IOS Swift Nested DispatchGroup for Nested Network requests handling arrays - ios

I'm experiencing crashes and I'm not too sure how to handle the situation with nested dispatchgroup inside a dispatchgroup. I know I'm doing something wrong and getting crashes and would like some help with how to handle below situation:
I am using IOS Swift and Firebase and basically grabbing relevant mutual friends by first grabbing a friendList, and then grabbing the friends of each of the friends on my friendList (as those are my mutual friends), if I have not grabbed them earlier (I use a list to track ids of friends Ive already grabbed), I send another network request to fb to grab the number of mutual friends between current user and mutual friend and check if they are relevant enough to be added.
However I have another request after that grabs school friends from firebase and I need to make sure there arent duplicate entries because there are school friends that are also mutual friends. I'm using Dispatch groups like so:
// Iterates through friendList to grab mutual friends
for user in currUser.friendList {
// Grabs user friend list
let userFriendListRef = Database.database().reference().child("friend-list").child(user.userID)
userFriendListRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
guard snapshot.exists(),
let userFriendList = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else {"No mutual friends grabbed from friend")
// Mutual friends dispatchGroup
// If exists friends, then see if matches user's interest
self.filterMutualFriendsToMatchUserInterest(using: userFriendList)
self.mutualFriendsDispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {"Done mutual friends")
// Checks if mutual friend matches interest and then adds it into collectionView
fileprivate func filterMutualFriends(using userFriendList: [String: Any]) {
// Maintains a counter
var searchedMutualFriendCounter = 0
// Iterates through userFriendList
for (userID, _) in userFriendList {
searchedMutualFriendCounter += 1 // Increments counter
// Ensures not repeating a mutual friend
guard usersAddedToHomeScroll[userID] == nil,
searchedUsers[userID] == nil,
!blockedUsers.contains(userID) else {
// Handles mutual friend dispatch group leave condition
if searchedMutualFriendCounter == userFriendList.count {
searchedUsers[userID] = true
// Checks if has enough mutual friends, if yes, grab mutual friend data, else skip
checkIfFriendHasEnoughMutualFriends(userID) { (result) -> Void in
// Makes sure that has enough mutual friends
guard result else {"Not enough mutual friends to show in userFriendScroll for \(userID)")
// Handles mutual friend dispatch group leave condition
if searchedMutualFriendCounter == userFriendList.count {
}"Mutual friend ID grabbed for \(userID)")
self.grabMutualFriendData(userID, index: searchedMutualFriendCounter, total: userFriendList.count)
fileprivate func getAllFriends() {
// Grabs mutual friends
// Gets school friends
// Reloads data after grabbing it all
grabFriendsDispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
I also call mutualFriendsDispatchGroup.leave() in grabMutualFriendData(...) method.
I apologize for the large amount of code, I was trying to figure out basically how to put in sync lots of network requests nest in a network request to grab mutual friends and before my grab school friends so that I dont get duplicate entries on my collectionView presenting the grabbed users.
Note: The counter thing in filterMutualFriends(...) is a hack I was attempting that would exit out of the outer dispatchgroup once you've iterated through the friendlist of a friend. The outer mutual friends dispatchGroup is the one crashing.

Could not figure out a proper long-term solution to fix the issue, so I had to hack around it and use a bad workaround which just removes duplicate users everytime a new user is grabbed and then reloads the collectionView. However, note that this will and can cause problems in the code.


