How do I talk about a particular constructor in Agda - agda

Say I have
data Maybe : Set -> Set where
Just : forall {A} -> A -> Maybe A
Nothing : forall {A} -> Maybe A
and I define my own minus like
minus : Nat -> Nat -> Maybe Nat
minus zero zero = Just zero
minus zero _ = Nothing
minus n zero = Just n
minus (suc n) (suc m) = minus n m
and I would like to prove that forall m n, if m > n, (minus m n) always spits out a (Just Nat).
I am wondering how I can encode this claim in a type.
Thank you!

You can use the standard library's Is-just. Your statement will look like:
lt-minus-total : ∀ n m → m < n → Is-just (minus n m)


How to choose the design for a well-founded inductive type?

While studying well-foundedness, I wanted to see how different designs behave. For example, for a type:
data _<_ (x : Nat) : Nat -> Set where
<-b : x < (suc x)
<-s : (y : Nat) -> x < y -> x < (suc y)
well-foundedness is easy to demonstrate. But if a similar type is defined differently:
data _<_ : Nat -> Nat -> Set where
z-< : (m : Nat) -> zero < (suc m)
s<s : (m n : Nat) -> m < n -> (suc m) < (suc n)
It is obvious that in both cases the descending chain is not infinite, but in the second case well-foundedness is not easy to demonstrate: it is not easy to show (y -> y < x -> Acc y) exists for a given x.
Are there some principles that help choose the designs like the first in preference to the designs like the second?
It's not impossibly hard to prove well-foundedness of the second definition, it just requires extra theorems. Here, relying on decidability of _==_ for Nat, we can construct new _<_ for the case (suc y) != x, and can rewrite the target types to use the solution to the problem known to decrease in size as the solution for suc y.
-- trying to express well-foundedness is tricky, because of how x < y is defined:
-- since both x and y decrease in the inductive step case, need special effort to
-- prove when the induction stops - when no more constructors are available
<-Well-founded : Well-founded Nat _<_
<-Well-founded x = acc (aux x) where
aux : (x y : Nat) -> y < x -> Acc _<_ y
aux zero y ()
aux x zero z-< = acc \_ ()
aux (suc x) (suc y) (s<s y<x) with is-eq? (suc y) x
... | no sy!=x = aux x (suc y) (neq y<x sy!=x)
... | yes sy==x rewrite sy==x = <-Well-founded x
The first definition is "canonical" in a sense, while the second one is not. In Agda, every inductive type has a subterm relation which is well-founded and transitive, although not necessarily total, decidable or proof-irrelevant. For W-types, it's the following:
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
data W (S : Set)(P : S → Set) : Set where
lim : ∀ s → (P s → W S P) → W S P
_<_ : ∀ {S P} → W S P → W S P → Set
a < lim s f = ∃ λ p → a ≡ f p ⊎ a < f p
If we define Nat as a W-type, then the generic _<_ is the same as the first definition. The first definition establishes a subterm relation even if we have no idea about the constructors of Nat. The second definition is only a subterm relation because we know that zero is reachable from every suc n. If we added an extra zero' : Nat constructor, then this would not be the case anymore.

Cryptic error: `.A !=< .A₁ of type Set` in simple function

The following Agda function should lookup a list, looping back on index overflows:
module Test where
open import Prelude.Nat
open import Prelude.List
roundIndex : {A : Set} -> Nat -> A -> List A -> A
roundIndex n x xs = go n xs where
go : {A : Set} -> Nat -> List A -> A
go (suc n) (x ∷ xs) = go n xs
go (suc n) [] = go n xs
go zero (x ∷ xs) = x
go zero [] = x
But won't compile with the following cryptic error:
.A !=< .A₁ of type Set
when checking that the expression go n xs has type .A₁
It seems like Agda isn't properly passing the implicit A to go, but passing it explicitly didn't solve the problem. What is this error? Also, that is !=<?
The error is that go works for any A, but you try to return outer x and xs with outer A types. The go-bound A and roundIndex-bound A types are different, hence the error. In general, bound type variables are only equal to themselves during conversion checking. It's not Agda-specific, as you could reproduce the same error in Haskell as well.
The solution is to remove the inner type quantification:
roundIndex : {A : Set} -> Nat -> A -> List A -> A
roundIndex {A} n x xs = go n xs where
go : Nat -> List A -> A
go (suc n) (x ∷ xs) = go n xs
go (suc n) [] = go n xs
go zero (x ∷ xs) = x
go zero [] = x
Now there's only one shared A around.

