Jenkins Pipeline Build Trigger with git pull, how? - jenkins

I've got a maven, java project and I'm using git.
I want to use jenkins for build + test + deploy (.war file) on tomcat server (on same device)
My current question is about triggering the build with pushing changes into the git repository master. However it did work with jenkins freestyle project. There I could setup my git repository, so it detected any changes and run the build.
But as far as I could make my research using a "pipeline" should be better to run the process with build + test + deploy. So I created a pipeline and also wrote a jenkinsfile.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Compile Stage') {
steps {
withMaven(maven: 'maven_3_5_1'){
bat 'mvn clean compile'
stage('Testing Stage') {
steps {
withMaven(maven: 'maven_3_5_1'){
bat 'mvn test'
stage('Deployment Stage (WAR)') {
steps {
withMaven(maven: 'maven_3_5_1'){
bat 'mvn deploy'
The current problem is, that inside a pipeline project I could not find an option for setting up the git repository. Currently jenkins does not track any changes in git, when I push a change.
What I've to do, so jenkins runs build when changes are detected in git (like in the freestyle project)?
I thank you very much in advance.

Definition Inside the Repository (Jenkinsfile)
You should place the pipeline definition into a file called Jenkinsfile inside your repository.
This has the great advantage that your pipeline is also versioned. Using the Multibranch Project, you can point Jenkins to your Git repo and it will automatically discover all branches containing such Jenkinsfile (and create a job for each of them). You can find more information in the documentation.
In case you don't want jobs for different branches, you can also configure the job to take the pipeline definition from SCM:
With that specified, you can configure the job to poll SCM changes regularly:
Definition in the Job
In case you really don't want to put your pipeline into the repository (I don't recommend this), then you can use the checkout step to get your code:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Compile Stage') {
steps {
withMaven(maven: 'maven_3_5_1') {
bat 'mvn clean compile'
// ...
More options for the checkout (e.g. other branches) can be found in the step documentation.
Finally, change the job to be built in regular intervals:
And now comes the point where I'm struggling (while editing the post): This probably builds the project every time (5min in the example). I am not sure, if currentBuild.changeSets contains the changes that are explicitly checked out with checkout. If it does, then you can check, if it contains changes and in such cases abort the build. All not very nice...


Jenkins - Execute Pipeline from Specific folder

I have a main pipeline in jenkins that will checkout the code , compile, test and build, then push image to docker. This is the high level of CI pipeline that I have. Say job name "MainJobA"
I need to create a new job , just for JavaDoc generation. For that i have created a new script in Git Repo and configured the same in Pipeline job.
Now i need to execute this sub job of javadoc generation and publishing the html reports from the workspace of "MainJobA" . I need to run the SubJobA's pipeline stages from
How can i achieve this?
There is build step exist in jenkins declarative pipelines.
Use it like:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ("build") {
steps {
build 'Pipeline_B'

Is it Possible to Run Jenkinsfile from Jenkinsfile

Currently we are developing centralized control system for our CI/CD projects. There are many projects with many branches so we are using multibranch pipeline ( This forces us to use Jenkinsfile from project branches so we can't provide custom Jenkinsfile like Pipeline projects ). We want to control everything under 1 git repo where for every project there should be kubernetes YAMLS's, Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile. When developer presses build button, Jenkinsfile from their project repo suppose to run our jenkinsfile. Is it possible to do this?
E.g. :
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Retrieve Jenkinsfile From Repo') { // RETRIEVE JENKINSFILE FROM REPO
steps {
git branch: "master",
credentialsId: 'gitlab_credentials',
url: "jenkinsfile_repo"
scripts {
Main reason we are doing this, there are sensetive context in jenkinsfile like production database connections. We don't want to store jenkinsfile under developers' repo. Also you can suggest correct way to achieve that beside using only 1 repo.
This plugin solved all my problems. I could'not try comments below
As an option you can use pipeline build step.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('build another job') {
steps {
build 'second_job_name_here'
Try load step
scripts {
// rename Jenkinsfile to .groovy
sh 'mv Jenkinsfile Jenkins.groovy'
load 'Jenkinsfile.groovy'

How to setup the trigger build when pushing to github repo in Jenkins?

I am using Jenkins 2.89.2 and my project has Jenkinsfile which defines all build pipeline and steps. I have searched online for triggering build when push to github repo and all of them mentioned an options Build when a change was pushed to Github in jenkins configuration page. But in my jenkins configuration page I couldn't find this options. Below is an screenshot. It only has one options Periodically if not otherwise run. I have installed github related plugins but still I couldn't find that option. Is there any other configuration I can change?
Below is my Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent {
label 'master'
tools {
maven 'maven-3.5.2'
jdk 'jdk9'
stages {
stage ('Checkout SCM') {
steps {
echo 'Checkout from Git...'
checkout scm
stage ('Build') {
steps {
echo 'Building '
After some searching I think I find the solution. The trigger option can be defined in jenkinsfile as below:
[$class: "GitHubPushTrigger"]
You basically have to create a HOOK from jenkins to gitHub, which is located under the Build Triggers option
This option should be available to you since you have the Git Plugin installed.
P.S. the solution you have mentioned will work only for Declarative Pipeline and will not work if you plan to switch to scripted pipeline

Is there a way to run a pre-checkout step in declarative Jenkins pipelines?

Jenkins declarative pipelines offer a post directive to execute code after the stages have finished. Is there a similar thing to run code before the stages are running, and most importantly, before the SCM checkout?
For example something along the lines of:
pre {
always {
rm -rf ./*
This would then clean the workspace of my build before the source code is checked out.
pre is a cool feature idea, but doesn't exist yet. skipDefaultCheckout and checkout scm (which is the same as the default checkout) are the keys:
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
options {
skipDefaultCheckout true
stages {
stage('clean_workspace_and_checkout_source') {
steps {
checkout scm
stage('build') {
steps {
echo 'i build therefore i am'
For the moment there are no pre-build steps but for the purpose you are looking for, it can be done in the pipeline job configurarion and also multibranch pipeline jobs, when you define where is your jenkinsfile, choose Additional Behaviours -> Wipe out repository & force clone.
Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.
If you do not really want to delete everything and save some network usage, you can just use this other option: Additional Behaviours -> Clean before checkout.
Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories, including those which are specified in .gitignore. It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state. This ensures that the workspace is in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.
This one will not delete the workspace but just reset the repository to the original state and pull new changes if there are some.
I use "Prepare an environment for the run / Script Content"

One Jenkins job with 2 branches

Currently working on a basic deployment pipeline in Jenkins (with pipeline). I am looking for the best way of doing the following:
When the developer pushes to the development branch, all stages but deploy is executed.
When the developer pushes to the master branch, all stages including deploy is executed.
I have read about matching patterns you can do, but not sure if this is the right way as the information I read was dated.
My Jenkins pipeline file
node {
stage('Preparation') {
git ''
stage('Build') {
sh 'mkdir -p app/cache app/logs web/media/cache web/uploads'
sh 'composer install'
stage('Test') {
sh 'codecept run'
stage('Deploy') {
sh 'mage deploy to:prod'
There's no magic here. This is just Groovy code. The branch in scope will be available as a parameter in some way. Inside the "stage" block, add an "if" check to compare the branch name with whatever logic you need, and either execute the body or not, depending on what branch is in scope.