SwiftIU/Firebase: How to update lists of users from Firebase in real time and have it reflect in the UI?
^^^ I've attached a loom video demonstrating the bug im facing as well as the code I currently have.
The problem is that the UI doesn't update right away and may confuse users. All the code in terms of updating the backend function correctly (its the updating of the UI thats not working properly), I'm pretty sure it has to do with the way i'm either calling the functions or the function itself.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
#Published var userRequestInboxUsers = [User]()
#Published var emergencyContactUsers = [User]()
// function to fetch the user requests
func fetchTheUsersRequests() {
guard let uid = else { return }
let query = COLLECTION_FOLLOWERS.document(uid).collection("inbox").whereField(
"currentStatus", isEqualTo: "isPending")
query.addSnapshotListener(includeMetadataChanges: true) { snapshot, error in
if let error = error {
print("There was an error querying the inbox requests: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
for request in snapshot!.documents {
COLLECTION_USERS.document(request.documentID).getDocument { snapshot, error in
if let error = error {
print("There was an error fetching the user data: \(error)")
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let userRequestInInbox = try? snapshot?.data(as: User.self) else { return }
//function that fetches the users contacts (request that have been approved)
func fetchTheUsersContacts() {
guard let uid = else { return }
let query = COLLECTION_FOLLOWERS.document(uid).collection("inbox").whereField(
"currentStatus", isEqualTo: "emergencyContact")
query.addSnapshotListener(includeMetadataChanges: true) { snapshot, error in
if let error = error {
print("There was an error querying the emergency contacts: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
for userContact in snapshot!.documents {
COLLECTION_USERS.document(userContact.documentID).getDocument { snapshot, error in
if let error = error {
print("There was an error fetching the user data: \(error)")
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let userEmergencyContactsInInbox = try? snapshot?.data(as: User.self) else {
I've tried calling the function every time the view appears but that leads to duplicated results.
I'm currently using snapshot listeners to get real time access but even then this doesn't work.
I've structured my backend to have a contacts sub collection and a requests sub collection but I get the same problem with much more lines of code...
I've thought of switching to async/await but i would prefer my app be compatible to ios 14+ rather than just 15 and up.
I could try using strictly Combine rather than call backs but I don't think that would be effective in attacking the problem head on.
The problem is that you're appending the documents to the published property. This will lead to duplicating the entries.
Instead, just assign all of the mapped documents to the emergencyContactUsers property.
Check out Mapping Firestore Data in Swift - The Comprehensive Guide | Peter Friese for more details about this. I've also got a number of other posts about Firestore and SwiftUI on my blog that might be useful.
As for the "duplicate IDs" warning you see - that might actually also contribute to the issue. SwiftUI lists require all list items to have a unique ID, and it seems like your user objects might not have unique IDs. This might either be due to the fact you have multiple copies of the same user in the published properties, or that your User struct is not identifiable.
I noticed that you're using DispatchQueue.async to make sure you're on the main thread. This is not necessary, as Firestore will make sure to call your code on the main thread. See for an explanation.
Also - I am curious about what you said in the beginning of the video about not being able to find documentation about this. We're always looking for ways to make the Firebase docs better - what did you look for / what didn't you find?

How to run a Firestore query inside a map function in Swift

I am new to SwiftUI and Firebase and I am trying to build my first app. I am storing Game documents in Firestore and one of the fields is an array containing the user ids of the players as you can see in the image.
Game data structure
That being said, I am trying to list all games of a given user and have all the players listed in each one of the cells (the order is important).
In order to create the list of games in the UI I created a GameCellListView and a GameCellViewModel. The GameCellViewModel should load both the games and the array of users that correspond to the players of each game. However I am not being able to load the users to an array. I have to go through the players array and query the database for each Id and append to a User array; then I should be able to return this User array. Since I'm using a for loop, I can't assign the values to the array and then return it. I tried using map(), but I can't perform a query inside of it.
The goal is to load that "all" var with a struct that receives a game and its players GamePlayers(players: [User], game: Game)
It should look something like the code snippet below, but the users array always comes empty. This function runs on GameCellViewModel init.
I hope you can understand my problem and thank you in advance! Been stuck on this for 2 weeks now
func loadData() {
let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
.order(by: "createdTime")
.whereField("userId", isEqualTo: userId)
.addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
if let querySnapshot = querySnapshot { = querySnapshot.documents.compactMap { document in
do {
let extractedGame = try Game.self)
var user = [User]()
let users = extractedGame! { playerId -> [User] in
.whereField("uid", isEqualTo: playerId)
.addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
guard let documents = querySnapshot?.documents else {
print("No documents")
user = documents.compactMap { queryDocumentSnapshot -> User? in
return try? User.self)
return user
self.all.append(GamePlayers(players: users.first ?? [User](), game: extractedGame!))
return extractedGame
catch {
return nil
There are a lot of moving parts in your code and so to isolate points of failure would require seeing additional code so just be aware of that upfront. That said, if you are relatively new to Firestore or Swift then I would strongly suggest you first get a handle on this function using basic syntax. Once you're comfortable with the ins and outs of async looping then I would suggest refactoring the code using more advanced syntax, like you have here.
Your function requires performing async work within each loop iteration (of each document). You actually need to do this twice, async work within a loop within a loop. Be sure this is what you really want to do before proceeding because there may be cleaner ways, which may include a more efficient NoSQL data architecture. Regardless, for the purposes of this function, start with the most basic syntax there is for the job which is the Dispatch Group in concert with the for-loop. Go ahead and nest these until you have it working and then consider refactoring.
func loadData() {
// Always safely unwrap the user ID and never assume it is there.
guard let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
// Query the database.
db.collection("games").whereField("userId", isEqualTo: userId).order(by: "createdTime").addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
if let querySnapshot = querySnapshot {
// We need to loop through a number of documents and perform
// async tasks within them so instantiate a Dispatch Group
// outside of the loop.
let dispatch = DispatchGroup()
for doc in querySnapshot.documents {
// Everytime you enter the loop, enter the dispatch.
do {
// Do something with this document.
// You want to perform an additional async task in here,
// so fire up another dispatch and repeat these steps.
// Consider partitioning these tasks into separate functions
// for readability.
// At some point in this do block, we must leave the dispatch.
} catch {
// Everytime you leave this iteration, no matter the reason,
// even on error, you must leave the dispatch.
// If there is an error in this iteration, do not return.
// Return will return out of the method itself (loadData).
// Instead, continue, which will continue the loop.
dispatch.notify(queue: .main) {
// This is the completion handler of the dispatch.
// Your first round of data is ready, now proceed.
} else if let error = error {
// Always log errors to console!!!
// This should be automatic by now without even having to think about it.
I also noticed that within the second set of async tasks within the second loop, you're adding snapshot listeners. Are you really sure you want to do this? Don't you just need a plain document get?