What could go wrong by ignoring dot pattern in Agda?

I am a noob in agda and reading My shallow knowledge somehow finds dot pattern not quite necessary. For example,
data Image_∋_ {A B : Set}(f : A → B) : B → Set where
im : (x : A) → Image f ∋ f x
inv : {A B : Set}(f : A → B)(y : B) → Image f ∋ y → A
inv f .(f x) (im x) = x
I find inv can well be defined as
inv : {A B : Set}(f : A → B)(y : B) → Image f ∋ y → A
inv _ _ (im x) = x
because from the types, we've already known y is an image of f for some x, so it cannot possibly go wrong.
Another example is
data _==_ {A : Set}(x : A) : A → Set where
refl : x == x
data _≠_ : ℕ → ℕ → Set where
z≠s : {n : ℕ} → zero ≠ suc n
s≠z : {n : ℕ} → suc n ≠ zero
s≠s : {n m : ℕ} → n ≠ m → suc n ≠ suc m
data Equal? (n m : ℕ) : Set where
eq : n == m → Equal? n m
neq : n ≠ m → Equal? n m
equal? : (n m : ℕ) → Equal? n m
equal? zero zero = eq refl
equal? zero (suc _) = neq z≠s
equal? (suc _) zero = neq s≠z
equal? (suc n') (suc m') with equal? n' m'
... | eq refl = eq refl
... | neq n'≠m' = neq (s≠s n'≠m')
consider equal? function, the second last line is written in the paper as (suc n') (suc .n') | eq refl = eq refl. Again, eq refl in with construct has provided a proof, for these two values being the same, so why do I bother writing them out using dot pattern?
I am more familiar with coq, and I am not aware of similar thing in coq. Am I missing something here?
In Coq you write the pattern-matches explicitly whereas Agda's equation-based approaches forces the typechecker to reconstruct a case-tree which ought to correspond to what you wrote.
Dotted-patterns help the typechecker see that a given pattern was not the product of a match but rather forced by a match on one of the other arguments (e.g.: a match on a Vec Bool n will force the value of n, or a match on an equality proof will, as you've observed, force some variables to be the same).
They're not always necessary and, in fact, some have been slowly made optional as you can see in the CHANGELOG for version 2.5.3:
Dot patterns.
The dot in front of an inaccessible pattern can now be skipped if the pattern consists entirely of constructors or literals. For example:

