Call new thread each time within large loop - ruby-on-rails

I have 20,000 to 30,000 users, who should receive a message at a given time. SendMessage is a service that does API call against a third party site. I have this loop:
#users.each do |user|
Since there are quite large number of users, the API response takes about one second, and the last user receives the message too later than the scheduled time.
I thought of using Thread like this:
#users.each do |user|
...{ }
Can I do as above? Is it a good idea to use 20,000 times within a loop? Are there any drawbacks? Is there something else I am supposed to do?

Looking at your need to send 20,000 API calls to a third party provider, and assuming this can be taken async, you should implement this with Sidekiq or Resque.
You can issue a request initially, and then poll continuously for status update if needed.

I can't comment yet. But if my answer it's not usefull I will destroy it.
So, if you use each, all records will be loaded into memory, it's not good idea when you have more 20 000 records.
Try to use find_each. The find is performed by find_in_batches with a batch size of 1000 (or as specified by the :batch_size option).


Request timeout in Rails

We are working on a data visualization problem right now. Our customer wants us to show the last 6 months data for a honeybee hive on a graph.
Clearly it's gonna be a huge dataset. Adding indexes we overcame the database slowness problem in loading data though we still have problem in visualizing data on a graph.
Here is the related code:
def self.prepare_single_hive_messages_for_datatable_dygraph(messages, us_metric_enabled)
data = []
messages.each do |message|
record = []
record << message.occurance_time.to_s(:dygraph_format)
record << weight_according_to_metric(message.weight, us_metric_enabled)
record << temperature_according_to_metric(message.temperature, us_metric_enabled)
record << (message.humidity.nil? ? nil : message.humidity.to_f)
data << record
return data
The problem is that messages.each is very slow and takes more than 30 seconds. Is there any solution to overcome this?
Project Specification:
Rails Version: 4.1.9
Graph Library: Dygraph
Database: Postgres
There are two ways to attack a performance problem like this.
Find and correct the performance bottle neck
Break it into smaller pieces
Finding Performance issues
First, get a dataset large enough to reproduce the problem setup on your dev system. Then look at the logs so you can see how long the transaction is taking. You should be looking for a line like this:
Completed 200 OK in 432.1ms (Views: 367.7ms | ActiveRecord: 61.4ms)
Rerun the task a couple times since caching can cause variations. Write down your different times. Then remove everything in the loop and run it with just the loop. Do the numbers go back to looking reasonable? If that is the case then you know the problem is the work you are doing inside the loop. Next, add each line in the loop back on its own (or one at a time if they depend on each other). Figure out which line causes those numbers to jump the most.
This is the point where you should try to performance tune your code. Check for queries that could be smarter. Make sure you aren't querying the same data over and over. If you have a function in a model that computes something and you call it multiple times to get the same answer then use this to only compute once:
def something
return #savedvalue if #savedvalue
#savedvalue = really complex calculation
The goal is to find the worse offender so you can make changes that have the biggest impact. However, if you are working with a LOT of data this may only get you so far. It may be impossible to performance tune enough for all the data. In that case there is option 2.
Break it into smaller pieces
Write a second rails action who's only job is to render a single record on a graph. It will do the inner part of your loop but only on the message who's id was passed to it.
Call your original function to setup the view and pass the list of messages to the view. In the view loop through the list of messages to setup jquery ajax code to call the above action once for each message. Have this run in on document ready.
Then, the page will load with an empty graph... but as soon as it is up the individual processed records will be fed to it and appear one at a time on the page. It will still take just ask long (or even a little longer because of overhead) to complete the graph... but it will no longer time out. Each ajax call will be its own quick hit to the server instead of one big long hit.
I just used this very technique to load a rather long report on a site I work on. Ideally we'd like to fix any underlying performance issues... but what we really wanted was to have a report working right away and then fix the performance issues as we had time.
Ok you said every person sees the same set of data, which is great, means we can cache without worrying about who's logged in, first here's your method, with tiny improvements
def self.prepare_single_hive_messages_for_datatable_dygraph(messages, us_metric_enabled)
messages.inject([]) do |records, message|
records << [].tap do |record|
record << message.occurance_time.to_s(:dygraph_format)
record << weight_according_to_metric(message.weight, us_metric_enabled)
record << temperature_according_to_metric(message.temperature, us_metric_enabled)
record << (message.humidity.nil? ? nil : message.humidity.to_f)
Then create a caching function, that runs this method and caches it
# some class constants
CACHE_KEY = 'some_cache_key'
EXPIRY_TIME = 15.minutes
# the methods
def self.write_single_hive_messages_to_cache(messages, us_metric_enabled)
Rails.cache.write CACHE_KEY,
self.class.prepare_single_hive_messages_for_datatable_dygraph(messages, us_metric_enabled),
expires_in: EXPIRY_TIME
And a simple cache reading method
self.read_single_hive_messages_from_cache CACHE_KEY
Then create a rake task that just fetches these messages and call the caching method, and rails will write the cache.
Create a cron job that calls this rake task, set the cron job to 5 minutes or so, the expiry time is longer just in case for some reason the cron job didn't run, the data will still be available for the next run.
This way your processing is run in the background, every 5 ( or whatever time you choose ) minutes, the page load should happen normally with no delay at all, since the array data will be loaded from the pre-calculated cache.
In case the cron stops working, the data will expire in the 15 minutes I've set, and then the read cache method will return nil, you could avoid this and set the data to never expire, but then the data will become stale and the old data will keep getting returned.
Another way to handle this is to tell the cache reading method how to generate the cache it self, so if it finds the cache empty it generates one and caches it itself before returning the data, the method would look like this
def self.read_single_hive_messages_from_cache(messages, us_metric_enabled)
Rails.cache.fetch CACHE_KEY, expires_in: EXPIRY_TIME do
self.class.write_single_hive_messages_to_cache(messages, us_metric_enabled)
But then make sure that messages is an ActiveRecord::Relation and not a processed array, because you don't want to query for 1+ million records and then find the cache already ready, if it's an ActiveRecord::Relation it will not touch the database until the array is started ( inside the caching block ), if the cache exists it will be returned before you enter the block and thus the data won't get fetched, saving you that huge query.
I know the answer got long, if you need more help tell me.

