Title view and uinavigationLargeTitleVIew are overlapping - uinavigationbar

Title view and uinavigationLargeTitleVIew are overlapping when I press back button to come back to this view


Header/title disappears when UITableView is scrolled to the top

Working in Xamarin.ios (basically UIkit) and I have a UITableView with the Navigation title set. The title does not show when the table/screen is scrolled to the top. It only shows when you scroll down and it shows the title in the nav bar. Whats the best way to show the title when scrolled to the top but then have that title disappear behinf the nav bar title when scrolling?
pic 1: Should show title/header ontop of tableview, but it doesn't. It does show the right bar button item though
pic 2: when the user scrolls the tableview the navbar appears and it shows the title
It only shows the navbar title when scrolling through the tableview. But when not scrolling there is no "default" title.

How to segue to view controller without the tab bar disappearing from the main view

I need to segue to another UIViewController from my TabBarController without the tab bar disappearing from the bottom of the view.
As you can see in the picture, I want to segue to the colored view when pressing the red button from tab bar controller with the tab bar still displayed at the bottom of the view.
enter image description here
Set each of your tab roots to be a UINativagationController. Then set the current UIViewControllers as the roots of the navs. Then you can segue as much as you want and the tabbar will remain on the bottom.
like the bottom flow, you can add another UIViewControllers to the right again.

Keyboard hides tab bar

I have a view controller with a tab bar at the bottom, and a text field at the top.
I want to make the keyboard appears up to the tab bar when I tap the text field.
Else I can't access the tab bar while the text field is first responder

Padding/Margin between Header title and right button bar

I have an app that has Navigation controller and a title. The width of title may vary. It could be short or too long. It comes from server. I have logout button on the right side. I am adding all these things to Navigation Controller programatically.
But when the title is too long, it gets clipped in back button and right bar button. It is shown below
Is there any way to make the title to get padding from back and logout button ??

Is it possible to add view behind navigation bar in UITableViewController

I wonder if its possible to add a view under the navigation bar in a UITableViewController?
What I would like to do is to add a view under the navigation bar in my UITableViewController so that I can add a search input / filter button to that view. But I want the view to have a fixed position under the navigation bar so that I can hide the navigationbar+view when swiping.
Right now storyboard only lets me add a view in the UITableViewController. And the new view is also swipeable. And the loading indicator shows up above the view when you swipe down.