L-product-0 Theorem

I would like to prove the following:
𝕃-product-0 : ∀{l : 𝕃 ℕ} → list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt → 𝕃-product l ≡ 0
𝕃-product-0 = {!!}
'list-any' is defined as:
list-any : ∀{ℓ}{A : Set ℓ}(pred : A → 𝔹)(l : 𝕃 A) → 𝔹
list-any pred [] = ff
list-any pred (x :: xs) = pred x || list-any pred xs
And _=ℕ_ is defined as:
_=ℕ_ : ℕ → ℕ → 𝔹
0 =ℕ 0 = tt
suc x =ℕ suc y = x =ℕ y
_ =ℕ _ = ff
I'm trying to understand this part: list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt
Is (_=ℕ_ 0) ≡ (pred : A → 𝔹) and l ≡ (l : 𝕃 A)?
If so, I would like help understanding the predicate. What does (=ℕ 0) mean? I'm assuming =ℕ is applied like:
Foreach element in l return (element =ℕ 0).
Is this correct? I tried to prove the theorem by using a list l1:
𝕃-product-0 : ∀{l : 𝕃 ℕ} → list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt → 𝕃-product l ≡ 0
𝕃-product-0 l1 = {!!}
but got the following error:
I'm not sure if there should be a case for the constructor refl,
because I get stuck when trying to solve the following unification
problems (inferred index ≟ expected index):
list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≟ tt
when checking that the expression ? has type 𝕃-product .l ≡ 0
I appreciate any help given!
Edit (response 1):
I split the the case on the hole and got:
𝕃-product-0 : ∀{l : 𝕃 ℕ} → list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt → 𝕃-product l ≡ 0
𝕃-product-0 x = {!!}
Is this the case that I want? It filled in x when I split.
It can also see that:
Goal: 𝕃-product .l ≡ 0
x : list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) .l ≡ tt
.l : 𝕃 ℕ
What is the program wanting me to solve at this point? How can I show that
𝕃-product-0 x is logically equivalent to 𝕃-product .l ≡ 0?
I'm trying to understand this part: list-any (=ℕ 0) l ≡ tt
Is (=ℕ 0) ≡ (pred : A → 𝔹) and l ≡ (l : 𝕃 A)?
You're correct in that _=ℕ_ 0 is substituted for pred. _=ℕ_ 0 means the result of applying the function _=ℕ_ to 0. Since _=ℕ_ is a binary function, applying it to just one argument yields a function ℕ -> 𝔹, which is what list-any expects.
As to the other question, you're trying to pattern match there on l, but it's implicit: in your example l1 actually denotes the list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt argument, because that's the first explicit argument. You have to introduce the implicit argument using brackets:
𝕃-product-0 : ∀{l : 𝕃 ℕ} → list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt → 𝕃-product l ≡ 0
𝕃-product-0 {l1} = {!!}
I assume you're in Emacs agda-mode. When you look at the the context, the implicit arguments are prefixed with a dot, like .l : 𝕃 ℕ. If you're on a new-ish Agda, if you want to split on .l, write { .l } in the hole, then hit C-c-c. Another solution is to introduce the argument in the function definition using brackets, like how I wrote above, then write { l1 } in the hole, then hit C-c-c.
Alternatively, you can make the list argument explicit and save yourself the brackets:
𝕃-product-0 : (l : 𝕃 ℕ) → list-any (_=ℕ_ 0) l ≡ tt → 𝕃-product l ≡ 0
𝕃-product-0 l = ?
Just remember that in a function definition, arguments without brackets are the explicit arguments, and you can insert implicit arguments before or between them corresponding to the order they appear in the type. You can also refer to implicit arguments by their name in the type. For example:
foo : Nat -> {l : list Nat} -> Nat -> Nat
foo n m = ? -- now "n" refers to the first Nat and "m" refers to the last argument
foo : Nat -> {l : list Nat} -> Nat -> Nat
foo n {l} m = ? -- now "l" refers to the list.
foo : Nat -> {l : list Nat} -> Nat -> Nat
foo n {l = list} m = ? -- refer to "l" by the name "list" here.