How to avoid Race Condition and Lock wait timeout updating views of a page

Inside a Rails application, users visit a page where I show a popup.
I want to update a record every time users see that popup.
To avoid race condition I use optimistic locking (so I added a field called lock_version in the popups table).
The code is straightforward:
# inside pages/show.html.erb
<%= render #popup %>
# and inside the popup partial...
Popup.transaction do
popup.update_attributes(:views => popup.views + 1)
rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError
The problem is that lots of users access the page, and mysql exceeds timeout for locking.
So the website freeze and I get lots of these errors:
Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
That's because there are lots of pending requests trying to update the record with an outdated lock_version value.
How can I solve my problem?
You can use increment_counter because it produce one SQL UPDATE query without locking.
But I think will be better in your case to use any key-value DB like Redis to store and update your popup counter because it can do it faster than SQL DB.
If you cannot go with an approach like #maxd noted in their reply, you can utilize an asynchronous library such as Sidekiq to process these sort of requests (wherein they'll just get backed up in the job queue).
def increment_popup(popup)
Popup.transaction do
popup.update_attributes(:views => popup.views + 1)
rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError
Then, in another piece of code (your controller, a service, or the view (less ideal to put logic in the view layer).
# OR you can schedule it
This would have the effect of, essentially, queueing up your inserts, while freeing your page and, in theory, helping to reduce the timeouts you're hitting, etc.
While there is certainly more to it than just adding a library (gem) like Sidekiq and the sample code I have here, I think asynchronous libraries/tools will help tremendously.

How to avoid meeting Heroku's API rate limit with delayed job and workless

My Survey model has about 2500 instances and I need to apply the set_state method to each instance twice. I need to apply it the second time only after every instance has had the method applied to it once. (The state of an instance can depend on the state of other instances.)
I'm using delayed_job to create delayed jobs and workless to automatically scale up/down my worker dynos as required.
The set_state method typically takes about a second to execute. So I've run the following at the heroku console:
2.times do
Survey.all.each do |survey|
Shouldn't be any issues with overloading the API, right?
And yet I'm still seeing the following in my logs for each delayed job:
Heroku::API::Errors::ErrorWithResponse: Expected(200) <=> Actual(429 Unknown)
I'm not seeing any infinite loops -- it just returns this message as soon as I create the delayed job.
How can I avoid blowing Heroku's API rate limits?
Reviewing workless, it looks like it incurs an API call per delayed job to check the worker count and potentially a second API call to scale up/down. So if you are running 5000 (2500x2) jobs within a short period, you'll end up with 5000+ API calls. Which would be well in excess of the 1200/requests per hour limit. I've commented over there to hopefully help toward reducing the overall API usage (, but I think we can offer a more specific solution for you.
In the mean time, especially if your workload is pretty predictable (like this). I'd recommend skipping workless and doing that portion yourself. ie it sounds like you already know WHEN the scaling would need to happen (scale up right before the loop above, scale down right after). If that is the case you could do something like this to emulate the behavior in workless:
require 'heroku-api'
heroku = => ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'])
client.post_ps_scale(ENV['APP_NAME'], 'worker', Survey.count)
2.times do
Survey.all.each do |survey|
min_workers = ENV['WORKLESS_MIN_WORKERS'].present? ? ENV['WORKLESS_MIN_WORKERS'].to_i : 0
client.post_ps_scale(ENV['APP_NAME'], 'worker', min_workers)
Note that you'll need to remove workless from these jobs also. I didn't see a particular way to do this JUST for certain jobs though, so you might want to ask on that project if you need that. Also, if this needs to be 2 pass (the first time through needs to finish before the second), the 4 second sleep may in some cases be insufficient but that is a different can of worms.
I hope that helps narrow in on what you needed, but I'm certainly happy to discuss further and/or elaborate on the above as needed. Thanks!

