Enabling Theme in Open edx - openedx

I have installed Open Edx and its working fine, but now I am trying to enable theme through Comprehensive theme option in lms.env.json.
Any idea what could be the missing node or problem.

For the LMS, you edit /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json
to set
For Studio, you edit /edx/app/edxapp/cms.env.json
to set
For the E-commerce service, you edit /edx/etc/ecommerce.yml
to set
Check documentation link :


Button Save disabled in ABAP Editor for Auto Completion

Recently I've installed the SAPGUI, and I want to turn on the auto-completion option "Suggest Non-Keywords from the Text".
But the button to save this setting is disabled.
How to save the setting?
Most likely a permission problem preventing the SAPGUI from performing updates.
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\ABAP EDITOR\Settings.xml
Check how SAPGUI is Launched. Try launching with ADMIN rights.
Does your organisation restrict roaming profiles ?
Perhaps an admin guy there knows why you cant update
...AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\ABAP EDITOR\Settings.xml
<UseSimpleAutocomp>1</UseSimpleAutocomp> <<<<<< set this to 1
For anyone facing this problem, I just uninstall and install the SAPGUI, and it solves.

Is there a way to set 'Disabled = false' of electron-simple-updater

I'm wanna set up auto-updates features in my Electron App build in Quasar. So I come across with electron-simple-updater.
I fail to implement it as the auto-updates just can't seem to work. Due to 'disabled' option always set to true, just like stated in the documentation.
I try
"url" : "...",
"disabled" : false,
Then when I
It display
Update is disabled
It's not working. I'm able to set any options other than 'disabled'
Is there any way to force 'disabled = false'?
By the way, my environment is macOS v10.14.6
From the doc:
Your application must be signed for automatic updates on macOS.
To enable automatic updates on MacOS your app must be signed.

What would cause InternetExplorerMedium to work on one machine but not another?

I have a VBA script in Access that logs onto a website and downloads some data, I built it using a laptop and use the code of
Dim objIE As InternetExplorerMedium 'special object variable representing the IE browser
Dim aEle As HTMLLinkElement 'special object variable for an <a> (link) element
Dim element As HTMLLinkElement
Set objIE = New InternetExplorerMedium
On Error GoTo Errorhandler
objIE.Visible = False
DoCmd.Hourglass (True) 'navigate IE to this web page
objIE.navigate www.google.com ' google just for example
Then it inputs the login info into the proper boxes and logs in.
Which works fine, however I installed this front end on another user's PC and it no longer works, it just opens the page but fills in no info.
However, if I change,
Set objIE = New InternetExplorerMedium
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
then it works on their PC. But this change does not work on my laptop.
What would cause this issue and how could I standardize this so I can install on any windows machine without worry of this occurring.
We are both on the company LAN, and both are running windows 10 Home.
It was something incredibly simple, I just had to add the website I was accessing as a trusted site in Internet Explorer.

Vaadin 11 - how to set productionMode in application.yml

I have been trying many solutions:
app.vaadin.productionMode: "true"
app.vaadin.productionMode: true
vaadin.servlet.productionMode: true
But nothing is working, I always get this msg in console:
Vaadin is running in DEBUG MODE.
Add productionMode=true to web.xml to disable debug features.
What is the good way of going production mode with spring boot (in a yml file)?
This is the correct property name, which enables production mode on Vaadin 10 (and 11):
vaadin.productionMode: true

Closing a "local" OrientDB when using connection pools

So I basically do this.
OObjectDatabaseTx result = OObjectDatabasePool.global().acquire( "local:orientdb", "admin", "admin");
The problem is that when I redeploy my webapp (without restarting the Java EE container) I get the folling error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot open local storage 'orientdb' with mode=rw
which I interpret to mean "Tomcat still has a filelock from the last app".
So my question is how do I cleanly exit in this scenario? I've tried:
new OObjectDatabaseTx("local:orientdb").close()
but neither seem to work. Any ideas? The documentation isn't exactly clear on this issue.
Set the property "storage.keepOpen" to false:
java ... -Dstorage.keepOpen=false ...
or via Java code:
OGlobalConfiguration.STORAGE_KEEP_OPEN.setValue( false );
