I have a grails application using the angular profile with the console installed in my build.gradle
console "org.grails:grails-console"
and I am running the application in development mode:
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
When going to the http://localhost:8080/console and http://localhost:8080/static/console, the console doesn't show. Using the
Chrome console, I see that a 404 error happens:
Request URL:http://localhost:8080/static/console
Request Method:GET
Status Code:404
Remote Address:[::1]:8080
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
I have no custom interceptors that could interfere with the console and don't use spring security or another security framework.
How can I make the Grails console work on my project?
To use web based console you need to add plugin:
compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-console:2.1.1'
grails-console GitHub sources and docs
Your dependency:
console "org.grails:grails-console"
is for Swing based console that will run after "grails console" command
If I create a new web profile app, and generate-all, it runs fine in my local and deploys without error to JBoss. But when I try to access the app all URLs return 404. I know the app started up successfully, because it created tables in the database.
Here's what I'm doing.
grails 3.1.4> create-app demo
create-domain-class Book
create-domain-class Author
Edit domain classes
generate-all *
change tomcat dependency from compile to provided in build.gradle
change dataSource in application.yml to use my JNDI Oracle connection
Add server: contextPath: /demo to application.yml
run-app -> Works
gradle war
Deploy to JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA
JBoss says deployment and activation of the app was successful. There are no errors of any sort in any JBoss log file. And dbCreate: update made the DDL changes to my Oracle database, so I know it got that far. But all URLs for the app return 404.
This is a known bug: Issue-9481
It has been added to grails 3.1.5 milestone.
I am migrating my web application from struts1 to strust2 (struts-core- on Tomcat server in Eclipse IDE.I have followed the Apache struts2 documention for migration.My directoey structure looks fine and whatever jars are required for struts2 has been included while removing the strust1 jars. When i run my application,the webapp is getting loaded but it gives http error 404 for the first filter defined in web.xml.
I was trying to find any error logs but could not see any log apart from tomcat access log.
Is there any way to see what is happening with my filters and filter mappings in web.xml through some logs?
After upgrading our app from Grails 2.2.4 to 2.4.2 and working through all the dependency changes, etc., the app is running but bootstrap is not executing and no pages show up. I don't get any errors even when running with --stacktrace --verbose. I just get the normal app running message as if all was well. Nothing in the stacktrace.log file or the application log file.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about troubleshooting this?
I try to use cloudfoundry first time.
I created a simple application in grails and installed cloud-foundry plugin. Plugin is installed correctly. I was trying to run prod cf-push command but received this error. Any ideas about this error ?
org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudFoundryException: 400 Bad Request (Invalid application description)
It may be worth trying with VMC (if you have it installed).
Package your Grails app
grails prod war
then deploy with vmc
vmc push [app name here] --path target/
follow the interactive prompts, but VMC should recognise the war file as a Grails app
I have an application (Rails 2.3.5) that I'm deploying to production Linux/Apache server using the latest Phushion Passenger/Apache Module 2.2.11 version. After deploying my original application, it returns a 500 error with no logging to production log.
So I created a minimal test rails application, with some active record calls to the database to print out a list of objects to the home controller/my index page. I also cleared out all plugins. That works fine in the production environment. Then I one by one introduced each plugin that I'm using one at a time.
Every plugin works fine EXCEPT facebooker. Every time I load the facebooker plugin into my app/vendor/plugins directory (via script git etc) my test application break (500 error - no error logging). Everytime I remove the facebooker plugin my test application works.
Has anyone seen this before/ have any solutions? I saw this solution but didn't see it in the facebooker code.
Did you add Facebook credentials for production environment?