Delay sending mails to boost page load time

In my Product#create method I have something like
Which fires off if the product gets saved. Now thing is before the above gets fired off, there are bunch of logics and calculations happening which delays the confirmation page load time. Is there a way to make sure the next page loads first and the mail delivery can happen later or in the background?
Yes, you'll want to look into background workers. Sidekiq, DelayedJob or Resque are some popular ones.
Here's a great RailsCast demonstrating Sidekiq.
class NotificationWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(n_id)
n = N.find(n_id)
I'm not sure what n was in your example, so I just went with it. Now where you do the work, you can replace it with:
The reason you don't pass full object n as an argument, is because the arguments will be serialized, and it's easier/faster to serialize just the integer id.
Once the jobs is stored, you have a second process running in the background that will do the work, freeing up your web process to immediately go back to rendering the response.
Delayed jobs will do this:
Here is the github page.
and here is a railscast on setting it up.

Need alternative to filters/observers for Ruby on Rails project

Rails has a nice set of filters (before_validation, before_create, after_save, etc) as well as support for observers, but I'm faced with a situation in which relying on a filter or observer is far too computationally expensive. I need an alternative.
The problem: I'm logging web server hits to a large number of pages. What I need is a trigger that will perform an action (say, send an email) when a given page has been viewed more than X times. Due to the huge number of pages and hits, using a filter or observer will result in a lot of wasted time because, 99% of the time, the condition it tests will be false. The email does not have to be sent out right away (i.e. a 5-10 minute delay is acceptable).
What I am instead considering is implementing some kind of process that sweeps the database every 5 minutes or so and checks to see which pages have been hit more than X times, recording that state in a new DB table, then sending out a corresponding email. It's not exactly elegant, but it will work.
Does anyone else have a better idea?
Rake tasks are nice! But you will end up writing more custom code for each background job you add. Check out the Delayed Job plugin
DJ is an asynchronous priority queue that relies on one simple database table. According to the DJ website you can create a job using Delayed::Job.enqueue() method shown below.
class NewsletterJob <, :emails)
def perform
emails.each { |e| NewsletterMailer.deliver_text_to_email(text, e) }
Delayed::Job.enqueue("blah blah", Customers.find(:all).collect(&:email)) )
I was once part of a team that wrote a custom ad server, which has the same requirements: monitor the number of hits per document, and do something once they reach a certain threshold. This server was going to be powering an existing very large site with a lot of traffic, and scalability was a real concern. My company hired two Doubleclick consultants to pick their brains.
Their opinion was: The fastest way to persist any information is to write it in a custom Apache log directive. So we built a site where every time someone would hit a document (ad, page, all the same), the server that handled the request would write a SQL statement to the log: "INSERT INTO impressions (timestamp, page, ip, etc) VALUES (x, 'path/to/doc', y, etc);" -- all output dynamically with data from the webserver. Every 5 minutes, we would gather these files from the web servers, and then dump them all in the master database one at a time. Then, at our leisure, we could parse that data to do anything we well pleased with it.
Depending on your exact requirements and deployment setup, you could do something similar. The computational requirement to check if you're past a certain threshold is still probably even smaller (guessing here) than executing the SQL to increment a value or insert a row. You could get rid of both bits of overhead by logging hits (special format or not), and then periodically gather them, parse them, input them to the database, and do whatever you want with them.
When saving your Hit model, update a redundant column in your Page model that stores a running total of hits, this costs you 2 extra queries, so maybe each hit takes twice as long to process, but you can decide if you need to send the email with a simple if.
Your original solution isn't bad either.
I have to write something here so that stackoverflow code-highlights the first line.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :increment_fancy_counter
def increment_fancy_counter
# somehow increment the counter here
# lib/tasks/fancy_counter.rake
namespace :fancy_counter do
task :process do
# somehow process the counter here
Have a cron job run rake fancy_counter:process however often you want it to run.
