
We have the Fabric run script with our API key in the XCode run script for our target.

Xcode cannot symbolicate my crash logs even though I have correct .dSYM file

I have been observing this that when ever my app crashes i get the crash log and try to symbolicate it but following happen
When I use xcode to symbolicate, it never symbolicates the addresses of the crash
When I use atos command specified technotes it either gives some other class function name that does not have to do any thing with the crash
I have used other methods like symbolicatecrash script but the result is same as before.
I also tried solution given but did not succeed
I created a demo crash and tried to change my scheme of the app for "Run" and changed "build configuration" to "release" to check if the crashes symbolicate when I run the app directly to device, I test the app, the demo crash occurs and in this case the crahes get symbolicated.
I created a demo crash in a new app and created an archive and export IPA, used this ipa in a device to recreate that crash but still xcode could not symbolicate that crash.
I don't get why is it behaving this way,
I looked into the archives to find my dSYM file and can locate it there but could not symbolicate it using any of the processes stated above.
A guidance will be helpful!
I was working with code back to see if there can be any impact of bitcode with help of a friend, found that while exporting archive to IPA, it asks me to rebuild with bitcode (which was checked) I just tried and unchecked it to create the IPA and this time my app crash logs were symbolicated, I still don't know why this happens because apple recomends to rebuild with bitcode while submitting apps.
I am looking for more answeres for why is it happening?
Will keep you posted (also a enlighten me if there are any misses.)

How do I view crash reason in iTunes Connect?

Is there any way to get crash information in iTunes Connect? I notice under App Analytics it displays the number of "Opt-in Only Crashes". I press the number under it (in my case 2). This takes me to a page that only seems to show the days that the crash happened. Is there any way I can see useful crash information, for example line of code, etc.?
To see where is the problem just open your Xcode > Window > Organizer > Crashes from your Application.
You already deployed your app on App Store (or as an Ad Hoc or Enterprise build) then you won't be able to attach Xcode's debugger to deployed app for debugging. To debug problems, you need to analyze Crash Logs and Console output from the device. To read crash reports with backtraces its need to be symbolicated before they can be analyzed. Symbolication is a process which replaces memory addresses with human-readable function names and line numbers.
To understanding and Analyzing Application Crash Reports you can refer Symbolicating Crash Reports, Debugging Deployed iOS Apps or Analyzing Crash Reports.
Overview of the crash reporting and symbolication process.
Set Debug Information Format (DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT) in build settings these debug symbols are stored inside the binary or in a companion Debug Symbol (dSYM) file.
When you archive the application for distribution, Xcode will gather the application binary along with the .dSYM file and store them at a location inside your home folder.
At the time of deploying on the App Store or a beta test using Test Flight, include the dSYM file when uploading your archive to iTunes Connect.
When your application crashes, an unsymbolicated crash report is created and stored on the device.
You can retrieve crash reports directly from their device by following the steps in Debugging Deployed iOS Apps. If you have distributed your application via AdHoc or Enterprise distribution, this is the only way to acquire crash reports from your users.
Crash reports retrieved from a device are unsymbolicated and will need to be symbolicated using Xcode. Xcode uses the dSYM file associated with your application binary to replace each address in the backtrace with its originating location in your source code. The result is a symbolicated crash report.
If the user has opted to share diagnostic data with Apple, or if the user has installed a beta version of your application through TestFlight, the crash report is uploaded to the App Store.
The App Store symbolicates the crash report and groups it with similar crash reports. This aggregate of similar crash reports is called a Crash Point.
The symbolicated crash reports are made available to you in Xcode's Crashes organizer.
Yes, You can view those crashes in Xcode. This can found in apple docs in Analyzing crash reports

Xcode crash Logs not appearing

I have an iOS app that is only crashing with the client on iOS8.0
At first I tried to install iOS simulator8.0 on my xcode7.0, OS X El Capitan to test the code but, facing some issues, I dropped the case
Now, what I am trying to do is get the crash log from xcode's organizer, but weird things are happening:
I am logged in xcode with my iTunes account
The app had the checkbox on for "Include app symbols for your application…" when uploading it to testflight, BUT the build details in iTunes Connect shows "Includes Symbols: NO"
The organizer does not show every versions of the app on iTunes Connect, although we can see all the versions and build numbers from my colleague's xcode.
Organizer doesn't show all the crash log of the app of the given build number although I can see some crashes on different builds (On the other hand, my colleague can not see any crash log happening on the app for the current version and for all the previous versions)
Can anyone help me on any (or both) of the issues? Thanks
NB: I want to avoid to ask the client to send me his device's crash logs. Although one time I asked a client for the crash log from the device and there wasn't any crash registered on the device
The reason you and your colleague do not see the same crash logs is likely
because your colleague is assigned a lesser role in your team.
(Say you are admin and he's technical)
Can't help with the Includes Symbols: NO issue cause I have
debug symbols stripping set to NO for both debug an release targets
and yet I see the exact same issue (Includes Symbols: NO in itc).
Apple just does not like to symbolicate I guess...