Get Current Active user from the Zoom iOS SDK Custom Meeting implementation

I have implemented the Zoom iOS SDK to work with a custom UI. Everything works just as its supposed to but I haven't been able to figure out how I can get the userID of the currently active user.
I have implemented the below delegate method which tells about the current active video user, but unfortunately it shows all the other participants in the meeting except me.
func onSinkMeetingActiveVideo(_ userID: UInt) {
if let service = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService(), let username = service.userInfo(byID: userID)?.userName {
print("\(#function) : \(userID) : \(username)")
I need to know who is the current active user even if its me who is talking.
You can retrieve this kind of information from meeting service MobileRTCMeetingService.
func getActiveUserId() -> UInt? {
if let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService() {
return meetingService.activeUserID()
return nil
Extra note: in Zoom there is also the concept of Pinned User that overrides active user in active video cell.
Pinned user id can be retrieved in this way:
func getPinnedUserId() -> UInt? {
if let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService(), let userList = meetingService.getInMeetingUserList(){
for userId in userList {
if let userId = userId as? UInt, meetingService.isUserPinned(userId) {
return userId
return nil
return nil
So in order to establish which is the user id of the video in active video cell you have to check both, giving priority to pinned user.
let currentVideoUserId = getPinnedUserId() ?? getActiveUserId()
During the meeting you will never been the active user in your own video cell because even if your are speaking, you will continue to see the other person in active video cell.
On the other side if you are interested to know who is talking then you have to retrieve the user list and check the audioStatus [MobileRTCAudioStatus].
Just pay attention that you can have more than one user speaking at the same time.
There is also another callback that can be useful if you are interested in active speaker user: it is the onSinkMeetingActiveVideoForDeck in MobileRTCVideoServiceDelegate
According to the documentation it should be fired every time that there is a new speaker. It is used by ZOOM UI for changing the yellow frame around the active speaker user.
I according to the documentation, in order to get the current active video user info you should use the following class: MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo.
Check the doc for the video status class MobileRTCVideoStatus:
and you will see that is related with the MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo:
On that class you will find info of the current user.
Hope you can figure out your problem!
Gastón Montes.

Identify incoming callers with CallKit when they are already contacts

I am creating an app that tracks money owed between friends. I would like to create a feature where incoming calls will show with a warning if that person owes you money.
I am using the Apple-provided approach to identify callers:
class CustomCallDirectoryProvider: CXCallDirectoryProvider {
override func beginRequest(with context: CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext) {
let labelsKeyedByPhoneNumber: [CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber: String] = [ … ]
for (phoneNumber, label) in labelsKeyedByPhoneNumber.sorted(by: <) {
context.addIdentificationEntry(withNextSequentialPhoneNumber: phoneNumber, label: label)
This works great so far for incoming calls. However, if the call is coming from a person that is already in the user's contact list then that name will show and our information will not show.
Is there a way to show our contract information even when the caller is in the user's contact list?
No, data from the CallKit identification extension is only used if there is no match against an existing contact.

Chaining multiple async functions in Swift

I'm trying to write a series of functions that will validate the user's information before asking them to confirm something. (Imagine a shopping app).
I first have to check that the user has added a card.
Then I have to check that they have sufficient balance.
Then I can ask them to confirm the payment.
I can write the async method to check the card something like ...
func checkHasCard(completion: (Bool) -> ()) {
// go to the inter webs
// get the card
// process data
let hasCard: Bool = // the user has a card or not.
This can be run like this...
checkHasCard {
hasCard in
if hasCard {
} else {
But... now, based off that I have to do various things. If the user does have a card I then need to continue onwards and check there is sufficient balance (in much the same way). If the user does not have a card I present a screen for them to add their card.
But it gets messy...
checkHasCard {
hasCard in
if hasCard {
// check balance
checkBalance {
hasBalance in
if hasBalance {
} else {
// ask to top up the account
} else {
// ask for card details
What I'd like instead is something along the lines of this...
checkHasCard() // if no card then show card details screen
.checkBalance() // only run if there is a card ... if no balance ask for top up
This looks much more "swifty" but I'm not sure how to get closer to something like this.
Is there a way?
Asynchronous operations, ordered and with dependencies? You're describing NSOperation.
Certainly you can chain tasks using GCD:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// do something
// check something...
// and then:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// receive info from higher closure
// and so on
But if your operations are complex, e.g. they have delegates, that architecture completely breaks down. NSOperation allows complex operations to be encapsulated in just the way you're after.