Instance Implicits for Type Checking

I am learning how "typeclasses" are implemented in Agda. As an example, I am trying to implement Roman numerals whose composition with # would type-check.
I am not clear why Agda complains there is no instance for Join (Roman _ _) (Roman _ _) _ - clearly, it couldn't work out what natural numbers to substitute there.
Is there a nicer way to introduce Roman numbers that don't have "constructor" form? I have a constructor "madeup", which probably would need to be private, to be sure I have only "trusted" ways to construct other Roman numbers through Join.
module Romans where
data ℕ : Set where
zero : ℕ
succ : ℕ → ℕ
infixr 4 _+_ _*_ _#_
_+_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
zero + x = x
succ y + x = succ (y + x)
_*_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
zero * x = zero
succ y * x = x + (y * x)
one = succ zero
data Roman : ℕ → ℕ → Set where
i : Roman one one
{- v : Roman one five
x : Roman ten one
... -}
madeup : ∀ {a b} (x : Roman a b) → (c : ℕ) → Roman a c
record Join (A B C : Set) : Set where
field jo : A → B → C
two : ∀ {a} → Join (Roman a one) (Roman a one) (Roman a (one + one))
two = record { jo = λ l r → madeup l (one + one) }
_#_ : ∀ {a b c d C} → {{j : Join (Roman a b) (Roman c d) C}} → Roman a b → Roman c d → C
(_#_) {{j}} = j
-- roman = (_#_) {{two}} i i -- works
roman : Roman one (one + one)
roman = {! i # i!} -- doesn't work
Clearly, if I specify the implicit explicitly, it works - so I am confident it is not the type of the function that is wrong.
Your example works fine in development version of Agda. If you are using a version older than 2.3.2, this passage from release notes could clarify why it doesn't compile for you:
* Instance arguments resolution will now consider candidates which
still expect hidden arguments. For example:
record Eq (A : Set) : Set where
field eq : A → A → Bool
open Eq {{...}}
eqFin : {n : ℕ} → Eq (Fin n)
eqFin = record { eq = primEqFin }
testFin : Bool
testFin = eq fin1 fin2
The type-checker will now resolve the instance argument of the eq
function to eqFin {_}. This is only done for hidden arguments, not
instance arguments, so that the instance search stays non-recursive.
That is, before 2.3.2, the instance search would completly ignore your two instance because it has a hidden argument.
While instance arguments behave a bit like type classes, note that they will only commit to an instance if there's only one type correct version in scope and they will not perform a recursive search:
Instance argument resolution is not recursive. As an example,
consider the following "parametrised instance":
eq-List : {A : Set} → Eq A → Eq (List A)
eq-List {A} eq = record { equal = eq-List-A }
eq-List-A : List A → List A → Bool
eq-List-A [] [] = true
eq-List-A (a ∷ as) (b ∷ bs) = equal a b ∧ eq-List-A as bs
eq-List-A _ _ = false
Assume that the only Eq instances in scope are eq-List and eq-ℕ.
Then the following code does not type-check:
test = equal (1 ∷ 2 ∷ []) (3 ∷ 4 ∷ [])
However, we can make the code work by constructing a suitable
instance manually:
test′ = equal (1 ∷ 2 ∷ []) (3 ∷ 4 ∷ [])
where eq-List-ℕ = eq-List eq-ℕ
By restricting the "instance search" to be non-recursive we avoid
introducing a new, compile-time-only evaluation model to Agda.
Now, as for the second part of the question: I'm not exactly sure what your final goal is, the structure of the code ultimately depends on what you want to do once you construct the number. That being said, I wrote down a small program that allows you to enter roman numerals without going through the explicit data type (forgive me if I didn't catch your intent clearly):
A roman numeral will be a function which takes a pair of natural numbers - the value of previous numeral and the running total. If it's smaller than previous numeral, we'll subtract its value from the running total, otherwise we add it up. We return the new running total and value of current numeral.
Of course, this is far from perfect, because there's nothing to prevent us from typing I I X and we end up evaluating this as 10. I leave this as an exercise for the interested reader. :)
Imports first (note that I'm using the standard library here, if you do not want to install it, you can just copy the definition from the online repo):
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
This is our numeral factory:
_<?_ : Decidable _<_
m <? n = suc m ≤? n
makeNumeral : ℕ → ℕ × ℕ → ℕ × ℕ
makeNumeral n (p , c) with ⌊ n <? p ⌋
... | true = n , c ∸ n
... | false = n , c + n
And we can make a few numerals:
infix 500 I_ V_ X_
I_ = makeNumeral 1
V_ = makeNumeral 5
X_ = makeNumeral 10
Next, we have to apply this chain of functions to something and then extract the running total. This is not the greatest solution, but it looks nice in code:
⟧ : ℕ × ℕ
⟧ = 0 , 0
infix 400 ⟦_
⟦_ : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ
⟦ (_ , c) = c
And finally:
test₁ : ℕ
test₁ = ⟦ X I X ⟧
test₂ : ℕ
test₂ = ⟦ X I V ⟧
Evaluating test₁ via C-c C-n gives us 19, test₂ then 14.
Of course, you can move these invariants into the data type, add new invariants and so on.
